
Modern Guys Martial Training

Ethan Brooks, a martial arts enthusiast, finds himself transported to a realm of martial arts after being struck by lightning. In this world, Ethan meets Master Li, who trains him in the ways of martial arts. However, Ethan struggles to master even the most basic techniques and is ridiculed by the other disciples. Despite setbacks and doubts, Ethan refuses to give up and spends hours practicing alone. With Master Li's guidance and his own determination, Ethan eventually becomes a respected member of the sect. He learns new techniques, hones his skills, and becomes a true martial artist, a master of his craft, and a legend in his own right. This story takes place over thousands of years, so if you're confused why weeks and months pass quickly it's to show a whole story of a powerful martial artist. I won’t be adding to this, instead read “Modern Guys Martial Ascension” as I’m putting in more effort into that.

Dem0n_Ancestor · Fantasía
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80 Chs

Chapter 39: The Dance of the Phoenix

Eight years had passed since Ethan had immersed himself in the scorching embrace of the desert, diligently cultivating the fiery essence of yang Qi. The searing sands had become his sanctuary, molding his body and refining his spirit to withstand the most intense trials.

Now, standing atop a dune bathed in the warm hues of the setting sun, Ethan radiated a presence that commanded respect. His physique was honed and sculpted, every sinew coiled with latent power. His eyes shimmered with an inner fire, mirroring the blazing inferno that raged within his core.

Before him, the vast expanse of the desert stretched out like a canvas waiting to be painted. With a confident stride, Ethan began to move, his body swaying and flowing with an ethereal grace. In his hands, a gleaming sword, its blade forged from the essence of yang Qi, pulsated with a vibrant energy.

He unleashed a sequence of strikes, each movement a testament to his unwavering dedication and boundless creativity. As he danced, the air crackled with anticipation, and ethereal phoenixes seemed to materialize with each swing of his sword.

The Phoenix Ascension Swordsmanship was a testament to Ethan's growth, a manifestation of his mastery over the formidable yang Qi that coursed through his veins. It was a style that blended elegance and ferocity, embodying the majestic nature of the mythical phoenix.

With every strike, Ethan felt the surge of power coursing through him, his body moving as an extension of his spirit. Each phoenix-shaped attack left a trail of scorching energy in its wake, incinerating the air with its intensity. The desert wind itself seemed to tremble under the weight of his prowess.

As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting long shadows across the desert, Ethan's movements intensified. His strikes became a symphony of destruction, his sword an extension of his very soul. The air became heavy with the scent of burning sand, and the ground beneath his feet crackled with residual heat.

In that moment, Ethan knew that he had reached the pinnacle of the Grandmaster realm. The trials and tribulations he had endured, the sacrifices he had made—they had all led to this triumphant moment. He had unlocked a power that surpassed his previous self, transcending the limitations of mortal flesh.

As his final strike reverberated through the desert, Ethan sheathed his sword, his chest heaving with exertion. Beads of perspiration dripped from his brow, evaporating in the desert heat. He stood there, bathed in the afterglow of his achievement, his heart soaring with a sense of fulfillment.

Ethan knew that the path he had chosen was not an easy one. The road to martial greatness was paved with hardship and sacrifice. But as he surveyed the desert landscape, a newfound confidence surged within him. He was ready to face any challenge that awaited him in the outside world.

With the weight of his accomplishments, Ethan turned his gaze toward the distant mountains, where Ren had embarked on his own solitary cultivation. The day of their reunion was approaching, and Ethan could only imagine the incredible strength his brother-in-arms had attained.

But for now, with the phoenix's fire burning brightly within him, Ethan set forth from the desert, ready to leave his mark on the martial world. The dance of the phoenix had just begun, and the world would bear witness to the blazing radiance of his power.