
Chapter 1407 to Chapter 1414

Chapter 1407: The Mysterious Light Pillars

Nothing but flames came into view when Jiang Chen fully expanded his God's Eye. The heat was rising so rapidly that it felt like the surrounding air had spontaneously combust.

The weaker cultivators began to crumble beneath the heat. Sweat trickled unceasingly down from their foreheads.

"Damn! Is there a huge lake of lava underneath Agarwood Valley?" Someone amongst the crowd complained.

"Master, the heat is unbearable!"

"It's so hot! I feel like I'm going to explode!"

"This place is clearly hell! How can anyone mistake it for a secret realm?" The crowd complained endlessly.

Jiang Chen was standing amongst the crowd. He noticed that the weaker cultivators had already begun to lose heart.

The Purple Smoke Sect's forefather was also sneaking glances at Jiang Chen from the corner of his eyes, observing if he should advance or retreat. A crack had likely emerged in the forefather's dao heart.

"Zi Tan, stop looking at me. If you want to advance, then stop trembling in your boots. If retreating is your answer, then you should make haste." Jiang Chen warned through his consciousness. "Hesitation is deadly in places like these. Those who wish to advance yet also retreat die the quickest."

People who hesitated during dangerous situations did often die the quickest because they couldn't focus on dealing with the danger itself. The more one was afraid of something, the more likely one's fear would approach.

The entrance was now shrouded by an impenetrable fog. They could no longer discern the direction of whence they came from.

Out of nowhere, pillars of light suddenly shot far into the clouds. They looked like rainbows originating from the deepest parts of the valley. The bedazzling glow was extremely mesmerizing.

"One, two, three… seven pillars in total!"

There were tiny shimmering fragments of gold, silver, purple, and green inside the pillars...

Sparks and motes of light flew, the cascading radiance like a suddenly opened chest filled of treasures and jewels.

"What is that?"

"Tsk tsk. Look at how mesmerizing it is! A priceless treasure must be emerging!"

"Listen! What's that sound?"

"Ah! I hear it too!"

A majestic and sonorous melody could be heard in the distance. Its grandeur was comparable to waves crashing onto the beach, a flock of cranes crooning in the skies, and the cosmic hymns of countless gods.

The crowd was completely enthralled by it.

Jiang Chen however, remained as nonchalant as ever as his consciousness was far stronger than the average cultivator. In fact, no great emperor could even hope to compete.

The dignified melody continued to reverberate in the air. Peculiarly enough, there was a strange rhythm within that could influence one's mood.

Such powerful strength of consciousness! Alarm filled Jiang Chen. Like a savage beast facing attack, the chain seal in his consciousness suddenly took on a defensive stance.

Every time this happened, it meant that the situation was awfully amiss.

Is the melody actually a trap for the consciousness? Jiang Chen stared suspiciously at the glowing pillars.

In the eyes of those present, one could clearly glimpse the undertones of obsession hidden behind the confusion. Their faces were flushed red and the melody had brought their minds to a state of extreme stimulation.

A chill ran down Jiang Chen's spine. Cultivators would only enter that state during the extremest of extremes, whether good and bad. For example, cultivators could enter a state of wild euphoria when on the edge of a breakthrough. Inspired by a new realm in martial dao, that state would then become an extremely potent motivator.

However, this was clearly not the case here.

The other was during extreme danger, such as when their minds were being taken over or influenced in some way.

Jiang Chen could tell that it was the latter. He raised his guard even further as he had a feeling that Agarwood Valley was a lot more dangerous than any secret realm he'd ever entered.

The Maze Realm Autumn Hunt in Skylaurel Kingdom, the Hidden Dragon Trials of the sixteen alliance kingdom, Regal Pill Palace's Mt. Rippling Mirage, and the Paramount Realm were only a few examples of secret realms he'd been to, each realm more extraordinary than the one before.

However, he'd never been to any that was quite as mysterious as this one. He made great efforts to calm down and block out the music. Fortunately, the chain seal had been an insulator to prevent the sound from advancing beyond mere irritation.

Right now, he was a genius disciple from the Purple Smoke Sect. Even if he did realize something, It would be most inappropriate for him to make any outlandish moves. Doing so would be like painting a target on his head.

He glanced at the heavyweights of the great factions. They seemed to be observing something. Due to the peculiarities of the situation, it'd be most inappropriate to charge in blindly.

"Hmm? Do you feel it? The temperature has dropped a little."

"You're right! It's no longer as hot as before!"

"Haha! Did the light pillars suppress the heat?"

The surrounding temperature had indeed dropped a little. Even the crimson red of the air dimmed slightly, seemingly countered by the seven glowing pillars.

Yet, the towering pillars continued to be as eye-catching and mesmerizing as ever, standing out with resolution and creating vortexes of incandescent beauty. They were like lighthouses, guiding the cultivators to the right path.

The temperature was still far from normal, but it was now within acceptable range for these cultivators.

"Doaist Cloudbillow, shall we proceed?" A Pillfire cultivator glanced at Emperor Cloudbillow enthusiastically.

Cloudbillow responded by turning towards the others. "What does everyone else think?"

"I agree that we should proceed!"

"Yes! There must be a heavenly secret behind these light pillars. For all we know, it might be an ancient realm that could change the course of the human domain!"

"Indeed! Just look at the majestic grandeur of these pillars! An extraordinary ancient realm must be hidden behind them! The human domain's heritage is growing weaker with each passing generation, there's no reason for us to hesitate in front of this fortuitous encounter!"

"Wealth can only be obtained with risk! Let's proceed!"

The crowd were surprisingly unanimous in their decision. They'd been thoroughly tantalized by the glowing pillars. None of them would go back at this point for the world.

Most great emperors had a fair number of experience exploring secret realms. But even the most experienced among them had never seen one as vast and impressive as this.

The pillars seemed to connect the sky and earth, a bridge that extended into the void. The towering sight paired with the enthralling melody coalesced into a singular notion -- forward, forward!

There was no place to go but forward!

Emperor Cloudbillow nodded. "Very well. Let us proceed forward then."

Pillfire led the way, while the Empyrean River Palace, Sublime Chord Temple, and Eternal Celestial Capital followed. They'd completely submitted to the faction.

However, the Ninesuns Sky Sect and Heavenly Dragon Sect didn't follow Cloudbillow. They had their own plans. The two first rank sects seemed to have formed a pact. If Pillfire tried to oppress either of them, they might act together.

There were over a dozen second and third rank sects from the surrounding areas, but they were merely a pile of loose sand due to the lack of leadership. They were fated to be sidelined, never to stand beneath the spotlight.

The crowd continued onwards. Jiang Chen blended seamlessly with Phoenix Cry's party.

The deeper they penetrated, the louder and clearer the melody became. Suddenly, they seemed to have stepped into an ancient god's realm. The world was composed of pure, multi-colored lazurite glass. The seven colors of the rainbow were now center stage.

Hmm? Jiang Chen was taken aback. Why had the scenery abruptly changed?

The sea of fire and plumes of smoke were almost completely gone, replaced by a land that teemed with treasure. Benevolent clouds parted, allowing auspicious and peaceful light to filter down.

The leading party came to a complete halt again. The sudden change took them completely off guard.

"Tsk tsk. What is this place? Why does it feel like I've left the mortal realm and entered the world of gods?"

"Was this how beautiful our Divine Abyss Continent was in the ancient era?"

"This is so exciting! To think that a treasure trove is actually located in the most remote of areas. Quite ironic, if you think about it."

"That's where you're wrong. There were no upper or lower regions in the ancient era. For all we know, this might have been humanity's holy land in the past!"

"Mm. Makes sense. That could very well be right. The human domain was filled with powerful experts during the cataclysm. Just about any place could potentially be a holy land by today's standards."

"One can definitely find heaven-defying treasures and heritage in a place like this!"

Like an echo chamber, the crowd had nothing but praise for the valley. Fanaticism colored their eyes and they wanted nothing more than to dive right in and loot the secret realm.

Chapter 1408: A Secret Realm Fading In and Out of Sight

Jiang Chen observed impassively from the back of the crowd. He wasn't deluded by the display of luxury before him. Any kind of scenery could be forged by the strongest experts. Sometimes, all it took was a single formation, a small trick, or art.

In the world of martial dao, what one saw with physical eyes was never necessarily the truth. Especially given the present circumstances, what he was seeing was extra likely to be fabricated.

If this place really was an oasis, why hadn't anyone from Phoenix Cry's expeditions returned alive?

That was utterly illogical!

Though he could only see peaceful harmony before him, Jiang Chen felt an unnameable irritation. The chain seal in his consciousness was on high alert.

With each increase in his own strength and consciousness, the seal in his consciousness became dearer and more familiar to him. It was no longer mysterious and impenetrable. This seal likely held the secret to his rebirth and reincarnation; he just didn't have the ability to unseal its riddles yet.

The seal had unquestionably protected him at crucial times and warned him of impending danger without fail.

Currently, the chain seal was clearly much warier than it usually was. It was irrelevant that Jiang Chen couldn't read its entire meaning; he understood the hint that this place hid a plethora of evils under its serene surface.

Above the seven pillars of light, waterfalls of radiance began to pour down. The radiance shimmered with iridescence, glassy and crystalline in their splendor.

Eye-catching ripples flickered across the screens of light, and many images with them. Scenes of the divines and demons, of arms and weaponry, of ancient beasts, exotic flora, celestial palaces and starry seas…

The images were as beautiful as they were transient. The interplay of light and shadow shocked every observing cultivator, their mouths agape in an attempt to take more of it in.

Aside from Jiang Chen, everyone's heart was captivated by what they had seen before them. They collectively shivered in anticipation. Ambition snaked into them like fast-moving vines. They were champing at the bit to enter the secret realm and see what ancient mysteries it held.

"Look, look, what's that inside?!" someone screamed suddenly.

Everyone's gazes hurriedly focused inside. Within the veil of light was a gargantuan palace complex, glowing with aureate brilliance. The seven giant pillars of light originated from the palace like seven defending stars, shooting into the heavens.

"This must be a sacred place of the ancients!"

"We're rich! A secret realm like this appears only once every ten thousand years."

"Tsk tsk, look at how glorious that palace is. It must have been the best of the best even back then."

"There has to be ancient heritages and treasure within!"

More and more glimpsed the palace that was peeking through the veil. Like the tip of an iceberg, it gave plenty of room for imagination as to what was beneath the surface.

Emperor Cloudbillow didn't wait for the others to ask his opinion. "Let's all go and see," he called out.

Pillfire's men were quick, but the Heavenly Dragon Sect and the Ninesuns Sky Sect were just a step behind them.

All the biggest factions rushed forward. The remaining ones piled after them, attempting to secure a reasonably advantageous vantage point for themselves. They couldn't compete with Pillfire City and the first rank sects, but mutual competition was still possible.

"Come, let's go see as well," transmitted Jiang Chen to the Purple Smoke Sect's forefather.

Having been warned by the young lord earlier, the forefather didn't dare make any fast moves. He nodded only after receiving the instructions. "After them, everyone!"

Jiang Chen and Phoenix Cry's team were able to catch up rather quickly because of a spatial restriction in their way. Like a heavenly denunciation, it lay in the explorers' path and separated them from their beloved treasure.

Emperor Cloudbillow looked coldly upon the restriction before him.

It was a river-like obstacle, save that the water within was replaced with surging lava. The earth itself seemed to be boiling, and geysers of magma rose up several hundred meters from time to time with incredible momentum.

This restriction seemed to be the final blockade before entering the secret realm proper.

Truthfully, it look very terrifying. The gushing lava and boiling magma appeared hot enough to melt the entire world around them. The fearsome aura they exuded was plenty intimidating.

Standing before the restriction, even Emperor Cloudbillow and his great emperor fellows were awed by the waves of heat smashing into their faces.

"Are we supposed to fly past it?" Someone piped up, looking doubtfully at Emperor Cloudbillow.

"Don't be hasty," replied the great emperor in a deep voice. "Let's wait and see."

No cultivator who entered this secret realm was ordinary. Sage realm was the lowest level among the entrants, so flight was of no issue. The restriction was clearly not something that one could simply fly over, however.

"Daoist Cloudbillow, this restriction looks quite extraordinary. I don't fancy our chances if we simply fly over. Shall we send someone to scout it out first?"

This was tantamount to ordering someone to commit suicide. Because Pillfire's expedition team was filled with elites, it wasn't appropriate to send any of them.

Emperor Cloudbillow frowned slightly, muttering a few sentences to a great emperor near him. Said great emperor inclined his head a little, a strange smile curving his lips. He suddenly walked out from the front of the group into its rear.

"Friends, there's a restriction up ahead," he smiled faintly to the factions following. "There's something odd about it. Is any one of you willing to scout ahead for us?

"Don't say that I didn't tell you about this, there's a lot of benefits to being a scout. Anyone that manages to pass the restriction can keep any treasure he gets his hands on. That's a promise you can trust us to deliver on. Pillfire guarantees that scouts' rights shall not be infringed upon."

Because Pillfire City's men were too valuable, none of them was viable as a scout. However, there were always fearless people amongst the other cultivators present. Sometimes, one had to acquire riches through danger.

Pillfire had everything all planned out.

Sadly, those who'd entered the secret realm were no fools. Pillfire had led the way all this time, and yet they were loath to send one of their own to scout. There was something fishy about this.

All several hundred of the lagging cultivators presented difficult expressions. None of them was willing to volunteer.

It was easy enough to guess that the mortality rate of scouting approached a hundred percent. Treasure was enticing, but not enough to throw away all caution to the wind. If one couldn't guarantee one's own safety, what was the point of taking everything and dying right after?

The treasure would then fall to another anyways.

The Pillfire great emperor waited quite a while, but no one stepped forward from the crowd in the rear. This incensed him somewhat.

"It seems that none of you deems the chance to scout as valuable. What use do we have for you pieces of trash, then? Are we supposed to let you take a share of the treasure inside for free?"

The great emperor's tone became increasingly frigid. "I'm giving you one more chance. If you don't take it, then go back to where you came from. Cowards aren't fit to possess the riches of this secret realm!"

Among the crowd, Jiang Chen found Pillfire's behavior pretty amusing. It was fine to let others risk their lives, but only they were allowed to take the first share of the treasure.

Cowards? It wasn't bravery, but foolhardiness to run to certain death.

The scene was complete crickets. No one stepped up because no one wanted to die. Even the slowest of men saw that Pillfire was picking out hapless fodder to be sacrificed.

The lack of volunteers after a prolonged wait displeased Emperor Cloudbillow. He transmitted a few words to the great emperor he'd sent.

The emperor's expression also darkened. "Alright," he nodded, "if you don't think that kind of opportunity is valuable, then you don't know what's good for you. From this moment forward, Pillfire is claiming this valley. We represent the Upper Eight Regions, the pinnacle of the human domain. Unless you are from a faction there, you must depart immediately. Otherwise, we will do it for you."

This was an ultimatum. They had to either send people in or leave!

It was also brutal and straightforward.

There were perhaps a hundred factions that had entered Agarwood Valley. Each faction had a decently sized team, which meant that the entire entourage was extremely large. Pillfire City's original intent wasn't to let them have a share of the treasure either. They were supposed to have been the perfect cannon fodder in a time of need.

Alas, none of those let in had such self realization. This upset the Upper Eight Regions' factions greatly.

"The way ahead is not obvious, honored great emperors," a representative from a second rank sect said humbly. "Anyone that ventures in now does so to their deaths. In theory, we second-rate factions should present a token of our sincerity, but no one is willing to actively sacrifice themselves. I think we don't need to go in all at once. A few chosen to do so should be enough."

"Hmph. You don't have even one right now, much less a few." The Pillfire emperor smoldered with anger.

"We can choose right now. Anyone that is chosen mustn't shirk their duty."

"How are we supposed to pick? There's no way of doing that that's fair! I think we should draw lots."

These second-rate factions were beginning to acquiesce. The giant factions from the Upper Eight Regions could very easily clear out the room despite their disadvantage in numbers.

There were too many first rank sects here today, plus something as gargantuan as Pillfire City. Too many great emperors existed on the other side. This was the fundamental reason for the second-rate factions' lack of resistance.

Chapter 1409: Cannon Fodder to the Fore

Amidst the crowd, Jiang Chen snickered as he watched Pillfire's performance. It was changing its tune very quickly.

Before now, there'd been a focus on an honorable and respectable attitude. When profit was in sight however, it instantly reverted back to its old ways, dispensing with all pretense. The essence of its conduct was self-gain through any means necessary.

There was no reason for the Heavenly Dragon Sect and the Ninesuns Sky Sect to oppose this motion. They watched Pillfire's performance with smiles on their faces, their tacit support evident.

The first rank sects had brought their own teams of elites. Losing any one member would be a tremendous blow. There was also no reason for them to actively scout ahead, given the risks.

Large sects always preferred others sacrificing themselves and dying on the sects' behalf. There was plenty of cannon fodder to go around here, no?

How could those second-rate factions want a cut of the prize without paying something for that privilege?

The pressure on the inferior factions mounted. They could only begin discussions among themselves on what course of action to take. They knew that if they didn't take stock of the situation, they would be pushed out for sure. The secret realm and its treasure would be barred to them forever.

"Everyone, it's not the time to debate about fairness. The greatest fairness in the world of martial dao is survival of the fittest. The heavenly dao is just. You're provided according to what your strength deserves. We either send out a few scouts right now, or we're thrown out from the secret realm. What do we do?"

"What the hell can we do? At the end of the day, they're stronger than us. If we expend enough men to sort out the way ahead, we'll still be called upon if there are future problems ahead. We'll probably all be dead before we see any treasure!"

"That's right. We were the ones here first. Why do we have to go to our deaths?"

"Shut up!" One of the second rank sect's giants criticized angrily. "There's no point wasting words here. If you have the balls for it, why not seek justice for everyone by arguing with the Upper Eight factions?"

Please. Argue with the Upper Eight factions? That wasn't any less suicidal than simply scouting ahead. Pillfire quite obviously had the initiative.

The Ninesuns Sky Sect and the Heavenly Dragon Sect didn't seem to want to offer opposition at this juncture. That meant those who obeyed lived, and the rest perished. The logic was as simple as that; survival of the fittest was a universal law.

The second rank sects immediately began to plot how they could foist scouting duty onto even weaker factions.

Aside from the Upper Eight's leading factions, there were second, third, even fourth rank sects as well. The Purple Smoke Sect and the Spirit Crow Lodge were very good examples.

However, the remaining factions exploded with fury when the second rank sects expressed their intent.

They were unquestionably fearful of the Upper Eight's largest factions, yes. But since when could second rank sects throw their weight around, huh? What right did they have to attempt shirking their issues and fob them off onto slightly weaker factions?

There weren't many second rank sects present. Third and fourth rank sects composed the majority.

"It's normal for the Upper Eight Regions to give orders as the leaders of the human domain. What gives you the authority or the right to send us to our deaths?"

"That's right! We might as well not go in at all then. How come second rank sects are allowed to lord it over us too?"

"Exactly. Our chances of getting anything are very low. Why should we be cannon fodder for them?"

"Cut the blabber. Let's fight it out. You think all of us added together can't beat a few second rank sects?"

"Yeah, let's get 'em!"

Chaos brewed in the proceedings. When the weaker factions found out that the second rank sects were planning to force them to scout out of self-preservation, they erupted in rage.

No one could do anything about how powerful the Upper Eight factions were. These second rank sects were all from the neighboring regions though. They didn't belong to the Upper Eight Regions. Why were they expecting any special treatment?

"We can draw lots, but the second rank sects shouldn't have any special treatment!"

"That's right! The second rank sects don't lead the Upper Eight Regions. They don't qualify for preferential treatment!"

Only twenty percent of those assembled belonged to the second rank sects. The remaining eighty were from lower factions. Third rank sects like the Purple Smoke Sect, for example. These factions weren't to be underestimated. Most importantly, their numbers advantage meant that they weren't going to just eat the loss.

Jiang Chen watched impassively as the situation begin to spiral out of control. No matter how they chose, it was highly doubtful that they'd end up picking him. Not that he minded scouting ahead, regardless.

A valid concern for others wasn't necessarily the case for him. The restriction looked terrifying, but it was also flawed. Did the flaw exist originally, though? Or had it appeared with the passage of time?

Though Jiang Chen didn't fear scouting at all, he couldn't exactly volunteer himself either. Being overly eager would only attract unwanted attention.

He didn't want to reveal his identity so early. Drawing attention would also play into the opposite of that.

Amidst a chorus of protests, the Upper Eight Regions began to speak once more. They ordered the second rank sects to wise up and avoid privileging themselves; they had no such right given current company.

The second rank sects were displeased by these orders, but there was nothing they could do. It was finally decided that three people would be chosen by lot.

That was a minuscule portion of the total population present. Therefore, there was no significant resistance to this proposition. Everyone in the world of martial dao was confident in their own fortunes. One would have to be tremendously unlucky to be picked as one out of so many peers.

Regardless of how low the probability was, there were three picked in the end. The unlucky louts were pulled out after the lots were drawn. None were from Phoenix Cry Lower Region.

The trio wanted to renege immediately after being picked, but the watchful eyes of the great emperors from the Upper Eight Regions crushed their thoughts of resistance.

If they showed any dissension, those great emperors would kill them in one sweep!

They were dead either way.

Death was absolutely certain if they tried to go back on the results.

If they scouted ahead and were lucky enough to pass the restriction, whatever treasure they got in the secret realm was theirs to keep. It was quite reasonable for a successful scout to have first pick of the spoils.

"Listen up, you three. As long as you pass the restriction, any treasure you obtain within will remain yours. We can guarantee your rightful ownership to a point. However, any particularly special treasure – the kind that can alter the fate of humanity – should probably not be touched. Your ability and fortunes are insufficient to control treasures like that. They'll simply bring misfortune instead."

There was nothing for any of the three people to say. They could only nod to show that they understood what they had to do. It was just scouting ahead, right?

Their life and future prosperity was on the line!

Better to actively push into the danger of the abyss than be pushed by another. Survival seemed bleak now, but…

The Upper Eight Regions were quite generous. Pillfire City's Emperor Cloudbillow gave out several pills to each of the three men. In particular, the heat avoidance pills were some of the best that the city could refine.

The three scouts didn't expect Pillfire's Emperor Cloudbillow to be so friendly. Not only was he encouraging them, but also giving them pills for protection?

"No matter which of you passes through the restriction, anyone that manages to return will receive a handsome gift from me. I can even consider taking you under Pillfire City's wing."


Pillfire City's wing?

All three scouts felt their hearts jump. They were at one of the lowest points in their lives, a moment that made them utterly weak and desperate.

They had been designated cannon fodder because of the weakness of their own sects. This was the original sin of any faction that couldn't claim significance.

Emperor Cloudbillow's promise of admission into Pillfire was painfully desirable for people in their position.

"Go on. I won't go back on my word. As long as you give all the treasures you get to me, I guarantee you will become my confidantes."

This ignited the fighting spirits of the three scouts.

"Let's go!"

Exchanging looks, the trio transformed into three streaks of moving light, shooting towards the heavens and the opposite side.

All three men felt their scalps tingle at the sight of the boiling, bubbling matter beneath them. Their first thought was to fly as high as possible to maximize their distance from the danger. Only that could alleviate some of their fear.

Alas, flying high didn't mean that they would escape or surpass the restriction. The restriction itself had terrifying offensive strength that was ready to spring forth at any moment. The lava wasn't the only risk factor.

One of the three attempted to shoot past the restriction without hesitation.

Unfortunately for him, a chain of embers dozens of yards long swept up the interloper like a fiery dragon. Not losing much of its momentum, it swooped downward, disappearing into the bubbling magma.

In the next moment, a shrill shriek pierced through from the lava.

Chapter 1410: A Domineering Long Baxiang

The scream instantly affected the other two . Fearful of the fiery dragon forming in the air, both men descended slightly. Their descent brought the lava underneath closer; close enough to hear the boiling and popping of the lava below. Countless geysers spurted high enough to touch the tips of their nose.

The parched air formed crests of hot air that could melt the world, suffocating the scouts with blazing heat. They could almost see the moisture in their bodies evaporate before their eyes.

The two of them felt that the restriction would be a bit weaker lower down. Their perturbed minds were relieved a little bit by this.

At this time, something floated out from the lava beneath into their field of view.

A skeleton, to be exact, one that had been a living, breathing person only a few breaths ago. His flesh had been consumed by the lava!

Terror pulsed through the two survivors' hearts. They wanted only to accelerate on through as quickly as possible.

Alas, the restriction was a muddy morass. The more one sunk in, the harder it was to move. The two men slowed down the deeper they went in. Finally, they were so sluggish that they could barely move another inch.

Seeing the burden with which the two scouts walked, everyone became thoughtful. It looked like they each bore the weight of a mountain on their backs, so great was the pressure.

"Daoist Cloudbillow, the restriction really does look like the trapping, hindering kind. It doesn't seem like they'll make it."

Neither scout had particularly advanced cultivation. One was sage realm, the other half-step emperor. Their strength didn't help them very much in the middle of the restriction and they didn't look like they were going to get free any time soon.

Observing the restriction in secret, Jiang Chen muttered inwardly to himself. The restriction has some spatial properties, huh. It won't attack through material means alone… there's a dimensional component as well. Those two guys are both blind and inflexible. Not a good combination, if they want to pass through...

Even as that thought flickered through his mind, the sage realm cultivator suddenly shrieked. He was already sweating buckets and appeared to have little energy left. Immediately after the shriek, he spasmed as if electrified, then froze like trapped by an invisible force.

His body plummeted downward, taken by something intangible. It was submerged in the boiling lava with a splash.

There was another shriek. Within moments, another skeleton floated to the top.

The death of the second scout made the last cultivator very nervous. He saw that his compatriot hadn't been attacked by the restriction at all. Instead, he'd lost his balance after using up all of his energy and then fell to his death.

The last man standing was half-step emperor realm, which meant that he was considerably stronger than the other two.

From Jiang Chen's point of view however, he didn't have much longer to live. He gave the last guy about fifteen minutes before he broke.

Just as the young lord surmised, the man was a trapped beast in the spatial restriction. Fifteen minutes hadn't yet elapsed when he fell into the terrifying lava after expending all his energy. A third skeleton soon appeared in the crimson flow.

Color drained from everyone's when they saw what'd happened to the scouts.

This was the result of exploring ahead!

Even the half-step emperor had met a cruel end. More than half of those present were lower than emperor realm. None of them were so fearless as to want to scout any more.

Emperor Cloudbillow furrowed his brow at this. The three scouts' attempt had revealed little about the restriction. The pills he'd given them were utterly wasted.

The emperor glared at the omnipotent restriction until he was blue in the face. He didn't quite know what to do. Would great emperors do better than those three foiled cultivators? In theory, a great emperor would do a lot better. Still, he had no guarantee whatsoever of that hypothesis.

Because of how ineffectual the scouting sortie had been, exactly how much strength the restriction held was completely unknown.

Without that information, Emperor Cloudbillow wasn't going to risk himself.

"Send more to scout, higher level this time!" he transmitted.

The second-rate factions exploded at hearing that they had to send more. Hadn't three people just died?

"No way, hells no! No matter how many we send, they'll just all die. Why should we? Shouldn't it be the Upper Eight Regions' turn?"

"That's right, we've lost three already. It should be the Upper Eight Regions' turn to risk their hides."

"Quite so. If the Upper Eight Regions are the leaders of the human domain, shouldn't they take the lead at a time like this? If not, what kind of leaders would they be?"

The clamor of the crowd revealed their heated emotions. No one wanted to scout on ahead any more. The way the three scouts had died was just too depressing.

The restriction was entirely uncooperative. The number of lives that went in didn't seem to matter. Such a fearsome restriction was impossible to pass!

A wave of anguish rippled through the crowd. After the three tragic deaths that had taken place right in front of their eyes, most of the observers had suffered significant trauma. No matter how much profit they were promised, no one was interested in scouting ahead. Who was willing to go to their certain doom?

The situation was at a standstill. Emperor Cloudbillow was thick-skinned, but intimidation and threats weren't necessarily useful at this point any more. If he pushed too hard, the second-rate factions could very well riot. Even if he didn't, it wasn't like the Upper Eight Regions could stop them from leaving straight up.

Jiang Chen pretended not to see any of the changes in public perception. His thoughtful eyes were focused on the restriction alone, mulling over it.

The restriction has obvious powerful spatial properties. It uses the restrictive power of space and the intersection of time to grind to death any cultivator that ventures into it. The lava isn't the killing mechanism, but rather the pulverizing force within.

Though the restriction's mysteries were hidden from an outsider like him, Jiang Chen was able to come to a few educated conclusions after some observation.

Though Pillfire City hadn't yet raged at the overexcited crowd below, Heavenly Dragon Sect's Long Baxiang was not so patient. He rushed into the crowd, grabbing two random emperor realm cultivators.

Without another word, he flew towards the restriction.

The two emperor realm experts were white in the face. "Senior, mercy! Senior… we don't hold any grudge with you…"

Long Baxiang was mostly expressionless, save for the slight sneer at the corner of his mouth. "Begging me is pointless. You should beg for the heavens to give you mercy… or yourself maybe, for luck."

Saying this, he shook both arms, pushing the two emperors into the range of the restriction.

The two men thus unwillingly entered it.

As emperor realm cultivators, both quickly tossed their hatred aside after being thrown in. Only a fleeting moment of panic and despair proceeded a careful search for a way out. They were already in trouble. Now wasn't the time to be upset at Long Baxiang. They needed to make it out alive first!

There was no retreat after entering. The only way out was forward.

The two cultivators were quite a bit stronger than the previous three scouts; and yet, the restriction was still quite formidable and limiting. However, they dealt with it in a much more methodical way. They didn't brute force it, instead attempting to find some sort of order.

"These two have learned from the mistakes of the three before them. They're going with the flow rather than struggling. However, it's impossible to pass by exerting so little effort without finding the truth of the restriction. You can't get to your destination by drifting along a river! This is a swamp. As long as you don't actively try to leave, you'll just mire yourself in deeper and deeper. It's only a matter of time…"

That was Jiang Chen's judgment.

"Daoist Cloudbillow, what do you think of these two?" One of the great emperors of the Empyrean River Palace blurted out.

Cloudbillow frowned at the restriction above. The two emperors were like snails crawling sluggishly along. He didn't particularly approve of this passive approach to exploration.

At a time like this however, maybe it was the best they could hope for.

Long Baxiang stood at the very front, his eyes fixated on the two scouts. He'd hurled them in after grabbing them randomly from the crowd. He wanted to know very much if they could actually pass the restriction.

Nobody was realistically optimistic about their chances. The two were performing much better than the three before them, but they were obviously struggling very hard.

Even if they could minimize energy expenditure, the restriction would eat away at their stores of strength sooner or later. They needed to either break through the restriction or end up just like their predecessors.

The two emperor realm cultivators were having an absolutely difficult time. No matter how much they labored, they felt their bodies becoming more leaden by the second. Every step they took forward was harder and harder.

They were still wrestling with their predicament, but had realized in their heart of hearts that their fate was likely no different from the previous three. They were on the brink of despair, ready to crumble at any minute.

They were at the end of their rope.

Time passed minute by minute. The two emperors slowed down more and more. Everyone's hearts sank into their stomachs.

The restriction wasn't planning on letting anyone through. If an emperor realm cultivator couldn't do much, could a great emperor really do drastically better? No one was sure of the answer to that question.

Chapter 1411: Entering The Secret Realm

The two seemed fated to follow the footsteps of the previous three scouts, when suddenly—

the seven enormous light pillars fired terrifying rays that streaked through the air like shooting stars. As sharp as an ax, they lacerated the incorporeal barrier, covering it in cracks.

Cracks appearing in the restriction seemed to make it temporarily lose control.

Like birds with suddenly freed wings, the two cultivators flew towards the opposite shore. The strange scene left the onlookers speechless.

By the time they came back to themselves, the two men had already reached their destination. "Hahaha, we've made it!" they gushed, crowing with laughter like madmen.

Long Baxian stiffened. He ordered, "Listen up, Heavenly Dragon Sect! Follow them!"

He took the lead himself. How could he let this opportunity pass him by?

However, another drastic change occurred the next moment.

A violent wave surged through the restriction, like a ripple across a pond. When it disappeared, the surface was as tranquil as it'd ever been.

If the crowd had been surprised before, they were now completely stumped.

What was going on?


How many ancient secrets was Agarwood Valley hiding that a simple barrier could make such a fool out of them? Breached one moment and repaired the next… It was maddeningly difficult to wrap one's mind around the flip-flopping.

His eyes inscrutable, Jiang Chen looked pensive. He'd had a few guesses, but after what had just happened, he now had a rough understanding of the situation, however vague it was.

More than one entity controls the secret realm.

Indeed. Inside Agarwood, two distinct powers seemed at odds with each other. One was doing its utmost to deny them access, while the other did everything possible to lure them inside. There was no other way to explain the strange duality.

There's a deep mystery at play. Why are there two opposing forces with diverging goals? Lost in thought, he hunted for every detail that corroborated his theory.

Jiang Chen was certain he was on the right path. The restriction, the blazing heat, as well as the lava likely belonged to the side that rejected their presence. Meanwhile, the seven pillars belonged to the other side, as well as that glass-like water screen.

Which was good and which one evil? Or perhaps both had equally nefarious plans? It was impossible to tell.

Other than the obstacles, Jiang Chen had little hints as to their motivations.

Like fish back in the sea, the two emperor realm cultivators cheerfully vanished from their sight after reaching the other shore. They casted aside all fear and despair after making it through the restriction on a fluke. Didn't an incredible chance lie in front of them? They no longer begrudged Long Baxiang for using them as guinea pigs.

They even had the urge to thank the sect representative. If not for him, they might still be stuck with everyone else.

Long Baxiang had grazed the barrier just now. Fortunately, he'd halted in time and stopped his men, saving them from a grim fate.

Gnashing his teeth, his face was ashen and his heart pounding like a drum. He fixed the restriction's chaotic fluctuations with a conflicted glare.

Unresolvable anger welled up in his chest. His two hapless victims had successfully entered the secret realm. All of the treasures inside were now theirs for the taking!

He hadn't anything wrong! So why had events taken such a disgusting turn? How could he remain calm when his actions had benefited someone else?

He whipped his head back, a chilly glint in his sinister gaze as it swept over the crowd.

The cultivators behind him blanched and backed up, deeply wary of his tyrannical ways.

He sniggered. "Why are all of you so afraid? The other two reached the other side in one piece. How can you be so cowardly when so many riches are right in front of you?"

In fact, he was tempted to go himself.

But what if it'd only been a coincidence earlier? Would the pillars help a second time? He'd also deduced that the restriction had been momentarily ineffectual earlier because of the strong rays from the light pillars.

But to think the restriction would recover so easily! It was now pristine and unharmed, as if nothing had occurred. How frightening! He repressed a shudder.

The more powerful the man, the more he was afraid of death. Rather than risking himself, he prefered using a couple meat shields and wait for another window of opportunity to present itself.

However, everyone retreated beneath his stare. No one wanted to be the sacrificial lamb.

With a cruel snicker, he flashed into the crowd like a coiling dragon and grabbed two emperor realm cultivators. His great emperor domain restrained them, leaving them no chance to escape.

"Good luck!" Without hesitance, he tossed them into the restriction.

How could a noble first rank sect act so outrageously at this crucial juncture? First threats, and now directly resorting to force! The other factions were flabbergasted. However, despite the mixture of shock and anger, none dared utter the slightest complaint to the domineering Long Baxiang.

They were caught between a rock and a hard place. They didn't want to continue cowering under Long Baxiang's yoke, but could they bear to leave at this stage?

The secret realm was almost within reach. They might never have such a fortuitous opportunity in the rest of their lives. So many great emperors were powerless in front of the restriction, but if they could overcome it, their gains would be unimaginable.

This enticement won over their dread, defeating their urge to flee.

The two cultivators didn't rush forward headfirst. Instead, the safest and most sensible way was to wait for the pillars to cut another path through.

Through unplanned accord, powerhouses from Pillfire and the Ninesuns Sky Sect also stood in front of the restriction, waiting without blinking. As long as the pillars struck, it would create a short-lived gap they could take advantage of.

Jiang Chen threw a meaningful look to Zi Tan. Weren't two entities vying for control of the secret realm? He could use it to his advantage and charge through when the restriction was rendered ineffective once more. He'd reached the same decision as Upper Eight Regions' great emperors.

The forefather immediately positioned himself behind Upper Eight factions.

"Zi Tan, once the pillars strike, rush through the opening," the young lord ordered.

The old man couldn't resist asking, "Are we finally going to reach the secret realm? I wonder what's inside."

"Ask again after we cross the lava. Don't put the cart before the horse. The only thing I can say is that the secret realm's much more complicated than they can imagine."

Jiang Chen didn't go into too many details.

As he'd guessed, the pillars stayed motionless for a spell, gathering and concentrating strength for their next assault.

They flared less than an hour later, firing terrifying, eye-piercing beams of light onto the barrier like meteors.

"Let's go!"

Like a school of carp, numerous cultivators bounded forward. Some were faster than others, but everyone scurried to the other shore.

Jiang Chen didn't use the Kunpeng Meteoric Escape, but even so, he was faster than average. He hid in the crowd, avoiding attention but didn't sacrifice too much speed either.

By the time the barrier healed itself, more than half the cultivators had reached to the other side! They now stood upon the secret realm's soil. A whole new world unfolded in front of their eyes!

Chapter 1412: An Ancient Sect?

"Hahaha, we really made it!"

"What's with this secret realm? It prevents us from entering one moment, then lets us in the next. It must be toying with us."

Those who'd overcome the restriction beamed with exhilaration. Even great emperors grinned from ear to ear.

Only Jiang Chen remained impassive. He was actually more vigilant than ever. They hadn't truly passed the barrier. Rather, a certain entity inside had let them through. While everyone basked in their excitement, he observed the surroundings, taking in the tiniest detail.

This area was night and day compared to the previous ones.

Had they entered the land of the immortals? Clouds and fog wreathed the distance where a magnificent palace was located. Seven divine pillars of light piercing the sky extended from it.

"It's right in front of us!"

Even cultivators from Pillfire and the Heavenly Dragon Sect had trouble staying collected. Their burning gazes landed on the faraway palace as if they could already touch the riches inside.

"Let's go!"

"Hurry up, don't fall behind!"

"We can't miss this opportunity no matter what!"

Apart from Jiang Chen, the secret realm had blinded them all with avarice. In their fertile imaginations, this place was the greatest holy land from times immemorial, hiding inconceivable inheritances and treasures. How could they not lose their minds at the prospect of this fortune awaiting them with open arms?


Suddenly, the faint ring of a bell chimed in the distance.

Simple yet melodious, it seemed a sound from antiquity, reaching their ears after crossing through space and time.

It erased their fears and worries, delivering ease and comfort instead, as if they'd returned to the safety and well-being of their mother's arms. Unconsciously, doubt and confusion faded from their eyes, replaced with peace amidst fervor.

Jian Cheng's hackles rose at the spectacle. The seal in his ocean of consciousness fought back fiercely against the bell's emotional influence, as if loathing its mere tinkle.

He dared not be careless. The wondrous seal had saved him too many times to count and he trusted it with no reservations at all. Almost everyone seemed under the bell's bizarre spell. Only a handful had maintained their lucidity, while he most likely was the only one fully aware of the danger.

It truly sounds ethereal and otherworldly, so why do I have this ominous premonition? Am I being overly paranoid?

This fearful thought sometimes crept in his mind, but he instantly squashed it every single time. The chain seal had never been wrong. Since it rejected the sound, so would he.

Ring after ring, the bell slowly sang a perfect tune. The rhythm was as slow as a napping old man, but its charm was impossible to resist. Go, yonder palace is waiting for you.

As the saying went, never mistake a clear view for a short distance.

The palace seemed within arm's reach, but no matter how fast the crowd sped at top speed, the palace always remained distant.

Though they made substantial inroads into the distance, but the way was much longer than their eyes perceived.

"Damn it, we've traveled for so long, why aren't we there yet?"

"It looks a couple hours away at most, but it's almost nightfall and we don't seem to have made any headway."

"Is it playing tricks on us?"

"What nonsense. You can leave if you want, but stop grumbling if you're staying!"

"That's right, do you ever hear of people complaining in the legends?"

"I know, right? Do you think ancient inheritances are to be plucked like cucumbers in a market?"

Some became impatient while others kept their cool. But without exception, none could hide the greed in their eyes.

"It must be a test. There'll be many trials to overcome along the way as ancient treasures aren't so easy to obtain. But the prize will be well worth it!" Many shared this opinion.

The restriction they'd encountered was one such trial. Many others likely awaited them, as ancient secret realms were wont to do. For example, everyone could see the misty palace and feel the distance shorten. Yet, a long, tenuous road still lay ahead.

But without warning, they suddenly arrived in front of a tall mountain with many transparent lazurite mirrors standing before it.

"Dear juniors, congratulations on making it this far!" A weathered, venerable voice suddenly emerged on the mountain road. It also seemed to echo from antiquity across time and space.

The cultivators froze, halting despite of themselves. They looked at each other, shaken by this new presence.

"Since you're here, this realm must have acknowledged your right to enter. However, if you want my personal approval, you must challenge the trial of the Gate of Life.

"What is the Gate of Life, you might ask?" the voice continued confidently. "It sees through you and me, and through all things living. You may enter the palace if you can pass through it. Treasure and knowledge will be yours. You might even… become my sect's disciple and perpetuate the sect's former glory. You better think your decision through."

The Gate of Life?

"Who does the voice belong to?" Jiang Chen puzzled. "Is it the creator of this realm? Does this place truly hide extraordinary ancient heritages?"

This thought spiralled in his mind. He suddenly realized the others were almost fully brainwashed. He had to bow to the voice's magnetism. If the man had truly created this place by himself, he'd prove a formidable opponent.

"Let me tell you a few more things before you make a decision. This sacred land belongs to the strongest sect during antiquity, the Primosanct Sect. Fairness, integrity, and justice are the sect's tenets! The creed of the leader of the ancient righteous sects!"

The leader of the righteous sects in the ancient times! The cultivators felt their blood boil.

"Moreover, the palace is the Primosanct Sect's most unfathomable mansion. It contains copies of almost all the sect's martial techniques, as well as many treasures. Some of you, I'm sure, are destined to obtain them and become unparalleled heroes!"

A fevered shiver coursed through the crowd. Even the great emperors weren't immune. They strained their ears, afraid of missing a single word.

"Whether you're a great emperor, emperor or sage realm, you'll automatically become my sect's disciple as soon as you obtain the inheritance from the forbidden area. From there onwards, you must discard your previous identity and sever all ties. Or else, the grand dao will be forever out of your reach!"

Forsake their factions?

Everyone hesitated. Stealing and mugging was one thing, but to betray their sect would be a hard pill to swallow. No one could easily take the plunge.

The ancient Primosanct Sect? Fairness? Integrity? Honesty? It sounds great and all, but why should we sever all ties? Is it true fairness to spurn one's own? Jiang Chen's eyes narrowed at the contradiction.

It would be delightful news if they truly were on the Primosanct Sect's ground. However, would the ancient leader of the just sects have someone to abandon their beloved ones, using almost threatening methods?

Jiang Chen had been the son of the celestial emperor in his past life. In all the heavenly planes, few people understood the grand dao and heavenly dao better than him. He'd never heard his imperial father mention anything of the sort.

Dao followed the course of nature. To discard attachment went against heavenly principles. Such dao couldn't possibly be the genuine grand dao!

With the wisdom from his past life, the seemingly profound words abruptly filled with strange aberrations. Of course, his insight was second to none. He could stay clear-minded, but the others hadn't noticed the issue therein.

"Remember, be true to yourselves. When you pass through the Gate of Life, your deepest thoughts will be like an open book to me." The voice continued impassively, "Very well. You have fifteen minutes. If you can't decide by then, you'll be expelled from the secret realm!"

The crowd rustled uneasily at this ultimatum.

Chapter 1413: A Series Of Tests

Fifteen minutes was far too short for such an important decision. The crowd was caught between a rock and a hard place. Only a firm and unfaltering person could make such a decision under these circumstances.

Jiang Chen however, didn't take everything at face value and scrutinized the details.

How could anyone be alive if this heritage really did come from the ancient era? But of course, he didn't shoot down the idea immediately.

There was a living, breathing example in the form of the Veluriyam Pagoda. Figures from the ancient era had been sealed and kept alive through a series of unorthodox methods. However, they were no different from practically being dead.

They couldn't move, undo the seals, or do anything in general. All that remained was a fragment of their consciousness. So what exactly was going on here?

He didn't understand the underlying mechanisms, but when in doubt, observation was called for.

The incredibly difficult choice stumped many.

This was a test of one's loyalty. To obtain the secret realm's heritage, they would have to sever all previous attachments. The commitment couldn't be half-hearted.

Wandering cultivators were few and far between in the crowd. A large majority of them were heavyweights of great sects and factions.

It was an incredibly ironic twist of fate. They'd come to hunt treasures for their sects. Severing ties with their factions was an extremely ridiculous prerequisite.

Jiang Chen remained unfazed. He wanted to see how these heavyweights would react under these circumstances.

Long Baxiang of the Heavenly Dragon Sect cackled derisively. "You can all continue dawdling! I'll be first to make a move!"

He transformed into a beam of light and was instantly swept away by a transparent, ripple of a whirlpool after diving into one of the gates. The mirrors weren't real objects, but illusory images.

Others scrambled to follow after the first die was cast. The other members of the Heavenly Dragon Sect dashed for the mirrors without hesitation.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh!

One by one, they disappeared like rocks thrown in the sea, never to be heard from again. Nobody could know for sure where they'd gone.

One, two, three…

It wasn't long before a large group had followed suit. They remained resolute despite the difficult choice. The temptation was too great to just give up now!

Emperor Cloudbillow was left in a predicament. He could tell that his companions, including those from Empyrean River Palace, Sublime Chord Temple, and Eternal Celestial Capital, were itching to dive into the mirror after Long Baxiang's demonstration. Eagerness lapped at their heels.

This was an ancient sacred land! What would they stand to gain by remaining loyal to their factions and returning empty-handed? Would they ever get this chance again if they passed up this once in a lifetime opportunity?

"Daoist Cloudbillow, what do we do?" An expert from the Empyrean River Palace asked with furrowed brows. They were clearly waiting on Cloudbillow to make the final decision. Unfortunately, the person in question was in a deep dilemma.

There was too much at stake here. He couldn't make up his mind in such a short span of time. Pillfire was the most powerful and one-of-a-kind existences in the human domain. Only the true heritage from this secret realm could make up for the regret he'd feel once cutting ties with his faction. There was no going back after he'd taken the first step!

"Daoist Cloudbillow, one must harden one's heart in order to gain a firm footing in this world. The human domain is already in shambles. Your loyalty will not pay off!"

"Daoist Cloudbillow, if this place is really is an ancient heritage, after cutting ties with our factions, we can simply establish another sect with the knowledge we gain!"

"For all we know, this sect of ours might actually become the strongest in the human domain!"

Humans were inherently ambitious and often driven to insanity because of them.

The great emperors from varying sects could no longer sit still; all spoke up to try to convince Emperor Cloudbillow. Anxiety was written clearly on their faces after seeing that Long Baxiang had made the first move.

Cloudbillow was actually longing to jump into action as well. All he lacked was a final push. Moved by their proposition, he decided to move with the current.

"Fine, since this is the common consensus. Just because we've cut all ties with our roots doesn't mean that we can't repay our debt in another way. Absolute strength is all that matters in the martial dao world! Only then can one do as one pleases!"

"Let's go!" With a sweeping gesture, he led the group through the illusory gates.

One by one, they were swallowed by the ripples and disappeared without a trace. Even though many were still loudly cursing on the scene, a majority had chosen to enter!

Jiang Chen looked at the Purple Smoke Sect's forefather meaningfully and smiled. "Do you wish to enter as well?"

The forefather sighed dejectedly and nodded. His feelings and memories for the sect ran incredibly deep, but the temptation before him was simply too great to resist.

"Then do as you please. Don't worry about cutting ties with your sect. It's all a pile of bullshit!" Jiang Chen advised through his consciousness with a cold smile.

A pile of bullshit? The forefather was taken aback. So many great emperors had racked their brains over the matter and finally walked through a gate after much contemplation. How could they have failed to see that it was nonsense?

Jiang Chen didn't care to explain anything. Based on his observations, the so-called 'Gate of Life' was merely a hoax. The voice was definitely not telling the whole truth. He didn't believe that everyone present was so resolute as to cut ties with their own sects. Moreover, he hadn't felt any powerful ripples of consciousness coming from the gates during this entire time.

It was likely just a trick.

He wouldn't fear it even if it was real. As someone who'd already been through the wheel of reincarnation, why would he be afraid of a measly contraption?

Not even reincarnation could sever his ties from his previous life. A measly Gate of Life would never be powerful enough to succeed. The act of severing attachments was completely up to oneself. A firm and unwavering heart could never be overcome.

Jiang Chen no longer hesitated after arriving at that conclusion. He turned into a flash of light and launched himself towards the gates.

The Purple Smoke Sect's forefather stopped hesitating too after the young lord made his move. If the young lord of Veluriyam Capital could be so resolute in his decisions, what excuse did the forefather have to be hesitant?

Jiang Chen was instantly carried away by a wave of energy after stepping through the gate. It felt as though he was being swept by away by the sea's tide. It wasn't long before he felt solid ground again.

Upon finding his footing, all he could hear was a series of complaints.

"What sever all ties? What Gate of Life? Nothing's changed!"

"Damn it. Were we tricked?"

"Why are you all so anxious? We've yet to receive the heritage. Perhaps it's not yet time for us to make the choice. For all we know, we might have to swear a poisonous vow for it!"

His ears were assaulted by complaints and speculation. Cultivators that passed through the gates were amassed in a common area.

"Hahaha! Congratulations to all! You've passed yet another test! Those who are destined for great things will not be caught up with trifling matters. That trial was merely to test how decisive you are! The fact that you're standing here means you've passed the test! Those who didn't pass through the gates are indecisive cowards who will never achieve great things! They will not be missed!" The voice sounded once again.

The crowd felt wordlessly disgusted with themselves, as though they'd swallowed a fly. Pangs of guilt struck them hard. Even though they hadn't truly betrayed their factions, in a way, their decision just now was a stain on their loyalty.

The Purple Smoke Sect's forefather was even more impressed with Jiang Chen. So many experts failed to notice the intricacies behind the Gate of Life, yet the young lord could tell that it was a hoax!

One couldn't help but commend him for his extraordinary insight and wit.

"Continue down this path and you shall arrive in front of the main hall of the Primosanct Palace. You will receive your next test there." The voice disappeared into the void once again after the announcement.

Why would the crowd hesitate after hearing that? At this stage, they no longer had a reason to stop. Moreover, Long Baxiang had sent two emperors through the gate, but they were nowhere to be found.

The crowd could only pray that those two didn't rise to the top first, or the rest of the group would become the biggest laughing stock in the world. They couldn't allow someone else to enjoy the fruits of their pain and hard work.

The voice didn't lie this time. After a long sprint, the faraway palace was finally within reach. One could only realize how vast and monumental the palace was when standing directly in front of it. Even the most powerful of great emperors were flabbergasted by its sheer size.

They'd even begun to suspect that they were in the celestial realm of the legends.

"The leading faction of the ancient era is quite extraordinary alright! Tsk tsk, look at the scale of this! How many treasures and ancient heritages must lay within the palace?"

"Yeah! I can't wait!" The crowd whispered feverishly amongst themselves.

Chapter 1414: On The Tip of Ones Tongue

Jiang Chen sighed to himself. The voice had clearly taken control of the situation. Even the great emperors were dancing to his tune. Or bluntly put, they were being led about by the nose.

If an ancient sect's inheritance truly was at hand, then playing along might not be a bad idea. However, Jiang Chen didn't believe that tall tale, not even for a second. But now wasn't the time to stand out. To wait and see had been his plan from the start.

Primosanct Sect or not, he stuck to his goal of unearthing all of the realm's secrets and acquiring the greatest benefits.

He wasn't so different from the others in that regard, but unlike them, he hadn't been blinded by greed. He hadn't fallen prey to the voice, his every step manipulated like a puppet.

"Dear juniors, it's too early to rejoice. Perhaps you've made ninety nine strides forward, or maybe you've made just the first. None of it matters unless you make the hundredth one! Don't be complacent, for you can easily stumble in the next trial."

The voice dumped cold water on the cultivators, as if it could hear the greedy whispers flaring up.

"Open your eyes wide and take a good look around. There are seven pillars around the palace in accordance with the Big Dipper. Together, they form a seal. You'll have to break it in order to enter the palace. Otherwise, you aren't deserving of my sect's inheritance!"

No matter how august and indifferent, there was a certain magic to the voice, as if one couldn't help prostrate oneself in front of its loftiness.

"The main gate is on the southern side. Break the seal there and the entire restriction will crumble. You will then be annointed as my sect's successors, ushering mankind into a grand new era!"

Young and old, the blood of the cultivators boiled at the irresistible enticement within the voice. To inherit the strongest sect in antiquity and lead mankind into a new era? Who could resist such temptation?

Loyalty to one's sect? Righteousness? Such considerations had long collapsed in front of domineering temptation.

Like bees, the crowd swarmed towards the southern gate. An enormous board was mounted there, three words written in a calligraphy style of old: The Primosanct Sect!

Like kings haughtily surveying the world from high above, the majesty of only three words awed the crowd.

The Primosanct Sect? Jiang Chen blinked. Against all expectations, was this truly the ancient sect's sacred land? Not necessarily! Bizarreness and traps pervade every corner of this realm. After encountering so many illusions, am I to simply believe everything I see? He held firm to his first conclusion.

The words hadn't shaken his conviction, but he was the exception to the rule.

Almost everyone else had rushed to the southern gate. The huge pillar there towered over them like an ancient guardian. A golden layer of light spiraled around it, sparkling with the brilliance of a thousand stars.

Indeed, it was one of the pillars of light they'd seen outside.

Jiang Chen stood behind the crowd, his face inscrutable. Having reached the palace doors, he had a strong hunch that the truth would soon be revealed. Would the so-called "Primosanct Sect" truly bring them happy surprises?

He rather doubted it. His intuition remained staunch and unyielding.

At the front, Long Baxiang cackle. "Emperor Cloudbillow, I was the first to challenge the Gate of Life. I trust you won't object if I go first again."

Emperor Cloudbillow snorted. "Suit yourself. I simply fear you'll prove insufficient to the task and embarrass yourself."

Long Baxiang sniggered. "If I fail, you won't succeed either. What's there to be afraid of?"

He gathered all the Heavenly Dragon Sect's elites. "On my command, attack the seal!"

His momentum swelling, he ordered an all-out assault.

Even if he wasn't number one in his sect, he still ranked in the top three. Added to that his sect's superb martial skills and the exceptional strength of his bloodline, that placed him on par with Cloudbillow.

His figure spun furiously, churning up a dragon-shaped whirlwind. His sect members also merged with it, wholeheartedly pouring their energy in to strengthen his strike.

With extraordinary speed, the breathtaking attack crashed heavily into the enormous pillar.


Terrifying vibration rumbled continuously in the air like fearsome claps of thunder. Golden light spilled everywhere, rippling outward from the pillar.

Struck by the light, Long Baxiang's figure swiftly rebounded a thousand feet away before he finally steadied himself. His mouth bleeding, he scowled malevolently. He'd clearly sustained considerable damage.

How did such a monumental attack suffer such a crushing defeat? The powerhouses from the other factions stared in abject disbelief.

The fearsome seal had withstood the combined might of the Heaven Dragon elites. Could anyone else break it?

Not in the mood for sarcasm, Cloudbillow fixed the seal with a meaningful stare. Inside the golden haze, innumerable tadpole-like runes were engraved on the pillar, abstruse and indecipherable. How can a seal from eons past retain so much power? Our cultivation is far too lacking compared to ancient times. How do we break it?

All of the other great emperors shared the same thought.

Long Baxiang's failure was a tremendous blow to their confidence. No one even had the desire to mock him.

"Cloudbillow, aren't you going to try?" Still frustrated, Long Baxiang tried to goad his rival into action, wanting to bring the latter down to distract from his own shame. If Cloudbillow also failed, no one would think much of the earlier fiasco.

Cloudbillow paid him no heed. As if in a trance, he stared intently at the runes on the pillar. One might even be tricked into thinking he could understand them.

"Heh, you later generations are ignorant indeed. Do you think you can solve the problem by yourselves? If you could, then you wouldn't need my sect's inheritance to begin with." Derision tinged the indifferent voice.

"Perhaps it's time to take a stand. Your only hope is to work as one." The voice continued, utterly uncaring. "United you stand, divided you fall. The decision is yours.

"However, this sacred land only suits the strong. Now is time to discard your preconceptions and work together. Remember, after entering the palace, all of you will become the Primosanct Sect's heirs! As peers of the same sect, perhaps you will forget all prior grudges."

The notion sounded preposterous.

However, no one could retort otherwise. If they truly completed this trial, they would indeed become members of the same sect whether they wanted to or not.

Uniting against the seal was their only hope of success!

The more they thought about it, the more reasonable it seemed.

"Ladies and gentlemen, I must admit that Emperor Dragontyrant is right" Cloudbillow finally took the initiative. "If he can't break through it, neither can any of us. Why don't we set aside past prejudices and work together without ulterior motives? The glory of the ancient holy land is waiting for us!"

"I agree. It's a life-changing opportunity for all of us. Do you want to cling to your old lifestyle and wallow in mediocrity for the rest of your lives?"

"Let's do it! As long as we succeed, our names will resound throughout the ages! We will become heroes of the human domain!" More and more supported Cloudbillow's suggestion.

Of course, it was still only first rank sects had the right to speak. The second and third tier factions had been mostly marginalized, even though quite a few of them were present. The Upper Eight Regions had the final say.

Only the Heavenly Dragon Sect and the Ninesuns Sky Sect were holdouts.

Long Baxiang smiled coldly. "Emperor Cloudbillow, I'm not one to beat around the bush, so let's get the unpleasant parts sorted out first. Let's agree on the division of spoils. Otherwise, it might cause unwarranted conflicts and mutual losses later!"

Getting the unpleasant parts out of the way first was his style of doing things.