
Modern Monster: Demon King's Descent

In the heart of Seoul, a weak and mute boy named Kim Tae-Sik undergoes a tragic genetic experiment at the age of eight, leaving him frail and voiceless. On the eve of his 14th birthday, he discovers a glimmer of hope in an F-rank Dungeon's healing water, but tragically dies before reaching it, only to regress to infancy with his memories intact. Determined to rewrite his fate, Tae-Sik prepares for another genetic experiment, this time with the healing water in his grasp. The experiment transforms him into a powerful being, granting him his voice and abilities. As the world experiences the "Dungeon Break", caused by the Demon King, Kim Tae-Sik emerges as a mighty hunter, ready to face the Demon King and the chaos that ensues.

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10 Chs

Gaining New Skills

The passage of time had etched its mark on Tae-Sik, and the journey toward becoming the strongest had evolved into a way of life. Four years had unfurled like a tapestry of dedication, each day adding a new thread to the grand design of his destiny. The quest for combat and defense skills had transformed into an all-encompassing purpose, one that had become the core of his existence.

Martial arts dojos, once foreign territories to him, had become the sanctuaries of his dreams. The scents of sweat-soaked mats and the rhythmic sounds of training had become as familiar to him as his own heartbeat. Tae-Sik had immersed himself in the world of martial arts, exploring its diverse disciplines with an insatiable appetite for knowledge and growth.

Fencing had introduced him to the art of the blade, a discipline that demanded precision and grace. With each rapier thrust and parry, he honed his reflexes and fine-tuned his movements. The delicate dance of combat became second nature to him, a symphony of steel and skill.

In the realm of boxing, he discovered the intricacies of striking. The discipline demanded discipline, as he learned to master the sweet science of pugilism. Footwork, timing, and the finesse of a well-placed punch were the cornerstones of this art, and Tae-Sik absorbed its wisdom with the hunger of a true disciple.

Judo, with its throws and submission holds, taught him the importance of leverage and technique. Every seamless transition from one throw to another, every hold that immobilized his opponent, became a lesson in the science of control and dominance. The intricacies of balance and force were dissected and absorbed.

Yet, his journey was not limited to these three disciplines alone. Tae-Sik delved into an array of martial arts, from Muay Thai to Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, from taekwondo to karate. Each style offered unique insights into the art of combat, and he sought to understand the essence of each one.

The training was grueling, demanding physical and mental endurance. His body transformed beneath the crucible of martial arts. Muscles that had once been feeble and frail now rippled with strength and vitality. The stinging of sweat in his eyes, the ache of exertion, and the resounding thud of fist against pad became the symphony of his existence.

But it wasn't just physical transformation. Tae-Sik's mind underwent a profound evolution. His senses sharpened, his awareness expanded, and the world of combat unfolded with greater clarity. He had become a strategist, understanding the ebb and flow of battle, the importance of timing, and the nuances of feints and counters.

With each passing day, he sparred with fellow practitioners, engaging in controlled combat that pushed the boundaries of his abilities. Every encounter was a lesson, every opponent a teacher. The mat bore witness to his progress, a canvas upon which he painted the story of his transformation.

Throughout those years, Tae-Sik's parents, who had once gambled with his future, observed their son's dedication with a curious blend of admiration and pride. They had witnessed his silent struggles, his unwavering determination, and the evolution of the mute boy into a formidable martial artist.

And then, one fateful day, as he engaged in a sparring match, it happened. With a precise block, a swift counter, and a rush of exhilaration, Tae-Sik felt it—a surge of energy, an infusion of skill. It was as if the very essence of martial combat had become a part of his being, an intrinsic aspect of his identity.

His digital interface, the silent companion that had guided him from level 1 to this moment, sprang to life with newfound additions—combat and defense skills. The symbols and data of his system, once placeholders of potential, now pulsed with life and purpose. Tae-Sik had achieved what he had relentlessly pursued—skills that would set him apart in his quest to become the strongest.

With gratitude in his heart, he acknowledged his sparring partner, who regarded him with a mix of admiration and astonishment. The years of dedication and sacrifice had culminated in this transformative moment. The echoes of his past, the years of silence, and the anticipation of the future all converged in this pivotal instant.

Now, at the age of 18, standing at the threshold of adulthood, Tae-Sik was not just a promising talent. He was a martial artist of exceptional prowess, armed with the combat and defense skills that marked his evolution. The world, a vast canvas of uncharted possibilities, stretched before him, and he gazed upon it with determination.