
MOBA Gaming System

Life was boring for Rex, everyday was mundane and everything was common and well, until that message prompt appeared in his life. Life became interesting but now it seems that being bored was always a better choice than the warlike life he has started to live. *Author Note* I am just trying my hand at that system thingy so don't blame me if it's a bit inconsistent with the power scale.

ShadyGod · Otras
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5 Chs


The choice was clear and sound, Argus would be the best choice. If I am able to have Argus' skills like in many of the Card Type System, or Character Type System, then I see it as a win.

I mean who can defeat Death Immunity, not even Death can.

As I see the ticket fall in my hands and rip itself apart I realise, one tiny problem, I don't have an inventory like many system holders.

I can even see the kind of answer I will get from the system in my mind. I can envision it saying something like 'Be Grateful Bitch, I gave you the chance to have multiple powers and yet you are being greedy enough to ask for an inventory'.

But I have to say the inventory is convenient, but that is half the point because unless I acquire my reward from the system, it just stays there. And since these rewards cannot expire it just stays in some sort of stasis.

Which makes the system effectively seem like it has an Inventory function. A card with shining brilliance suddenly rose over the palm of my hand.

ARGUS - 'Dark Angel'

Passive - Warmonger


When Argus takes or deal damage, the blade charges Malice Energy. When fully charged, his next Basic Attack strikes rapidly 1 times, dealing a total of 15 (+10% Total Physical Attack) Physical Damage.

First Skill - Demonic Grip

Blink AoE

Argus summons forth a demonic hand at the designated direction, dealing 12 / 15 / 17 / 20 / 22 / 25 (+10% Extra Physical Attack) Physical Damage to any enemy hero or creep it hits, stunning them for 0.7 seconds and pulling you both toward the other. Only Argus moves to the hand's final destination if no targets are hit.

Use again: Argus makes an extra charge in any direction, dealing 17 / 20 / 22 / 25 / 27 / 30 (+10% Extra Physical Attack) Physical Damage to enemies hit.

CD - 150 / 142 / 134 / 126 / 118 / 110

Second Skill - Meteoric Sword

Damage Debuff

After a short period of charging, Argus thrusts his demonic blade ahead, dealing 30 / 32 / 34 / 36 / 38 / 40 (+5% Total Physical Attack) Physical Damage to enemies hit and slowing them down by 80% for 4 seconds.

Upon hitting a hero, the demonic blade also Curses it for 4 seconds. The cursed targets take 3.5 / 4 / 4.5 / 5 / 5.5 / 6 (+10% Total Physical Attack) Physical Damage every 0.3 second while moving and leave a curse trail that grants Argus an extra 40% Movement Speed while he moves upon hit.

When hitting an enemy lower leveled than the player, Damage dealt will increased to 20% Damage.

CD - 100 / 96 / 92 / 88 / 84 / 80

Ultimate - Eternal Evil

Death Immune BUFF

"Battlefield is my playground and I think nothing of life and death".

Passive: Argus permanently increases his Physical Attack. Physical Attack by 1 / 2 / 3.

Argus transforms into a Fallen Angel, clearing himself or debuffs and immuning slow. Meanwhile, he fully recharges his blade once, becoming immune to death and increasing his blade's recharge speed for 10 seconds. When these effects end, Argus gains Health HP equal to 100% damage dealt to enemies during this period.

CD - 1 hr

Malice Energy Meter - 100 Regen - 1 per minute

Wait a minute, those numbers make no sense at all. I remember a lot of the numbers either being very high or many of them being many times lower.

[ Applied in reality even the stats of a Support Class Hero in MLBB would be Catastrophe Class Danger, as such adjustments to fit in with reality has been made to ensure a sense of fairness ]

Sigh, fairness, the world is an unfair place. I knew that the moment I saw the gazes of my peers that day.

I was young back then, and unhinged by my parents words, I ran amok like the normal kids back then. It was only after that day did I realise, I was anything but normal.

If the disparity between two parties is small then people most likely don't mind their existence. But if the disparity climbs upto a certain level then simply the existence of such a being becomes a taboo.

Then they don't only start justifying their wrongs but many even entrust their sad wishes on them, burdens which have no end in sight.

[ Alert - Hero Mastery Unlocked ]

Don't ruin my moment just like that, let me have my angsty thoughts.

[ Please Slot in Hero ]

Wait can I unslot a Hero afterwards, or is it permanent.

[ Permanent ]

How do I slot in a Hero, oh the card is melding in my hands, whoa is that a tattoo like the Fate Series Command Seal thingy.

[ Character Slot

< Argus > Mastery - 0/5


1. Demonic Grip (0/6) +

2. Meteoric Sword (0/6) +

3. Eternal Evil (0/3) ]

So that plus point means I can unlock a skill and it is still following ML format for skills but before I choose any one. What the hell does mastery even do ?.

[ Like in the series Fate, each point in progression allows the Host to have greater understanding of the Hero at an instinctual level ].

What ???!!!. Am I in trouble of going psychotic ?. Memories of other beings especially a chaotic one such as Argus would be detrimental to anyone's mind. I don't know if you have read the MLBB lore but Argus is quite the complicated villain, there is a reason as to why his Passives name is Warmonger.

[ No ]

That's not really assuring at all, will I be completely influenced and swept away by these Heroes will as every other Hero that I add vies for dominance within me, will I have Multiple personality disorder ?.

[ There is a Divine Filter in the memories of these Heroes, so no matter how much they influence you, you won't become them, as your mind will always keep clarity regardless of the turbulent emotions you face in their stead ]

That's one less thing to worry about, now onto Skins. What does skin even do ?. Because in ML aside from the +8 stat and good looking effects, there isn't really anything good to hope for.

[ Perks, each skin comes with a different perk ]

Wait one minute, does that mean if I have hundreds of skins, will I have hundreds of perks. Does simply owning the skin without applying it give the same benefits ?

[ Effectively, Yes ]

Argh but the Diamonds, the counter is still 0, they really aren't my cup of tea. Can't I just recharge these Diamonds.

[ No ]

Well that's a sad roadblock.

[ Will host be redeeming a free skin for Argus ? ]

And most possibly lose my one free chance to get a good skin and run around like a dog for Diamonds ?. You wish.

What about emblems though ?.

[ You get perks, who needs emblems ]

Sorry I was dumb to even ask that. How do I raise Hero Mastery ?

[ Complete the Book of Argus ]

Wait what ???!!! something is wrong !

[ Chapter 1: Meteoric Sword

Task Target: Use Meteoric Sword and hit the target. Accumulate 8 kills of enemies on the Blood Trail.

The Moniyan Empire of the Land of Dawn once enjoyed the blessing of angels. The Angel of Light, Rafaela, shone down on the people and healed all of their illness; the Angel of Dark, Argus, became the punisher of crime. Together they maintained peace and balance throughout the land. Argus was in charge of punishment and possessed an extreme personality. Over time, it drove Argus to pursue more powers to confront sins. Argus's desire attracted the evil Lord of the Abyss, who used the Meteoric Sword, an ancient sword with evil power that had witnessed countless demises of valiants, as a bait. Legend has it that all the enemies injured by the Meteoric Sword became the bearer of the curse of evil spirits, until death. ]

This is not possible at all, how am I gonna accumulate 8 kills on the blood trail of enemies. There is so many things wrong with this quest.

[ Reward - 25 Diamonds ]

You should have said so earlier, I will effectively put this quest aside and complete it when I find it possible.

Let me add the skill point on Meteoric Sword.

[ Character Slot

< Argus > Mastery - 0/5


1. Demonic Grip (0/6)

2. Meteoric Sword (1/6)

3. Eternal Evil (0/3) ]

Let me check my stats.

[ LV - 01 EXP - 1/100 BP - 1 DIAMOND - 0

HP - 10 MP - 20

ATK - 1

M.ATK - 1

P.DEF - 1

M.DEF - 1

A.SPD - 1

M.SPD - 1



Malice Energy Meter (M.E.M) - 1/100

Malice Energy REGEN - 1

Character Slot

< Argus > Mastery - 0/5


1. Demonic Grip (0/6)

2. Meteoric Sword (1/6)

3. Eternal Evil (0/3) ]

Nothing really changed huh, with this I can start resting I guess. Too many super odd things have happened. I think I can start accepting that this system is part of my reality and that I am starting to break away from my life of mundanity.

So excitedly I jumped down my bed and shouted out the skill "Meteoric Sword". A dark shine erupted from my body pulsating with malevolence. I pushed my right shoulder to my my right, backing my torso for a sword push. But that was about it, the effect did not continue after that, as if it had encountered some error.

'What the fuck happened ?'.

[ You do not have a sword ]

The entirety of my being deflated, 'You mean to say that I have to get a Bonafide sword to activate the skill Meteoric Sword'.

[ Affirmative ]

Fuck. You know what, forget it I was not expecting to slice apart the bed I was about to climb in to sleep in.

Disappointment filled Rex as he climbed to bed and soon began to sleep soundly.

But accepting Argus as the first choice had many different effects than simply strength or skills. Malice Energy continued to gather on Rex and as his body took on such a Malevolent, Dark and chaotic energy, such an Aura also settled upon him.

From now on, no matter what Rex would do he would feel violent and dangerous to approach or be near. But Argus is also an Angel, an extremely strong and beautiful one at that. As such though Rex isn't really the most handsome. His aura itself would also contain a fatal and tyrannical charm to it.

Like moths to a flame, people would flock in the embers of Argus' soul within Rex, they would be burnt down to ashes but they would still follow through and fly towards such deep and distinct madness.

These changes will happen at a gradual pace, as such it would take a while for even Rex to figure out just what kind of being he had become.

< Time Skip >

Two weeks passed by since that event, I still do not believe that my mundane life is in fact over. But everyday, that alert reminds me that everything wasn't a dream or an auditory hallucination of mine.

My body still remained as weak as before, no matter how hard I exercised or trained, or played sports. My body could not see any kind of improvement. Maybe only levelling up would allow me to actually grow stronger.

Even now the infamiliarity due to losing a major part of my strength made me disoriented. Like swimming underwater, I push for the surface to only find, I am surrounded by water everywhere.

So that got me thinking as to what a peak human's level was according to the System.

[ Peak Human - Lv 15 ]

What was my level before the regression of my stats ?

[ Lv 11 ]

Wow, I was really strong huh. But enough matters on the system, it was time to traverse this hellhole again. This prison where they cage all the brats like a Poison Jar.

This place called School.

No matter how I think and act, I am still a 15 yr old and Society stipulates that I a minor should be forced to study so as to have some sort of foundation for later studies.

"It's fucking Child Labour", I scream at my father.

Who snaps back "Then earn some money by yourself". Which effectively ends the entire sentence with a full stop to it.

We all know what the next lines would be so I am not even gonna bother and tell you. Just how I was chewed out for spending my parents money, freeload on them and still be ungrateful.

Sometimes I feel like my parents are imitating the Chinese neighbours too much.


LV - 1 EXP - 33/100 BP - 33 DIAMOND - 0

The remaining is the same as before. ]