
Chapter 4.3 (12)

Ashe: goes over to retrieve the drum.

As Ashe rounds the corner, the guildmaster emerges.

Ashe: Ohh!

Guildmaster: Great job!

Sweeping up in front of Ashe, he places a foot on the drum.

Ashe glares at him as Ashe is about to retrieve the drum.

Ashe: Mind moving your foot?

Guildmaster: That was-

Guildmaster: That was- that was fantastic work back there.

Ashe: Mind moving your foot?!

Guildmaster: Uh-uh nah, nah, uh.. nah..

The Guildmaster kicks behind him, kicking the drum backwards and the severed head of the priest.

Guildmaster: It's uh.. nah yeah. Great work here!

Ashe stands up

Guildmaster: Seriously, look at this!

He motions around to the uh.. he motions around to the town.

Guildmaster: Thog, get over here!

[Thog Sighs]

Guildmaster: So you guys, you killed the monster, great work. You even gave us a new monument.

Ashe: Yeah. We did. I expect to be paid extra for that.

Guildmaster: And you even destroyed the town in the process. Fantastic! I was thinking of renovating anyway.

Thog places his head in his hands.

Thog: Um yeah, no.. I just finished rebuilding it.. that's fine. Yeah.

Guildmaster: Pay the people, Thog. Mondo Bucks all around!

Ashe: NO! Real money!

Gregor: Yeah..

Alex: just let my sign that the job is done

Markus: Uh, actual money, actual money would be-

Ashe: Real money!

Markus: Real money..

Gregor: Real Mondo Bucks..

Ashe: No, Gregor. Real money.

[Markus laughing]

Ashe: Give us- give us Gold or something.

Thog walks up behind you, Ashe. Takes the last bit of alcohol you took from the bar-

Thog: Gonna need this.

With that he and wanders away.

Ashe: Uhhg

Markus: Hmm..

Markus: So we will be getting paid?

Guildmaster: Oh, yeah, you're gonna be- you're gonna- of course you're gonna be paid. Right after you talk to my friend over here.

Gregor: Listen. I've seen some sick stuff today, but-

Guildmaster: No, no, no, he's just a little shy. He was hiding ov- for the- Get in here.

A man emerges from behind the building.

Man: Oh, so you've uh- you've dealt with the uh the threat? Fantastic work, I do have to say.

Gregor: Thank you.

Man: So I- I actually.. I'm quite impressed by you three. How.. how did you exactly handle that thing? What sort of powers did you use? It was..

Ashe glances at Markus and Gregor.

Man: ..Unearthly.

Alex let's lets out a slightly profanity word or two at the mans comment

Markus: Well... It was a combination of-

Gregor: Strengths!

Markus: My own ma-

Gregor: Skill.

Gregor: Brains...Ashe. And-

Ashe: Thanks.

Gregor: Lots of things..

Markus: Ingenuity!

Gregor: Yeah..

Markus: Precisely, Gregor. All of those things and perhaps more!

Man: Fantastic! And uh that- that creature you defeated... Would you.. It seemed to be quite powerful and made short work of my men.

Man: Uh..

Ashe: Ha!

Man: Would you- would you say you're stronger than that thing?

Ashe: Stronger than your men certainly. I don't think that the creature was particularly strong itself. I just think that your men were weak by comparison.

Alex: Ashe hold it I wouldn't say that.

Gregor: Also we're really really strong.

Ashe: Gregor.

Alex: Gregor stop

Man: Interesting..

Markus: You don't have to rub salt into their wounds, Ashe.

Man: Interesting... so? That thing, we actually- it's my job to sort of categorize these things as different uh offense. We categorize that as uh, as having a negative impact on this Meadshire installation equivalent to that of a natural disaster... And you were capable of taking care of that thing?

Markus: [bow] Why yes, we were.

Gregor: I fought a tornado once.

Ashe glances at Gregor.

Ashe: What?

Gregor: Just nod.

Markus: Okay, it's- it's- it's gonna be story time at some point.

The man motions behind him. You hear the clanking of metal.

Ashe's hand wanders towards the hilt of her sword.

Alexander releases a loud whistle

Marcus starts to realizes something is off

Man: So uh yeah, if you're strong enough to beat a natural disaster, we have to take you in, ask you a few questions, you know? Payment can come after that.

Alex, Ashe, and Markus groan

Man: Haha! Isn't that right! Have fun kids.

Ashe: Fucking whoreson.

Markus: Well! Now that I can see uh... what exactly you're getting at-I'll tell you what I told the dowager empress of Pan Hao Ta-Nak when she tried to have me executed for crimes against the realm. You'll have to catch me first!

With that Marcus bolts

Ashe bolts away at the same time Markus does.

With that a sheep arrives in front of Alexander and he hops into its back and begins to ride after them

Gregor: Where are we going?

Ashe: Just run, Gregor! RUN!

Gregor: Okay.

The Guards thunder behind the party

Guard: Get the horned one first. He seems to be their leader!

Markus: Huh! What?

Marcus jumps behind a wall finding people behind it already

Hiding guard: This is our hiding spot! Get outta here!

Markus: I was going to hide here!

Hiding guard: No! We were hiding from the monster.

Markus: Uh!

[Markus pants]

Marcus slams into the graveyard, tipping over a styrofoam gravestone.

[Markus groans.]

Gregor: Hey!

Ashe sees Markus outside, through one of the windows of the church

Markus: Gregor, look out!

Ashe reaches out the window and pulls Markus into the building

Markus: Whup!

Gregor: You'll never take Gregor, the man who almost killed a tornado!


Ashe: Markus! Markus, get ahold of yourself!

[Glass breaking]

The guards breaks in through the window.

Ashe: Get the window, somebody!

Gregor: I got it! I oh- They already got it

Ashe: Ugh!

Gregor: What is this?

Ashe: You're never going to take me! ...I-Yeah.

[Markus and Ashe gasp]

[Window breaking]

Ashe: Yeah!

Gregor: Wait, I thought you said that they got us?

Gregor thinking Ashe was telling the group in the church to surrender decided to surrender himself to the guards though they may have not got the message

Ashe: Fuck. Shit. I think they got Gregor.

Ashe glances back at the shattered window.

Gregor: Ow! Get off.

Gregor: Your arm hurts so pointy.

Markus has taken to hiding in a pile of dirt making at least some of the people around doubt he escaped a n empress who wanted his head

Gregor fell for a classic ploy. Being asked nicely and also being slightly confused leading to his surrender

Markus: Find your own hiding spot. There's only room in this pile of dirt for one.

Ashe: Fuck you, Markus.

Guard: They're in the pile of dirt, get 'em!

Ashe: Fuck you! You deserve it.

Markus: Damn you!

Ashe grits her teeth as she sees Thog.

Ashe: Thog!

Ashe pulls out her sword and-

The guards burst in through the door.

Ashe pulls out her sword and leap towards Thog.

Ashe: You knew this would happen! You knew it would happen!

His eyes widen as he sees Ashe coming. He quickly ducks, slips under her and guides her out the hole Marcus made into the bar.

Ashe: Arhg! Gghh!

Outside Ashe are surrounded by guards.

some yelling and swearing can be heard.

Ashe: Oka-, shit! Oh, Dammit!

Ashe: Are you fucking kidding me?

Ashe, Gregor and Markus are captured. Alexander's escape can be quickly summarized as 'the sheep went rouge on him and led him to a jail cell where the guards cornered him'

Sorry that took so long but had a out of state wedding to go to and I think I hurt myself mildly just got home and finish the chapter

Didn’t have the time to write Alex escape attempt so I decided to quickly come up with a joke at the end sorry but I thought it was better than shoving him into their escape as it was messy

JesseTheHorsecreators' thoughts