


I was about to thank Prime Volsnorth for earlier save from the Prime monster when a massive blast rang out.

I didn't have to turn to know what had exploded. Still, I did and sighed.

I wanted a few things from there, but the cultists didn't want us to have anything. So, they blasted the facility, with the blast at a near level of Prime.

"Nothing in the facility could survive this blast," I sighed with regret.

"Cultists always want to wipe the traces away, but if you want anything particular. You can tell me, we have a large collection of the cultists' things in there," he replied, and my eyes lit up.

"I could get them?" I asked.

"Usually no, but I could give them to you with my guarantee," he replied, and a big smile appeared on my face.

"Thank you, Prime Volsnorth," I replied to the man.

I have read about the things cultists used and there are a few things I want. I

t would help me a lot with my research.