
The Hunter, The Sniper And The Silvers Part 6

("W-What?! His arm has already healed, how?! It's been less than 30 seconds! Surely healing potion would have healed that arm that fast! No wait...") Rio also catches a glimpse of the stitched line on his arm right where the part of his arm was sliced up.

("I see, he's using a thread to sew up his arm. With a healing potion that arm will be healed up in about 25 to 30 minutes. But... this guy is nuts! Like, really really nuts! First, he sacrifices his arm to prevent me from slashing him. Second, he's still standing up even if both of his arm is broken. And now, he's still resolved himself by sewing up his arm. Doesn't it hurt like hell?! Why, why would this guy would go so far?! This is only a Deathmatch. Even if you got killed here you'll live to see another day.")

Rio then looked at the bullet holes he'd been getting from Jamis. The holes barely had any blood coming out from them. It's like he's been turned into some zombie or something.

("And now this, what is even happening to me?! How many shots he's got to me?! Seven- no eight! Even with these shots doesn't hurt or anything. No! I didn't even feel the pain to begin with! Since I've been using Pride Thunder And Lightning! What the hell?!")

Miss Sunny who's been watching the fight also is a bit confused about Rio's well-being.

"That guy, Rioga Tenjiro... is he okay? He's been shot right in the head right? How is he still alive?"

"He's controlling his muscle with electricity." Said Line who's also been watching the fight beside her.

"Come again?"

"There has been a record where the person can control his muscle using the mana. Most of the records led to extreme muscle pain or joint sprain. But in Rio's case, he most likely 'unconsciously' controls the muscle and electricity inside his body. The electricity will release a magnetic field to stop the bullet from piercing his flesh. Even if the bullets are moving at a high speed, the most they can do is pierce the outer skin."

"Oh, I see!" Ms. Sunny said that but she doesn't understand a single thing.

Moving back to Rio he's in deep thought as to what was happening on his body. He's been breathing heavily. Most likely from stress. And then, a shot comes from Jamis's direction. Rio could see the bullet and tried to dodge it but...

" The bullet changed direction?!" And then it hit Rio at the sight of the head. Rio's mind went white as his head was about to hit the ground.

("I forgot, I went unconscious the first time he shot me in the head! That's why he had his guard down! So the next time I pass out again he will finish me without a doubt!")

As Rio's head was about to hit the ground, Rio regained his consciousness and prevented his head from falling to the ground. Rio barely had any time to think as another bullet was coming at him. Seeing he was on the floor, all he could do was block the bullets.

("Kuh! I need to get my sword!") Despite saying that Rio has lost the direction with all the smoke around him. And then another shot coming from the opposite direction. And then another shot. And then another shot...

A good amount of minutes has passed, And Rio has been shot from front to back. It seems that the Jamis have stopped attacking. Everything went silent from the barrage sound of guns blasting inside this mist forest.

Rio who's covered his head with his arm sighed in relief even if it's for a second.

"Seeing the attack has stopped that means your bullets have depleted now right? No use hiding anymore, come out now." Rio looked at the tree behind him and then a figure came out behind it.

"Honestly I'm surprised. 28 bullet holes and you're still alive. You have my respect, Rioga Tenjiro." Rio breathes heavily as Jamis gets closer slowly to him while reloading one bullet on his revolver.

"Only a basic ammo is depleted. But not the special ammo." Jamis said that while aiming at Rio's head.

"Consider this my respect, Rioga Tenjiro. After this, let's have dinner outside." As Jamis was about to pull the trigger, a word came out from Rio...

"You too... have regained my respect. All my life, I've never seen someone like you. That arm, must have hurt like hell with each shot. Including your resolve, and your stubbornness to defeat... I truly look up to those like you that I wanna be like you. BUT!!!"

An electric aura comes out from Rio's hand.

"I too... Have my resolve ready for this moment." Little did Jamis know that his left foot had been sliced up.

"W-What?! M-My foot!" The sword that was on the ground has come back to its owner's hand. On its way, the sword has cut two things. First Jamis's left foot. Second, the tree behind him.

("He can call back his sword?! I never knew this! No, he's been purposely making me unaware of it for this moment... The eyes! There is a light in his eyes! It looks like he's not falling in despair but instead, his hope becomes brighter! But... I also won't give in just yet!")

Despite the foot being cut off, Jamis launched himself forward towards Rio.

("He... he's not falling backward but forwards?! No, no matter! I will stab him as he shoots me! It will be a trade-off!") Rio tried to stab Jamis but he missed.

("I-I don't have any energy to move! I've used up too much mana for maintaining my aura!") As Jamis falls on Rio, Jamis holds tightly on Rio. The sound of the revolver can be heard. Toward his heart.

*BAAAAANG!!!!!!* A very loud gunshot can be heard across the forest. The special bullet has pierced Rio's heart. Pierced the magnetic field that Rio is unaware of. Blood comes out of Rio's mouth. But, the light in his eyes has not yet faded.

Rio gripped his sword and stabbed Jamis on his back.

"Now it's a match to who died first!" The two hug tightly as a lot of blood is coming out from each of them. The smoke has almost faded out and they're in open space.

"I'm sorry to break it to you, but the purpose of the special bullet is not to defeat you but its purpose is to serve as a 'flare' Currently, we're exposed to her!"

"! You don't mean?!"

"Yes! We're currently exposed to the 'Sniper' on the hill! Rio your final resolve to cut my leg is truly admirable. But I too, will hold onto my will until my final moments. Until I've finished 'Hunting' them!"

"Jamis Granger! You're truly a one crazy person!" At that moment the sound of sniper rifle echoes through the forest. To where both Jamis and Rio are. But it hits neither of them.

"?' She missed?! But that is a far distance for her to miss this shot unless she's being interrupted-"Jamis remembered the conversation he had with Michail...

"The second possibility is for that white-haired guy to observe us. Observe and attack our weak point."

"I see, so that is where our weak point is..."

Yes, little did they know the 'Sniper on their team had fallen on her back. On the other side, the figure stands among the tree.