
MLP Applejack x Fluttershy: Aimed at the heart

Applejack and fluttershy both have an attraction for each other. They soon confess and start a relationship. But danger lurks everywhere. When Fluttershy is in danger, can Applejack save her before it is too late? And who is behind everything?

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Chapter 5

Applejack started to wake up the next day. She was surprised to find herself lying in a bed. She started to hear whispers and murmurs. Her head hurt, and she moaned in pain. Applejack! exclaimed Rarity. Are you okay?! What happened? asked Twilight. Suddenly Applejack remembered everything.(Sigh) I was in a date with Fluttershy, Applejack explained. But when we were heading home, out of nowhere, these masked dudes came out, and they shot me in my head, while I was trying to protect her. And they took her with them! By the way, how did you find me? asked Applejack. Granny smith and everyone at the Sweet apple acres was worried for you, so we searched and searched, until we found you in the ground, with you head wounded in a puddle of blood, explained Twilight. Oh my gosh, I must find Fluttershy, said Applejack. Your head is very wounded from the gun shot, you need to rest, said the doctor. REST?! I can´t rest when the love of my life is in DANGER!! exclaimed Applejack. We will search for her, you stay here, said Twilight. NO! I have to find her!! I promised.. said Applejack, in tears. I promised I would protect her, but I could not even protect her from them! yelled Applejack. Twilight almost gasped. If it´s very important for you, then come along, said Twilight. Thanks, said Applejack. Let´s go! They all exited the clinic, determined to find whoever kidnapped Fluttershy.


Fluttershy started to open her eyes. She found herself tied up, in a dark room, with a light on top of her. Looks like the sleeping beauty woke up, said a voice. Who are you and what am I doing here?! asked Fluttershy. Wait a minute. That voice, I think, I already heard it before. You sound very familiar, said Fluttershy. Oh really? asked the voice. Who do you think I am? D-D-Discord?! exclaimed Fluttershy. Exactly! said the voice. It can´t be! said Fluttershy. Oh yes, it can be. IT REALLY CAN BE! said Discord. Fluttershy gasped. But..But I don´t understand. I thought...we were friends? she said. Oh yes we are, said Discord. Then why am I here? And why did those men take me? asked Fluttershy. Oh that, said Discord. It is a very complicated story, he explained. You see, ever since we had been really close friends, I had a crush on you. But I could not find the way to tell you. But when I had filled myself with enough courage and was about to tell you, it happened that..well..you were already taken. I was heartbroken the next day. Until, I had an idea. So I hired those guys, to kidnap you and leave Applejack wounded, so she never find you, and you could be with me forever, said Discord. Discord, I had no idea, said Fluttershy. But I..I can´t, said Fluttershy sadly. I love Applejack now, said Fluttershy. I knew you were going to say that, smirked Discord. What do you mean? asked Fluttershy. Well, said Discord. I offer you a deal. You become my girlfriend, and I will leave applejack alone. But if you don´t, then Applejack and the rest of Equestria will be in danger! What?! exclaimed Fluttershy. Well?? said Discord. (Sigh) Fine Discord, I accept. But don´t harm anyone, especially Applejack! Very well, said Discord, smirking. He exited the room, turning the light´s of the room. Applejack, please save me! Fluttershy murmured to herself, as she fainted to the ground, in tears.