
Moment Of Bliss

Autumn wants to end the relationship between her and her best friend's uncle even though she loves him and knows they cannot be together,because of their social status and he wouldn't commit to her fully as she is with him. He wouldn't fight for what they have unlike her,he wouldn't sacrifice for them unlike her. So breaks up with him and he tries to convince her to spend one last weekend with him.

matthew_Esther · Ciudad
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5 Chs

Chapter 3

Tetsuya Mishima a 38 year old man who could get any and everything he desired iswas at his wits end over a child who he couldn't get out of his head he cursed the day He let himself be controlled by his emotions. He couldn't let her go and he wanted to let her go. She was still young and had her whole life ahead of her. She could fall in love and meet someone who could give her what she desired, stability, a family and a husband who would be by her side. But just couldn't bring himself to leave her, there was something not letting him do it "what the fuck am I going to do about this shit" grumbled out in frustration" what are you going to do about what" Aki his assistant and right-hand man asked.

"Just so women issues, hey Aki I wanted to ask you something if you wanted to get someone out of your system what's the best course of action" Tetsuya asked him looking for a way out of his present predicament.

" If you wanted to forget about this person then have yourself your last hurrah"

"Last what?"

" Last hurrah, like a way for you to enjoy something before you say goodbye to it forever. Like a moment of bliss"

"Hmm thanks I will think about it"

" Aki you mentioned person how did you know I was talking about a human being"

"Sir i know it's about your relationship with Miss martins, you want to end it and let her go but you still want to be greedy and keep her. My apologies but I have worked with you too long not to know what burdens you"

"Very well I will think about what you said"

Tetsuya was still in thought after a few days about what Aki said and ultimately decided to give it a try , he started by calling Autumn to meet him at a restaurant for dinner.

The day came to talk and share his ideals with her. He wore a clean-cut suit and tried his best to not to seem too stressed,he kept reassuring himself this is what he wanted but was this really what he wanted?

He was still deep in thought when Autumn walk through the door of the private room he reserved,he raised his head up when he heard the door open and there she was the person that occupied his thoughts endlessly she was dressed in a blush pink silk spaghetti strap dress and a white tee shirt underneath the dress with sandals decorating her feet for accessories she had a little shoulder bag, a gold necklace and a simple silver wristwatch she looked so refreshing.

" Good Day Mr Mishima" Autumn greeted him

"Why are you addressing me as such?" Tetsuya questioned her with a raised eyebrow.

"Can we please get this over with" she said with a tired and annoyed tone

"You can't wait to get rid of me huh" he said with an emotionless chuckle

" Can we please just get this over with,I have classes coming up"

" Alright, you asked me to think of the direction of what we have going on. And I have thought about it" the wanted to just go in and say his peace let her go after fucking her for one weekend but he just couldn't. He couldn't decide by just that moment, and he wanted to be greedy, greedy anywhere possible. Fuck if he waste her time there is this feeling in his chest and he just couldn't detect what it was but need time so he did the one thing he could think of, he asked her if it would be possible to spend one weekend for him to properly know if he wanted something more or if he he would let this go it would be there last time together,so she agreed only on the conditions there won't be any security or servant just a couple of cleaners and if he didn't make his decision after this weekend is over he should lose her number,they both agreed on his beach house for this purpose. With that she left excusing herself saying she had classes and would see him on Friday. He did it even though he wasn't too sure but he knew he could give it a try. It was a gamble on his part but he was willing to see where this would go.

A few days passed and it was Friday, the day of the supposed getaway. Autumn was on the phone with her best friend Kikko who had invited her on a trip this weekend to China while unbeknownst to Kikko her best friend was going on a weekend trip with her uncle where she would most likely fuck him. 'so you can't come' Kikko asked tiredly

" No I already made plans" Autumn answered her

'Is it the same guy you have been seeing for a while now' Kikko asked her

" Yes, it's him"

" When are you going to introduce him to me"

"Soon,real soon I promise"

" You better keep that promise you hear"

" Yes Kiki, now who is going with you"

' Just some friends'

" Most have planned for months but why are you telling me now" at that moment she felt hurt that her best friend never told her something so important and blamed herself for it if she wasn't so busy screwing her uncle then she would have known.

'no not really, uncle Tetsuya gave me permission to take my friends out for the weekend and we can use his card'

" Wait your uncle"

' yep he offered it, and I was was looking forward to spending his money with you and he is offering his jet' Kikko grumbled out

" Damn I never knew he had a jet"

" He has a plane and so other stuff but mostly used by his family"

" Lucky maybe next time I pray he borrows you again"

"Same "

"So..." the girls talked about more stuff before Autumn had to end the call and finish packing ' he will be here soon' just then there was a knock on her door . She went to look through the peephole and saw a bulky man dressed in a black suit. " Hello how can help" she asked him across the door out of curiosity " miss Martin I am the person sent by Mr Mishima to come pick you " he answered back "just one minute" she called Tetsuya to confirm who it was and he replied with a text yes with the name of the bodyguard, so she opened the door led him inside her home to help with her luggage and after getting her belongings they zoomed off

'i need to forget all my problems for just one weekend"