
Mission Failed

Once Del heard that he didn't move an inch. He didn't move because he was not stupid enough to expose his exact position to the security details. These guys were professionals, they would immediately aim at Del once he made a sudden movement. They were more armed than Del had previously expected. 

"Del, they've spotted you, should I engage?" Anna asked via the radio. 

"Shoot at anyone that you can get, but be careful, alright?" Del said via the audio. 

"Solid copy," Anna said. 

Del cast a material barrier right around his body to protect himself from whatever they were going to fire. It was better to be safe than to be sorry. 

Anna fired her gun from the west direction. Hitting one of the security details on its head and killed him. The energy shield protected him from the whole bullet, but not from the tungsten penetrator that the copper jacket covered. Headshot turned out to be the only way to kill them. 
