
Monster awaken again

A girl, she is Kang Ava. Her life was not normal but fine until her mother gets married to a rich businessman who fall in love with her mother. They are the rulers of underworld.7 demons in human bodies. They most Merciless mafias. They know nothing but power and money they loved. They are called heartless not for nothing. They were all fine with money and power but what will happen when their 'father' suddenly to get married. And to mention with a beloved daughter. They were forced to act like normal people infront of the new family members. Secrets are hidden. A new world for both of them. The girl who with with her mother travel to Seoul for the first time. her mother got to married with a richest man is the whole world. What will happen she meet them and without knowing they are mafia. And will she be able to take her revenge. As she has thought. Will it be possible according to her, you want to know. let's see would you like to join on her journey trip? "This bitch of a sister is really gets my nerve . Should we kill her?" "She is doing something to us. I feel home alive inside my heart brother" "We should protect her" "SHE IS OUR SISTER!" you want to know. let's see would you like to join on her journey trip? Dᴏ ɴᴏᴛ ᴄᴏᴘʏ ᴍʏ ᴡᴏʀk

divya_maggo · Fantasía
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14 Chs

Part 10


That man took away your childhood, he took away your soul, made a machine that no one can stop, Made a monster from which no one can kill, a demon, from whom nothing can be seen except darkness, an evil that can never be good, a spirit that a will never get hurt and never feel. pain, the body which does not have a soul, the heart which has forgotten to beat, the brain which is absolutely dead, 


There is only one thing which is kept alive and that is only revenge. eyes in which there is nothing, not even a tear, lips who has never seen a smile, hands who learned to kill only people, legs that learned to walk just to kill people. The whole body, in which there is no hope to live, no fear of dying, and it has never learned to stop as if a living corpse were the body.

He left you and went away, but also took away your soul too, and made you harder than a stone. My last wish is to see you as happy as you used to be before.

Why did you make yourself like this, why iszy why, please be like before, like you used to be?

" Let's go, Vante," she said, and they both, are left. 

Sam and his team were watching both of them leaving.


I will make you mine iszy. I will take back the days when we used to spend time together. You are everything to me, Iszy. I remember the day I met you for the first time. You saved my life, and from that day I gave my whole life in your name.

but little, they don't know. She has made up her mind to leave everything one day and she will never change her mind.


I got off the bike and, without saying anything directly, hugged Vante. Vante was shocked, but slowly and, without saying anything, hugged me.

"I know you need this vante, I am not so heartless as you think, especially not with you at all," she said without separating from each other, "i-iszy", Vante said while crying.

" Let me finish vante," she said while separating from each other. "You have been with me since I was in that hell, even though you could not help me, but never left my side. You were with me every second of the time and you are still with me, but don't expect anything from me this time, but I am not going to stop this time. Now there is no such reason or any relationship that can stop me this time, nor do I have any weakness this time, but I make a promise to you that what I am doing, nothing will happen to me until I do it, and when everything is completed I will leave everything.

You are important to me, Vante. Please understand me, this is the last purpose of my life. I have to destroy Mr. Lee, ruin him, end his life, as he ruined me as he ruined you" she said in a very calm voice. Vante didn't say anything. She just hugged him and she just rubbed his back to calm him. She knows he doesn't need words right now, he just needs


"What you think, it's easy, no it's not a joke, iszy, it's not that easy to finish him, please you try to understand please", Vante said while separating from each other.

"So what do you think? Do I like simple things" she said while smirking. "I haven't started this since now, it's been years since I started all this", "what do you mean? This long has it been since you started", Vante said.

"Remember my first mission," she said and smirked. Vante thought a little bit, the realization hit him, and wide his eyes in shocked

"Are you serious really, not jokes around here, honey, it's impossible really, it's impossible it can't happen? You hear me, please say it. You are kidding me please" he said with hopeful eyes and on the verge of crying, just thinking about whatever she said now.

"Do you think I'm in a joking mood?" she said. "You just used to do the work given by him and I used to take out the information in every way along with the work."

"What kind of information," Vante said? " Slowly you will understand everything," she said just in the normal way.

"You go vante see you tomorrow at school" and she left. 

iszy you have gone too far from where there is no return, please don't go and stop wherever you are. Otherwise, it should not happen that you burn yourself in the fire of vengeance.

And what is hidden from you? If it comes in front of you, then I will lose you forever honey. If I see you happy again, if I have to hide this from you, I will hide it. Yes, I am being selfish, and that is just so.

for you, iszy, I care for you, I love you, iszy.

I can't even imagine my life without you. Please stop all this and be normal like others please, honey please, I can't see you like that; I can't see you going away by myself.


With that, he also left.


Sorry, I can't stop now. Please forget me as much as you can, otherwise, you will regret losing me. I was sitting in a corner and thinking about my life. How has my life become like this? I was never like this before. There are many things going on in my mind which do not let me live in peace or, shall I say, which do not let me think about living, think about myself.

Sometimes I think that if my mother didn't have Ms. Kang, maybe my life would have been normal too. a happy family a happy girl am I, will I?

Or if my dad was with me today, would my life be normal too?

Or God forgot to write about happiness in my life, and shall I say, did not write about it intentionally.

Why is it because a demon doesn't have the right to be happy? Was I born as a demon, or did I become a demon of my own free will? No right, then why I become like this, why why, why me, why me *crying*

Neither am I able to die nor can anyone kill me. I am not able to kill myself, I want to die, Mother, I wish I was not your daughter, I wish you were not my mother.

If I had not promised my love, I would never have been with you yet. You have given me nothing but pain, Mother

My love's heart is very clear, he thinks that you did not do anything intentionally Mother, you did it intentionally, or for some other reason. But what was my mother? Where was my mistake, which you made my life miserable?

After all, what was the mistake of that 3-year-old little girl who got such a punishment, and made her life worse and miserable in the name of the punishment?

If I had not promised him, so I would have already finished you, I would have already ended your life, Mother, to make my life worse than hell.

I will never forgive you in my whole life. You are not worthy of being called a mother,

Nightmare hunts me every day, makes me a lifeless body, in which there is no desire to live, there is no desire to be happy again, there is no desire to be loved again, there is no desire to be freed again. 

I fell asleep thinking about everything.



Time - 3:55 AM


M-um-ma m-umm-a ple-ase take me from here, t-ake me wi-th you, thes-e pe-ople ar-e not go-od, th-ey be-at m-e, please mu-mm-a sav-e me fro-m her-e, they bea-t m-e he-re e-veryday * the little girl crying very hard, is pleading with her mother to escape from that man*

" Don't cry, baby mumma will come to you. baby mumma will save you" Ms.kang said while crying.

He snatched the mobile from the little girl. The girl kept screaming for her mother, but that man did not even listen once.


I woke up in a gasping daze, my hands and feet trembled, my forehead was filled with sweat, and my chest started going up and down.

"I hate you mother, I hate you, I hate you" She fainted while whispering. 


When everyone was sitting at the dining table, suddenly Kai said to Jacob "Give you the key to the dark room. She has been alone since yesterday. She had not eaten anything since morning. Give me the key, I will open the gate."

Jacob put his hand in the pocket of his jeans where the key was kept, but he was not able to find the key. He checked all the places in a hurry, thinking that he would get the keys somewhere.

Then the realization hit him and his eyes widened in shock, 

Everyone was looking at Jacob in a confused way, then breaking this confusion, Mike said, " What are you thinking so much? Give me the key."

"Sorry, looks like I accidentally left the key in the darkroom" he nervously laughed and said while caressing his neck.

Everyone was shocked and said together except Jacob "WHAATTTTT" "Or did you do it deliberately?" Elijah said while looking at him suspiciously.

To escape from everyone's stares, Jacob said in a very very cute and baby voice Sorry, " Sorry, please forgive your kid Mumma."

Elijah sighed and at facepalm because he knew in this matter, no one could had yelled at Jacob, even though I am a brother to him, but I had brought up the younger line by raising them like a mother.