
MMORPG: The Realm of Axian

A street performer named Elan, who had no definite life determination, discovered the MMORPG: The Realm of Axian which became his new obsession. This famous virtual world offered immersive real-life functions and was accessible to almost everyone, regardless of their social status or economic background. He thought at first, that his life would be better in a world full of magic, but as he spent more time in it, the tables turned. The magic wasn't with him. Unable to contribute to his team, he was kicked out and mocked, ostracized by some of them who attached the nickname 'Zuiro' to his existence. Elan's love for the Axian world made him never leave. Instead, he influenced himself to move forward and tenaciously face all the troubles, hoping to savor his second chance with someone he was excited about. She was the one who never saw him as weak or different from others. However, when he discovered his newfound hidden skill and the blessing of a Goddess herself, his inner vengeance started to rise. Consumed by his overwhelmed hatred towards the magical users, Elan embarked on a chase for revenge. In the game, his ID is Liu Han, transforming him from the weakest to the most dangerous man in the Realm of Axian. What will happen to him next and what choices will he make?"

Winterfire · Juegos
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21 Chs

19. Rise and Fall

The thoroughfare thronged with a bustling array of passersby, both NPCs, and players, creating a lively tapestry of movement. Identifying them was clear; NPCs moved with a robotic stiffness, their actions akin to predetermined sequences. Although their identifiers remained hidden from a distance, as one approached, all NPC names shimmered in a calming shade of blue.

In tandem, the man with raven-black hair strode alongside his brute companion. The Assassin and the Warrior shared an obvious destination, while Astorn trailed a bit behind, an unexplainable unease gnawed at his gut. Even within the ranks of mercenaries, their overt kindness felt anomalous — they offered their escort without a hint of compensation.

Yet, Astorn clung to his optimism. He reminded himself that within the Safe Zone and the realms of Aruna-Verse, nefarious intent was a rarity, thanks to the developers' foresight in implementing this safeguard. Nevertheless, caution remained his watchword, a keeper against the unpredictable.

He cast a sidelong glance at the party menu, nestled in the corner, verifying Liu Han's continued to online. He was indeed in here.

"Are you and your companion travelers, young man?" the Warrior inquired, his voice momentarily breaking from his conversation with his comrade.

"Uh... yes, we got lost in the forest and ended up here," Astorn stammered, his voice betraying the turmoil within.

"The forest? Do you mean Black Wood Forest?" The Assassin interjected, his interest visibly piqued.

"I'm not sure about the name, but we did confront in the battle against the Goblin horde there," the brown-haired man replied, his gaze shifting to the bustling market ahead.

"Ah, Black Wood, the very den of those vile creatures," the man with the spiky, black-black hair asserted. "Should you stumble upon their stronghold, it's strongly recommended that you steer clear."

Astorn chose to listen in silence, allowing the Assassin to add, "Thunderous Goblin, their fearsome boss, resides there. Few who have crossed paths with it have lived to tell the tale."

"By the way, how did you become separated from your friend?" the Warrior queried, his curiosity evident. "Weren't you two part of the same party?"

Astorn chuckled awkwardly, his hand subconsciously raking through the back of his hair as he replied, "He died while we were fighting against dangerous beasts. I thought he was revived in the nearest Safe Zone."

"Ah, I see. He might be seeking a suitable haven for rest," the Warrior elaborated, casting occasional glances toward the boy trailing behind him. "Is he still online now?"

With a swift nod, Astorn affirmed, "Yes, his connection remains online."

"In that case, let's hurry and reach him before he off, shall we?" The Assassin's voice brimmed with newfound urgency as he abruptly bolted forward, the Warrior closely trailing, deftly navigating the alleyways.

Astorn was gripped by a deep sense of unease this time as they veered off the path, moving away from the bustling crowd. Their course seemed to lead to an area that perhaps hadn't been touched by human presence at all. Following their lead, he discreetly retrieved his long sword, concealed earlier in his inventory.

Yet, it seemed Astorn still held onto his trust in them.

It wasn't until they reached a crossroads that opened up into an expanse that Aston's jaw dropped. Before him stood an abandoned and dilapidated house, surrounded only by stretches of farmland. The front yard was cluttered with fallen leaves and scattered trash.

"Here it is... the only inn in Denia village," the Assassin exclaimed, pausing right in front of the building. "Let's go inside."

"Are you sure this is the place?" Astorn couldn't suppress his skepticism. The multi-story, ancient-looking house seemed abandoned and far from welcoming.

"There's no other inn left except for this one," the Warrior chimed in, attempting to reassure. "It might look shabby due to being in this remote village, but your friend doesn't have many options, right?"

Astorn's anxiety surged, and he was ready to bolt right then and there, but he was convinced that they couldn't possibly harm him. With a mix of confidence and nervousness, the young man followed the Assassin as he stood on the threshold.

The door creaked loudly as it swung open, sending a cloud of dust flowing out. Once inside, the scene was even more shocking. There was no one present; the space was an utter mess. Furniture lay in chaos everywhere, chairs and tables strewn about, shattered glass scattered across the floor.

At that moment, Astorn knew he had been deceived, that they intended to seize all his belongings. He walked slowly through the room, allowing the Assassin and the Warrior to remain silent behind him, preparing some scandalous deed.

"Little did I expect to be trapped by the kindness you offered," Astorn muttered, halting in his tracks, his grip tightening around the hilt of his long sword affixed to his back. "But it's all in vain, for in this place, you can't—"

His words caught in his throat as he suddenly realized that the Safe Zone notification had vanished. His eyes widened as he swiftly turned and drew his sword. But it was all too late as a green-hued smoke bomb surrounded him, enveloping him in toxic gas.

The clang of a metal long sword hitting the floor resonated, accompanied by Astorn's fit of coughing, a symphony of anguish echoing through the decrepit building. The brown-haired man's throat burned, his breath became labored, and his vision began to blur as they slowly closed in on him.

He collapsed, his awareness fading gradually. Darkness now held him.

On the flip side, in a place where the bravest souls might hesitate to tread, a roar resonated from within. Thick clouds of dust and debris billowed, shrouding the room in a dim, hazy light. The clash between the spiked mace and Liu Han's lightning-charged strikes echoed through the air, accompanied by a crackling combustion of energy.

In the tumultuous clash, both of them stood firm, their determination unwavering. However, witnessing the battered state of Thunderous Goblin, its HP now decreasing to a mere 40%, it struggled to match the escalating tempo of Liu Han's attacks. The creature's responses began to slow, marked by visible exhaustion.

Liu Han seized the opportunity, an intentional whirlwind of motion that climaxed with a spinning kick. A sudden rush of wind swept through the chamber, momentarily blurring their surroundings. The gust nearly unbalanced Thunderous Goblin, leaving it teetering precariously on the brink. Swiftly following, Liu Han's fist connected with the creature's head, the impact echoing like a crack of thunder.

The Boss of the Goblins staggered, its once wild movements faltering, leaving it vulnerable. Its enraged swings of the mace became erratic, a desperate attempt to fend off Liu Han's relentless assault.

The creature's agonized howl rumbled, a testament to Liu Han's conquest. As the dust began to settle, Liu Han sprang into motion once more, launching an unrelenting series of blows. Each strike found its mark — legs, abdomen, head — each hit sending shockwaves of pain through Thunderous Goblin's form. With each successive blow, its frustration became more apparent, culminating in a furious mace slam against the ground.

An electric charge crackled in the air, manifesting an aura around Thunderous Goblin, a last-ditch effort to turn the tide. Unfazed, Liu Han stood his ground. He possessed an immunity to the very elements Thunderous Goblin relied upon. Unharmed, he sprang onto the creature's back, his right fist wreathed in crackling energy.

"Gale Force Punch!" The words were accompanied by a tremendous blast, a tempest unleashed by Liu Han's fury. The burst of wind erupted like a storm, sweeping over Thunderous Goblin and its surroundings, causing the very air to tremble.

In the wake of the assault, Thunderous Goblin crumbled, teetering on the edge of consciousness as its HP plummeted to a mere 10%. As its monstrous form weakened, Liu Han seized the moment, ending the reign of the once-feared entity.

With a graceful leap, Liu Han descended, generating an overwhelming release of energy. The impact reverberated throughout the cave, shattering the rock and destabilizing the very foundation. Thunderous Goblin's demise was sealed, conquered by Liu Han alone.

Amidst the aftermath, smoke hung in the air, painting a cinematic scene of triumph and exhaustion. The silhouette of Liu Han stood victorious atop Thunderous Goblin, his black-dark hair and fluttering cloak illuminated by the soft ambient light. Heavy breaths punctuated the moment, each exhalation a testament to the exertion of battle.

Within his hazel eyes, radiant like twin beacons in the dark, one could perceive a triumphant glow melded with resolute self-assurance. His hand clenched, a smoldering ember of resolution. With the finality of his accomplishment at hand, he whispered, "With this, I shall rise."

Within the cave, Liu Han dived into the remaining Goblins head-on, ensuring a decisive resolve by swiftly eradicating every last one. His heart harbored no hint of fear or uncertainty; instead, he relentlessly pursued the emerald-skinned creatures, leaving no room for mercy.

His actions served as a striking display of his dominance, illustrating that he stood unequivocally superior to the once-menacing Goblins.

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