
You Have Killed My Brother

I pulled, and immediately the critter appeared in my core. This one was an Earth-Sovereign, after so many Sovereigns.


It was a weak one; it took me a second to kill it and test energy, which took two seconds. I had pulled it into my core.


I didn't waste any time and resumed my journey. 


Eleven minutes passed, and I was about to move toward the Sovereign critter, not far away, when suddenly my soul wave brought back something that froze me on my spot for a second.


A Sky Sovereign coming in my direction, and it is coming fast. 


The waves after the first that informed me had told me its speed and it wouldn't take long for it to reach me. It didn't seem to have sensed me yet, but it would very soon.


I looked around and wanted to curse when I didn't see anything that could hide me. Not even a single boulder, much less a hill.