

In the year 2043, Gabriel was a man known as the "One man army". In the Virtual reality game Deliverance Online, he made his way as an infamous mercenary, willing to do anything for the right price. He led armies into battle, assassinated Kings and even helped old ladies pick flowers. Until one day he refused an offer out of pride and spite from someone to powerful to refuse. With no allies to help him he was thrown into the abyss of despair and forced to watch as his life was taken from him. A pair of gods decide to give him one more chance, to do it all again. His memories were sent back 8 years in the past. Follow Gabriel as he makes his way back to the top, using knowledge to swing things in his favor. Except this time he won't do it alone. Gabriel will face the most difficult task yet, getting along with other people. He will save his family, he will achieve glory, money, women and power to protect them all. It's time for Gabriel's deliverance. =============================== I do not own the rights to the cover. If it is yours, feel free to message me anytime if you want me to remove it.

DarkTidings94 · Fantasía
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78 Chs


[Congratulations! You have slayed [Otori – LVL 25 (Boss)(Impossible) - [Witch Druid - Shapeshifter]

[Due to enemy being 10 levels or more higher than your current level. EXP obtained will be halved – EXP 600,000]

[Congratulations Osiris! You have Leveled up! Current Level 14 – EXP required before next Level – EXP 88,014/512,000] - (Unused AP – 4)]

Gabriel was excited with the EXP amount, even though it was halved. Shooting up two more levels. He distributed his AP among strength, agility and endurance. Gabriel was playing a fairly high damage build, with not much attention to mana-based attributes.

During the time Gabriel was moseying his way across pastures towards Roma. An emergency meeting was called by the Developers of Deliverance Online who monitored the Imperium Quest lines.

Boundless Entertainment's main studio was located in Silicon Valley. The building looked more like a military compound. It had high walls with armed guards patrolling and manning all entry and exits. Cameras, motion sensors and unmanned drones could be seen everywhere, they were all run by a powerful AI.

The AI was the same revolutionary AI that ran Boundless Entertainments hit game Deliverance Online. The head developer and engineer of the AI aptly named Gaia, was a man by the name of Ralph Garman. He spent 20 years making his AI and was now in his late 40's.

Ralph was currently making his way down the hallways while talking into an ear piece. He was the only person who had access to speak to Gaia and could control all her functions. Ralph was currently getting a report about a certain player in the outskirts of Roma that had managed to kill a boss that was meant to be alive for the next part in an important chained quest.

Although Deliverance Online offered complete freedom in how the players dealt with quests and enemies. However, there were of course some scripted moments. The developers and quest writers made sure that for these moments it was almost impossible to change a certain outcome. These mainly involved Chained Quests, where certain parameters had to kick in for the player to progress.

"A quest line where a [Witch Druid] was supposed to give a quest to a follower of the goddess [Ishtar] to help bring the Fangun Forest back into the world and giving players access to the [Druid] class has been disrupted" Gaia spoke in Ralph's ear.

"Let's go to the Imperium monitor room and have a look at the video" Ralph replied.

Ralph approached a set of steel sliding doors and touched his ID on the keypad before entering. The room was set out like an amphitheater with multiple rows of tables set in a semi-circle. Each row had multiple monitors and developers working on them. At the top row was one large monitor board by itself raised above all the other rows, it had one chair.

Ralph sat in this chair and called out to a couple of the Imperium developers who worked on the [Witches of the Horned God] quest line.

"So explain to me what's going on?" Ralph queried.

One of the developers stepped forwards as she nervously played with a pen in one hand.

"You see Mr. Garman; it was a player by the name of Osiris. He didn't actually do anything wrong per say and we checked his Dive Capsule remotely for tampering." She said.

"There can be no tampering to my system or anyway for someone to hack Gaia. SO that much should have been obvious" Ralph cut the developer off, before motioning her to continue.

She explained how Gabriel used a unique set of items to catch up to the fleeing [Otori] and managed to personally kill her. [Otori] was meant to drop in the clearing that [Lil Tiger] was at. She then would give [Lil Tiger] a specific questline along with [Ishtar's tears] so the Fangun Forest could be bought back to life.

Gabriel killing her, destroyed the whole quest line, besides getting [Ishtar's Tears]. There was nothing [Lil Tiger] could do with them.

"Show me the video and put it on the main screen" Ralph commanded. He was more curious about how this player managed to pull it off. Guessing already that it was merely a fluke. Ralph wasn't worried.

The video played out on the big screen in front of all the develops. It showed a wide screen view of Gabriel, Tom and the Wolfpack fighting [Otori] on the top floor of the pagoda.

The developers were all impressed by the skills of the players, even Ralph Garman was awed. The current game had only been out for a week. For players to already show such skill was impressive. Gabriel really impressed them with his skillful moves and great use of his [Skills].

When the part came that Gabriel jumped off the Pagoda after [Otori] the whole room full of people gasped. They watched him start gliding. Ralph Garman frowned at the sight of the cape.

"Give me the stats of that cape" Ralph said to Gaia in his ear.

Gaia sent the details of the fathered cape to Ralph's personal monitor. He had a look at them and nodded. All appeared fine. Ralph looked back up to the main screen and it was at the part where Gabriel was swinging his throwing axe into [Otori]'s back and making them plummet to the ground. When they landed the video stopped just after Gabriel emerged as a Draugr.

Nobody knew who started but eventually half the room clapped in appreciation. Ralph Garman turned to the developers who called him about the problem.

"Okay I see now what the problem is. Gaia has just told me that if the player [Osiris] didn't managed to stay alive as a Draugr she could have made the boss stay alive long enough to give the quest to Ishtar's follower. Because Gaia's main directive is to create a seamless flowing world, she didn't want to mess up the flow. Creating an error. I will issue a command to Gaia, she will get [Ishtar] to personally give her follower the quest." Ralph clarified the situation.

After that Ralph got up to leave the room but before he went. He turned to the develops and spoke.

"Keep an eye on the player [Osiris] for me, by the skills he's shown already, I think he might create a couple other problems for us"

Ralph then left the room. It was an important time for Boundless Entertainment, they now had the official green light from the World bank.

"Gaia prepare for the second part of the plan once the World Bank news goes public" Ralph said to the piece in his ear.

Back in Deliverance Online. Gabrel has just made it to Roma and was making his way towards [Manius] manor. While walking through the streets Gabriel had noticed the plater base had at least doubled. There were players shouting out near the gates asking for players to join their party for quests or dungeons.

There were even some Guilds trying to rope in players with different incentives depending on the size and funding of the guild. Some guilds were just for fun and consisted mainly of friends. Other Guilds were filled with players from previous VR games trying to boost their numbers and using their already known names to help.

Some of the criers called out to Gabriel as he past due to his high-level looking gear. Gabriel waved them off with a polite excuse. Some were pushier but he just ignored them until they left him alone.

Gabriel finally made it to [Manius] manor and walked through the main gates. In the courtyard the party was standing with [Manius]. [Phat-Cat] was off to the side playing with [Diana], sitting at a small table, drinking tea.

[Phat-Cat] and [Diana] looked up at the same time when they saw Gabriel enter. [Diana] jumped off her seat and ran over to Gabriel.

"Big brother [Osiris]! It is so good to see you! I thought you would come to visit earlier!" [Diana] pouted cutely after arriving in front of Gabriel.

"Now [Diana]. You know [Osiris] is a busy man, he must have been off saving other people just like he did for you" [Manius] called out to [Diana].

Gabriel smiled and patted [Diana] on the head and crouched down to her eye-level.

"It's good to see you too [Diana]. You are looking much better. Your dad is right though our party had just come back from saving a little boy call Bill..." Gabriel trailed off at the end. As he only just remembered they didn't find [Billy] at the Witch's compound.

Gabriel looked up at his party members in panic. Tom heard what he said to [Diana] and laughed.

"It's alright [Osiris] we found Billy. He was locked up in a small building behind the Pagoda. It was no wonder you forgot about him though when you were too busy flying off the cliff after [Otori]." Tom said.

Gabriel sighed in relief as the rest of the party laughed. [Diana] was staring at Gabriel with hero-worship in her eyes.

"You can fly [Osiris]? Can you take me flying? I would like to see the faces of those snooty noble girls if they could see me flying above them." [Diana] pleaded while tugging on Gabriel's cape.

"I can't right now but when I have the chance to fly again, I will definitely take you" Gabriel promised.

Gabriel meant he would take her for a ride when the [Shadow Raven] egg hatched. As his caped could only glide and needed to be at a certain height for it to work.

"Now [Diana] go back and finish your tea party with [Phat-cat]. I need to talk to your father about something" Gabriel ushered [Diana] back to her tea party.

Gabriel made his way over to [Manius] and handed in the quest along with explaining what happened. Because Gabriel shared the quest with the party, they all got a notification.

[Quest received: Coven of the [Horned God] (Advanced) (Chained) Part I]

Task 1. Find out the location of the local Coven - (completed)

Task 2. Find out their current plans (Ongoing)

Task 3. Report findings to [Manius] (Completed) or [Captain Brutui]

Bonus objectives.

Find evidence confirming [Baroness Mengrel] involvement with the [Horned God] coven -(Completed)

Save [Billy] from being cooked – (Completed)


20,000 EXP + bonus EXP 20,000

Depending on who you report to, you will either receive a profession specific item or a weapon up to [Rare] from the Imperial armory

If all objectives completed - [Unique] reward – All players involved receive class skill [Unique]

"Those damnable witches! I must report this to my friend [Captain Brutui]. The Imperium army will need to organize a raid on [Baroness Mengrel]'s lands. She has a private army of her own and now knowing she is colluding with Witches the army must be prepared. Return to me in one week if you wish to join the raid." Manius offered the party as they got a second notification.

[Quest received: Coven of the [Horned God] (Advanced) (Chained) Part II]

Task 1. Join the Imperium army in a raid on Baroness Mengrel lands (Countdown 7 days).

Task 2. Defeat Baroness Mengrel - 0/1

"Now follow me to my workshop for your rewards" Manius beckoned the aprt towards his workshop.

Once they all entered Manius went to his office and brought out a pile of skill books handed each person one. [Phat-Cat] received the mage skill [Thunderstrike]. [Mouse] received the crossbow skill [Grappling Shot]. [Rex] received a skill for a one-handed hammer [Hammer throw]. Tom received a two-handed weapon skill [Judgement] and [T] received a shield skill called [Iron wall].

Because none of the party besides Gabriel had the [Runesmith] profession. [Manius] gave all of their weapons a set of [Runes].

Gabriel received a skill book that was unique to his [Medjay] class.

[Scorpion Sting (Unique) Req. Medjay class – Dexterity 15]

Description: Summons a phantom Scorpion tail that sends out a strike to a singular enemy.

DMG: 100 x Dexterity stat

Costs 100 Rage points

Activation: Instant

Cooldown: 15 minutes

Gabriel was also waiting for [Manius] to give him a new [Rune] but he threw a curve ball instead.

"[Osiris] I was going to give you a new [Rune] I was working on but I think I have a better Idea. Let me talk to some of my friends in the Imperial palace. I might be able to get you a better reward. Come back to me in three days" Manius said to Gabriel with a mysterious smile.

Gabriel didn't know what the reward could be but he was excited, anything coming from the Imperial palace will be good.

The party said goodbye to Gabriel, they all lived in America and as it was almost midnight in (RT). They needed to head off for sleep.

Gabriel decided to play with [Diana] for a little while before logging off too. He had to meet Lucy for coffee in the morning IRL and needed some sleep.

Hi Guys and Dolls! After this chapter we will be spending some time IRL, dealing with some real world issues. I am currently going through and editing previous chapters again. Hopefully fixing some of those glaring grammatical errors and just making the story more smooth. If you are liking the journey so far or have some words of wisdom please leave a review or comment. Thanks for your support. 

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