
Moment Of Bliss

Autumn wants to end the relationship between her and her best friend's uncle even though she loves him and knows they cannot be together,because of their social status and he wouldn't commit to her fully as she is with him. He wouldn't fight for what they have unlike her,he wouldn't sacrifice for them unlike her. So breaks up with him and he tries to convince her to spend one last weekend with him.

matthew_Esther · Ciudad
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5 Chs

Chapter 5

It was a warm Saturday morning. Both Tetsuya and Autumn were peaceful enjoying their slumber. Autumn woke up early that Saturday to prepare breakfast for the two of them, she was downstairs in the kitchen when Tetsuya emerged from the bedroom softly walking up to Autumn, wrapping his hands around her waist and giving her a kiss before murmuring a good morning into her hair which she returned in kind.

They had their breakfast together and spent the time discussing how they would spend the day together, ultimately deciding on going to the beach where they took a stroll and admired the beauty of the ocean and all the tales it had to tell, they played with the water like children splashing water at each other and laughing at the fun they were having.

In the evening they choose to spend it watching a movie and cuddling whilst sharing a blanket and popcorn on the couch. After the movie Tetsuya decided to take her out to a fancy restaurant close by where enjoyable fine wine, delicious food and each other's company, ending the night with them fooling around in the sheets.

Sunday morning Tetsuya arranged a surprise breakfast for Autumn. He had set up a table adorned with flowers and their favorite food items. Autumn was touched by the gesture, and they enjoyed their breakfast while talking about the beautiful day ahead.

They decided to go on a hiking adventure in the nearby forest. They packed a bag with some snacks and water and headed up to the mountains.

As they hiked, they admired the stunning natural beauty around them. They took breaks to rest, take pictures, and enjoy the stunning view. After a few hours, they found a beautiful spot at a clearing filled with green pastures where they sat and had a little picnic.

They then returned home were they had a shower and relaxed.

Later he decided to draw her, " you want me to what" she asked him

" model for me" replying her back

" how?"confusion mirrored in her face because she has done that before

" Just sit still while I draw you"

" Okay " she finally agreed. The reason for doing so was because he wanted to have her beauty engraved in this house so any time he saw her he would be reminded of the woman he loved more than anything.

He had a room prepared by the cleaners for this purpose and had her dressed up for it. The room was arranged like a studio with a stool for him to sit on and another across from him, there were different drawing tools, just then when he was still deep on thought she walked into the room wearing an off-shoulder black dress with a diamond choker adorning her neck and a silver diamond bracelet on her wrist, her makeup was light and soft with a bold red lipstick at that moment she looked like a queen. Tetsuya was blown away by her beauty, he didn't waste any time in ushering her to her seat and processed to begin his sketching of her, he drew her so meticulously engraving every single detail about her on his mind. As he drew her many images flash through his head but he shakes them away and focuses on the task at hand. He finished with the drawing letting her go rest while he painted it.

At night they went outside to the beach and enjoyed a drink while looking at the stars and reminiscing about their beautiful weekend romance.This weekend had been full of love, excitement and new beginnings and sorrowful endings. They felt blessed to have met each other. And spent one last passionate and unforgettable night together.

The next day was Monday and it signaled the end of there weekend together,Autumn was busy packing her final belongs while reminiscing about the time they spent in happiness. She got out of the house one of the bodyguards helping her put her luggage in the truck of the car. She stepped closer to Tetsuya hugging him they talked a bit of how they wished time could stand still. They knew they would have to say goodbye soon, but they didn't want their time together to end. As they approached the car, he took her hand and looked into her eyes, and said "I'll never forget this weekend, and I'll never forget you." They shared one last kiss before she got into the car and it drove away. The memory of that weekend would always be with them both, and they that it was never going to work out, but she was happy and contented with it.

' Goodbye my love' she said as a single tear rolled down cheeks.