
Monarch of the Abyss

I was supposed to be the next demon lord and rule the mazoku kingdom but I left the kingdom. I don't want to be some boring ass ruler. What's more I came to this country called Japan where there are luscious snacks and an awesome kind of book called manga.

Rairyu_0 · Acción
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12 Chs


Shadow transfiguration or more appropriately

| Liebe |

A type of magic that was used mainly by assassins and spies whose work involved stealthy infiltration or tracking. It allowed its users to hide in others' shadows and also to store weapons or shikigami in their own shadows.

I had known that Sillia was a skilled mage but the fact that she had the stealth attribute was new to me.

Attribute. It is the type of magic that a mage is most comfortable with. Even among humans and demons, not everyone was apt with all kinds of magic. Some were more suitable for using physical strength while some had great skills in healing magic or other types of magic. This defined their attribute.

However, the Stealth attribute is a pretty rare one.

Fufu this is quite interesting.

"So why have you been following me since the entire time?"

"I'm sorry for the rudeness Ren sama but I think it will be for the best if you would stay at my house until you can arrange a proper lodging for yourself. I think we can also have a proper chat about all this."

"Hmm, you're right. Let's do that. Also, drop the formal tone."

"Ren san then"

"Just Ren is fine"

Silia looked uneasy for a second, finally, she said

"Okay..Ren. My house is in the city, about a 30 minutes drive from here. Let me just bring my car around."

Saying this she disappeared into the darkness

A few minutes later, she arrived in a car.

"It's a second hand car please do not mind."

She was red in the face.


I am not the type of person to judge someone by his/her possessions.

"Don't worry I don't mind at all"

Saying this I got into the front seat beside Silia.

As we drove toward her house, she asked

"I heard about your incident with the OBD."


I replied unenthusiastically

"The news spread like wildfire through the office. That Fuji who always bullied weak outers was taught his place by someone."

She seems happy about it....does she have a grudge against him...It's better to not pry too much into it.

"Ah, he was the one who tried to pick a fight with me first. So I just gave him a bit of a lesson"

"You sure did....Anyways why did you leave Stregia?... I'm sure a ruler as strong as you would have been suitable as Maou"

"It's too much of a hassle so I let the old man take care of it for now"

"If it's your decision then I have no objections whatsoever. Here we are this is my apartment."

Humans sure like building tall structures.

I followed Sillia up to her room which was on the 9th floor.

"It might be a little messy inside"

"That's okay"

It was quite spacious. there was a long couch and a television set in the living room, a small shelf, a dining table with chairs, basically everything a normal Japanese apartment has.

"Quite a comfy apartment you got here"

"I'll be getting into the bath first."

Keeping her bag on the couch, Silia went to take a bath.

I could hear the water which was flowing into the bathtub. a small *clack* was heard as Sillia removed her clothes.

In my 17 years of life, this was the first time I was completely alone with a woman under a single roof.

Should I be nervous?

I don't feel any nervousness.

I sigh and sit down on the couch, opening my clothes...I guess I can change their appearance to look more casual like humans. I change their appearance into a shirt and joggers, which I had seen in the stores.

Wrapping a towel around my waist, I fold the clothes neatly and keep them aside...using magic to fold clothes would be too lazy on my part so I avoided that.

Sillia came out of the bath, she wore a bathrobe which however revealed most of her skin.

I noticed this now but she has really big breasts. She had messy wet hair, and there was some water on her thighs and breasts also.

As She looked at me, her face became slightly red.

"..that's a nice physique..."

She mumbled so that I couldn't hear it.

"Thanks but I believe yours is more beautiful and erotic."

Her face became so red that she could be called a tomato with hair.

"B-B-Baka...just go into the bath I filled it for you"

Saying this she turned her head and went straight to the kitchen.

Huh I only told what I felt though...well women were never easy to understand

I enter the bath. It had a modern style bath and there were quite a lot of soaps, and shampoos. I hung my towel on a hook and sat down in the tub. It was warm and quite refreshing..humans have some amazing stuff. After staying in it for around 25 minutes, I got out of the bath and washed my body with soap. The soap was pink in color and had the sweet fragrance of rose and glycerine mixed.

When I came outside, Sillia had prepared some food for both of us and was serving it on the table.

"This is not that good but I hope it will be up to your liking."

Her ears were still red.

"I'm not a picky eater so don't worry much...thank you for the food."

I took a spoonful of the rice and curry into my mouth. It was spicy but tasty at the same time. I finished my entire plate in a few minutes.

Sillia who was still eating looked at me with awe.

I think I might have taken a bit too much liking to this food.

After finishing her food, Sillia came up to me.

"uh..I don't have a spare futon so you will have to sleep with me on the bed tonight..."

"It's fine by me"

Her face and ears became red again and she immediately turned around and went to make the bed.

"Also we will be discussing everything about your stay in japan tomorrow."

We went to sleep early, particularly because Sillia for some reason seemed eager to sleep.

As I say on the bed, I looked at her from the corner of my eye.

Slightly illuminated by the nightlight, I noticed her features. She had soft brown hair and long eyelashes. Her lips were red and slightly parted.

I tried to sleep but for some reason, the god of sleep wouldn't bless me with it.

I pretended to sleep.

Using Altsight , I could see everything that was happening around me even if my eyes were closed.

Sillia got up in the middle of the night. She checked to see whether I was asleep.

Then *pop*, she slowly opened the buttons of my shirt one by one until my chest was exposed.

She placed her hand on it and felt it, somewhat passionately.

Putting her head on my chest, she said softly

"...I've waited for you for so long...."

Then she lifted her head, put on my buttons, placed the blanket over me, and went back to sleep.

Meanwhile, I was left trying to process what that was all about.