
Modern Family: Reincarnated in a TV show

A fanfiction about a boy who was reincarnated in the world of his favourite TV show: Modern Family A guy died and went to God. Turns out he is Lucifers counterpart. The good side of Lucifer. God sends him into the world of Modern Family according to his wishes. A few years into the world our MC realises that this isn't just the world of Modern Family. There wont be anything supernatural, there will just be common worlds. At the moment I only have grown ups, and the main theme Modern family. I will probably add Brooklyn 99. I haven't thought about any other series yet

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22 Chs

Pranking Luke

~Around two months after the party~

"Do you guys already have a present for Claire?", I asked the three Dunphy children.

"Wait, moms birthday is soon?!", Haley screamed in shock.

"Idiot", me and Alex answered at the same time.

We looked at each other and laughed.

"Why else should we get a present for Mom then?", Haley questioned confused.

"It is mothers Day next week", I replied.

Before I could ask my next question Luke interrupted.

"Wow, Mom has a day!"

Alex explained to her brother about mothers Day. She is as smart as the series says. She is very young but always reads books.

After being a bit shocked about Alex's knowledge, I repeated my first question.

"Do you now have a present for her?"

"Do we?", Haley asked Alex.

"I didn't make anything", Alex replied speechless that her older sister asked her.

I remembered a scene in the last episode of the sitcom. If Father gave me the right memories, it should have originally happened in 2005, when Luke was 6 years old. And it should have been for them wanting a dog, but it was mentioned that Claire watched it every year on mothers Day.

I told them about my idea, of course without Luke. It was a prank after all. I believe even if we told him straight up, he wouldn't realize we are pranking him.

After going back into the living room, we saw Luke playing with his birthday box. A bit like a dog. We looked at each other and smirked.

I began," Hey Luke, me and your sisters have decided what you three should give your mother.", I paused shortly for a dramatic effect, "It's a tape of you guys wishing her a good birthday and;" I went near Luke and whispered in his ears," from what I heard you guys want a dog right?"

Luke screamed "Yes".

Now my ears hurt.

I now told him," You could combine both and be more plausible"

"What is plausible?", the four-year-old asked.

I explained the word but he didn't seem to listen and thought about getting a dog the whole time.

"Anyways, if you want to get a dog, you need to show Claire that you can take care of one. For that, you guys need a dog. I can't as I am too big. The same goes for the other three. But you Luke, you are the perfect size."

"What about dad?", Alex wanted to know about this part of my plan.

"He will probably accept anyway", I told them about the most genius part of the plan.

They nodded. I was right. Phil is the cool dad.

"But how should we get Luke to look like a dog?", Haley asked.

"I have recently found a dog costume in my parent's bedroom. It has dog ears like a headband and a tail that looks like you could plug it in somewhere. We could make it fit on Luke with duct tape.", I replied proudly. I recently found it under my parent's bed, when I was searching for the cards I lost. It was probably an old Halloween costume. I too need to confront my parents, because they seemed to waste food. I found a cucumber under my mom's closet.

"Wait a minute, I will quickly get the costume", I told them before I sprinted to my house.

After five minutes, I came again. I needed longer as the costume was pretty far in the bed and I required a broom to get it out. I too first needed to get our duct tape.

After I went into the house, I saw that Haley and Alex already set up everything. I gave them a thumbs up.

After we fixed everything on Luke, I took the camera and started recording them.

After a few attempts, we had the material.

We took the recording and asked Phil to drive us to the mall for their present. We didn't tell Phil what it was and seemed really curious. We already cleaned all evidence and either threw it away or hid it again.

After getting the recording on a tape, we were ready for mothers Day.

In the end, when everything was done Haley asked me, "What did you get your mom for mothers Day?"

"Only a card and a few things. She wouldn't be there on the day anyways.", I replied a little depressed.

Suddenly someone hugged me from behind. I tried to scream but saw that it was Claire.

"What are you doing Mrs Dunphy?", I asked.

"I heard it. About your mother. If you want, you can come as often as you want. And please call me Claire.", she answered.

I smiled. I was accepted by Claire. Before I didn't know whether to call her Claire or Mrs Dunphy, but now I know.

After Claire watched the recording she grounded everyone for a week. Even me. How? I don't know. Hell, I don't even live there.