
Monster in a world of heroes and villains [temporary break]

#slow romance (a romance that will take a long time to appear) #R-18 (seggs, although the sex scenes will be completely skippable if it ruins your fanfic experience, plus seggs will be completely secondary to the story) The slow romance and the Seggs will be completely secondary, if you read this it is because I already decided to post this! #NO HAREM :) SYNOPSYS: When people reincarnate into other worlds like Marvel, they often choose different powers—Dragon Ball abilities, anime skills, comic book powers, and even cartoon characters. But I wanted something different. I didn't aspire to be a hero; I craved to embody fear. There are countless terrifying stories and characters with immense potential—beings that are fear personified, controllers of reality, manipulators of minds, embodiments of darkness, murderers, monsters, and even creepypastas. You might argue, "But creepypastas are not serious..." To which I'd respond: Yes, most are not, but there are exceptions—some with unique narratives, hailing from different dimensions, striking pure terror into even the bravest hearts. An evil hedgehog? It sounds intriguing, with great potential. A deranged killer with a cut face and a white visage? The potential is there. Even SCPs hold promise—monstrous entities with incredible powers, god-like beings capable of anything. This is not the tale of a hero; it's the story of someone who wants to stand apart, eschewing anime and comics to become a true monster, the embodiment of darkness. Thanos? I'll crush him. Living Tribunal? A mere inconvenience. I shall be the true fear, the incarnation of terror—a genuine monster. Disclaimer: All characters are not mine; they belong to their respective creators, except the OCs. Warning: In this story, you will encounter SCP characters, creepypastas (which I believe have the potential to possess considerable power), as well as horror characters such as murderers, cosmic beings,monsters from videogames,monsters from movies,comics,mangas and more. This is a tale about monsters and terrifying entities.

tyronxxz · Cómic
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63 Chs

Grand opening!!

(POV: Noah)

My mom and I stood in front of a building as we arrived in New York, Queens. I think Peter Parker from the MCU lived here... I think. A long time ago, I saw the movie about him.

We stopped in front of an apartment door, and my mom knocked. The door opened, revealing an adult guy with short black hair, a bit of a beard, brown eyes, and a smile on his face. It was my uncle, Gerald.

"So, you've arrived! Come in, come in!" Gerald said with a smile. We entered and saw the apartment. A woman showed up; it was my aunt Amanda. The two of them decided to live together due to some financial problems. Well, I did a little research on my phone. It's better to have information beforehand. Besides, they were my mother's brothers. I felt a little uncomfortable, but I think I'll get used to it quickly.

"Noah!! It's been so long!" Aunt Amanda exclaimed with a smile as she hugged me. "Yes, a long time, Aunt Amanda," I replied.

We sat and talked for a while. My mother told me that if I wanted, I could go see the neighborhood. I agreed and decided to go out. I wanted to see the place since we would be here for a while. I would have to examine the area and create plans just in case. I wanted to be prepared for anything.


I walked through the place, and it seemed lively. People strolled by with their children or acquaintances. I noticed several stores as I passed by an alley. It seemed empty, a good place to transform into at night. I continued walking until I saw a store, so I decided to go in and buy something.


I left with a bag of chips, and while walking, I passed by a police station. I checked it out to investigate. Not bad.

As I continued walking, I even witnessed two people fighting. It was a quiet place, no doubt.

I observed the towering buildings, the cars everywhere, and the bustling crowd. I noticed people doing magic tricks for passersby, making it quite an interesting place.

I sighed deeply, feeling the anticipation building within me. "A good place to hunt... I want it to be night..."

Returning to my "home," we ate, talked, and finally, night fell. I'm really not interested in recounting what happened in the apartment; nothing of mention, boring.

In the room just for me, it seems there was a room for me and my mother. "It's time... hehe..." I smiled and activated the card. The fog enveloped me and disappeared quickly as my body changed again. I slowly opened the window, then made my way down the staircase in the building. After a while, I landed on the ground on my feet. Finally free to do whatever I wanted.

"Yes... I feel like a liberated bird..." I murmured with a big smile.

Walking down the alley, I observed the street with few people. I decided to walk without anyone seeing my face, passing by people talking and laughing. Today, I was going to get out of control. I wanted to do something crazy, regardless of whether it would end in chaos or not. I hoped luck would be on my side.

I walked until I heard someone shout, but the noise quickly drowned out. I turned back and saw an alley. There were two guys and a woman—perfect. A somewhat cliché but perfect scenario.

Approaching them, I said aloud, "Criminals, leave the beautiful lady. You will go to jail for justice!"

The men turned around, brandishing knives. I smiled a little. The woman seemed afraid, her clothes torn. Too bad—she was going to die anyway.

"Gentlemen, let's calm down a little. Violence is bad. Look around you..." The guys looked at each other with confusion. One of them said, "Who the hell are you...?"

"I...? I am... Smiler Man!" I declared with a small bow. The guys looked at me like an idiot. One of them warned, "Hey, kid, don't bother us or something bad could happen to you!"

"Well, I'm bored. Be my XP," I replied and ran towards them. I quickly summoned my knife as one of the guys attempted to stab me. Dodging him, I grabbed his face and slammed him against the wall. He fell to the ground. The other guy stabbed me, but I grabbed the knife with my hand, feeling pain but not much. Squeezing the knife hard, I felt it deform due to the enormous force. The guy looked at me with shocked eyes. I punched him in the chest, feeling something break. He staggered back, struggling to breathe. I used my knife to cut his neck as he tried to stop the bleeding with his hands. Looking at him, I said, "Don't be an idiot. It's time to sleep, you know...?"

I looked next to me at the woman and noticed a small dark yellow puddle under her. "Miss, that's not very hygienic," I remarked.

The woman looked at me and tried to run, but I grabbed her hair. Before she could scream, I covered her mouth. "No no... you're useful... I want to try things..."

Throwing her against the ground, she grunted in pain. I grabbed her face and used my two hands to mimic a smile on my own. "Yes... good girl. That's how you do it... a beautiful night smile."

The woman looked at me with eyes full of horror, likely because of my unsettling expression. Today was the day I would leave my mark in New York; people would know Jeff...

i rubbed my knife against her face a little. "Calm down... I won't do anything bad to you... maybe."

With a stuttering voice, the woman asked, "W--who are you...?!?!?"

"I... I'm just a good guy and a good friend from the neighborhood... you can call me... Jeff..." I replied, looking at her as I stabbed her hand. Luckily, my hand was covering her mouth, muffling her screams of agony. "Shhhh... it's night. People wouldn't like that..."

The woman nodded with fear, seemingly too scared to do anything but obey. Better.

"What is your name...?" I asked with a smile. The woman, named Alice, looked at me and responded in a shaky voice.

"Nice name, Alice... now, you will be the first. Congratulations!! You are my grand opening in New York!! Happy?" I exclaimed with an excited smile. Alice continued trembling with terror, and I felt something warm on my foot. Glancing down, I saw it was something wet.

"Alice... you should go to the bathroom at home. It's unhygienic on the street..." I said casually, but she just looked at me with fear, her eyes wide with terror.

"Hmmmm... nice blue eyes... I like them," I said with a smile, but she remained silent, only trembling.

"I'll keep them." Swiftly, I used my knife and stabbed her eyes. Alice screamed in agony, but my hand stifled her cries. Slowly, I went deeper with my knife as blood splashed on my hands. I pulled one eye out, admiring it closely—a beautiful, beautiful blue eye.

"How beautiful..." I whispered with a smile. Alice lay trembling on the floor, unable to move, in the fetal position. I looked at her and asked, "Alice... there's another one, right...?"

She looked at me and attempted to run, but I pointed my knife at her head and threw it. The knife inserted into her head, and Alice fell to the ground with a thud. I approached and took her leg, lifting it effortlessly. Drops of urine emanated from her lower part, flowing without stopping.

"How disgusting. You should have been more hygienic, Alice... look at how you turned out. Let's go wash you..." I murmured with a smile, taking the knife from her head as blood streamed down her face.

"My waaaaay!!" I murmured a song from a rhythm game I played before I died. It was a peak song, pretty good.

Slowly, I continued cutting Alice's other eye, blood emanating from her sockets. As the eye came out, I grabbed it and smiled, opening Alice's mouth and placing the two eyes inside. I made sure not to swallow them, and I was successful.

Next, I began to undress her, cutting her stomach while singing an old song. Slowly, I extracted her organs and arranged them like a scarf around Alice's neck. "Perfect!! It's great," I exclaimed.

Then, I started cutting Alice's smile, aiming for something iconic of me—a great and perfect character. Slowly, I crafted a smile similar to mine. I put my hand on Alice's stomach and filled it with blood, then wrote "Go to sleep" on the wall.

"Haa... a classic without a doubt," I said with a smile. It was undoubtedly something artistic.

Moving on to the two criminals, I began cutting their mouths. After a while, it was almost the same as what I did to Alice.

I placed the three of them next to the wall where my iconic phrase was and stepped back to admire my work.

"Yeah... pretty peak," I murmured with a smile. This turned out pretty good.

I sighed and said, "Now what...?" murmuring with a smile. Suddenly, I heard a voice at the beginning of the alley. I sighed again and looked—it was a police officer. Perhaps they had been called just when Alice screamed. Better, something much better.

I hid behind a trash can, waiting for him.

"What the hell...?" I heard his voice. He had probably seen my art, undoubtedly peak. I hoped he had good taste.

Slowly and quietly, I emerged. He was looking at what I had done, covering his mouth in shock. As I approached, he continued staring at the wall. I whispered to him, "It's late..."

He attempted to turn around, but I swiftly stabbed the back of his head, and the policeman fell dead to the ground. "Great, this will make me more famous... haha," I chuckled.

With one hand, I grabbed the policeman's body and decided to do something more abstract. Gripping his leg, I slammed him into the ground, feeling something break. "Did I use too much force...?"

I began hitting him against the ground a little harder, watching as his face deformed under the excessive force. Slowly, he began to break, blood flowing incessantly. Suddenly, his head exploded when I hit him again. "Damn, I went overboard. I wanted to make it more abstract..."

Examining the policeman's body, I noticed it was broken, with twisted arms and protruding bones. Clearly, everything was shattered. I even saw some brain matter slowly oozing out.

"Epic," I declared with a grin.

I observed the destroyed body of the police officer and thought, "Why not make a small puzzle...? The police would like that, and it would also enhance my grand opening!."

Nodding to myself, I began cutting off parts of the officer—what remained of his head, arms, legs, ears, and even his tongue, which luckily survived. I started hiding them in various parts of the alley.

"Ready... I think that's enough for today," I said with a smile, surveying my grand opening.

Glancing at my blood-soaked clothes, I decided to try something. Deactivating a card, the fog enveloped me, revealing my true self. Activating the card again, the fog returned, but when it cleared, my clothes were clean. "Great! This is definitely really useful," I remarked.

Leaving the alley with my pristine attire, I strolled down the street until I spotted my "home" in the distance. As I walked, I noticed a police car heading towards the alley.

"Hehe... I hope you like my grand opening," I murmured with a smile.

Quickly, I ascended the stairs, noting with interest that I could jump about 4 meters high—truly superhuman. Well, it didn't surprise me, considering I could likely kill a person with a single punch, their skull shattering like cardboard.

I made it back to my room, opening the window slowly and slipping inside. After closing the window with care, I settled into bed. Grabbing my phone, I found a pair of headphones my uncle had left behind. Putting them on, I began hacking into the police station. This damn Card was proving to be very useful for hacking.

As I listened in on the police radio, I heard people discussing what had happened. It seemed like the situation was quite serious. I couldn't help but let out a laugh, which slowly began to increase in intensity. Quickly, I deactivated the card—I couldn't afford to lose control like that. That was something dangerous to unleash in the apartment. 

I decided to drift off to sleep while listening to some music. I made a mental note to catch the morning news when I woke up.


I sat at the table, eating cereal with milk while watching television. My uncles and my mother had gone out to work; my aunt had managed to secure a temporary job for her while we were in New York for a while.

As I watched television, the news anchor announced something shocking. "In the most recent news, something straight out of a horror movie has emerged. Three people and a police officer were found murdered in an alley—" I tuned out the television for a moment, setting my bowl aside on the table. Flipping through other channels, I caught glimpses of my handiwork on a news channel. It was interesting, but I grew bored quickly. It was likely that a street hero would come after me. While I didn't mind killing people multiple times over, I had no intention of involving my neighborhood. I didn't want my family to get hurt. I had a few rules in my mind.

First condition: I would kill whoever I wanted. I knew that in the future, with the terrifying cards I would acquire, I'd have to kill children, the elderly, girls—whatever.

Second condition: If a hero crossed my path, I'd kill them. If a villain did, same fate. I didn't care if they were super good or super evil.

And finally, the third condition: I wouldn't conquer or destroy the world. The world entertained me. I'd have endless fun scaring people, even venturing to other countries to terrorize anyone, be they heroes, villains, or cosmic beings.

Those were my rules. I might add more later, but I wasn't a hero. I felt too restricted on that side. Nor was I entirely a villain—well, sort of. On that side, I was like a free bird, soaring in the breeze.

Moreover, if anyone dared to threaten my world, I'd kill them. I'd never hesitate to take a life, except perhaps in exceptional circumstances. I was a villain, but I had my own "morality."


N/A: Here is the author, give me ideas if you want, maybe if I like an idea I will put it in the fanfic, although it has to be a character that can fit into the category of blue cards, such as murderers or beings with strength comparable to murderers superhuman, but not at such crazy levels as to destroy buildings, characters that break walls, concrete, metal, steel, something like that, but don't exaggerate XD