
Caving in

"So nothing's changed yet?", Zephyr asked as he completed his calculus homework. 

"Nope", Alex flatly answered, deeply engrossed by a history question. As she thought about the answer, Alex's eyebrows furrowed and she bit the tip of her pen. 

Seeing this, Zephyr could not control himself and released a hearty chuckle. 

Alex, no longer entrapped by her homework, looked at Zephyr with a questioning gaze, "What happened?". 

"Nothing", Zephyr shook his head in amusement upon seeing the look on Alex's face. 

"Tell me", Alex commanded, curious as to what caused him to distract her. 

"It's just that you looked really cute when you were concentrating", Zephyr replied, a smile on his face as he remembered what she looked like a few moments ago. 

"T-that", Alex stammered, incapable of formulating a response while her cheeks reddened. 

Seeing this, Zephyr started laughing, which irritated Alex. "Hey!", Alex yelled as she half-heartedly smacked Zephyr's arm. 

"Sorry", Zephyr responded when he finally managed to calm down, "I just find it really funny how you get so flustered over something as little as a compliment when we've been in a relationship for two years". 

At his response, Alex's blush deepened into a crimson hue. Not wanting to embarrass herself any further, Alex returned her attention to her history homework. Observing this, Zephyr opted to emulate her and do the same, returning to doing his calculus homework. 

The next few minutes passed like this, quiet and absent of distraction. Despite the comforting silence, Alex felt the need to speak up, "Hey Zephyr". 

"Yeah", Zephyr answered, gazing at Alex and noticing telltale signs that she was nervous. 

"Do you think we're making the right choice?", Alex asked, her voice becoming quieter with every word she uttered. 

"What are you talking about?", Zephyr questioned, confused by what she meant. 

"I'm talking about us", Alex remarked, pointing at themselves, "You heard Advisor James. Most high-school relationships don't last. I know that you'll easily get into Harvard or Yale, but I don't know if I will. I'm worried that if we stay together and then end up going to different universities, we'll end up breaking up". 

"I thought the song we sang at your concert was enough evidence", Zephyr tenderly whispered as he took Alex's hand in his, "And besides, no matter what university you get into, I'll follow you so that we're never apart". 

"But that's not fair on you!", Alex exclaimed, tears slowly rolling down the corner of her eyes.

"It doesn't matter to me", Zephyr comforted, wiping away her tears with his other hand, "Whether I go to the best university or not, it means nothing to me if you're not there. Besides, you don't have to go to Harvard, we can both go to Caltech which doesn't have as strict requirements as Harvard". Finished with his speech, Zephyr pulled Alex onto his lap for a hug. 

"You're right", Alex replied after a few seconds, tightening her hold on him and wrapping her legs around him. 

"Kids! We've found a potential buyer!", Claire yelled as she entered the room, only to halt upon seeing the position the couple were in, "I-I'm just ... going to ... leave the room. Yep! That's it!". Without hesitating, Claire bolted out of the room, not even bothering to look back at them. 

Zephyr sighed, "There really is no peace at your house". 

"I know", Alex nodded into his chest. 

Gently separating from her, Zephyr whispered, "We're going to talk more about this later, okay?". 

"Okay", Alex nodded her head and intertwined her fingers with his. 

Giving a satisfied nod, Zephyr led Alex out of the room and downstairs to the kitchen. 

"Phil, do you think this is the right house for him?", Claire asked as she stared at Phil, her eyes flickering to Alex and Zephyr for a moment before returning to Phil. 

"It's rather hard to tell", Phil muttered, his words doing little to reduce their worries, "He's young, he's single, and I don't know anything else about him". 

"Zack Barbie. Born 1986", Haley stated as she typed on the keyboard of her laptop, "Went to a college named it". 

"M.I.T", Alex reiterated, making sure to pronounce each letter. 

"Urgh. Stop being annoying", Haley groaned, "I know how to spell". 

"Do you though?", Zephyr questioned, raising an eyebrow, "Do you though?". 

"Stop grilling me!", Haley exclaimed, returning to her keyboard. After a few more seconds of typing, she spoke up, "Right. After going through his Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Tumblr and Pinterest, here's what I've managed to find out". 

"That privacy's dead?", Luke commented, being ignored by everyone else as all the adults crowded around Haley. 

"He likes the Blackhawks, kickboxing, beer and the movie Die Hard", Haley announced. 

"You know?", Zephyr muttered, "That sounds strangely familiar". 

"He sounds like a frat boy", Claire murmured as she looked at the screen. 

"He's many things", Haley remarked, "He meditates, he loves Indian food, and he's crazy about his dog, Otis". Pausing for a second, she asked, "Does the house have a doggy door?". 

"No", they all shook their heads. 

"Then put one in", Haley commanded, "You get to Barbie through Otis". 

"The more I hear this, the more familiar it sounds", Zephyr whispered under his breath. 

"She's like the girl with a dragon tattoo", Phil whispered. 

"But with cuter hair", Cam added. 

"Urgh. Stop talking!", Haley exclaimed in frustration. 

"Oh. She really is", Mitchell finished, giving Phil a look. 

"Dude has a thing for chicks in black tights, he's into old school funk and he chipped his front tooth when he was younger", leaning into the screen, Haley remarked, "Aww. He looks kinda cute". 

"Oh My God!", Alex exclaimed, her head leaning on Zephyr's arm, "You're falling in love with him". 

"As if", Haley unconvincingly scoffed, "It's just a job, nothing else". 

"Okay. That's enough for me to go on!", Phil muttered as he picked up his blazer and headed out of the kitchen, "We've got two hours to turn that place into Zack Barbie's dream house". 

"Barbie's dream house", Cam distractedly whispered. 

"Not now", Mitchell interrupted, snapping Cam out of his stupor. 

[Time Skip]

"This is weird! It's totally weird!", Zack exclaimed as he looked at the group of 5 before him, "Okay. The Blackhawks, you know my birthday and you know my dog's name! You guys are freaking me out!". 

"Okay! Wait a second!", Claire interrupted, "We poured our hearts into this house. And we just wanted to show you what it would be like if ... you were the one staying here. Did we go a tiny bit overboard?". 

Before Zack could answer, the doorbell was rung. 

"I'll get that", Phila apologetically muttered as he ran to the door and greeted, "Hey". 

"Hey Dad", Alex greeted as she entered the house.

"Sup", Zephyr muttered as he too entered the house, "You guys sold the house yet?"

Before Phil could answer, he was interrupted by Zephyr, "Boss?". 

"Oh", Zephyr muttered and then stared at Zack for a second before recognising who it was, "Zack! I knew the name sounded familiar".

"You guys know each other?", Mitchell inquired as he looked at the two of them.

"Yeah", Zephyr nodded, "He works for me and is a software engineer. Despite how he acts, he's actually quite reliable. He's one of the first people I hired as well". Turning to look at Zack, he muttered, "I didn't know you were buying a house". 

"I got tired of the apartment and wanted a house", Zack answered, "I heard that this was a nice neighbourhood and one of my friends saw the for sale sign and recommended the house to me". 

"So", Zephyr muttered, "You gonna buy this place? It's pretty nice. It's got a fountain as well. Adds an extra 'wow' factor to the property". 

"I was gonna", Zack said, "But I'm kinda creeped out by the way they know almost everything about me". 

"They're kinda desperate", Zephyr explained, "They planned on having Gil Thorpe sell the property, but they disagreed and he's been blocking any potential buyers by selling some properties for a lower price to reduce the value of all the houses in the area". 

"That ... explains some things", Zack muttered. After taking a moment, he turned to look at Claire and Cam and sighed, "You know what? I'll buy it". 

"Really?!", Claire exclaimed. 

"Yes!", Cam squealed in excitement. 

"Yep", Zack nodded his head. 

"You won't regret it", Phil declared, holding his hand out. 

"I won't. As long as you keep your daughter away from me and never do this to me again", Zack replied, also holding his hand out. 

"For sure", Phil announced as he shook Zack's hand.