
9. Old Mage's Plea

[NAME: Lucifer Mors] [LEVEL: 1 (54%)]

[Elemental Affinity: Shadow]

[Mana: 10]

[CLASS: none]

[Str: 5]

[Agi: 5]

[Sta: 8]

[ATP: 3]

[UNIQUE SKILL: Anótatos]

[SKILL: none]

On the way back from the forest Lucifer looked at his status, after becoming level 1 mana and other attributes finally appeared.

For every level 1 creature be it a human or any other race his mana will only start at 10 unless they have a unique skill which changes the limit.

Strength, Stamina and Agility are based on the physical strength of the person for an average human it is 2 but for Lucifer it started with 4 and 7 due to his heavy workout without any racial limit and accelerated growth.

Every level increases your attributes by level 1 and doubles your mana.

ATP represents unassigned attribute points which are fixed at 3 and can be gained by completing quests.

After killing the wolves he dismantled their bodies to get their important parts to sell in the cities.

Carrying the parts to the city he went straight to the local blacksmith and clothing shops to sell the fangs, claws and fur to them and sold it all for 260 Arcans.

Though they are not a lot nor did he get much of the experience, he didn't go for a hint of money nor experience he just wanted to unfreeze his level and rose to level 1.

He made his way to a rundown area of the city for getting his first quest and the most important quest for him which made him stand out amongst the billions of humans in this world.


Soon a cry of help sounded attracting Lucifer's attention to the place where the sound came from and saw a few goons grabbing an old cloth filled with Arcan notes and coins and beating the old man.

'Perfect Timing'


"Let's go"

Lucifer shouted at them making the goons to look at him and ran away from there.

"Are you okay?"

Lucifer came to the old man and. asked his conditions.

"Cough..cough I'm fine, young man thank you for helping me"

"Take this"

From his pockets Lucifer pulled out 100 Arcan and presented it to the old man but the old man refused to take the money.

"This photo?"

A photo of a young kid on the ground grabbed Lucifer's attention and asked the old man.

"This, this is the photo of my grandson, young man have you seen him anywhere? He is missing for a week now"

"No sir i didn't see him I'm one of the false ones who came today"


The players are referred to as the false ones by the NPCs as they know that this isn't their real body here in this world.

The old man sighed in defeat but soon his eyes brightened.

"A false one, i heard that you all help the people of our world is that correct?"


"Can you please help me find my grandson? I don't have much on me but then also i am willing to pay with everything i have, please can you help me find my grandson"

[Unique Quest Triggered]

[It's the old mage's plea to you to help him find his grandson.

Difficulty: S

Reward: 1500 exp., A unique class, ???]

[Do you wish to accept this quest?]

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Creation is hard, cheer me up! VOTE for me!

Lucifer_Morscreators' thoughts