
Chapter 9.1 (20)

Ashe and Alexander glance around the corner watching the dart spinner launching darts in every direction the darts randomly hit walls causing the darts to ricochet in every direction that wasn't already being hit by darts

Ashe: Oh, Okay. Uhm..

Alexander: that looks unpleasant

Gregor: Okay, I've got a plan. Budy, you take point. Ashe, Alex you be the nougat-y center. I'll get our backs.

Ashe: How about we just try and deactivate it on that same panel that turned it on?

Gregor yanks Ashe and Alexander into position.

Ashe releases noise of irritation

Gregor takes out his glaive and begins spinning it while facing backwards.

Ashe: How about-

Gregor: This should deflect anything.

Ashe: Of course. Of course it should.

Gregor: Forward march.

As we walk by the pillar, Ashe sticks her hand out and touches the activation switch

The dart spitter retracts and returns to the ground.

Ashe steps out from the line Gregor formed and immediately stomps over to Markus.

Gregor: What'd you do?! I was doing a thing.

Markus: Are you for real? Are you for- Are you for real?

Ashe kicks Markus.


Markus: Ahhh!

Some darts jingle loose of Marcus's body

Markus: Ouch!


Markus: So. Hey, what did you say your name was?

???: Oh, my name's-

Ashe: Oh. Oh, you made a friend.

Friend: Hey.

Markus: Well, This is uh- This is uhm...

The new man waves from the ground

Colfus: Colfus. My name's Colfus.

Markus: This is Colfus. So Colfus, this is my yell-y, kick-y, companion

Ashe, and this is-

Colfus: Oh that's, that's... very nice to meet you.

Gregor: Hi.

Markus: These are the guys I was telling you about.

Colfus: Oh. Yeah, no, okay.

Colfus: Yeah, no, I hear he's um, So. Which one's the hardened criminal that's been to jail?

Gregor raises his hand.

Colfus: Oh, wow. Yeah, no, I would have guessed either of the other ones. She's got ink. and he looks like he has seen plenty of death

Colfus and Marcus are still just lying, supine on the ground.

Ashe: [I clear my throat.] Now allow me to just, clarify one thing. Were you caught in the dart trap by your OWN design, or...did it suddenly activate when you were this far ahead?

Colfus: Uh, no. Well, sort of activated on me by somebody else.

Ashe looks at Markus.

Ashe: About how long ago?

Colfus: I dunno. Probably, it's been, what, a day? Maybe? I'm so tired.

Ashe: Oh.

Ashe: Oh, a day.

Markus: Please, Ashe, it wasn't me. I didn't even know where this place was yesterday.

Ashe kneels down examines Colfus's wounds.

They're not fresh.

Ashe begins to examine the severity of the wounds and to put it simply they're pretty gross.

Alexander: He could probably use some medical attention.

Gregor: Hmmm. I don't have any bandages.

Ashe: Maybe...Check if, check if, uhh, our golem companion has any bandages, Gregor.

Budy: Are you joking?

Gregor: Uh, Budy?

As Gregor turns around Ashe jams her hand into one of Colfus' wounds and

green light crackles from Ashe's fist. It spreads about his body and he convulses for a moment.

He jumps to his feet, revealing the fact that he was on a lying down on a very, very, large backpack. Quite unsure how you missed that.

Colfus: Oh! Whoa, okay I feel completely better. That's actually fantastic.

Markus: Well, yeah, it's good stuff. Hey, Ashe top me off too, would ya?

Gregor: Budy says he doesn't have pockets.

Ashe: I see. Well, thank you for checking anyway, Gregor.

Colfus: Yeah! I feel completely better. Marku- Markus over here told me you guys were actually apprentice Paladins. Like the new apprentice Paladins, Alaraani slaves, and you can use like Actual Paladin Abilities. Like, that's some Paladin Stuff. That's ACTUAL Paladin Stuff.

Ashe: That- that's not, stop calling me a paladin. I don't want to be a paladin.

Colfus: Well- well I can kind of get that. I mean, the Paladins of Varyndir are kinda. They're not doing exact justice to the name, but-

Ashe: They're shitlords.

Colfus: Fine. Sure. You could call them that, whatever. I mean, I'm one. But-

Ashe: Well, then you're excepted from it. So far. Until further judgement.

Colfus: Thank you.

Gregor: What about- what about us?

Ashe: No, I don't consider MYSELF one of them. I don't know about the three of you.

Ashe looks at Gregor, Alexander, and the bleeding Markus.

Markus: *weakly* ♪I'm gonna tell you a story, about my missing liters of blood♪

Ashe: How are you feeling Markus?

Markus: ♪ They're not here anymore♪

Ashe: How are you feeling?

Markus: ♪ Somewhere else- ugh.

Colfus: So Markus tells me you're actually down here to find the skull Varyndir. That's surprising. I thought all the, you know, the Alarani slaves and the new Paladins were just content to live in that dirt castle and drink all the time.

Gregor: Some of us aren't dirty drinkers. Very few of us.

Alexander: Ashe just isn't dirty

Ashe: Some of us have-

Colfus: Uh regardless, you know... I- it's interesting that you'd even come down here. Not take the temptation of just partying forever.

Ashe: Why, why party with such horrid people?

Colfus: I dunno. Everyone else seemed to-

Markus: Hey, hey! Those "horrid people" know how to party.

Ashe sits down on Markus' back.

Markus: [noise of distress]

Colfus: Yeah, no. Like uh, I don't know. Kind of was the downfall of our whole order, that whole partying situation... like-

Markus: ♪Blood loss is intensifying and I'm losin' contro-ol♪

Markus: I'm sorry, I'll stop. but if you- but if you could get off, please, I'd be much appreciative.

Ashe stands up and brushes herself off.

Ashe looks down at Markus.

Ashe: Have you learned a lesson? Have you learned that- ugh. You-

Markus stretches out and slaps his hand down onto the stone panel for the room in front of the party

Idk I lost track of time this week and didn’t have time to write any sorry

JesseTheHorsecreators' thoughts