
Monarch of Entertainment

3 chapters at every sunday 4pm UTC At least 2k words per chapter. *** Time:- 1992 Location:- unspecified. *** "Heh, Who would have thought it would just take a single box office hit to stop them from coming after my armour" Tony snickeringly said while he was reading the newspaper in his hands. *Scribble scribble* "Who pissed you off enough to use that notebook." Tony curiously asked a man with blue eyes sitting infront of him. "Some wannabe time traveler." The man with blue eyes said as he wrote 'Nathaniel Richards' including a graphic description on what would happen to him on a black leathered notebook. "Oh, anyways which superhero movie are you planning to release next?" Tony didn't bother and asked what he was actually curious about. "Probably the X-Men, Xavier has been nagging me recently" The man with blue eyes said as he relaxed back into his chair. Before Tony could comment A knock was heard from behind him as a Female voice said "Luke, Odin has sent the list of repairs they had to do because of Goku." Which caused Luke the man with blue eyes to rub his forehead as he muttered "Sigh... Why did I think it would be a good idea to summon him..." *** Anyways hopefully you liked the synopsis, that was a foreshadowing to a future Luke is an OC or self insert. Yes he is a reincarnator. Yes this is a harem but it's more so me trying to wingman him than him being horny, he much rather spend most of his day trying to get rich or explore the other universes. The entire plot of the marvel is fucked, so don't worry about canon stuff, Consider it entirely AU with just the character existing with new background information. Yes there is also a system. Yes He will visit more than one universes after chapter 5. so be warned Anyways join my discord server:- https://discord.com/invite/GqMKJsCUNN, if you wanna.

Rillik · Cómic
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18 Chs

Chapter 010: Are you Siriusly that rich?


Previous chapter recap:-

Emma Frost finished re-reading the first book of Harry Potter that Luke had improvised, Wanda and her brother gets kidnapped by a mysterious organization as Eric their father requests help from his once best friend Xavier.

Chapter 10:-


Time:- 8:25 pm, 11th of October, 1981, Sunday.

Location:- Emma's Bedroom


Due to Emma's school and related homeworks she had only managed to finish reading the first volume of 'Harry Potter: The Chamber of Salazar' book during the week, which had a cover page depicting the house elf known as Dobby.

Emma initially disliked Dobby due to his obnoxious behavior when Harry visited The Weasley's and caused trouble but after knowing the reasons and the ending, Dobby almost immediately became one of her favorites.

The person Emma disliked the second most was Lockhart, everytime that character talked or appeared in a scene, Emma felt an irresistible urge to punch him, especially considering what he almost did to poor Ginny who had once looked up to him and believed his lies.

Emma's favorite moment was when Harry spoke Parseltongue at chapter 5 of the second volume during the duel against Draco who had tranfigurated a snake, Although she understood the reasons why the students distanced themselves from Harry afterwards but she still felt frustrated on why they didn't find it as something cool like she did.

She was surprised when Draco's father had appeared in Hogwarts but although he looked handsome it didn't excuse his snake-like behavior towards Dumbledore and Hagdrid.

The cliffbanger of the second volume with a frozen Hermione at the end was shocking to Emma who felt a sense of anxiety even during her re-reading despite knowing the outcome.

The third volume was by far Emma's favorite volume as it started with Ron's Bravery who, although afraid of Spiders, still braved through to find the truth so they could rescue Hermione.

It also had one of her favorite moments When Lockhart had tried escaping after he was tasked to take care of the basilisk he was caught red-handed by Ginni.

Thankfully before Lockhart managed to cast his spell Professor Snape had arrived, which also made Emma to Start thinking differently about Snape.

The news about Draco going missing still felt surreal to Emma as the trio did investigate him and found out he was innocent, however that aroused Draco's suspicion due to him noticing how his lackeys acted differently.

Which prompted Draco to be suspicious and thus indirectly investigate the trio and follow them around, During that Draco saw Ginny throw away a diary that Draco had once seen in his father's hand, thinking it was a chance to get them red-handed, he quickly grabbed it unknowingly becoming a puppet Tom riddle had latched onto.

Emma had face-palmed herself when she saw him do that. Muttering how he shouldn't be in Slytherin at all.

The final scene, a duel between Harry and a possessed Draco was amusing to Emma as the poor basilisk felt confused on who should it listen to as they both could speak parseltongue and had a similar soul signature.

Eventually Tom got defeated with the help of Draco who was fighting back and the phoenix which distracted the basilisk long enough for Harry to destroy the diary.

Although the biggest surprise to Emma was at the final chapter where Harry was monologuing about what happened the entire year as scenes of different characters when mentioned showed what they were doing, when at the last pages Harry mentioned draco.

A scene of Draco now being able to use Parseltongue while practicing it was shown which had accidentally opened another secret chamber connected to the Slytherin house.

Emma had pastured Luke about what it meant yet he only said to wait for the third book and finally the wait was finished.

Emma gently grabbed the third book titled 'Harry Potter: A Sirius dilemma', She was intrigued by the title as it seemed to hold a pun. The first volume cover depicted a shadowy humanoid figure.

Chapter 1 started with Harry having an argument with Professor Minerva who had refused to tell Harry about his Godfather Sirius black.

Which caught Emma off-guard as she had always seen them like a happy family. it also depicted Harry running away to visit Ron and Hermione's house, they both talked to him about what happened as Harry vented which Emma noted somewhat similar to how Harry met Minerva.

In chapter 3, Harry did have a talk with Minerva as he apologized for his outburst. Minerva also relented as she talked about how his father was once friends with Sirius black yet at the end Sirius betrayed them when they least expected it.

Emma was happy yet she was more curious about this supposed godfather of Harry.

Chapter 4 depicted Harry's Train Journey with his best friends where Emma did spot Draco who unlike usual didn't pick a fight with Harry as he opted to read an old Grimoire

Emma raised her eyebrows when she saw the train come to a halt as the glass windows started to freeze. That's when she saw it, the shadowy figure which appeared on the volume cover yet more dreadful as Luke made sure to depict every detail of its body.

Her breath skipped a beat as one of them went near Harry as he appeared paler the more he looked at it, Thankfully the person sitting next to Harry casted a spell that seemed to scare away that thing.

Who Emma learned was called Lupin, their new dada teacher. As he explained what this horrid thing was, a Dementor, they were looking for Harry's Godfather Sirius black as he seemed to have escaped from Azkaban. The highest security Dark wizard prison.

Chapter 5 depicted Harry attending his classes and eventually a new class called divination, where the professor seemed to have predicted Harry's death, Emma rolled her eyes at this as she didn't believe in such things well that was until she realized she can use magic now. Emma opted to ask Luke later about this.

Chapter 6 and 7 Depicted Hogsmead which Harry initially wanted to go to but he noticed Draco acting suspicious so he tried to uncover it yet Draco appeared proficient in hiding from him. Emma felt this might be related to that secret chamber.

Chapter 8, depicted a Boggart, which would appear as the biggest fear of a person, Emma let out a chuckle when she saw what happened to the Snape wannabe. Lupin not letting Harry use the Boggart was suspicious to Emma.

Thankfully chapter 9 showed a conversation between Harry and Lupin who revealed he was a friend of Harry's father and he said how he feared Harry might make Voldemort appear via the Boggart.

Chapter 10, Depicted a Quidditch match between Gryffindor and Hufflepuff, Which Emma was delighted for as she felt she could read a whole volume solely focused on quidditch. Although during the match she felt anxious as some Dementor had attacked Harry while he was flying in the sky.

Thankfully Dumbledore was there to save him but Harry lost his broom as it got destroyed.

Chapter 11 and 12 depicted Harry noticing more of Draco's suspicious behavior as he told his friends about it, Fred and George later gave him the Marauder's Map so Harry could find out more.

Chapter 13 depicted Harry celebrating Christmas with his friends.

Chapter 14, Depicted a heated argument between Ron and Hermione over their pets, Emma found it amusing but also worrisome.

In Chapter 15, Harry had managed to Trail Draco to have a habit of visiting the seventh floor.

Emma speculated, as the chamber door shown in the second book was in the Slytherin house not on the seventh floor.

Emma, despite knowing it was time to sleep, felt an unreasonable urge to continue reading. She was struggling to decide that she even started to imagine a small angel Luke and a devil Luke whispering on what she should do on her shoulders.

Eventually she listened to the angel Luke as he seemed more like the Luke she knew. Thus she tried to sleep.

Over the next week, She read multiple chapters each day.

Chapter 16 and 17 depicted Harry getting a new broom and attending Hagrid's class, where Emma saw a Gryffin. She was immediately in love with its elegant movements and behavior.

Chapter 18,19,20 Depicted Harry Spending more time with Lupin, Friends and trailing draco yet he was struggling to keep a consistent schedule. Which at times stressed him out. Emma was worried but thankfully Lupin taught Harry the Patronus spell which seemed to have a calming effect on him.

Chapter 21, 22 and 23, saw the resurgence of Sirius black who seemed to be in Hogwarts, Harry eventually managed to meet him and they had a talk, where Harry learned about the truth yet Sirius had to escape as Snape spotted him.

Chapter 24, Depicted Harry meeting Sirius in the forbidden forest near a lake yet before they could talk they were surrounded by dementors, just as they were on the verge of death. someone casted a Patronus spell. Which Harry thought was his father's spirit.

Emma felt it looked suspiciously similar to Harry's own Patronus, a Stag, yet she was confused on why.

Chapter 25, 26 and 27, Emma got her answer as she saw an artifact known as the time turner, which Hermione got permission to use as she was struggling to manage her time. Emma found that amusing considering Harry was struggling with the same issue until he got the Patronus spell.

They turned back time as Harry followed behind his past self, rescuing The Gryffin along the way. Then Harry himself casted the Patronus spell to save his past self as he slowly seemed to be fading away.

Emma opted to ask Luke later on why this happened as he had shown the concept of different timelines in his Terminator series.

Chapter 28, 29, 30 Depicted Sirius lashing out at Ron's rat which caused it to shift into Peter, the supposed dead friend of theirs, Him managing to escape and Sirius being proven innocent.

Emma thought this would be the end of it but there was another volume left, the cover showed Draco Malfoy holding the Grimoire he was found reading at the beginning.

Surprisingly this entire volume depicted Draco Malfoy's Point of view of what happened the entire year, Him knowingly avoidingHareu, Emma thought he felt more cunning, mature and more Slytherin than ever.

Until the last few chapters, where Harry confronted Draco about this, Emma expected Draco to not answer yet he did.

Draco Introduced Harry to what he called 'The room of requirement' on the seventh floor, Draco elegantly explained how this room helped him improve enough to cause trouble for Harry, which he admitted he was using to mess with Harry's Mind.

Although Harry was mildly irritated by that declaration, he still thanked Draco for trusting him with this information. They promised to keep the secret to themselves and their closest friends which in Harry's case was Hermione and Ron.

Emma struggled to understand why Draco did such a thing as she felt it was like telling his greatest rival about his greatest advantage and she did get her answer. The last chapter showed an internal monologue of Draco as he entered the secret chamber.

Draco Internally mocked Harry and his trust in him, The room of requirement was merely a ploy to get close to Harry. He claimed how his true inheritance and advantage was the secret chamber as he spread his hands.

The room of Salazar Slytherin. The chamber seemed to go on for endless as there were rows and rows of Books placed on big bookshelves..

Draco then walked over to a desk where he was looming over the same old Grimoire he was reading in the train. It showed a ritualistic star pattern, two already crossed out leaving only three written in an unknown language that appeared as if they were compressed.

At the center of the ritualistic star a detailed tattoo of a dragon with horns was shown, Draco started muttering in that language as the words on it started shining along with his eyes.

Emma felt an urge to rush to Luke's house so she could strangle the answers out of Luke's mouth. She absolutely loved it, the mysterious tone, the drastic shift in Draco's personality, it was as if he was a different person altogether.

The most curious thing she felt was towards Grimoire and why Draco wanted to get close to Harry suddenly. Her intuition told her that whatever reason it might be, it would be bad for Harry. Very bad.

Emma afterwards tried to sleep yet couldn't as her mind constantly thought of the implications and what ifs. Trying to find the answer to Draco's behavior.

Eventually she did fall asleep.


Time: 8:35pm, 17th of October, 1981, Saturday.

Location: Spencer household's dining room.


"Are you sure about this…?" Luke hesitantly asked as he continued "Didn't you work really hard to reach your current position?"

"It's fine, besides they don't really appreciate me and my efforts because of my gender" Sharon said with a smile, she then pulled Luke's cheeks while saying in a baby mock tone "and as your big sister, I have to sure my sweet adorable brother doesn't get cheated by those devil's"

Luke appeared bemused as he said "Very well, Thank you for your help"

Sharon merely let out a soft hmm as she was busy trying to mess with Luke's face as if he was a kid. Which he was.

'Hmm, This should also help me secure the companies I want to buy without drawing the wrong attention' Luke inwardly thought as he looked at the System screen which showed how he is practically a multi-millionaire 'How the fuck did I get this rich without realizing… thankfully I checked my networth status early…'


Word count:- 2298

Author's section:-

Tbh I feel like reaction chapters are redundant. I felt bored writing this chapter. It feels unproductive either way I came up with the Harry Potter plot while writing these chapters so that's at least productive

If you are curious about Draco's behavior just presume he is acting like Dio when he was trying to get close to JoJo. That Grimoire is prelude to the actual ending I have planned for this series.

As personally I felt the Voldemort ending was kinda cliche and boring. while it would still happen but it wouldn't be the main focus.

And I summarized the second book even more in the beginning because it was mostly the same as the movie plot, didn't want to repeat it, if you want to know then watch a summary video or watch the actual movie.

Oh also I didn't specify how much money he has because I was busy reading another novel and procastinating so I didn't calculate how much he earned well except the Harry Potter franchise where he earned in total $33,271,260 (Before taxes idk about the taxes of that time and that's only until September, 1981 I.e it's been a year since the franchise was released), yes I calculated what he earned each month... For each book... Kekw.

Anyways, Next chapter , We will focus back on Luke.

Thanks for reading, see you on Sunday, Prepare your stones for that day since if enough is donated we will probably get into the ranking and thus gain more readers i.e more people who would hopefully leave a comment and motivate me to continue writing.

Byebye stay safe and hydrated and healthy.

If you want to then consider joining my discord server:- https://discord.com/invite/GqMKJsCUNN

The main benefits are, you can directly communicate with me about the fanfic, like questions, suggestions, anything, you will also get pinged (if you select a role for it) whenever I or Ramenlord releases a chapter.