
Monster Empire

In ancient times, terrible monsters, owners of colossal strength and incredible abilities, ruled everything. All of them differed among themselves in their nature, form and habitat. Some of them were intelligent, while others lived only by instinct, but they all had one thing in common, the boundless power of their eternal master, the master of life, Inmir. Inmir was the one who ruled over everything, and there were no fools in the world who wanted to fight him. His strength had no limit, and his wisdom was glorified through the ages. And then one day, the great master of this world, with the help of his all-seeing eye, foresaw a great catastrophe. The two suns that illuminated this world must have collided, and the smaller one would have been swallowed up by the larger one. But this process will be accompanied by radiation of immeasurable strength, which will wipe out all life from the face of the planet for many millions of years. Inmir, who, like a father, loved his subjects, could not sit idly by. He gathered all the most worthy at his feet, and declared that he would save his children from a terrible fate and create an impenetrable barrier deep underground that would withstand all adversity. All as one bowed to the great Lord, and by his order they created a whole country, deep underground, in the great caves of the night ...

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42 Chs

Chapter 37

City of Hordnog. Conference hall.

"I ask everyone to stand up," the gene said, standing behind a small podium. secretary.

People in the hall, sitting on luxurious armchairs, at no less luxurious tables, stood up in unison.

"Please love and favor, the new chairman of the board of thirty-three, Fong Zhen, welcome.

A small man, apparently in his forties, clean-shaven, with short-cropped hair, stepped onto the podium to languid applause. His strict suit, minted step, coupled with an impenetrable face and an iron bearing, betrayed a former military man in him.

"Hello gentlemen, although I am not very strong in trade and economic issues, like everyone else gathered here, I will try my best not to lose face and justify the high obligations entrusted to me. Also, I hope for your comprehensive assistance in resolving a number of important issues related to foreign policy and customs agreements. I sincerely hope that our combined efforts will bring wealth and prosperity to this city...

"How was this naive jerk chosen in the first place?" one of the members of the board asked his colleague in the faction in a whisper.

"I think the main faction wants to scapegoat him to the dark kingdom for violating the supply of the healing powder.

- Well, then it's clear, this fool is just for this and will do. Oh, he seems to be finally ending his tirade.

"Thank you, thank you," the secretary said hurriedly, clapping his hands, indirectly trying with all his might to finish this speech, considering it stupid and inexpedient.

* * *

After the meeting: the office of the head of the faction.

"You still managed to utter this nerd, I told you, just introduce yourself," looking at Fong Zheng, the head sitting at the table showed all the strength of his disgust.

- I considered it necessary to voice my position as chairman of the board.

"You should remember," Gen said, seated in a big red chair. secretary, - that it was our faction that chose you by a majority of votes from a multitude of candidates. And I hope you understand that this happened because the head recommended you. The two remaining factions are clearly not happy that we pushed you through, so be more restrained in your desires, okay?

Turning to the secretary, Fong Zhen, without changing his face, said with indifference in his voice:

"Then I, in turn, would ask you, dear Shino, not to interfere in the conversation between the chairman and the head of the faction. Or do you think that your family ties give you such a right, and so, I don't care who you are the head of, I will still consider you without a party gene. the secretary that you are. Are you clear?

Shino's face turned red from anger, he was about to speak out, but when he saw a wave from his brother, he limited himself to a glance.

"Even though there are only three of us here, let's try not to get personal?"

"You are right, pardon the head," bowing, Fong Zhen apologized.

- If so, let's finish for today, you don't mind the chairman, do you?

- Of course, because I still need to get acquainted with a number of reports in order to be aware of all the affairs of the board. So I guess I'm bowing out.

As soon as Fong Zhen left, Shino rushed to the head's table.

"Brother, why did you shove him into this position, I know that you want to shove a failure with the supply of healing powder to the dark kingdom on the chairman, but why him? This stubborn warrior!

- Calm down. He fits the best. The ambassadors of the dark kingdom are not fools, in order to deceive them and transfer all the arrows to the new chairman, we need a person who does not look like a miserable puppet, which we want to merge in order to calm them down.

- But ... He terribly infuriates me, constantly poking around with his lectures on how to work correctly for the good of the people. Kill him, you bastard.

"That's enough, it's already been decided. You are free.

* * *

The newly elected chairman walking along the corridor was as angry as ever.

"The obscurantists, they only think about money and power. Through bribery and fraud, they have seized the leading position among the factions, and now, by a majority vote of the board, they do what they want. The unemployment tax alone is worth it, forced people to work hard for meager wages in their salt mines. And now they have a huge income from this. And the remaining factions are also good, one has six votes, the second seven, and the place to unite is constantly at war with each other, for the opportunity to knock out for themselves as many licenses for trading in healing powder from Tai-Lon. Yes, and I was pushed into this post for a reason, but for some kind of fraud ... But what kind?

* * *

At this time, in the office of Gen. secretary.

"Ahhh, how he infuriates me, a moron, a degenerate, he thinks that he is better than us, the bastard, the creature!

Knock on the door.

— Enter!

— Mr. Shino, I have an official pact with you about the desire of the newly created country to establish economic and diplomatic relations with us.

- What, what other country?

"I don't know, but their ambassador is in the waiting room, he wants to meet with the governing political body and conclude a number of agreements at the official level.

- Give it here, - having selected the paper and his assistant, Gen. the secretary read it carefully.

"That again." Crumpled up the paper, he tossed it into the wastebasket.

Is this Mr Shino?

- This is garbage, again some village, calling itself an empire, decided to secede from some state, and ran to us so that we would help them.

"But what if it's some country and—"

"If it was someone serious, we would have known about them sooner. If there were a major division or upheaval on the continent, we would be immediately notified, but since we didn't hear about them, then it's some kind of trifle, ran for a sweet bone. They either want us to recognize their statehood, at the diplomatic level, or money, that is, loans. Or maybe both. In general, say that we have no time, and we reject their pact to improve relations.

- But after all deviations of such pact, the chairman should confirm personally? Therefore, we should inform him about the current situation.

- Are you crazy? After all, he will convene the heads of all factions and begin a protocol meeting in accordance with all the rules. And we will have to listen to some nonsense from the ambassador of three rickety villages, who came from where the hell. No thanks. Therefore, give this ambassador a refusal of an audience as such and supplement it with a decree on a ban on residence, let him be swept out of our city.

— Eh, but… That's right.

* * *

"Mr. Wuzhou, I'm sorry, but you have been denied an audience, as well as a residence permit. According to this ordinance, you must leave the city within twenty-four hours.

Taking the papers handed to him, the bald man with the tattoo on his head smiled. He smiled so sincerely and at the same time so horribly that the assistant who handed him the documents began to sweat with fear.

"Well, if that's the case, then I take my leave," he said in a monotone, and vanished into thin air.