
monster Hunter John

monster's have ravaged humanity but humanity fights back but it's unlikely that humanity will last much longer a warrior must rise up to save humanity

Goke_black · Fantasía
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36 Chs

Chapter 20 John the Dragon slayer

Soon the Dragon stops it's attack and prepares to attack again. John uses his physical ability to jump at the Dragon. The Dragon evades and attacks John again. John evades while in the air and creates a ball of concentrated power against the Dragon. The Dragon attacks with it's full fire power. The attacks of the Dragon and John collide in midair. John's ball of concentrated power overwhelms the power of the Dragon and kills it. The collision from the two attacks caused a massive shockwave that strikes John. John hits the ground hard. He looks around and finds that the shockwave decimated the trees. The Monsters in the area spot John easily as others who had trees fall on top of them removed the trees and rise to their feet and spotting John.