
Modern Man: The Modern Mage

A high school kid died and reincarnated as the eldest son of the royal family in a medieval world with magic.

Silent_Cuber · Fantasía
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3 Chs

The Father of Magic

Tens of thousands of years ago, mankind has been living with the raw materials nature has to offer. With their experience and the ability to adapt, they figured out a way to protect themselves from the surroundings by creating their own shelters. Consequently, they learned how to cultivate the land in order to grow crops and food.

Because of their high intelligence compared to other living beings, they managed to create a new system of communication called language, enabling them to form and operate in groups effectively. This allowed them to live for much longer, broaden their understanding and pass on their knowledge.

After forming functional civilizations, with the time and manpower at their hands, they began exploring the world in order to gain knowledge and deepened their understanding. Hence, the beginning of a new era. By utilizing all the resources they've got, they climbed the top of the food chain despite the difference in raw physical capabilities.

Other species such as orcs, goblins, demons,... were all left in the dust as the humans kept on creating and developing new kinds of things through countless observations of the physical world. And thus, they spread their influence, wide and far, throughout the continent, taking advantage of their power to subjugate other species. In the end, they succeeded and made everyone bow down. Living the life of slavery that has no rights, opinions whatsoever.

This continued for thousands of years as the humans solidified their position as the ruler of the unified world, 'Anthropos'. They kept on reproducing until more than half of the world's population consisted of humans.

On the other hand, all of the non-human beings with enough intelligence to heed orders continued to suffer and rot away. They were treated as disposable toys and seen as inferior beings. But at the time all hopes seemed to be gone, they were once again reminded of the greed the humans have.

That's the time humans discovered a new and unknown source of power, 'Mana'. As they continue to develop more sophisticated tools to unravel the world, they learn more and more about this mysterious energy.

One day, a man managed to utilize this energy to imitate natural phenomena. For years, he secretly conducted many kinds of experiments in his lab until he found the result he was looking for. A weapon of mass destruction, 'Magista'. This weapon can be of any form and shape, and allows one to wield Mana and control it according to their will to some extent. From lighting a candle to creating a blazing ball of fire enough to turn anyone into ashes.

Using his creation, Etruscan Epistoma began his conquest to take over the world. There was no discrimination in his path of world domination. Be it humans, orcs, goblins, demons, werewolves,... as long as they block his path, he has no qualm of destroying them.

This event plunged the world into chaos. So, to put an end to his madness, the humans gathered all the brightest minds they had to offer. They only have one goal, to create their own Magista.

After 7 years of extensive research and experiments, they successfully replicated Magista. And immediately, they trained an army of humans to use Magista, calling them the army of hope, 'Luminous'.

But in just a span of 7 years, Etruscan Epistoma already conquered one-fifth of the continent, especially with the largest number of non-human species with high physical capabilities. This just showed how powerful and fearsome Mana is. In years that had passed, he continued to grow in strength and numbers, equipping an army consisting of different species with weapons. Although he did not allow these inferior beings to hold Magista, the weapons and equipment they have were all made and developed by him with the help of Mana which are way more effective than what the humans have developed in the past.

He called his army the 'Dark Sea'. Not only that, after reaching the limit in the development of Magista, he has been focusing on the utilization of Mana which he called 'Magic'. Because of the gap in experience and knowledge when it comes to Magic between him and the rest of the world, Luminous only managed to stop his army from marching further. And that's only because of their numbers and Estrucan, letting his army to wreak havoc without any proper instructions while he deepened his understanding of Magic.

This is the first ever war between humans. Before, they were only busy oppressing other races but with the discovery of Mana they realized that cooperation amongst them was no longer needed to rule over these monsters. This gave courage to those humans who pretended to be cooperative and understandable with each other to come out and join the Dark Sea.

Seeing the flow of the war, they didn't hesitate to betray their homeland and joined the other side where they could do things they never would have thought about towards their fellow humans… but of course without any type of sacrifice. Such as offering all the female members of their family to the Dark Sea army, and those who were unfortunately beautiful to the 'Dark Lord', they can be granted a position depending on their offerings. Since they are humans, naturally they will be superior to other species and can even wield inferior versions of Magista that are directly controlled by the Dark Lord.

33 years of 'stalemate' have passed and Etruscan Epistoma decided to get out of his seclusion. He planned to end what he started and to finally realize his dream. And the reason he decided to move is because he had completed 'it', his greatest Magic. Although he knew that in the years he was gone, his enemies were also searching for a way to defeat him. But that doesn't matter, he knew that with one cast of his Magic he could deprive them of the will to fight.

When he was about to go to the capital of human territory, something happened. A very unexpected turn of events. His army suddenly started a rebellion. Them hating him to the point of stabbing him in the back was not unexpected, but them attacking him head on was. The reason being was, them - non-human species, realizing their body, unlike humans, have the capability of naturally containing and controlling Mana without relying on Magista. Because of the great deal of exposure to Mana during battles, they started feeling strange sensations which is the Mana entering their system.