What happens when you get summoned by accident to another world alongside the heroes only to find the unique skill you got is the same name as your favourite MMORPG? and the real summoned Heroes are all Trash trying to ruin the world?
After Kurama and I left the capital through the sewer drainage system we made our way to the surrounding forest, and once there I began to summon and release every Goblin and Orc card I had remaining in my book, in the end, there numbers weren't anything all to great but using the minion system had set them up to fight, and in doing so the newly summoned horde of goblins and Orcs would target the capitals surrounds sowing chaos and discord shaking the people faith in their safety and giving the knights an excuse to stop targeting the Hellenics for a while.
After performing the mass summoning, and giving out his commands, Satou took Kurama along with him running at full speed in a straight line back towards the mountains where they'd left Hoogan and his goblin troupe behind.
Running in a straight line when staring at a map would seem crazy since their trek would take them through multiple hostile terrains and territories that are the domains of monsters, but thanks to having levelled up a fair bit Kurama and Satou could race across the plains at a pace most monsters not specialized in agility couldn't keep up with and a journey that when following the caravan took weeks only took the pair 2 days to return to the mountains, even with the running combat they sometimes found themselves in opting to just slay the monsters as they passed collecting the still falling corpse into storage for sorting later, and auto-collect picking up the drops.
Though there were two times that the pair did actively stop to deal with the monsters since they suited Satou's current plans, and that was when they encountered an orc village followed by a goblin village, the slaughter that befell both of these villages hit them like a reckoning, it wasn't his first time attacking a monster village and since his level was double what it was from back then the pair solo assaulted these villages, well with the use of Satou's summons acting as reinforcements, to the Goblins and orc it was like fighting a necromancer who'd slaughter your forces then make them rise from the dead only to them begin slaughtering their own people.
The goblin village was relatively new so not too many goblins were within, while the orc village had been around for quite a while even being advanced enough to have evolved forms of orcs within, which greatly bolstered Satou's forces by providing him with higher rarity cards he could use as commanders and leaders of his Captial assault forces.
The best thing about the attacks was that neither village had a single human, or humanoid captives at least not any living ones.
With his cards restocked to a degree, the pair arrived at their first destination the mountains they'd left Hoogan and the 50 common goblins
Upon arrival, the cave system looked completely different from the bandit base it was before, even after Heracles and the others had torn down all that the bandits had built returning to be just a cave.
But now only a month since they last were here, the cave had been fortified with a Wooden wall with adjacent towers, standing watch upon the towers were some green figures, upon seeing the fast-approaching Kurama and Satou a resounding horn sounded out shaking the treetops filled with leaves.
By the time they'd arrived at the gate it had opened a company of goblins dressed in primitive armor and armed with spears forming a basic phalanx were standing guard ready to assault, but upon seeing just who it was who approached all the goblins present relaxed and lowered their weapons and instead performed a roman salute towards Satou.
[Hmmm well these are my goblins alright but... I only left 51 here, why's there almost 200 acting as a military unit at the gate, and beyond that how did 50 build such fortifications as well?]
After giving a greeting to the goblin force the pair were greeted by the goblins who only spoke a language Satou nor Kurama could understand but the general idea was passed along as they were allowed entry into the cave where they suspect Hoogan could be found.
While they walked through the cave walls even this terrain had changed, and innumerable goblins were seen who all stopped what they were doing to salute Satou as he passed, it was a full-blown goblin civilization that was living in this mountain as if they were a dwarf tribe instead of the typical brainless goblins everyone knows.
The once relatively straight cave paths had been enlarged and supporting beams placed to hold up the walls, while doors were installed on the walls leading to various newly dug-out rooms.
Once they'd reached the central cavity that once served as the Bandit forces headquarters a new shocking scene was beheld as a castle of stone came into view that would remind someone on earth of Petra as the front of the castle was carved right into the side of the rock face, while the architectural style itself left much to be desired as it was pretty basic but even still it was shocking to see this was the result of goblin blood sweat and tears.
The total number of goblins within the tunnels was unknown to Satou but as it stood now there were probably easily 2-3 thousand of them, either Hoogan and his goblins went on one hell of a mating spree or used the gather resource command he left them with that also included new goblins that they recruited from surrounding villages.
Having been sighted and then guided by a goblin who was dressed in what was basically a toga they were led into the castle building till they came upon Hoogan's figure who was barking out various orders to his subordinates.
Upon coming close enough to the goblin leader all Satou's questions were answered by the system.
<Reconnection with Minons established, processing minion command results>