
MOBA Gaming System

Life was boring for Rex, everyday was mundane and everything was common and well, until that message prompt appeared in his life. Life became interesting but now it seems that being bored was always a better choice than the warlike life he has started to live. *Author Note* I am just trying my hand at that system thingy so don't blame me if it's a bit inconsistent with the power scale.

ShadyGod · Otras
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5 Chs

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It was dark, but it was a loud kind of darkness. Wait who says that darkness has to be silent, this is my imagination and in here the dark is a loud place.

Across the endless view of darkness lingered dark shadows that stretched their hands and mocked me. It wasn't anything new to me, I knew human nature, and its vileness.

But whatever I may say it did hurt me once when this darkness had but once just touched upon me. Right now though I don't mind the jeers, the pointings and the mocking laughs in my stretch of endless darkness.

Noise reminds me that I live in a sad world and that there are others, always trying to bury me under their weight.

Then the light came, it may have been warm for others. To me the light was a mark of disappointment, in myself.

I woke up to my hands held by a sleeping lady, my mother. Just as I was about to nudge her awake, my father came in and glanced at me and just sighed.

They had been worried since I had a hard time waking up from sedative induced coma. It had been nerve wracking, when optimistically I could wake up in a few days or die of drug overdose.

Damn that nurse needs to lower the amount of Anesthesia or whatever that knockout drug is called anyway.

The fact is that the nurse had used the lowest dosage possible for a 15 yr old, all according to the standards that had been already set by the hospital. If anything was to blame, then in their haste, they might have forgotten that Rex's body had weakened too much to even call it a 15 yr olds body anymore.

After coaxing my now awake and weeping mother I asked for a bit of privacy. This may seem uncalled for but I had to know the advantages I gained from having a system and I could not do that in front of my parents and have them assured that I had been deranged by this set of events.

"System" I whispered and the blue box shined resplendently in my vision.

"Aaaaarrrhgghhhh", shit that much light might have burnt my eyes right now, somebody please lower the brightness setting on this system.

The blue prompt dimmed and I carefully rubbed my eyes. I had another set of memories, but even that set had never experienced the system.

So it was all unknown territory right now. So do I have some sort of Status thingy, before I could even voice out the magical words, a prompt already appeared on my vision.

[ LV - 01 EXP - 1/100 BP - 1 DIAMOND - 0

HP - 10 MP - 20

ATK - 1

M.ATK - 1

P.DEF - 1

M.DEF - 1

A.SPD - 1

M.SPD - 1



Character Slot

<1> ]

This is my status, well it looks very sad. Did I lose my well built body over this sort of bullshit ?. Calm down Rex, let's see the other messages I have yet to check.

[ Alert - You have acquired the Single Game Application ]

[ Alert - You have acquired the MLBB MOBA game as you Application Pick ]

[ Alert - You have acquired one Character Slot ]

[ Alert - You have acquired one free chance at summoning a Hero ]

[ Alert - You have consumed Host Rex Seph Thomas, acquired one free chance at acquiring a Skin ]

[ Alert - Daily Rewards ( 1 EXP / 1 BP ) has been acquired ]

"Motherfucker", I could curse more and wanted to, but my parents were right outside. Otherwise I would teach this little system just how sailors cursed their boats to sink not float.

'I clearly wanted the Multiple Option', I raged as my innards twisted.

[ Host was unable to perform any selection within the granted time ].

"Fuck", irritated I jumped out my bed and thrashed the mattress and threw the pillows in rage. I tried to trash the metal hospital bed, but sadly I was unable to even budge it with my current strength.

Outside Rex's mother was jittery as she glanced at Rex's father, "Shouldn't we comfort him now ?".

Rex's father looked at the boy thrashing his private hospital room and then tiredly fall to his butt. Then he shook his head and said "Rex doesn't need sympathy, he hates any sort of pity, he is prideful like that and this trait has held his mind even through his darker times. What he needs right now is our unhinged support, not our sympathy. Because he will come to the best decision himself, he has always been like that".

Rex's mother could only sigh, her child was a Genius, and every Genius has their unbreakable pride. But as a parent to such a Genius, she only felt sadness, for what awaits such Genius' in most cases is a very lonely end.

"Hah, Hah, Hah... ", raggedly breathing after thrashing my room and venting my anger, I calmed my agitating mind and heart.

What's done is done.

I can only wallow in regret. As I hold my head under my arms, I feel a soft hand above my head. It was my mother, she gazed at me with her ever loving gaze as she said, "It's alright son, I know it must be frustrating but you can always get back to the peak you were, you just have to climb once more".

Staring at her I giggled a bit, "Mom I don't have the brains for understanding riddles".

She laughed at me mockingly, "Now, Now we both know you are way smarter than that. What I meant to say since you can reach your goals once and accomplish it, now that you have started at the beginning again wouldn't you have the chance to learn more, in a shift of perspectives".

"In a shift of perspectives... ", I mumbled and thought and that's right.

I understand it now, why the system said that 'Only with Flaws can the concept of Perfection exist'.

If I started at my beginning stats, I would easily trumped the skills I would acquire and those skills would be left to rot in my mind somewhere.

But with a weaker perspective I will try to use whatever card I have in hand and maximize the benefits of the Skills, thus engraving then to my heart and mind.

It's such a roundabout way of doing things can't you just give me a prompt or something like that.

After calming down I reorganized my thoughts, strength isn't really my greatest concern right now, but rather understanding of this system.

My mom promised me a lot of healthy food for my stay in the hospital. It seems like I won't be leaving until 2 more weeks and it's guaranteed that I wouldn't just die of randomly.

As evening came I silently questioned the system in my mind, 'Hey system is there a shop or something...'

[ Hero Cost - 32000 BP

Skins - Certain amount of Diamonds, varying on grade of skin ]

Again before my words could be completed the prompt appeared before me, it seemed like the system could feel my intent and act on it. Then why did it not just select the multiple option.

[ You soul was still being calibrated to fit with me at that time. As such there was barely any interaction of the Host's Mind with me to convey or accept orders ]

Okay whatever you say, lemme check the price of Heroes. Pffft, what the hell is wrong with the price, do you not see that I have only 1 BP, and I don't think the price is right at all, there were many Heroes that could simply be bought by Tickets or lesser amounts of BP.

This is ridiculous, this is just a scam.

[ The system manifests the powers of the game characters with pinpoint accuracy into the real world with a lot of adjustments. The fact that it is even real timed with the MLBB game and also by the fact that the amount of heroes and powers you can later acquire and continue stockpiling. It is a very fair price ]

Okay, Okay I get it, your very good and you are worth every penny... ahem I mean BP. But how do I even earn BP, what about diamonds, can I recharge them ?.

[ BP and EXP can be earned by Daily Rewards and Weekly Rewards, or by killing monsters above a certain level of existence ]

[ Diamond can be accumulated by Monthly Rewards, Anniversary Rewards and also by completing certain Quests ]

Quests ! Okay it is certainly better than paying for Diamonds all the time. I mean MLBB is really cruel in the Diamond department. They don't really have other ways to earn it except by spending money.

What about the Character Slot, I think I see a limit of one over there. Does that mean I can use multiple characters power at once ?.

[ Character Slots will naturally unlock once every 15 Lvls. Yes you can use multiple powers at once ]

I think I get the hang of it, though everything is really goddamn pricey, but it sure is worth it. The what about items, I mean the Blade of Despair is a OP item, with the stats on that thing I could be killed by just the nick or touch of it.

[ Each Item costs 100 times the amount of Gold in BP ].

Your effectively saying that the Blade Of Despair which is priced around 3000 Gold would be 300,000 BP.

[ Affirmative ]

"Fuck, I don't even have the energy to get angry anymore". At least tell me why it is as such, no maybe it's to keep my power in check.

[ Each Item in the real world is at least a Legendary Grade due to just their overwhelming stats. Berserker Fury would be a Legendary Item for Warriors, and the Demon Hunter Sword can be said to be Anti-demon class weapons and Guardian Helmet is a powerful Restorative Armor. Most of all, they all are indestructible, since you do not even need to wear it for effects to apply. It effectively raises their Grades a few notches till we are but half a step below God Grade, as such the price is actually underwhelming, if you consider that God Grades Item are on sale ]

Okay that hurt my head a lot, I think I get it so please clear this wall of text out of my sight. The prompt readily disappears, this effectively means that I am in a road of never ending power, but with my broke ass I can't even afford anything.

Oh right I had that free chance for one Hero Summoning and Skin Summoning as well. Wait is the summoning ticket. like a roulette ?.

[ Negative ]

[ It's all upon the Host to choose, such an opportunity will never appear ]

That means, gulp this ticket is effectively one time event. So that begs the question who should I choose as my first Hero.

I scoured through the info from the memories I had acquired. There were plenty of great options, but many require too much MP or just ridiculous amount of control, or just good enough stats to apply in reality.

But cross eliminating the options there were a few that stood out.

Franco, whose control skills could come in handy very much, his passive is also very much in line with the kind of ability I would like to have. But I really don't even have the mana for even Iron Hook.

Thus my first Hero must be a fighter that does not require mana, since I don't really know if even after the adjustment I will be able to use skills that require mana.

Chou, who is the most human Hero and also has Bruce Lee like style of martial arts which can serve as a good cover.

X -Borg, who is also known as one of the most safest Hero in the entire MLBB. His passive is also one of the best abilities to have.

Badang, is really just a choice.

Masha, her three HP bars and Life Recovery Skill is also a great Skill to have.

Argus, this must be the best choice right now, as his ultimate and passives are well in line with what I want to have.

Sigh choices, so many choices to make.