

Another huge war in the world of Mobile Legends began. Many warriors fought and respawn. Until the enemy's last tower is destroyed, they won't give up.

The top three heroes, The Top Spear master, Zi long, The Immortal Monkey, Sun and finally The Top Launcher, Layla, worked together and let their blue army of minions to battle.

"Layla! Blast our way open using Light Cannon!!" Zi long shouted as he was charging towards an army of minions. "Ok! Light Cannon!!!" Layla shouted as she pulled the trigger and her cannon blasted. A huge log beams was sent, obliterating the whole army in front of them.

"Now get ready," Zi long said as other warriors are coming their way. Zi long in his white armour with golden stripes quickly dashed over and use dragon boomerang. He spun his spear and let go of it, letting it fly like a boomerang. The spear hit the remaining minions and return to his hand.

On the other hand, Layla stood at the back and launch at different angles, hitting the minions and some warriors.

"We are out of minions, Sun use replicate!" Zi long exclaimed as he swung his spear at a Bruce Lee. "No prob!!" He said. Sun chanted something with his fi he era crossed. Many duplicates of him selves appeared in front of him. "Now fight!!!" Zi long shouted.

All of them rushed towards the last tower. Many of warriors charged at them. Sun increased the size of his golden cudgel and brought it down on the army. Some got smashed and some dodged the hit.

Zi long sped after his opponent's strongest warrior, Gusion. Gusion brought his holy blade upwards to block the attack by Zi long and counter with a side step and jab. Zi long uses his leg to kick his back of the spear and sent it flying upwards, blocking the counter attack.

"Good bye Gusion," Zi long said as he used his most powerful move, Dragon strike. He raised his spear upwards and stabbed Gusion with it. A golden dragon spirit appeared. Zi long brought his spear upwards and the spirit followed. "Execute!!" Zi long shouted as Gusion blow up into pieces.

"Time to end this," Zi long thought as he dashed towards the last building. He jumped and threw his spear to the tower.

All of the sudden, shadows rose from the ground and a hand grabbed the spear and threw it back. Zi long timed and brought his hands together as he blocked the strike.

The shadows formed a human, but doesn't look like an ordinary human. It's aura was super strong as it stepped forward. "My name is Black Eye, the shadow monarch," It said.

Zi long tried his best to stifle his laughter, but could not help it when his saw Sun smiling. "Bwah, hahahaha!" Zi long let out.

"Another person who laugh at my name," Black eye said as a shadow ball formed in his hand. He then blasted it at Zi long.

Zi long was still laughing his lungs out when Sun warned, "Zi long, watch out!"Zi long looked up and then braised for the impact.

But he didn't felt anything, he opened his eyes and saw Sun on the ground. "Sun!!" He quickly kneeled down and looked at Sun, " Why would you do that!" Zi long shouted, tears flowing down. "Because....you are my friend..." Sun's heartbeat stopped as he hand fall. "No..." Zi long cried as Layla's tears flow down her face. Zi long stood up, his face filled with anger. "Die..." he said.

He ran towards Black Eye and used his golden fist move. Black Eye did not fumble and side step, making Zi long miss. He was about to do a fatal blow when Layla pushed Zi long away and took it. She flew towards the mountains because of the impact. Weapons of his friends lay on the floor, dropped.

Zi long grabbed these weapons, his and chanted, "This weapon can be wield only by the people worthy enough to save the universe," He then sent the weapons flying.

Zi long then looked at Black Eye and said, "You are going down!" he and Black Eye ran and throw a impactful punch.