
MOBA Gaming System

Life was boring for Rex, everyday was mundane and everything was common and well, until that message prompt appeared in his life. Life became interesting but now it seems that being bored was always a better choice than the warlike life he has started to live. *Author Note* I am just trying my hand at that system thingy so don't blame me if it's a bit inconsistent with the power scale.

ShadyGod · Otras
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5 Chs

School Life

School was still the same ; mundane.

I hated school the most.

Why you might ask ?.

It was because to me there was no place more stifling than school. It certainly happened that this was also a place that made us showcase our talents, make us shine; but it also heralded its own little society and where there is light, so is there darkness.

I learnt that last part when I was way younger than I should have. That is why I hid my talent, I never played a sport or did the mandatory Gym exercises with zeal, I did not outshine anyone.

Average I made myself look deliberately average, I went low-key.

I became so average in fact for a while I had friends, well until one little shit started playing politics in Mini-Society.

I do not know why he did what he did, but it began with a push and a shove. I did not mind, after all he was the captain of the Rugby club and kicking his ass would almost make me 'Beyond Average'.

But while physical exertions barely made me waver, the mind games were the truly hardcore stuff. By the week strange occurences began, I realised late that I had become 'It'.

They called it a friendly game but since it's beginning four months ago, counting my sudden leave it did not end.

It is a game where everyone ostracized IT, they never stray near IT or talk to IT. Maybe they find IT's reactions to such a mental game fun, maybe they just like the feel of influence or power.

Whatever the case IT lost the friends IT barely made at the mid-term of school.

Mind games frustrated me, more so when I found it funny and so I continued to stay alone at my seat. Silently I did my part and continued on with this cruel game, they could not make me fall, and who needs friends, not me at least.

So as the car reached the school I hesitated. While I could make do with silence because I was strong before, now that I was weak bullying was going to be a huge risk. But then again I will have to see if that little shit will still mind me.


Rex's father who saw his son sigh endlessly could only think 'Just how old do you think you are ?'.

But as he saw the reluctant grin on Rex's face he said out what came to his mind, "If you are experiencing any sort of problems just talk to me".

Like that line has ever helped in any story, but in that blur of a moment Rex's father could only come up with these lines. He tried to convey his feelings but the words in his mind came short of what he himself had expected to say out loud, perhaps that is what stern parents made their children to be.

'A being unable to show apart any kind of weakness, be they love itself'.

Awkwardness settled in that moment and Rex seemed like he wasn't about to say his piece of mind. But perhaps happy by his father's concern he said, "I know Dad, I will let you know if I am having any trouble".

As Rex hopped down the car and walked unhurriedly to school; Rex's father could only sigh and say, "I really hope nothing happens like last time".


God knows what Dad was thinking, why the hell was he raising red flags all of a sudden. You know what I don't care, let's just go to class and sit at my seat.

As I walked through the door of my class, I noticed a few things that were different. One there were two new students in class; two, one of them was definitely the victim of the stupid IT game.

Looks like they found fresh prey while their original one was being unresponsive and absent.

Looking at that little shits disturbing grin, which he calmly hid on his face, but which he gave away by his gleeful eyes was straight damn terrifying.

Those eyes that looked like it relished the power he had over someone's fate and the fawning assholes by his side made for a very disgusting picture.

If it was before, then I would've simply thrashed him and taught these dumb puberty hit kids a super serious lesson. But the me right now can't even kill chickens properly, with my current stats, all it will take is 10 or maybe even 1 hit from a kid to die.

If I could just see their level or make my own level rise somehow.

[ Harold Severen - LV 9 120/120 ]

What the hell ?

Where are the remaining stat sheet ?

Is that an HP bar, so the me right now will probably need 12 hits to kill that son of a bitch. Which effectively means that I can not even fight him without getting squashed.

This kind of thing is really hopeless. With the way things are progressing I most likely need about three months to just level up and since there are no dungeons or monsters I can defeat around. It effectively raises my game difficulty to Hell Mode.

But enough gazing at nothingness, I need to sit at my seat beside the ostracized girl. Otherwise when the teacher arrives he is gonna flip.

The girl was meek and timid but beautiful, just like a hamster or rabbit. Perfect reasons to be the victim of school bullying. Normal people don't regard these traits as anything new or bad, but when these traits show up on anyone in Society, thousands flock over to take advantage of it.

In Mini-Society this process is even cruder, 'Date me, be mine or lose your precious school life'. Tyrants, these kids think of themselves as, when they do not even qualify to be good subjects.

Sigh why am I rambling on, as I take my seat I see her flinch. Well whatever she thinks is probably not my business.

I kept my distance from everyone, the game was no longer just them playing me as IT; it had always been me playing them as TRASH.

I was wearing a hoodie in mid-summer, courtesy of my mother, but weirdly enough I did not feel cold or hot, for me it just stayed room temperature everywhere.

So I placed my hood on my head, put on my headphones and began listening to whatever came on my playlist, for now it was Eminem.


Extraordinary, that was the feeling the children got from seeing Rex, whether he walked or just sat down. Extraordinary, how so, they could not quite put their fingers on it, but it was maybe a mix of Violence and Charisma, like a true Tyrant.

Children do not understand or even think too hard for too long. But on the rarer cases we have some who are also Extraordinarily sensitive to the temperament of others.

Adults call it the aura of a person, the mix of their personalities and their actions that make them unique.

For young Simone, their was a profound amount of Malice inside Rex. One that made her tremble from just Rex's gaze alone as he sat down.

That two seconds of gaze scared her more than the entirety of the bullying she had always been a victim of. That gaze felt part of something that somehow stayed on his body and kept on lingering like a mad, hungry beast.

Simone really wondered if she should just change schools as fast as she can. It seems like this place was going to become a hellhole in the future.


Rex was in fact not troubled by anyone, his life just went on as it was before; the life of an Antisocial Loner.

But this in fact helped him a lot, the only clincher was he could not help the victim of bullying, Simone Francis.

French or whatever she was, for the past few days she was set apart by everyone. These little demons mocked her the more they knew that she could clearly hear them. It got so bad after a few days that I lended her my headphone permanently.

Don't get me wrong, I don't want to help her at all. These things are best left for adults to deal with. But many a time I would see her and think 'Damn was I also like that'.

I clearly felt no guilt but it felt like I was reminiscing the more I looked at her. I could see the vestiges of some sad loner like me in her.

But that is not the crux of today, otherwise we would have needed an indefinite time skip. The crux of today is that, Harold saw me lending her my stuff.

A bully stays in power partly due to terror and partly due to infamy. I always ignored his petty threats and today seemed like the final straw that broke this Trash' back.

I was pushed to a corner of school, I never knew we even had. Damn this bullies can actually do some good research. Five people in a group, I was heavily outnumbered and overpowered.

Snickering one boy said, "Look we have a hero over here".

Though he looked clearly uneasy due to my angry gaze he had to look cool in front of his boss.

Harold could also see through such petty schemes as he walked forward and said, "Looks like some bastard interacted with someone they shouldn't have".

"Okay stop", damn it I tried giving this bastard a chance and he ruins it by the most cliche lines any villain has ever said.

"I get it you like her but please don't do this stupid cringey stuff with me. Like why the hell are you acting like a rich and cool bastard when it all it comes out, is as if you are a third class gangster who gets beat the first moment by the protagonist", hearing me bulged his eyes out.

Harold was about to make a come back, but clearly he wasn't as eloquent as someone as smart as me.

So he simply scoffed, "Well a little bruises won't matter to anyone will it ?".

Wait that's the wrong script shouldn't he try to talk it out a bit or bicker with me.

Then a punch came upon me and I dodged sideways. I only had 10 HP even one hit would most likely shave away half or the entirety of my Health. I do not even have the Ultimate of Argus yet.

So I did a preliminary check on their levels.

[ Jack Fringer - LV 4 - 60/60 ]

[ John Pash - LV 5 - 100/100 ]

[ Kennedy Cumber - LV 3 - 60/60 ]

[ Bart Hester - LV 6 - 70/70 ]

[ Harold Severen - LV 9 - 121/121 ]

Yep, I am running away, so I did, or well I tried to; but when your stats are as shitty as mine you get caught pretty easily as well.

In a moment of panic I grabbed the first thing that came to my hand, a sturdy branch and activated 'Meteoric Sword'. After the meteoric sword stabbed at the first person that was near me a phantom wielding a branch also came out of nowhere and slashed at his torso.

[ Meteoric Sword 1 ]

[ 30.05 DMG Dealt ]

[ Warmonger ]

[ 16.1 DMG Dealt ]

[ Curse Activated ]

[ 3.6 DMG Dealt ]

[ 3.6 DMG Dealt ]

[ 3.6 DMG Dealt ]

[ 3.6 DMG Dealt ]

[ Total 60.55 DMG Dealt ]

I had clearly underestimated the power of 'Meteoric Sword' in real life, as the first person to get hit, which happened to be Harold, flew a few metres and the very next moment, mid air a phantom sword made of branch slashed him down.

I had basically shaved off nearly half of his health in one strike and the real life ramifications were that Harold was knocked out cold.

For a moment everything became still, and I felt like I had the upper hand. So I got ready to activate Meteoric Sword again only to realise that it was put on CD.

[ Meteoric Sword 1 - CD - 100 seconds ]

[ Malice Energy Meter - 0/100 ]

A minute and forty seconds, that's more than enough time to be killed by this stupid bitches twice over. I was clearly a one trick phony and this state was after Warmonger was applied, without Warmonger and Meteoric Sword in clear succession, fighting this group would almost guarantee my death.

The Branch in my hand suddenly twisted apart like a vein and burst to dust and just like a smoke bomb, made some cover for me. Whatever little chance I had, I took and ran away. The bullies did not come after me scared of the phantom hand that slashed down at Harold.

I ran never gazing back and finally reached my father's car from wherin I screamed at him to immediately drive. My father just looked at me oddly and finally drived after following all the safety rules, which took about a minute.

Thus I was out of the bullies clutches and began counting my spoils. No wait that was being done by my system.

[ Escaping The Bullies ]

[ Ran Away from Jack Fringer - 1 EXP/ 1 BP ]

[ Ran Away from John Pash - 1 EXP/ 1 BP ]

[ Ran Away from Kennedy Cumber - 1 EXP/ 1 BP ]

[ Ran Away from Bart Hester - 1 EXP/ 1 BP ]

[ Defeated Harold Severen - 15 EXP/ 15 BP ]

Let me see my stats.

[ LV - 01 EXP - 68/100 BP - 68 DIAMOND - 0

HP - 10/10 MP - 20/20

ATK - 1

M.ATK - 1

P.DEF - 1

M.DEF - 1

A.SPD - 1

M.SPD - 1



Malice Energy Meter (M.E.M) - 3/100

Malice Energy REGEN - 1

Character Slot

< Argus > Mastery - 0/5


1. Demonic Grip (0/6)

2. Meteoric Sword (1/6)

3. Eternal Evil (0/3) ]

Sigh, I did not level up even after this ordeal. Argh I wish I could level up faster.