
Creating friends or rather, vassals

I entered the shop like a boy and went out as a medieval warrior, the old man gave me a beautiful silver breastplate with a black left shoulder, I was equipped with a sword at the waist, a strip in the chest with two daggers, an arch in the back and a staff in my left hand.

I came out so flashy that even the leader looked at me, no, on the contrary, he looked at my pectoral with wide eyes.

I started to walk in a certain direction and no matter whoever, if I approached, I would go out of my way like a frightened animal.

I went to the pale boy, who was a little away from the others, stretched out his arm and said, "If you take this staff, you will be my wizard", that was the phrase the voice in my head told me to say.

The boy was as perplexed as I was, if I were a white man I would no doubt be blushing like a little girl because I considered that phrase very strange.

He held the staff and said, "My name is Azriel, I'll help you if I can."

After that I walked again and everyone again made their way and I got to the boy who had been naked before.

"Wanna be my fists?" the phrase should have been "be my fists" the voice said that in this boy the ancestral body is asleep and in the other boy there is a superior magical affinity, he said that I should acquire both as my vassals.

For of all those here present so far these were the only ones who showed some future and here has more than 100 people.

The boy looked at me and said "no thanks".

I found no surprise, even because I had never spoken or interacted with him before so I doubt he would have a good impression of me.

I had already turned around when he shouted at me "yes, please let me be your fists" your eyes were wide and well shaken.

He was very flustered and reminded me of the old man in the store, is there any connection between them?

I handed him the gloves and he put them on immediately, everyone was waiting because I still had a bow and a pair of daggers, but to everyone's sadness I just stood there stopped.

Time passed quickly and here we are in the middle of the afternoon, the leader did not speak and simply left us after the choice of weapons, he said that he had to talk to a friend and that we should take it any way we could.

The voice was also hushed, and I had two more people in tow and nowhere to go.

"Eh ... where do you think we should go?" I asked simply to break the ice and not for waiting for a real answer.

Who answered me was the boy Azra "I think we should just wait for the guards to come back".

He said he had Islamic descendants that is why has take very unique name but was currently living in Greenland.

He must have 1.70, thin and with a common physique, is dressed in clothes prepared for the cold, at first he was in a black leather jacket, thick pants and boots, but the heat of the day was too much and he took off his coat and is dressed in a simple regatta, but keeps the coat tied around the waist in case the night needs.

This kid was one of those who passed the first test using the excuse of hurting himself and feeling bad to be able to stay in a house at night.

His face was a common one of the kind you forget if pass you spend too much time without seeing, black eyes, thin nose and thin lips, your hair it is cut off short and the most striking thing is a sign on the left side of forehead.

"but when night comes they do not pay much attention to us again" the boy Noah did not agree to sit and wait, he seemed to be the one who acts on impulse and sees what see what will happen.

He passed the first test next to the guards, so now he is wearing half military clothes, similar to Azra's, he is in black boots and dense green pants and at the top a simple black military jacket.

I seemed the much stranger, taking off my pectoral and I was wearing thin slacks and still walking with a simple pair of slippers that I picked up at the woman's house this morning.

Our trio was very attractive, not physically or physiologically, taking away the Noah that is muscle, but yes in our equipment, mainly I that was with bow and knives without being used.

While we were thinking about what to do other people were watching us, I must say that from the time the leader left, three groups of people came to me to ask me to give the knives and the bow.

The first group was very domineering they were in seven, four sturdy tall men and three women with very attractive features.

They wanted not only the bow and the knife but all the other equipment owned by our trio, I did not want to use violence, but Noah hit all four so I did not have much to do.

The ancestral body said by the voice has strength, endurance, resilience among many other good points and along with some martial art that he practiced back on earth, made the perfect junction.

The second group came to ask to join us, but was vetoed by Azra himself, he was very good with arguments and inflicted as much damage as possible to the quartet of men that came with the following phrase "you have nothing that will favor our group, so do not come and ask to be a embarassed".

The quartet did not really have the luck to pick up real equipment and were simply equipped with canes with nails.

And the last group was the American Dylan and my beloved wife Amelia, their group was very good had only 5 people, it seems that there were some internal fights and the Americans were no longer one united group.

They possessed real weapons with Dylan with a metal sword, a tall, a guy with a double ax, Amelia herself with a dagger, and two more each with short swords.

But unfortunately for them and the shameless Amelia I resolutely denied their entry into our group, and why? Well it 's very simple which ensures that when we fall asleep they will not steal the guns and run away.

Yes, I have confidence issues with these popular people,because the more popular the more full of itself usually, and these kind of people always love being responsible for everything.

After that my trio ended up being isolated from all other groups, the sun was starting to come down already, I was hungry just like everyone else.

A carriage arrived in this area and stopped in front of them, two servants went down and opened the door, set up a ladder and a beautiful, thin leg appeared.

A voluptuous and beautiful figure without limits came down from the carriage.

She stood there with a serene smile on her face waiting for something, another servant came to the girl's side and spoke out loud.

"Mr Jackerson, human from another land, the great leader of this small village formally invites you to a meal".

Different name because that name makes more sense.

Jakscrzcreators' thoughts