
Monster in a world of heroes and villains [temporary break]

#slow romance (a romance that will take a long time to appear) #R-18 (seggs, although the sex scenes will be completely skippable if it ruins your fanfic experience, plus seggs will be completely secondary to the story) The slow romance and the Seggs will be completely secondary, if you read this it is because I already decided to post this! #NO HAREM :) SYNOPSYS: When people reincarnate into other worlds like Marvel, they often choose different powers—Dragon Ball abilities, anime skills, comic book powers, and even cartoon characters. But I wanted something different. I didn't aspire to be a hero; I craved to embody fear. There are countless terrifying stories and characters with immense potential—beings that are fear personified, controllers of reality, manipulators of minds, embodiments of darkness, murderers, monsters, and even creepypastas. You might argue, "But creepypastas are not serious..." To which I'd respond: Yes, most are not, but there are exceptions—some with unique narratives, hailing from different dimensions, striking pure terror into even the bravest hearts. An evil hedgehog? It sounds intriguing, with great potential. A deranged killer with a cut face and a white visage? The potential is there. Even SCPs hold promise—monstrous entities with incredible powers, god-like beings capable of anything. This is not the tale of a hero; it's the story of someone who wants to stand apart, eschewing anime and comics to become a true monster, the embodiment of darkness. Thanos? I'll crush him. Living Tribunal? A mere inconvenience. I shall be the true fear, the incarnation of terror—a genuine monster. Disclaimer: All characters are not mine; they belong to their respective creators, except the OCs. Warning: In this story, you will encounter SCP characters, creepypastas (which I believe have the potential to possess considerable power), as well as horror characters such as murderers, cosmic beings,monsters from videogames,monsters from movies,comics,mangas and more. This is a tale about monsters and terrifying entities.

tyronxxz · Anime & Comics
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63 Chs

a storm of blood and death

(POV: Noah)

There was little time left until everything began. I returned to the underground entrance of the cathedral, where a large number of vampires were expected to enter. Thousands would come through here. I descended the familiar steps, passing by the now empty cages, until I reached the marble and wood hallway. I walked further, entering the place where Edwin and the others had met their end. The scene remained almost the same, the rotting corpses still present. Fortunately, despite investigations, this secret place had not been discovered.

I sat on a chair by the table, staring at the wall in front of me. After a while, I approached it and gave it a quick punch. My fist blurred through the wall, revealing a massive tunnel that plunged into darkness.

"Wow, this is huge," I said with a smile, noting that it was about to get dark. It was time for the big show.

I grabbed a chair and waited for the vampires to arrive. To pass the time, I used my telekinesis to manipulate a piece of the chair, breaking it into smaller and smaller pieces until it was as tiny as a coin. I then moved it with my mind, sending it through the wall like a bullet. The piece of wood flew around the room at incredible speed, destroying things and incorporating the debris into its path.

As I continued, I closed my eyes and heard thousands of footsteps. A smile crept across my face as I murmured a song.

"London Bridge is falling down

Falling down, falling down

London Bridge is falling down

My fair lady~"

The footsteps grew closer, and I saw small red eyes in the distance. I stood up, still singing.

"Build it up with iron bars

Iron bars, iron bars

Build it up with iron bars

My fair lady~"

Hundreds, maybe thousands, of vampires poured into the tunnel. The first, a taller and burlier one, looked at me and started to speak, but I cut him off, pointing at him.

"My fair lady~"

The flying debris I controlled tore through him, reducing him to shapeless meat on the ground. I then directed the flying shards at the other vampires. They sliced through the crowd like a swarm of flesh-eating insects with an infinite appetite.

I walked into the tunnel, singing again.

"London Bridge is falling down

Falling down, falling down

London Bridge is falling down

My fair lady~"

As I moved deeper, I used my telekinesis to extract stone from the tunnel walls, adding to the swarm of projectiles.

"My fair lady~"


The tunnel was now filled with unrecognizable piles of red meat and blood, the remains of thousands of vampires. But this was just the prelude; the real fun awaited above.

The tunnel shook violently. I quickly exited and climbed the stairs to the cathedral. As I reached the doors, I opened them and was greeted by a scene that made me smile even more.

Buildings were on fire, flying monsters with deformed heads filled the sky, and chaos reigned among the citizens. Vampires were placing heads on spears and raising them into the air. Dead bodies littered the streets, and blood was everywhere as vampires devoured people.

I walked through the chaos with a big smile, raising my right hand. The concrete on the ground broke and began to float, pieces of the ground rising around me. I pointed my finger at the humans and vampires in front of me.

"Shoot..." I said, and the concrete shards flew at incredible speed, riddling both humans and vampires alike, even demolishing some buildings in the process.

I raised my other hand, and the blood of thousands of people floated towards me, forming red, bloody angelic wings on my back. I smiled and moved the wings experimentally, even though I could already fly with telekinesis; this seemed more fun.

I floated slowly at first, then shot into the sky like a rocket, leaving a crater where I had stood. From the night sky, I surveyed the kingdom in flames. Soldiers fought bravely but were quickly overwhelmed. I noticed something curious on the other side of the city: werewolves attacking humans, separate from the vampire assault.

"How strange..." I murmured. It seemed the werewolves had either known about the vampire attack or had coincidentally chosen the same night to strike. How convenient.

"Well... double prize..." I said, licking my lips with a smile. A flying monster noticed me and charged, but I sighed and sliced it in half with one of my wings.

I decided to target the werewolves first.

As I flew, a system screen appeared.

[You have completed 2 missions!!

Kill 50 enemies: 50/50 !

Kill 100 enemies: 100/100 !

Kill 200 enemies: 200/200 !

Kill 500 enemies: 500/500 !

Kill 1000 enemies: 1000/1000 !

Kill the special enemy: 0/???]

I smiled at my progress; coming to this kingdom had been a good idea. Suddenly, two more screens appeared.

[You have leveled up!

Upgrades: Immensely increased enhancement, immensely increased speed, immensely increased senses!

You have achieved: Level 4 of the Control Art Restriction System!

Alucard (Hellsing): 12 / 30!]

[The number of special enemies has been revealed!

Kill special enemy: 0/2!]

I grinned at unlocking Level 4 and deduced that my two special enemies were likely the vampire king and a powerful werewolf.

A piece of metal hurtled towards me, which I dodged effortlessly. I looked down to see a much larger than normal werewolf surrounded by several others. I smiled and put my hands together as I swooped down towards them.

"Open level... level 5..." I murmured with a smile. The 5-pointed symbol began to glow red, and I felt my strength surge. Clenching my fist, I said, "Bye..."

I punched the largest werewolf in the face at near Mach 70 speed. The impact created a massive crater, and the shock wave obliterated buildings and tore the werewolves to pieces. I extracted my hand from the chest of a dead werewolf, surveying the destruction around me.

In the distance, I saw several werewolves on rooftops, but one stood out with fiery red hair. He was as tall as my usual form and likely stronger than an alpha.

I ran and quickly got under a building, looking up at the red-haired werewolf. "Hey!! Idiot!! Are you coming or what!?!"

The redhead looked at me and smiled wildly. I matched his grin; this was going to be fun.

"My lord!! Leave it to us!!" A tall woman with short hair and muscular arms called out.

The redhead shook his head. "No... this guy is strong. You're no match for him... and I haven't moved my body in a long time..."

He took a step and plummeted to the ground, causing it to crack upon impact. We both smiled and spoke simultaneously.

"Hey... make me feel alive!!"

We collided, and hundreds of meters of the city were destroyed in seconds. I dodged a blow that leveled dozens of buildings and kneed him in the face, making him spit blood. He retaliated with a punch that sent me flying into the air.

I stopped in the air, dodging another blow from the redhead. Grabbing his face, I slammed it into the ground, dragging him through buildings as I flew. In seconds, we reached the Targaryen center, and I hurled him to the ground with force.

The redhead got up easily, though his face was bloody. He healed quickly, grinning. "You're great... Yes... This is moving your body with enthusiasm..."

He punched me, sending me flying and destroying everything in my path. Stabilizing myself in the air, I raised one hand, drawing all the blood on the ground towards me. I was going to have fun...

The blood formed a long spear. I flew higher, seeing the redhead on the ground, looking at me with a fierce smile.

Pointing my spear at him, I said, "Time for some... real action."

I squeezed the spear, hardening it until it was as tough as diamond. Smiling, I shouted, "SWALLOW THIS, DOG!!"

I threw the spear with immense force. It traveled several kilometers in less than a second. The redhead caught it with terrifying speed but was pushed through hundreds of buildings.

After a few seconds, the destruction stopped. An aura of incredible power appeared, destroying nearby buildings. A massive werewolf with blood-red fur emerged, smiling at me.

He jumped towards me, slashing with his claw. My arm was destroyed, but my other arm remained intact. I kicked him, sending him to the ground and creating a crater.

I quickly regenerated and raised a hand, making the buildings around us float. Smiling, I pointed at the werewolf.

The buildings flew at him, crashing down and shaking everything. I dodged a piece of concrete aimed at my face. The red wolf was still alive, though bleeding from his face and chest.

"Hahaha...hahahahaha...HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! THIS IS IT...I CAN FEEL IT, THE EMOTION, THE BLOOD!! LIFE, DEATH...THE WAR!!" I shouted, laughing towards the sky.

I flew at the werewolf, laughing non-stop. The blood from my wings covered my arms, heating up as I flew. My fist collided with his, creating a massive shock wave and a large crater.

I fell to the ground with my arm shattered but quickly recovered. I ran at the wolf, punching his face and pushing him off the ground. He punched me back, breaking my mouth, but I countered with another blow. We hit each other relentlessly, each impact destroying everything around us. My body was destroyed and rebuilt with each hit. I felt alive, at full power.

Grabbing the wolf's fist, I shouted, "YES... MAKE ME FEEL ALIVE!!" I kicked him in the chest, sending him flying. Running at him, I grabbed his face and smashed it into the ground, punching him repeatedly. He hit me in the chest, sending me flying. I fell to the ground but got up quickly, seeing the wolf regenerate.

Unexpectedly, someone arrived. A man with ash-colored hair levitated in the sky, watching us. He looked at me, and I did the same. I gathered blood from the ground, making it as hard as diamond. The levitating man caught the blood easily, looking at me.

"So it was you..." he said.

Suddenly, he appeared in front of me and hit me in the chest. I felt my organs explode, my bones break piece by piece.

I flew away, crashing through hundreds of buildings, until I landed on grassy ground. I turned my head, seeing I was outside the kingdom.

"Ha... hahaha... HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!" I covered my face, laughing uncontrollably. I felt ecstatic, truly alive.

I got up and muttered, "Level 5 won't work..."

Putting my hands together, I said, "Level open... Level 4."

I felt my hands glow again, a euphoric surge coursing through my mind. I jumped up, smiling as I looked at my hands. Turning towards the kingdom's destroyed wall, I ran without stopping.

As I ran, I raised my hands, directing the blood from the battlefield. An immense amount of blood followed me, forming a massive snake-like shape, towering and menacing.

Death and destruction surrounded me as I ran through the kingdom. The snake of blood shattered buildings in its wake, leaving chaos in its path.

I landed back in the previous battleground, my mind in a euphoric state. In the distance, I saw the red-haired werewolf and the ash-haired vampire fighting. The vampire seemed to have the upper hand, slowly overpowering the redhead.

I sprinted towards them, shouting, "HERE IS DADDY!!"

Leaping hard, I aimed at the ash-haired vampire. The enormous blood snake opened its mouth, swallowing the vampire whole. But the blood quickly exploded, and he emerged, furious.

"YOU...DAMN SHIT!!" he yelled, covered in cuts and bruises.

He charged at me. I caught his fist and delivered a headbutt, splitting the ground into hundreds of pieces. Dodging a blow from the werewolf, I punched him with my free hand, sending him flying through several buildings. I dodged another strike from the vampire, kneeing him in the chest and making him vomit blood.

"How is it...possible...you were weak before..." the vampire stammered, eyes full of surprise.

"Real vampires always have surprises..." I said, smiling as I punched him in the face, sending him crashing to the ground. The shockwave created a massive crater.

Grabbing his face, I hurled him into the air. Watching him ascend, I smiled. "It seems that level 4 is a lot for you, huh... well, it was to be expected..."

Clenching my fist, I punched him hard. The air tore as the vampire flew nearly a kilometer, smashing through everything in his path. Suddenly, I was sent flying by a punch from the werewolf. Stabilizing myself in the air, I landed easily on the ground.

Sighing, I said, "So...do you have a hidden trick?"

The wolf roared, "Something like that...you...will taste the wrath of the king of wolves!!"

A great aura emerged from him as he grew larger. Smoke billowed from his body, and he roared towards the sky.

In the distance, another blood-red aura emerged, destroying the surrounding buildings. The ash-haired vampire appeared nearby. The three of us locked eyes. With a smile, I said, "It would be better if you killed me, don't you think?"

They looked at each other, clicked their tongues, then turned back to me. Ready for battle, I shouted, "SHOW TIME!!"

I charged at them with incredible speed, dodging a blow that grazed my face, destroying half of it. Still smiling, I punched the red wolf, making him double over and vomit blood. The ash-haired vampire kicked me in the face, but I caught his leg and slammed him into the ground. The wolf scratched my back, causing me to grunt in pain.

Turning, I grabbed the wolf by the face and slammed him into the ground. Suddenly, a system message appeared.

[The scenario will adapt to the user!!]

What the fuck?

The ash-haired vampire grabbed my face, slamming me into the ground. Gritting my teeth, I squeezed his arm until it broke. He roared in pain. Grabbing his face, I snarled, "Don't you dare touch my face, HAHAHAHAHAHA!" I smashed him into the ground, his screams echoing.

My arm was cut off, and my chest was slashed, but I regenerated quickly. Dodging another blow, I punched the wolf, pushing him back slightly. Smiling, I taunted, "You seem a little stronger, chihuahua..."

I punched him again, using the blood on the ground to form a sword. Slashing at his chest, a deep cut appeared, blood gushing out. The wolf roared in anger as I continued to cut him relentlessly, while he tried to defend himself.

With the red werewolf incapacitated, I spotted a weak point and struck. My blood sword transformed into a long crimson spear. "Goodbye, little dog," I sneered as I drove the spear through his head and down his back. The werewolf stopped moving, dead.

[kill special enemy: 1/2]

I looked at the system screen and smiled. Only one opponent remained.

Turning around, I saw the ash-haired vampire healing himself. He looked at me and said, "This seems complicated... but it doesn't matter, this place will be mine..."

I sighed, unimpressed. "Nah... you're the last one left. Now shut up and die..."

Suddenly, the guy began to radiate a crimson aura, and the blood around him started to levitate slowly. He, too, had hemokinesis, an ability he hadn't yet revealed.

I smiled and opened my hand, forming the blood into a sword. Getting into position, I said, "Get on your guard..."

He mirrored my action, the blood forming a large spear in his hands. He, too, got into position.

I ran at him and shouted, "I hope you entertain me!!"




Kill 50 enemies: 50 / 50 !

Kill 100 enemies: 100 / 100 !

Kill 200 enemies: 200 / 200 !

Kill 500 enemies: 500 / 500 !

Kill 1000 enemies: 1000 / 1000 !

Kill the special enemy: 1 / 2 ]