
Trust her

Anastasia had no idea about the plan of the duchess since she could no longer remember the details of the dream; she dropped her pen in disappointment.

When one had a nightmare, it was usually a relief to forget, but Anastasia was worried. The old empress in her dream hunts her thoughts, especially since she was engaged to the crown prince.

Taking a deep breath, Anastasia started dressing up, she had just finished styling her hair when there was a knock on the door.

"Come in, " Anastasia thought Rosa was back to remind her to hurry up, but the person who walked in was Miss Magdalene instead.

*Miss Magdalene, I thought you wanted to rest, " Anastasia got up from het seat.

"I heard you were going on with your teacher today for a small party, " Miss Magdalene asked.

Anastasia nodded; it was the first time she would get an opportunity to attend a party. Although the host was a teacher, it was still an opportunity to meet people.

"I learned Miss Maria is your etiquette teacher. " Miss Magdalene asked. She knew that when a teacher invited her students to join them for a party, it was never about the celebration. It was about showing off how outstanding their students were. After all, the glory of a student was the pride of her teacher.

"yes, " Anastasia answered. She had no idea while she was asking this question.

"Could you stand up, " Miss Magdalene said. Since the emperor already sent the Eunch to the duke's house, she knew it would only be a matter of time before the news of the crown prince's engagement spread through the kingdom. Although the Empress did not entirely support the emperor's decisions, Miss Magdalene knew it was difficult to change the emperor's mind, especially since gifts had already been sent.

Anastasia got to her feet, she did not know what Miss Magdalene had in mind but got up slowly, ensuring that she stood straight. Her head and chic looking relaxed on her neck. Her back was slightly forward to give her a good posture. Anastasia raised her head to meet Miss Magdalene's gaze, both hands properly resting by her side, making her shoulders upright but relaxed. She looked absolutely exquisite. Seeing her stand like this made Miss Magdalene nod in approval. Although she had seen her in the receiving hall earlier, her aura was better now that she was dressed up.

"Do you know what this friend of Miss Maria is celebrating? " Miss Magdalene asked.

"Miss Maria did not say, " Anastasia shook her head. Miss Maria only mentioned that it was a small party, she never said what was to be celebrated.

Magdalene took a deep breath when she heard this, "What are you good at? " she asked. No matter what the party was about, young people liked to show off. Given that Anastasia had just gotten engaged to the prince, she would attract attention. More so, given that Elisabeth would also be attending the party, Miss Magdalene felt there was a good chance that Elisabeth would pick on her.

Anastasia looked at her, not knowing how to answer. She had learned everything the teachers taught; it's just that, following her mother's instruction, she had been acting ignorant for five years. So when Miss Magdalene asked the question, her first reaction was to say no, but she managed to stop herself in time.

"I am decent in all my studies, " Anastasia answered after thinking about it. Anastasia felt she could trust Miss Magdalene as she had not done anything since she arrived to make her doubt her.

Moreover, since she was here at the empress order, she had to present her best version.

"Good, you have to be ready. The young ladies like to compare and compete with one another; you can not disgrace the royal family, " Miss Magdalene said. Since she suspected Anastasia was faking her ignorance, she thought it wise to remind her how important this party was.

Although it was not a fest held by the royal family, Anastasia had not been out for a few years, and giving the news about the crown prince picking a wife from the duke's house going around, more eyes would be on the two sisters.

Miss Magdalene could already tell that many people would assume that Elisabeth was the chosen bride, however, this did not mean that Anastasia should not look presentable; she could not give in to her sister at the party.

After all, the Emperor's decision would be questionable if the woman he chose to be the next empress was ignorant.

"I understand, " Anastasia nodded slightly as she spoke. She did not think that her cover was open before Miss Magdalene. She thought the warning was to have her speak less and not draw attention to herself.

"Seat, I will style your hair, " Miss Magdalene said. As the future Empress, nothing of hers should be done carelessly. Although the dress she was putting on did not seem new, it was clean and well-maintained. More so, they would have to leave for the party soon; there was no time to change to another.

Miss Magdalene was sure that what Anastasia had on was probably the best in her wardrobe.

So, styling her hair would help highlight her elegance.

Anastasia took a deep breath and sat down. She knew deep in her heart that Ekisabeth would definitely pick on her at the party. "Should I let her, " Anastasia thought. She had been worried about her dream; even if she could not remember the details, she felt her tragedy was connected to her marriage.

Marrying the crown prince was a way out of the duchess control, but the royal family might not be a good escape plan.

"I will accompany you to the party, " Miss Magdalene announced once she finished the hair. She could not allow Anastasia to embarrass the royal family.

"Can you do that? " Anastasia was surprised by this statement. Since she was accompanying her teacher to a party, she could only bring a maid. Miss Magdal,ene her teacher, it seemed wrong to have her play a maid.

"Yes, I am not just here to teach you but also to serve you. You are already considered a member of the royal family, " Miss Magdalene said. Actually, she did not need to serve Anastasia, but Miss Magdalene, as a person working in the palace, knew what it meant to be the empress's trusted aid. Although she served the empress at the moment, she knew she was not her most trusted aide.

After thinking about it all afternoon, she decided not just to carry out the order of the empress but also build a good relationship with Anastasia.

If Anastasia married the crown prince and became the empress in the future, then her place in the palace would be safe. If not, she had nothing to lose.

"Thank you, " Anastasia did not expect a lady-in-waiting in the palace to be so nice. All her life, only Rosa has been willing to serve her.

Miss Magdalene smiled; indeed, a cup of water to a person dying of taste was a life-saving grace. She could tell that Anastasia was already learning to trust her.