
886 to 892

Chapter 886: A Terrifying Sword!

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

The three people arrived at the place of the incident at lightning speed. Outside the room, the experts of the three Holy Lands had all gathered here, all their faces filled with grief and indignation!

These people were all the top experts of the world, and their reactions were extremely fast. Plus the fact that they were all staying together; they had all gathered the moment the cry began.

"What's the matter?" Hai Wu Ya asked.

"It's Xia Dong Ting… Xia Dong Ting is done for…" A middle aged man donned in purple robes in the crowd said softly, his face deathly pale.

"Move aside!" Hai Wu Ya strode forward, and everyone quickly parted ways, opening a path that led straight to the entrance.

Hai Wu Ya's entire body jerked and he froze like a statue when he reached the door. He stood there in a stupefied manner, a look of disbelief in his eyes.

Xia Dong Ting was on the floor right before the door inside the room, laying on the side of his face. An odd expression was on his face; both his eyes were wide open, despair and anger in his pupils. Both his hands were in a weird position: his left reaching forward, in the shape of a claw; the right was bent at an angle, reaching for his shoulder.

His sword was still sitting silently in its sheath on his shoulder; it had not even been unsheathed yet! His body was contorted weirdly, his mouth wide open. Fresh blood started to drop from its inside now… falling to the ground, drip by drip…

Hai Wu Ya jolted violently, slowly lifting his head and closing his eyes. After a while, he slowly asked, "Who was the first to arrive? Come out to answer me!"

A purple robed man slowly walked out from the crowd, with an extremely mournful expression.

"What was the situation when you arrived?" Hai Wu Ya's voice was full of restraint, seeming like he was withholding all of his anger. "What did you discover?"

"This was a perfect assassination!" That person said in fear. "Lord Hai, Brother Xia and I were only separated by a wall in our lodging, but in the process of this sudden assassination, I didn't hear a single thing or notice anything unusual! The only noise was that cry Brother Xia had made; by the time I reached this place, it was less than half a breath from the time it happened, but Brother Xia was already like this."

The corners of the mouth of purple robed man couldn't helped but twitch, frightened by his own words!

And it wasn't just him; in fact, all the people who heard him couldn't help but shiver. His words seemed normal, but there was a deep meaning in there which was enough to scare all the Saints present to their very core, worrying for their own safety!

Successfully assassinating a Saint expert, and the other Saint who was separated by only a wall did not hear a single thing and had not even noticed anything… Didn't this mean that if this person wanted, he could kill any Saint he wanted to? And with no chance of missing his hand at it? What sort of terrifying power did that assassin have?!

Shocking? Not yet!

Because what the purple robed man said afterwards was even more shocking and unbelievable.

"Just now, or to be more exact, a minute earlier, I was still having a long talk in Brother Xia's room. Brother Xia once aside that the current situation was like an impending storm; the strength of our enemy is still a profound mystery. Although we are still stronger, but we may not necessarily be capable of suppressing the enemy until they have no strength and can't fight back. So every single one of us must always be on our guard and carry our weapon with us, putting it in a position that allows us to reach for it quickly so we can take on the fight at anytime. Precisely because we are strong, the opponent will definitely use small tricks to exhaust our energy, so we must be absolutely careful! But now…"

Everyone sucked in their breaths, looking at Xia Dong Ting's body on the floor and that long sword on his back that had yet to been touched. A look of utter disbelief was in all their eyes!

Xia Dong Ting said this, so he would have definitely done the same for himself, But even in such a state of high-alert, his carefulness had no use or effect when faced with the attack from that assassin!

If someone this careful could not escape this fate, what about everyone else?!

Killing in one strike, a Saint of his generation did not even have the chance to unsheathe his sword! This was a Saint! The sword, being carried on his shoulder, was the most handy position, a position that allowed him to pull his sword out to attack any moment he wanted to!

But this sword had lost the chance to come out of its sheath!

Then how fast was the speed of that assassin?!

"I came rushing over the moment I heard the cry. Brother Xia still had one last breath, but he was unable to say a single thing!" The purple robed man took in a deep breath and said, "The most unbelievable thing is… the wound was… his chest! A single sword that struck straight at the heart!"

A commotion broke out and everyone started discussing!

The wound was his chest; in other words, this blatant assassin carried out his assassination face on?!

A Saint, even if facing a Saint Emperor, no matter how frightened or sure of loss, would still have the time to bring out his sword!

But this unbelievable reality had appeared right before their eyes… What was going on?

"The wound here is the flaw; the fatal wound definitely is not the one that struck the heart!" The one who spoke was Zhan Mu Bai who had come in afterwards. A gleam was in his eyes as he slowly spoke. "If it was really a single strike to the heart, then even if it was a Saint Emperor like us, there wouldn't be that sort of pitiful cry from earlier! It would be an instant death! If that was the case, then it really is a perfect assassination!"

Everyone present knew the vital points of the human body, Zhan Mu Bai's words had enlightened everyone and reminded everyone present of this fact. Everyone's eyes immediately focused onto the corpse of Xia Dong Ting on the floor again.

Hai Wu Ya took in a deep breath and squat down, placing Xia Dong Ting's body flat on the ground. He softly said, "Brother Xia, please understand. For the sake of catching the culprit as soon as possible to prevent other victims and also getting revenge for Brother Xia… we… we have no choice but to offend you."

Everyone felt a chill in their heart. Hai Wu Ya's words made clear what he was going to do next: dissect the corpse to check for wounds! Only in this way could they truly resolve this mystery and understand the real reason for his death!

Hai Wu Ya stretched his right hand and pulled out the sword from Xia Dong Ting's back. This sword was finally out of its sheath, not for killing the enemy, but for the sake of dissecting its own owner's corpse!

What sort of mockery was this to Saints! But right now, they could only watch and bear with it! And even, anticipate it…

The sword cut through the clothing on Xia Dong Ting, revealing the flesh on his chest. There was a small, narrow red scar at the position of the heart. If one did not look carefully, they would assume that it was from an accidental scratch by a branch. Who would believe that this minute wound was a fatal one?

Hai Wu Ya lightly parted that wound with his fingers. An arrow of blood spurted out suddenly, extremely forceful, splatting on the ceiling of the room.

Hai Wu Ya tilted his head slightly, allowing that arrow of blood to brush past his own ear. His eyes widened at the wound he just opened up. "What a fast sword! What a vicious sword! What a fatal sword!"

Zhan Mu Bai eyes narrowed as he slowly nodded.

Only the fastest sword could pierce through the chest, a place where the most blood converged, in a single strike and quickly withdrawn, leaving no other traces of a wound. So the blood could only gather and get clogged up with nowhere to flow!

Everyone present understood this logic, and they were all confident of doing it. Most of them had done something like this before! But using this sort of swordsmanship to deal with a Saint, and achieving this sort of results, no one present was capable of it!

This sort of swordsmanship was always used by the strong to bully the weak. Only when dealing with those who were weaker could one be able to succeed in a single strike so freely! If the opponent was similar in strength, or even higher, it was merely an act of suicide!

Regular Sky Xuans could use divine weapons to cut away a thousand times, but they may not be able to break through the Xuan Qi barrier of a Saint!

Also, Saints had frightening reactions. The moment the tip of the sword entered their body, the moment they noticed something was amiss, they were completely capable of contracting all the muscles in their body to move the position of their heart. At the moment the opponent missed when striking at the empty spot, they could quickly strike back!

But this sword had cleanly destroyed all the defenses of a Saint! Not a single response was made in time! He only had enough time to let out a pitiful scream out of instinct!

"I believe everyone saw it clearly. This is the real fatal reason! It was a sword like this! Even a Saint could do nothing about it! This only proved Brother Xia's judgment; the enemy's strength is a profound mystery! A shockingly powerful assassin hides around us! From now on, all Saints shall stay three to a room as a precaution! The moment there are any warning signs, immediately alert us! Do not be careless." Hai Wu Ya said slowly.

Everyone replied simultaneously. Everyone had understood that Hai Wu Ya's words were not to frighten them; any moment they were careless, they could be the next Xia Dong Ting.

"Hold on! This matter may not be this simple!" Zhan Mu Bai scoffed and said. "The true meaning behind this sword is not just this. The culprit is showing us his might."

"Showing his might?" Everyone was confused.

Chapter 887: Three Intentions

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

"By logic, there is no chance of surviving this sword the moment it goes through the heart. Xia Dong Ting would only be able to let out a soft sigh or noise, and definitely not that powerful cry just now!"

Zhan Mu Bai said, "I dare say, if we cut open the wound to take a closer look, the sword wound is definitely odd!"

Hai Wu Ya frowned and considered for a while, before lifting the sword in his hand and cutting open Xia Dong Ting's body from the center.

Zhan Mu Bai squatted down and carefully opened it. "Brother Hai, come and look."

Without needing him to say anything, Hai Wu Ya also widened his eyes in shock.

The answer was right before their eyes. The tip of the sword had accurately aimed at the vital part of the chest of the heart, but it was also intentionally slanted by a centimeter, not entering the heart directly but wounding the side of the heart.

This sword obviously could go straight into the heart, making this a perfect assassination, and even avoid that loud cry, but the assassin did not do so, instead, intentionally allowing everyone to know the news of Xia Dong Ting's death instantly!

"This sword, despite intentionally missing in its aim, still doomed Xia Dong Ting either way. That person used their Xuan Qi to gush through the heart and destroy the dantian. The only use of this was for the victim to let out a loud, pitiful cry immediately! But after that, the person would also stop breathing and die."

Zhan Mu Bai stood up with a serious expression. "The person we are up against is a lunatic! He purposely let Xia Dong Ting make this cry!" He said slowly.

"His intention is definitely to give us a warning, or rather to say, to provoke us!" He Zhi Qiu interrupted, standing behind him. "He is notifying us that he has begun to take action so that we can be prepared and be on our guard! So that this battle will be even more exciting!"

Everyone got strangely agitated by this sentence! It was unacceptable!

A cold killing intent appeared on Hai Wu Ya's face. "What an arrogant b*stard!" He said through gritted teeth.

As a Saint Emperor, being looked down on by people, how could he not feel infuriated?

He Zhi Qiu also had a dark look, and his tone was also lower than usual. "The clenched fist is the strongest argument. Power determines everything, and this is a fact that we all acknowledge! And from the looks of this assassination, the other party has all the rights to be talking big! This sort of assassination capability is beyond any one of us! The enemy this time is not only powerful, he is even more scheming than any schemers or the most cunning of men!

He let out a long sigh. "Facing an enemy like this is not necessarily less dangerous than facing the Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master! Not only must we view this person with great caution, we must be extra careful. From the way this person is showing his might through this assassination attempt, when dealing with him one-on-one, we may not have confidence in a complete victory!"

"The more despicable thing is, such a powerful person, when facing an opponent who is weaker than himself, actually used… assassination!"

He Zhi Qiu had said the last sentence gritting his teeth tightly. The muscles in his jaw were trembling, clearly, and he was extremely furious!

The moment this was said, everyone felt the same.

The Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master was a lunatic, but he was a mad man, crazy and maniacal in the way he did things. But he would not do anything this sneaky like assassinating. Or rather, he would be feel of disdain to do it. If the Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master wanted to fight, he would make it a large scale one! He would definitely not attack behind someone's back!

But the person in the dark they were dealing with was clearly a top assassin that was willing to resort to unscrupulous methods!

An enemy like this was one that really gave a headache!

He was definitely harder to deal with than the Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master!

"Brother Zhan, this may not sound good, but I think that this assassin is the result of the trouble you had created. The other party's aim may just be you alone!" He Zhi Qiu turned around to face Zhan Mu Bai, smiling awkwardly.

"Me? How could it be me? Where is this coming from? Do enlighten me!" Zhan Mu Bai was confused.

"To be honest, I really hope that I am wrong in my judgment! No one in this whole world has this sort of assassination ability, even in the pugilistic world. Only today and now, it suddenly appears. The moment it appears, it kills a Saint!" He Zhi Qiu's eyes were cold as he said slowly. "In my prediction, it seems that only one person is capable of this."

"Who?" Hai Wu Ya and Zhan Mu Bai asked simultaneously.

He Zhi Qiu let out a deep sigh and said, "It is the mysterious master of Jun Mo Xie! Brother Zhan had sneak attacked his disciple, so he is using the same method to deal with us! This was the only explanation I could come up with."

"Indeed! It must be the case." Hai Wu Ya and Zhan Mu Bai both came to realization. The three Holy Lands no longer had any enemies in the world today after ten thousands of years, what more, a powerful enemy like this. Aside from this slightly more reasonable explanation, there were really no other possibilities.

"But, Guardian Senior Qiao had clearly said before that Jun Mo Xie did not die. She even saw Jun Mo Xie appear in Chrysanthemum City with her own eyes." Hai Wu Ya mumbled. "Since Jun Mo Xie did not really die… Why would his master be dealing with us like this in such a crazy manner?"

"That little thief suffered a blow from me at full strength; with those pathetic powers of his, how could he not die! Whereas… she has never seen Jun Mo Xie before and doesn't even know how Jun Mo Xie looks like. Don't tell me it is true just because she said it is? I never believed this matter!" Zhan Mu Bai scoffed and said, displeased.

The 'she' that Zhan Mu Bai was referring to was naturally referring to Qiao Ying. Clearly, Qiao Ying caused this great Saint Emperor Zhan to be strongly displeased with her due to her reaction in the way he handled things last time.

"Senior Qiao is a person of good virtue and is a prudent person; that news may not be false." Hai Wu Ya said hesitantly.

"One must not believe in the words of a woman!" Zhan Mu Bai's face was black as he rolled his eyes. "Unless that little thief Jun Mo Xie really appears before my eyes, well and alive, I'll never believe that she is!"

Everyone exchanged looks, but did not say a word.

After a long while, Hai Wu Ya said, "Handle Brother Xia's body appropriately; get someone skilled to sew up his body, and we'll bury him when he return back. Everyone else be on your guards; do not be careless. The opponent we are facing this time is not to be belittled."

"Yes, Sir!" Everyone responded.

It was dark at night, and the winds seemed to be blowing even closer.

It seemed like there was an invisible pressure enveloping the boundless night sky, causing the atmosphere to be desolate and miserable!


"This is a vicious battle that has nothing to do with justice. It is a battle that has no right or wrong! The reason why I did this was not for any noble reason; it was only for the sake of allowing my family and me to be able to survive! This is the only reason I fight! That is all!"

Jun Mo Xie said in a low voice, standing in the lush crown of a huge tree several hundred zhang from the Chen Manor.

"There is no battle cry or so-called great logic for this battle, only life and death. So we must not be soft hearted. Regardless of if we are dealing with a ruffian or a saint, as long as they want us dead, then the only correct thing for us to do is to make sure they die before us. Regardless if he is a hero or a saint, the moment he makes us his enemy, he is our enemy. That is all…"

"This logic I understood at least a few hundred years before you! Can you stop saying it so repeatedly?!" Mei Xue Yan frowned, seemingly on the verge of going mad.

Jun Mo Xie had been trying to reform her thinking like this for numerous days. Saying almost the same thing for dozens of times everyday… Right now, Jun Mo Xie only had to say the first couple of words and Mei Xue Yan would be able to say everything else he was going to say without missing a single word!

"I just want to tell you that…"

"You only want to tell me that, regardless if they were doing it for the sake of the War for Seizing the Heavens, or really for the sake of the world, but they want us to die, then we absolutely must not be soft hearted. If we need to kill, be despicable and be sneaky if necessary…." Mei Xue Yan said this paragraph through gritted teeth.

"So clever; actually that was what I mean. You finally understand it. I feel heartened." Jun Mo Xie clapped and said with a smile.

Mei Xue Yan was speechless…

Can I not be clever? I heard this almost a thousand times within these couple of days… I am almost on the verge of going crazy from being tormented with this paragraph. If I can't memorize it, then it'll really make no sense. Don't even talk about remembering it, even if you want me to say it backwards, it is also not an issue…

"Mo Xie, I only don't understand how you were able to kill that Xia Dong Ting silently with a single strike and make this assassination perfect, but still purposely make him cry out?"

Mei Xue Yan frowned and said, "I am not against killing them, but I do not support torturous killing! A person dying is like a flame going out; no matter how big their crimes, a single strike through their heart and killing them would be enough. Why must you make it so cruel?"

"No no no, you've misunderstood." Jun Mo Xie chuckled. "First, you need to understand that what I did this time was definitely not torturous killing. You have yet to see real torturing to death. Next, time if there is time and we have the circumstances, I'll show it to you bit by bit. I guarantee that it'll let you, Lord of the Beasts, get so flabbergasted that you feel completely weak…"

"And second?" Mei Xue Yan gritted her teeth and controlled her temper.

"Clever! To know that I had a second intention." Jun Mo Xie's sentence almost made Mei Xue Yan faint. Rolling her eyes, she forced herself to control her anger. You already said 'First'; if I do not know that there is a 'Second', 'Third' or whatever… then I must be ridiculously dumb?

"Second, my aim is to let him notify the people of the three Holy Lands that I have arrived. The game of revenge has officially begun… Everyone must slowly enjoy the fun of this game…"

Jun Mo Xie smiled gleefully. "You must know that enemies like us who are invisible and hidden can give our opponents the greatest pressure. The moment it is nightfall, everyone will be fearful and jittery… Even when the two of us are sleeping and snoring away, they will still be on their highest guard, not even daring to relax the slightest… Overtime like this… hehe, this is the highest realm of torturing people."

"Is there a third?" Mei Xue Yan scoffed and asked. Her heart was scolding:That's really sinister!

"Naturally, there is a third." Jun Mo Xie scratched his head and chuckled. "The third intention is my most important intention. That is to us, this cry to tell another person that Big Brother me is here, and Big Brother here has already started his actions. Take good note of the timing and cooperate; or if he is late, by the time I'm done, he won't make it in time for even a tiny part of the action…"

"Inform someone? Who is it? Oh… it's the Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master?" Mei Xue Yan understood the moment she had asked the question.

Jun Mo Xie comfortably changed his position and said, "Of course. We may be a lot stronger now, but… if we have a free hired thug for us, why not? I wouldn't find it too many to have free hired thugs like this. How great would it be to have eight or ten of them?"

"Free hired thug, and eight or ten of them, what are you hoping for?? You… this person…" Mei Xue Yan was angry and amused. The Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master that shocked the world with his name was a free hired thug in his mouth?

"Say, it's better for everyone to be happy together than be happy alone." Jun Mo Xie yawned and turned his body around. "Don't move, let me snooze for a while; I'm really sleepy." Then, he laid his head down and used Mei Xue Yan's supple thighs as his pillow and closed his eyes comfortably.

This lecher!

Mei Xue Yan glared for a long time, but ultimately couldn't bear to fling this scoundrel down the tree.

There was no other reason. Young Master Jun was really drained and exhausted this couple of days.

Mei Xue Yan felt soft hearted thinking of this, feeling an unexplainable heartache.

Only she really knew what Jun Mo Xie had been doing these couple of days. He had practically no time to close his eyes, being so busy. He was busy while she was sleeping, when she woke up, he was still busy…

He was really too exhausted…

I'll allow him to be willful today, this one time, and let him get a good sleep.

Mei Xue Yan looked tenderly at Jun Mo Xie whose eyes were closed, laying on her lap. His face was filled with relief, seemingly at peace. She couldn't help but feel a burst of sweetness in her heart. It is only in my embrace that he can be this relaxed for a while…

At this time, Jun Mo Xie, who seemed to have fallen asleep, mumbled, "Say, this woman's thighs are really smooth… I really wish to touch it after stripping it naked…"

This sentence alone instantly shattered all the tender affection that was surging in Mei Xue Yan's heart! It had also tossed the tempting idea of her secretly kissing this man out of the window…

Mei Xue Yan was fuming…

Chapter 888: Terrifying Heavenly Might!

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

The sky darkened gradually and just as dusk was about to descend, another storm arose!

Earlier, Jun Mo Xie had used all his methods, using the Hongjun Pagoda's shocking abilities to protect himself and Mei Xue Yan, successfully digesting the horrifying effects of the Golden Jade Fluid for his use. With the assistance of the Hongjun Pagoda, the two of them had managed to tide through the ordeal smoothly.

After breaking through successfully, the two of them didn't leave and continued in the Hongjun Pagoda. Mei Xue Yan focused on consolidating her cultivation; with the exceedingly safe, peaceful environment of the Hongjun Pagoda as well as the ocean of pure Spiritual Qi as support, it was the best place to consolidate one's cultivation. As for Jun Mo Xie, he immediately got busy refining pills and spent his efforts on other matters.

When the two came out, they immediately went to a wide and secluded area to face the inevitable Heavenly Tribulation that would follow with every breakthrough. Only after passing through the Heavenly Tribulation would they be considered to be completely safe… But who would have thought that after waiting around for several hours, there were no reactions from the sky!

This point had caused Mei Xue Yan to feel incomparably troubled!

Humans could make mistakes or have oversights; this much was understandable. But Heavenly Tribulations were the punishment of the heavens, ah!

Could the heavens also make mistakes?

The two of them had advanced together and had even made multiple breakthroughs in a row. In other words, each of them were supposed to face at least five or six Heavenly Tribulations stacked up together… but there were actually no reactions at all! After guessing around blindly for a long time and seeing that they couldn't simply wait around forever, they decided to continue on to Chrysanthemum City and also assassinated Xia Dong Ting that very night!

Previously, their strengths were not sufficient, and they couldn't kill. But with their strengths greatly improved now, wouldn't it be dumb to not attack?!

The target they'd selected this time was ultimately a third level Saint. Even though Young Master Jun had grown much stronger than before, he still needed to use his full strength to kill him in one stroke. But because of this, the true depth of his cultivation which had been hidden away before was finally unleashed, causing the Heavenly Tribulation that hadn't reacted for so long to… respond suddenly! And from the looks of it, this was not a Heavenly Tribulation for just Young Master Jun! The Heavenly Tribulation for the both of them had arrived together!

So the moment the two came out from the Chen Family manor, the dark clouds in the sky had been gathering with shocking speed, nearly merging into a single entity… It was as if all the clouds in the world congregated at the same place. In a swift moment, the clear skies had been completely covered!

Lightning bolts that had been brewing for an unknown length of time arched dangerously across the sky, and the thick swirl of clouds slowly formed into a gigantic whirlpool in the sky, finally turning into a huge 'eye'. It was as if a hegemonic, one-eyed beast had taken over the entire sky!

The countless lightning arcs did not fall immediately; instead, they all shot into the cloud-eye, and completely disappeared.

Following that, another batch of clouds swarmed over and more lightning suffused into the enormous eye…

Repeating the same sequence!

In the early hours of the morning, the entire clump of black clouds weighed down heavily, causing everyone to feel an exceedingly strange feeling, as if within a reach of their hands, they could grab a piece of the cloud!

In fact, the tips of the taller trees had already extended into the dark clouds… from this, one could easily tell what extent the weight and density of the clouds had reached!

The more dense the might of heaven and earth, the heavier it would be. Even the shrill howls of the wind that used to be so ever present in the past seemed to be lethargic and slow, finding it hard to advance…

In the sky, there were already over a hundred huge cloud-eyes, covering the sky in a dense sheet!

There wasn't any lightning, nor was there any luster of any other color, except for the color black! Black… this kind of blackness was even darker than the night. Even if a person stretched their finger out before their eyes, they wouldn't be able to see anything!

The clouds continued to gather and build up, without concern for any outside influence, but this kind of heavy pressure was so strong that everyone found it hard to even breathe!

To the common people and low level cultivators, this kind of pressure that came from the heavens and earth only felt like a stifling pressure. But to high level cultivators who already grasped the Power of Heaven and Earth, it was incomparably shcking!

Within the distance of ten thousand li, even all the Superior Supreme worldly experts did not dare to move! Whether they be Superior Supremes, Venerables, Saints, or even Saint Emperor existences, all of them were scared stiff, not even daring to breathe a little too loudly. Most of all… they didn't dare expose even a tiny bit of their Xuan cultivation!

All of them were deathly afraid that if they so much as moved a bit, the attention of the heavens would drawn onto them, and this terrifying Heavenly Tribulation of unknown origins would suddenly drop upon their heads… Such matters were definitely not a joke. It wasn't a groundless fear, but an actual, very real possibility!

When Heavenly Tribulations arrived, it would usually only seek out the person that had attracted it… But if this person had outside help, or if someone coincidentally stepped into the radius of the terrifying lightning clouds' range, the Lightning Tribulation would similarly grow stronger, becoming double or even manifold stronger than originally intended, resulting in everyone being turned into ashes!

The situation right now and the scale of the Heavenly Tribulation were truly unprecedented! Nobody dared to make any moves; even the stronger experts were not an exception! Who could truly tell who this crazy thing would fall upon next? If I moved, and the Heavenly Tribulation locked on to me because of that, wouldn't I die a very innocent death?

Not to mention, these tribulation clouds… were super massive scaled! The moment anyone came into contact with it, it wouldn't simply be a case of 'most likely will perish'. No, they would be dead without a sliver of doubt!

Such a terrifying might, even if all the experts of the three Holy Lands came together and combined their strengths to resist, assuming that the Heavenly Tribulation didn't grow stronger because of the number of people… the only likely outcome would be that all of them would be turned into a pile of ash, the remains of everyone mixed up together…

Even if the Nine Nether First Young Master appeared, he would still jump far away with shock! Since time immemorial, such a strange sight had never appeared before—not even once!

Ninety-nine huge eyes stared silently down from the sky, with great power accumulating within them. From the start to now, there had yet to be any movements from them!


It couldn't be that there were 99 peak experts breaking through at the same time, drawing the tribulation clouds, right?

But… why weren't the lightning clouds striking down yet?

What were they waiting for?

All the signs of an incoming storm were brewing!

Finally! All of a sudden!

The earth fell silent!

The howls of the wind seemed to have been strangled abruptly, suddenly stopping!

A moment ago, the entire area was still filled with noises. But in an instant, it had become as silent as to be able to detect the sound of a drop of a pin!

Such a drastic contrast caused everyone's hearts to freeze in an instant!

It's here!

Jun Mo Xie and Mei Xue Yan were perched atop a tall tree, as if afraid that the lightning would not find them, purposefully moving themselves to an eye-catching high point…

"… 19, 20… 35… 77…" Young Master Jun laid comfortably on the lap of the great beauty and twiddled with his fingers as he counted the huge eyes in the sky with a serious look on his face. As he counted, he furrowed his brows and shook his head slightly. "That's not right, the numbers are somewhat not right."

"What's not right?" Mei Xue Yan asked.

"Breakthrough… under normal circumstances, there should only be one cluster of clouds…" Jun Mo Xie pointed at the anomaly in the sky and continued. "Since the two of us jumped through many levels, and we're also going through this lightning tribulation together, it would be reasonable even if the number of clouds was slightly more. But it shouldn't be to this level, right… isn't this just plain bullying?"

Young Master Jun grumbled with some frustration. "Look, I advanced from a third level Venerable to fourth level Venerable, broke through the four ranks of Saint realm to third level Saint Emperor… that's only eight breakthroughs! As for you, we were basically joined together as one body when we broke through, so you had the same results as me… In other words, the both of us together added up should only draw 16 clouds. Even of the clouds doubled because we're taking it together, it would still only be 32… But why did 99 appear?! That's more than three times the original amount. What kind of logic is this?!"

Young Master Jun continued angrily. "Isn't this just toying with people? These despicable heavens… where did they learn their math from?"

Mei Xue Yan rolled her eyes somewhat helplessly. "Ah… why don't you go up there and debate with them?"

"Do you think that I'm stupid? I'm not going!" Jun Mo Xie refused flatly. "Whoever goes is an idiot! What kind of joke is this, jumping into the sky to reason with the heavens? Even if I want to seek death, it shouldn't be in that manner! Are you trying to murder you own husband?!"

Mei Xue Yan smiled lightly, not saying anything.

Facing such a terrifying Heavenly Tribulation, the couple was actually still nonchalant and completely uncaring, happily talking and flirting with each other as per normal…

Then… suddenly!

As the silence reached a peak and the darkness of the clouds turned black to the extreme, a series of violent rumblings rang out through the clouds, causing the atmosphere in the entire area to shake. A huge ball of purple lightning gathered and formed at the core of the clouds. Accompanied by a heaven shaking thunderous boom, a pillar of lightning as thick as a water tank streaked down from the sky!

Directly, accurately striking onto the tree that the two were sitting on!

The entire ground instantly trembled and shook violently!

At this time, Zhan Mu Bai and the rest were all gathered in the Chen Family courtyard. They were practically the closest to where the lightning tribulation was. Everyone was so stifled that they could hardly breathe… Just what kind of demon was undergoing a tribulation? To actually cause such a grand and terrifying scene!

Jun Mo Xie and Mei Xue Yan both utilized the Yin Yang Escape Art at the same time, turning their bodies into void!

The pillar of lightning blasted down, striking onto the tree in almost the same instant it'd formed!

Hai Wu Ya and the rest all gasped with shock, their eyes filled with hopelessness and despair!

None of them had expected that the blasted fellow who was breaking through was actually so close to them!

From the looks of it, all of them here were doomed to endure this tribulation!

Everyone understood that there would definitely be incomparable explosions blasting out everywhere in the next instant. With this crazy lightning storm, the area of several hundred zhang would definitely be turned into a field of ashes soon, spreading gradually until all the energy in the tribulation clouds was completely exhausted!

But considering the scale and quality of this lightning storm, hoping to weather it safe and sound was simply a ludicrous dreams, and one of an idiot!

Chapter 889: Is it a Human or a Monster?!

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

By the time this lightning tribulation passed, everyone here, whether they were peak level experts of the world or plain commoners—none of them would be spared!

This heartless bastard!

Who the hell chooses a place packed so densely with people to make a breakthrough?!

Moreover, the scale of this lightning tribulation is so horrifying!

This is seeking oneself's own death and implicating others as well…

The lightning pillar blasted down, but the expected thunderous boom that should have followed actually did not arrive. This huge pillar of lightning seemed like a drop of water that fell into the ocean, disappearing without a trace. There wasn't even a tiny bit of sound created…

What the hell was happening?

Huge question marks bloomed in everyone's hearts.

That… lightning strike was clearly not fake ah… could it be that it was just a hollow shot? I've never even heard of such a thing before…

Following that, the second strike, third strike… The frequency at which the lightning struck became more dense, and the size of each lightning bolt was growing thicker and thicker as they fell from the sky unceasingly…

The entire land was shaking violently, and even the loose stones on the ground were skipping in a lively manner…

However, the booming sounds that should occur after the lightning bolts hit the ground actually did not appear at all…

"Heavens ah… just what is going on?? The person undergoing the tribulation actually has the ability to dissolve the lightning tribulation? How can this be!" He Zhi Qiu stood mutely by the window and watched the entire thing. His mind was completely mess right now. This was the only possible explanation, but… was there really such a thing?

Inside the city, at a certain location.

Three figures stood shoulder to shoulder atop the roof of an inn, staring at the lightning storm striking downwards crazily not far away. Everyone had serious expressions on their faces.

The person in the middle was dressed in a flowing white robe, delicate and gentle looking. This was Qiao Ying. Standing beside her on both sides, were two thin, middle aged men. They stood silently on the rooftop, not utilizing a single shred of Xuan Qi. However, the three of them all had extraordinary auras, like towering mountains.

"What is going on exactly? This is this really someone breaking through?" Qiao Ying muttered in a low voice, seemingly speaking to herself and also asking the two people beside her.

The two people's faces turned complicated as they exchanged a glance. However, they did not say a single word. Because, even they didn't dare to be certain of what was going on!

If all this commotion was caused by a single person breaking through, and the person even had the ability to dissolve the lightning without revealing himself… then, it was surely a little too ridiculous!

"I… think so?" The man on the left said with some doubt. His eyes that had always been clear and confident was suddenly filled with confusion and uncertainty. When he spoke those words, he even questioned himself in his heart. "This… is it real… or not?"

"Assuming… it's a single person causing all this commotion…" The man on the right hesitated and said: "Then, that person's strength should not be too far away from the Nine Nether First Young Master from ten thousand years ago!

"Even the most risky tribulations we faced at the time of our breakthroughs were not one tenth the scale of this one!"

Qiao Ying exclaimed with shock. "If that's the case, this person's strength would surpass ours by manifold! Even the Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master does not have such a level of strength; for such a powerful expert, indeed, only the Nine Nether First Young Master can compare. Although the Nine Nether First Young Master is probably a little stronger, but in the current world, this person would have no rival!"

"Indeed, if there's really only one person breaking through now, then that person's strength… will truly be unrivalled in the current world; that person would be number one under the heavens, without a doubt!" The eyes of the two person grew more and more heated and agitated as they watched the lightning striking downwards madly.

Qiao Ying rubbed her eyes and looked at the two men beside her with disbelief on her face. Her cherry-like mouth was opened slightly, like a dumb chicken.

The two guardians beside her were already experts who stood at the very peak of this world! Was this still the legendary Heart Seal Sky Sword and Willful Wild Saber? This was too unbelievable!

In that moment, Qiao Ying even felt that these two might be imposters. Someone must have impersonated Sky Sword and Wild Saber to stand beside her!

Sky Sword, Wild Saber!

The two great guardians of the Heaven Saint Palace! The strengths of these two definitely were not inferior to even the Heaven Saint Palace's palace lord's peak experts!

Heart Seal Sky Sword, Cheng Yin Xiao; Willful Wild Saber, Qu Wu Hui!

These two were legends; two great legends of the Xuan Xuan Continent! The pride of the Xuan Xuan Continent!

Today, these two legendary characters were currently looking at the lightning storm with worshipful gazes, as though they were young school girls who suddenly saw the idol of their dreams!

Just who was this person undergoing the lightning tribulation?

Was it a human or a monster?

"It doesn't matter if it's a human or a monster. Whoever it is, they're the undisputable number one under the heavens!" As if they had seen through Qiao Ying's thoughts, the two of them concluded the conversation.

Far off in the blackness of the night, a dark figure as black as night rose up quietly. Under the illumination of the lightning flashes, this figure turned illusory, seemingly becoming one with the shadows.

This person was less than 15 zhang away from the heart of the lightning storm! This was exceedingly dangerous distance. As long as the range of the lightning strike was slightly expanded, this person would not even have a place to escape to!

Just who was this, to actually have the ability to get so close to this area, approaching the death zone?!

In this world, only one person would have the guts and ability to do that! And this was exactly that person!

The Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master!

At this moment, he was carefully observing the core region of lightning and thunder. As he looked at the direction all the lightning bolts struck, his eyes grew complicated, and he murmured softly to himself: "Just who is this person who attracted the Heavenly Tribulation and swallows it up? In this world, who has such great abilities?"

The Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master's vision was undoubtedly much more sharp than most people's! Although others were curious about why there weren't any effects after the lightning bolts landed, they at best thought that the person undergoing the tribulation was neutralizing it before it could cause any damage. But no one had thought of any other possible explanations! Or rather, they didn't dare to think in that direction!

But the Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master who was watching at a close distance could clearly see that the lightning bolts had completely disappeared. They weren't being neutralized… rather, they had been swallowed away!

Even more horrifying was that even at such a close distance, he still couldn't see what was going on inside!

There was clearly only a single tree there!

The Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master had an exceptionally complex look on his face at this moment; just by witnessing this powerful display had caused this aloof and proud number one lunatic under the heavens to feel truly convinced!

Regardless of who is inside, I will not be a match for him! I admit my inferiority!

But when his thoughts travelled in this direction, the Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master felt so depressed that he wanted to die!

Because he knew that he couldn't do the same thing as this person!

Everytime he broke through, the Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master could only rely on the strength of his own body to forcefully endure the lightning tribulation. He would find a spot away from people, at the peak of an unlucky mountain. After every breakthrough, his entire body would be filled with injuries, and the unlucky mountain would be flattened!

But this mysterious expert before him could not only pass through the tribulation with ease, he could even swallow the tyrannical energies of the heavens without a single noise!

What kind of heavenly gap was that?

The Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master watched the falling lightning dumbly, seemingly forgetting to hide himself.

As the silver lightning danced through the sky, the Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master's solitary figure was also discovered by the experts of the three Holy Lands!

"It's him!"

"Yes! It's actually that lunatic, the Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master!"

"He's the most important target of our mission this time and also the most frightening one!"

Everyone's eyes were widened with shock as they looked at that figure.

But with the power of heaven and earth raging around them, no one dared to make any rash moves.

Just like that, all the experts turned into rigid statues because of this extraordinary incident. Regardless of what enmity or hatred they had with each other, everything was in a temporary state of peace!

Only the thunderous booms that seemed to want to annihilate the world and the huge bolts of lightning fell continuously, seemingly without pause…

Streak after streak, bolt after bolt, dense as a heavy storm, striking endlessly with a frenzied manner at the mysterious expert!

Everyone's heart thumped with great fear; whether they were Saint Emperors or Saints, everyone's tongue was dry shocked.

What if… the person under that storm… was me?

All those experts did not even dare to think in that direction. But the more they didn't dare to think, the more their thoughts could not help but wonder and imagine… Every time those thoughts rose up, they would be repressed immediately. At the same time, their bodies would tremble excitedly with battle intent…

Although the thunderous sounds were loud and the energy the clouds contained were shocking, it would eventually be exhausted. As the lightning fell unceasingly, it eventually weakened and disappeared completely. Finally, all the clouds swirled together and formed into a single giant eye…

A long rumbling rang out, and a bout of even more intense lightning poured down with the force of a waterfall!

"My god… Am I going crazy, or has the world gone crazy?!" A Saint level expert gasped aloud as his body trembled like a kite.

This sentence directly echoed everyone's thoughts!


The most unbelievable thing was that this second round of lightning strikes actually lasted from dawn to midday, carrying on until night! The entire thing had gone on for a full day!

The lightning bolts grew thicker and thicker, and the force of their strikes grew heavier and heavier; but in the end, it still failed to create any destruction!

Even the tree at the middle of it was still standing tall and straight, without a single bit of anomaly.

Everyone stood with their mouths gaping like wooden chickens. For an entire day, they watched like that without eating, drinking, pissing, or even blinking!

These people included the three Saint Emperors, Zhan Mu Bai, Hai Wu Ya, and He Zhi Qiu, and over 40 Saint experts. It included Qu Wu Hui, Cheng Yin Xiao, Qu Wu Hui, and… the Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master!

All of them felt as if they were sleepwalking, and their expressions were vacant and frail.

Finally, the thunderous sounds stopped, and the lightning vanished!

In a few short moments, the densely packed clouds in the sky also dissipated completely.

At this point, everyone finally raised their heads, and looked up… The sky was completely cloudless for ten thousand li; stars dotted the night sky, as far as the eye could see, and a bright moon hung high in the sky!

"This lightning tribulation had actually persisted for an entire day!" Cheng Yin Xiao gasped lowly. All of a sudden, his body flashed and vanished!

In that moment, he was going forward to meet this senior who'd successfully broken through.

Tonight, no matter what, he must take a look at this transcendental senior with his own eye!

There was only that simply goal. There weren't any evil intents, or any selfish motives. It was just a pure desire from his heart to meet this person!

That was all!

Perhaps, apart from this opportunity, he would never have the chance to meet, or even hear anything about this person… If he missed it this time, it would be the most regrettable thing in his life!

Qu Wu Hui realized this as well, and followed closely behind him. In is eyes, there was only a fervent desire.

Right behind him was Qiao Ying.

Even Zhan Mu Bai and the rest were also rushing towards that location madly.

However, the fastest one among them was still the Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master!

After all, he'd been the closest to the site!

He was only a mere dozen zhang away!

Before his movement technique was truly unleashed, the Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master had already arrived under the tree.


The weren't even the slightest trace of a shadow!

The Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master stretched out his hand and touched the tree's bark, his eyes blazing with emotion.

Sou, sou, sou…

Tens of experts appeared on all sides, forming a large encirclement.

They looked around the area silently and looked at the Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master silently.

But right now in everyone's heart, the Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master was not the main character anymore.

The main character had disappeared… or perhaps… unless…

This tree was the one that had been breaking through??

Was it this tree that had lived for an unrecorded number of years?

Everyone was stuck in an awkward situation, not knowing what they should do. Jun Mo Xie and Mei Xue Yan had already escaped into the Hongjun Pagoda long ago. He still hadn't forgotten that a perverse character like Qiao Ying with her All Seeing Eye still existed in this world.

Although his cultivation had improved greatly, whether or not it was enough for him to hide from the All Seeing Eye wasn't something that he had much confidence with. Moreover, even if he could avoid it, Mei Xue Yan had only begun learning the Yin Yang Escape Art a short while ago; her understanding over it was still very weak. Thus, Young Master Jun had directly brought her into the Hongjun Pagoda to rest…

Let these guys be shocked for a while first. Besides, the Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master has already appeared. If they could fight a round first, that would be a great thing. There's no way I'll reject such a good thing!

Chapter 890: Whose Idea Was It?

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

The Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master stood up slowly, as if he didn't even notice the experts of the three Holy Lands gathering around him. Or perhaps, he didn't place them in his sight at all. He simply lifted his head and looked at the sky, as if he was pondering something.

The situation before his eyes; just what was happening!

The situation had caused even this lunatic of a generation to sink into deep confusion!

Although he was facing the crowd and his face was lifted, no one could see his face clearly, without exception. It was as if he was just an indistinct shadow…

In the instant that Qiao Ying arrived, she opened her All Seeing Eye and looked towards the Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master.

She naturally wanted to take a good look at the true appearance of this demon! Such a good chance did not come by easily for her to observe him at such a close distance!

However, Qiao Ying was doomed to be disappointed. Because all she saw was still just a clump of mist!

The All Seeing Eye that she had so much faith in to see through anything, actually could not even pierce through the Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master's veil!

This discovery had caused Qiao Ying to feel incomparably shocked!

"Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master, we've not seen each other for more than 300 years; your bearings are as before ah, how delightful." Cheng Yin Xiao looked over and lifted his head, smiling lightly as he said. His tone carried a hint of warning as he offered words of congratulations and respect.

Compared to the enmity of the three Holy Lands and the Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master, Cheng Yin Xiao's attitude was much warmer. Because he knew that the Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master position among all of the three Holy Lands' enemies was always behind the strange races! Although the threat he posed by himself was even greater than the threat that the strange races posed!

This was the high level awareness of a Guardian! Although both sides would still need to engage in a battle of life and death, it wasn't due to hatred or enmity, but because of a difference in ideologies!

"Cheng Yin Xiao, I remember you. You old fellow hasn't changed much either, still having that half dead face…" The Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master's head was still raised to the sky. He didn't turn to look at Cheng Yin Xiao, but he still called out his name accurately.

"There's me too, Fourteenth Young Master, you didn't only remembering Old Chen but forgot about me, right?" Qu Wu Hui said with a light chuckle.

"How could I? Willful Wild Saber Qu Wu Hui… this Young Master is truly a bit regretful. Three hundred over years ago, this Young Master almost had the opportunity to make you worthy of your title, but fell short by a bit, allowing you to return by luck…" The Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master said with a faint sigh of regret.

"Bullsh*t!" Qu Wu Hui roared loudly and jumped out. "That was because this daddy was careless, falling for your trick… How about… the two of us go for a few round right now!"

"Even if we fight another 10 rounds, you won't be a match for me!" The Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master snorted coldly. "Heaven Saint Palace's Sky Sword and Wild Saber; the names of the two top experts are just two scoundrels. Still… two scoundrels are still somewhat better than the lowlife scums down there. I guess this Young Master can feel somewhat comforted."

As he said this, the Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master stared coldly at Zhan Mu Bai and the rest. His disdain was clearly displayed, without the need for words!

As a Saint Emperor, Zhan Mu Bai actually felt his eyes sting when the Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master's gaze pierced into his eyes, causing his eyes to water as if he was on the verge of crying.

Cheng Yin Xiao laughed aloud, not minding the snide remarks. "If we're scoundrels, then Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master, you can also be considered as an utter villain. All of us are the same; there's really no need to be so courteous."

The Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master chuckled and smiled. "Not pretentious as expected! All of you are here, and so am I. Looks like our final showdown is destined to be at this place? Or should we pick another time for it?"

Cheng Yin Xiao smiled lightly and raised his brows slightly. "Could it be that Fourteenth Young Master also cannot wait to carry out a killing spree? Your old friend is right here; don't tell me, there's no face to speak of??"

"A few people here must die!" The Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master said coldly. "Even if the entire world's face was brought to me and stacked in front of me, I must still kill those people! Moreover, when have the faces of the both of you ever meant anything?"

"Dare I ask who those few people are?" Qu Wu Hui asked lowly.

"The people I look down upon the most in this life are those who sneak around despicably, attacking people who are down and injured! Especially… when they're in the higher position, to actually use methods like sneak attacks and encirclement. For those people, I would never let even a single one of them off!" The Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master said blandly.

"I understand now. You're referring to the Saint Emperors who sneak attacked and plotted against you back at Tian Fa Forest when you broke through the seal." Cheng Yin Xiao nodded lightly, instantly understanding his words. Without pausing, he asked again. "Fourteenth Young Master, dare I ask… If they hadn't used such methods and fought against you individually, how much chance would they stand? How much chance would they have of leaving alive?"

"What a ludicrous question! If it's a fair battle, this Young Master would definitely be able to snap their necks in the blink of an eye! Fighting individually against me? Are they worthy of that?" The Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master laughed madly.

"That's right! They're indeed unworthy!" Cheng Yin Xiao scoffed lowly. "Since you knew that they couldn't fight head on against you, you still hope that they would fight against you fairly, not employing any tactics? Everyone has their own point of view. You have your reason for wanting to kill them, and they also should have their rights for wanting to sneak attacks you. Fourteenth Young Master, if they had the strength to fight against you head on… do you think that anyone would be willing to use despicable measures? It's because they don't have the strength to fight fairly against you, but they have their reasons for wanting to kill you. If they don't use sneak attacks, what other methods can they use?!"

The Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master snorted and rolled his eyes. "Those words are indeed right! Everyone indeed has their own reasons. But after choosing their course of action, they should also need to bear the responsibility of the consequences themselves!

"So… If you want to kill someone, you can! But don't go around wielding your so called reasons. Because no matter what reason you have, it's all just ludicrous and laughable!"

Qu Wu Hui laughed coldly and said, "In this world, all reasons can be torn down. No matter if it's righteous, filthy, despicable, or even born out of having no choice, reasons are just a means to shirk responsibility! They're all just rubbish! Only ability is the best reason; the right reason!"

He looked steadily at the Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master and said slowly, "And you, have this true reason in your grasp. Because things like despicableness and shamelessness are not the real reason that they should die. The true reason is your strength, and just your strength!"

The Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master laughed wildly and smiled. "Well said! Truly well said! Because of those words of yours, this one will not do anything to you all today. I guess I can let them live a few more days, and allow me some more time to prepare a little, and coordinate a bit; HAHAHA…"

Having been lectured by the two of them, he actually wasn't angered at the slightest.

However, Cheng Yin Xiao and Qu Wu Hui's heart sunk in an instant. With the Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master's skills, what would he still need to prepare? Who did he need to coordinate with? That was a huge question!

But after exchanging a look, the two did not continue asking. Because they knew that this Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master would definitely not tell them anything more. They could only be more careful from here on.

"Fourteenth Young Master, I'd like to ask you one more thing." Cheng Yin Xiao's eyes grew heated. The only reason such an intense situation had occurred was all for the sake of asking this question, because it was extremely important for him.

"Who was… that person just now?" Cheng Yin Xiao took a step forward and his eyes fell on the tree again as he asked. "That person who was here just now; who was it?"

The moment this question came out, everyone perked their ears with interest. All of them had been relatively far away at the time, and only the Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master was the closest. Although the rest of them hadn't managed to see anything, but from the Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master's position, and with his skills, he must have seen something.

"Regrettably, I have no idea as well!" A strange look appeared in the Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master's eyes as he said this, seemingly fearful, and admiring at the same time as he continued lightly. "I've indeed watched for a long time, but I didn't see even a shadow of a person at all! From the start to the end, the lightning had simply been striking this tree, and then disappearing…"

He laughed bitterly and shook his head. "When I came here earlier, I tested my strength on this tree and actually blasted through it…" As he said that, he waved his sleeves and dust flew everywhere. A large hole could be seen on the trunk of the tree…

Everyone's suspicion were cleared in an instant. However, the doubts and confusion in their minds had instead thickened.

Just who was it?

"No matter who it is, that person is most definitely a peerless expert of this world. Even this Young Master has no choice but to admit inferiority!" The Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master sighed with some disappointment.

Cheng Yin Xiao and Qu Wu Hui both understood very clearly what this sigh of the Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master meant. All along, everyone had acknowledged that the Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master was the number one expert of this world. Even the Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master himself also felt so!

Nobody thought of it as being arrogant. Since there was never a person who could defeat the Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master, this had already become an undeniable fact!

So against the Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master, people could only ever fight in with great numbers!

Moreover, it wasn't just one or two people joining hands.

Now that someone like that had appeared, even the Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master felt incredibly inferior in comparison! Just the scene of the huge lightning tribulation was enough to drag him down from his prized seat as number one in the world.

Who could imagined what kind of depressed feelings the Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master was holding right now?

"I'm confident of enduring that lightning tribulation just now as well." The Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master said heavily. "However, I can't do it like that person… not ever!"

"Swallowing the lightning tribulation!" The Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master added these four words to the sentence in his heart.

Cheng Yin Xiao and Qu Wu Hui exchanged a glance, feeling somewhat lost.

The Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master thought for a moment and suddenly asked, "You asked me a question, and I've answered. Now, I shall ask you a question too, and you shall answer me." His eyes grew fierce, like a pair of sharp swords that sliced through the night air!

"What is it? As long as I know about it, I will definitely reply honestly!" Qu Wu Hui could hear the dangerous tone in the Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master's voice, and instantly knew that this question was most likely not easy to answer. His heart turned heavy as a result as well.

This question was actually something that could rile up the Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master's anger. Just this point alone meant that it was definitely not a simple question!

"Nine Firmament First Old Master… who came up with this name? Whose idea was it?!" The Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master gritted his teeth as he asked, the ferocious glint in his eyes growing ever more intense!

Chapter 891: Evil Monarch!

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

"Nine Firmament First Old Master?" Cheng Yin Xiao and Qu Wu Hui looked at each other in confusion. It was the first time they'd ever heard of such a strange name. Although the two of them had several hundred years of experience and recognized that this strange name was directly opposed to the Nine Nether Young Masters, they couldn't identify the machinations of its implication on the spot and were all stumped!

"Just who was it that came up with this name? Answer me!" The Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master completely disdained Zhan Mu Bai and the other Saint Emperors, but he still trusted the people from the higher ranked Heaven Saint Palace. Because in Cheng Yin Xiao and Qu Wu Hui's realm, they were already the absolute peak characters of the world. They wouldn't possibly lie, and even disdained the act of lying. Whether it was them being lied to, or to the Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master!

"Who is this Nine Firmament First Old Master? Have you all heard of it before?" Cheng Yin Xiao looked the crowd with confusion. Although he'd already managed to guess that there must be a strange reason for the Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master to suddenly ask about this name, but he'd been secluded away from the world for too long, and thus turned to ask his subordinates.

"HAHAHA, Nine Firmament First Old Master? That name is indeed not bad." Zhan Mu Bai laughed aloud. At this point, he'd already thrown away all his inhibitions completely. A moment ago, the Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master had already stated very clearly that he definitely wouldn't let him go. Besides, he had the three great experts of the Heaven Saint Palace here: Qiao Ying, Cheng Yin Xiao, and Qu Wu Hui. Even if the Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master blew up on the spot, although their chances of victory were not high, it should still be possible for them to protect themselves.

So right now, Zhan Mu Bai's was completely carefree. He snorted mockingly. "Nine Firmament First Old Master? What a good name ah! It's truly very compatible with the Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master, simply too compatible…"

"Is it very compatible? Tell me then, in what ways is it compatible?" The Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master asked in an icy manner.

"One is the Nine Firmaments, the other is the Nine Nethers… the former is high up in the sky, being termed as being the sky above the sky, while the latter is in the depths of hell, beneath the earth…" Zhan Mu Bai chuckled lightly. "It's very symmetrical. Then, one side is First, while the other is Fourteenth… no matter how small the seniority is between the two, it's in direct contrast to each other. Finally, one is actually a "Young Master", while the other is an "Old Master"! HAHA…"

Zhan Mu Bai laughed madly, tears nearly flowing out of his eyes as he rocked forward and backwards. "Young Master carries the connotation of the junior generation, while Old Master refers to the ancestral generation! There's quite a few levels of seniority in between them! That's at least three generations, I reckon. But, that's pretty little I suppose. Compared to the distance between the heavens and hell, between the numbers one and fourteen… the gap is much lesser; it's a huge improvement ah… HAHAHA… Oh my, it's too funny!"

All of a sudden—

"PA!" A crisp sound rang out as a ruthless slap smacked across the side of Zhan Mu Bai's face. This slap was so fierce that his entire body tottered, and his sense of gravity was shifted, causing him to stumble sideways several steps… Following that, another slap whizzed across the other side of his face, smacking his balance back again.

Although Qu Wu Hui and the rest had already prepared themselves to step in, they still failed to stop the Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master's movements! The could only watch as he gave Zhan Mu Bai slap after slap, unable to react!

Such a speed could be said to be unrivalled under the heavens!

Zhan Mu Bai was just about to roar with rage when he felt his throat being gripped tightly by a large hand, lifting his entire body up.

His feet dangled helplessly in the air, and at the same time, a copious amount of powerful energy, cold and dark, seeped into his meridians like the claws of a ghost, instantly gaining control over his veins and extending towards his dantian. His entire body of cultivation was completely taken over. At the same time, all the control over the movements in his body was completely wrested away!

In just the blink of an eye, Zhan Mu Bai fell from the lofty position of a Saint Emperor to a position where he could not even control his own life and death!

"Fourteenth Young Master! Please stop! We can talk things over." Cheng Yin Xiao and Qu Wu Hui both rushed forward at the same time. The two of them had already felt quite shocked that they hadn't been able to stop him at first. Seeing how he was able to use such amazing methods, controlling the movements of a third level Saint Emperor in an instant, they could not help but feel their hearts skip a beat!

"Stop! Whoever dares to take another step forward, and I swear I'll wash the three Holy Lands in blood!" The Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master furrowed his brows and chuckled coldly. With a wave of his hand, he easily tore the space behind him into two! Just like that, he'd created a forbidden zone, while he and Zhan Mu Bai had already stepped into another space.

Cheng Yin Xiao and Qu Wu Hui were less than half a zhang away from the Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master. As long as they stretched out their hands, they could touch the Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master's body. But this half a zhang of distance had become the distance between the heavens and the earth!

The true meaning of a short distance away, and yet poles apart!

With a flick of a finder, shattering the void!

This was not a story, and legends were not all nonsense. At this moment, it was happening before everyone's eyes!

Cheng Yin Xiao and Qu Wu Hui both sucked in a cold breath of air. Just judging by this ability, the Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master's skills had recuperated to at least over 80 percent! A Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master that'd recovered 80 percent of his strength was already not something that the two of them could resist.

If the two of them joined hands, it wasn't a difficult thing to break through this Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master's space barrier. But at the very least, it would still take them the time for half a pot of tea to boil! The time needed for half a pot of tea might not seem like long, but in this scenario, even the time taken to blink an eye was too much. By the time it took half a cup of tea to boil, everything would have concluded…

Moreover, if the two of them really went over, then… regardless of whether they made it in time, the matter about washing the three Holy Lands in blood that the Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master spoke about would turn into reality!

With the Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master's strength, he definitely could do it! This was a pure lunatic; in the heavens or on earth, there was nothing that he didn't dare to do!

Although it was a naked challenge, weren't the two of them completely helpless? They could only submit!

The both of them stopped their actions immediately. "Brother Fourteenth, have mercy now… is not the time for you to kill Zhan Mu Bai!"

"I never said that I was going to kill him. At least, not now." The Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master said somewhat blandly. "I just want to ask him a few things. Don't worry, with the three of you here, even if I want to kill someone, I would kill just the three of you only. Why should I lower my status to deal with such a lowly dog? With how he is, this fellow is still far from deserving a death by my hands!"

The Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master lifted Zhan Mu Bai up by the neck, and stared at him coldly. "Little bastard, you know this Nine Firmament First Old Master?"

With his Saint Emperor cultivation, what kind of existence was Zhan Mu Bai! But before the Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master, he did not even have the strength to resist! He was like a little child, swung about helplessly in the hands of an adult. Furthermore, he had to endure the shame of being abused verbally with every sentence… once could easily imagine the humiliation he was going through!

At this point, he'd already realized that his guesses had been completely wrong. The Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master had already recovered… Originally, he thought that the Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master's internal injuries were still not healed and he wanted to make use of the opportunity to irritate him with his words, disturbing his state of mind. Then, with the three Guardians here, they could attack him together. This was a heavenly opportunity!

However, the three Guardians completely did not stop the Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master! In an instant, his heart turned as cold as ice!

In the face of such circumstances, Zhan Mu Bai was actually able to steady his heart. His chest heaving with great difficulty, he laughed coldly. "Nine Firmament First Old Master… I don't know this name… But even if I knew, I… would not tell you!"

A crazed look flashed in Zhan Mu Bai's eyes. After being controlled like that, all his face and reputation had been thoroughly destroyed. At this point, he no longer cared much about life or death! However, he could tell that the Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master cared very much about this Nine Firmament First Old Master!

From the name alone, it was easy to see that the name "Nine Firmament First Old Master" was a natural counter to the Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master! This name was undoubtedly a thorn in the heart of the Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master's heart! How could Zhan Mu Bai possibly let a chance to dig at the wounds of his opponent go?

Even if I can't beat you in a fight, I still know how to irritate you to death! In any case, I've already lost all hopes for living. Why should I let you live happily? Before I die, I must do my best to piss you off a few more times!

"Good! You have guts!" The Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master tightened his grip, and a large amount of scorching Qi burrowed into Zhan Mu Bai's meridians! Zhan Mu Bai suddenly felt as if his blood was boiling, and even his brains were about to be fried!

This was an unimaginable pain!

Even the most cruel torture in the world was only as such!

Zhan Mu Bai was unable to endure any further; with a wretched screech, he fainted like a clump of cotton. But in the next instant, the scorching Qi turned into bone freezing chilling Qi, directly shocking him awake. His mind was incomparably clear, but his body was nearly frozen!

The blood that had been boiling a moment ago quickly dipped to the point of freezing!

A layer of white frost could be seen forming on Zhan Mu Bai's body with a speed visible to the naked eye!

"I just want to know, how the name Nine Firmament First Old Master came to be!" The Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master looked at him coldly. "Spit it out, and I will let you go!"

"Since the world… has a Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master… there would naturally be a… Nine Firmament First… Old Master…" Zhan Mu Bai coughed and spluttered. Faint blood trails ran along the side of his mouth, freezing into icicles. However, he still managed to smile venomously. "It's that… simple…"

The Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master's expression stiffed, and his aura burst out once again. In an instant, Zhan Mu Bai's blood turned into liquid again, quickly boiling once again; after that, it turned from boiling to cold, repeating the process at least a dozen times!

Zhan Mu Bai suffered with agony as the ice and fire torture continued. Boiled to the verge of death, he was revived again only to be scorched further. He was so overwhelmed with pain that he wished for death. At the end, he didn't even have the energy to scream anymore…

"I've said before… before I kill the three Guardians, I will not kill you! Relax, I will definitely not go back on my words!" The Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master said with a cold smile. "However, I will still collect this bit of interest first! While you get to live, you will live a life worse than death!"

He roared with laughter. "However, it's still worthy of being cherished! Although you get to live, it's only for this last night. Enjoy it!"

Following that, the Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master flung his hand, throwing Zhan Mu Bai's body out to the crowd from the three Holy Lands as if he were discarding a rag doll. Hai Wu Ya hurriedly rushed up to catch him, but at the instant he caught Zhan Mu Bai's body, his body shook heavily, as if ten thousand hammers had smashed across his chest. Unable to endure, he stumbled backwards repeatedly for over 10 steps, creating a huge pit under his feet. Large cracks extended out from the pit…

When he finally managed to steady himself, his face had turned completely pale. Then, with a flush of red, he coughed out a mouthful of fresh blood.

The Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master took one step out, his black figure soaring high into the sky. At the same time, his voice rang out loudly. "Heart Seal Sky Sword Cheng Yin Xiao, Willful Wild Saber Qu Wu Hui, All Seeing Rakshesha Qiao Ying! Come and have a fight with this Young Master!"

His black figure flashed in the sky, and thousands of the Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master's afterimages appeared in the sky, illusory and ethereal!

However, the Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master was already gone!

The three Guardians exchanged a glance and laughed. "Since Fourteenth Young Master is so excited, the three of us will naturally spare some time to accompany you!"

The three did not fear anything at all as their bodies flashed and disappeared, chasing after the Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master!

The Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master did not continue pursuing the matter about the Nine Firmament First Old Master. Instead, he directly issued his challenge. His intentions were very clear. I'll defeat the three of you first, before coming back to finish Zhan Mu Bai off!

No matter what, he was unwilling to let Zhan Mu Bai continue living!

As for the matter with the Nine Firmament First Old Master, he could tell that these people truly did not know anything. Although Zhan Mu Bai had used this name to attack him, but the Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master knew that if the latter truly knew about such a person, his words would definitely be even more ugly than this!

It looked like he would need to investigate properly after today's matter ends. If he truly couldn't find anything, he would directly find that 'Nine Firmament First Old Master' and ask him personally!

As for Cheng Yin Xiao, Qu Wu Hui, and Qiao Ying, they were quite helpless in the matter. The Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master had already issued them a challenge in his rage. With their positions, even if they knew they couldn't beat their enemy, even if they knew that they might die, they had no choice but to accept!

Besides that, there was still the matter about Zhan Mu Bai's suffering. No matter what, he was someone who belonged to the Holy Lands. To be tortured like that, they needed to at least get some justice for him! Whether they could obtain that justice was one matter, but whether they at least tried was another matter altogether!

Otherwise, the great name of the three Holy Lands would be destroyed entirely today!

Thus, the three of them did not have a choice!

Four shadows flashed like shooting stars across the night sky, disappearing quickly to an unknown location…

As for the experts of the three Holy Lands, when they saw the wretched state of Zhan Mu Bai, all of them were seething with anger!

The Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master actually humiliated a Saint Emperor in the midst of the crowd to that extent!

To do that in front of so many peak experts was the equivalent of slapping the three Holy Lands roughly across the face!

If he hadn't left, even though they knew that they wouldn't win, the crowd would still attack en masse, using their lives to regain the pride of the Holy Lands!

Just at this time, when the crowd was still boiling with anger, a loud scream rang out, causing everyone's eyes to widen with disbelief! The scene before their eyes was too shocking!

An even more unbelievable scene appeared before everyone's eyes!

About one zhang in front of the crowd, a huge, dirty earthen wall was suddenly rising out if the ground, blocking the wide street!

From nothing to something, this wall had appeared from seemingly nowhere! It was as if this wall had suddenly come alive, growing without limits…

The wall grew taller and taller slowly, and the side facing the people had become as smooth as a stone monument. Finally, it stopped when it was five zhang tall and approximately three zhang wide.

As the crowd watched with dumbfounded eyes, some new transformations appeared on the wide wall.

Several words appeared, their strokes bold and swift as if dragons and phoenixes were dancing!

It was as if an invisible ghost was writing atop it.

At the very top, two words appeared. Although the words looked light, swift like dragons and phoenixes dancing, they seemed to be as heavy as mountains, striking into the hearts of the crowd like lightning, piercing deeply into their hearts and eyes.

Two extremely arrogant and bold words!

"Evil Monarch!"

Chapter 892: The Evil Monarch's Declaration of War!

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

Hai Wu Ya and the rest watched the sudden appearance of the wall along with the almost magical words in a dumbfounded manner. Even though they were all old demons that'd lived for hundreds of years, they'd never seen something so ridiculous before!

Besides that, what did those words mean?

"Evil Monarch?!"

Just from the looks of this name, it should be a nickname or a title of some sort. However, nobody seemed to have heard of such a person before. Who did this name represent?

In this world, Evil, naturally referred to the Dao of Evil, or the demonic path. However, to date, was there a person who dared to proclaim themselves as 'Monarch'?

If a monarch like that truly existed, would they be completely unknown? Wouldn't their reputation have been completely destroyed long ago?

For this mysterious name to appear here, what was the purpose? Could it be that the person who just had the breakthrough was this Evil Monarch?

Just as everyone's hearts were thumping anxiously, the words on the wall blazed brilliantly, and the words turned into a bright golden color!

In a short period of time, the dark night became brightly illuminated!

Hai Wu Ya, He Zhi Qiu, and the rest were completely dazed. This… there's such a transformation also? Could it be that ghosts and gods really exist in this world? Or could it be that the person who just broke through was so overpowered that even the heavens wanted to stand witness for him?

This kind of amazing transformation had clearly exceeded the understanding of everyone present.

But following that, another flash of gold burst out, and more words began to appear yet again! The experts of the three Holy Lands were all shocked first, then they grew serious, and finally, they exploded with rage! Extreme and utter rage!

Firstly, a single word appeared right in the center of the wall, occupying the central position—FIGHT!

"The world is filled with evils, and I am its monarch! Sweeping across the lands, looking upon the pugilistic world with disdain! Where the Evil Monarch goes, Gods howl and Demons weep! Laughing at the universe, glancing at time, past and present!"

"How bold!" He Zhi Qiu snorted coldly as he gave his evaluation of this unknown and fancy 'Evil Monarch'! Everyone in the crowd felt the same way as well.

These words were simply too presumptuous and wildly arrogant! Who did this fellow think he was?

But everyone also knew one thing: for such a strange phenomenon to appear at this point, the other party was obviously not doing it just to show off. Just his strength of being able to pass through the lightning tribulation already made everything quite clear. There must be a purpose for doing all this now.

From the looks of it, they needed to continue waiting.

As expected, the words that followed confirmed their guesses.

"The Holy Lands are unrighteous and the Evil Monarch shall replace them; slaying a Saint with a single sword—that was just the beginning!"

Everyone gasped with shock; so it turned out that Xia Dong Ting's assassination had been caused by this same Evil Monarch!

"… Punching the Elusive World of Immortals, kicking the Supreme Golden City, and when I'm bored, slapping the Blood Ocean! All the hypocrites of this world shall die without a burial place; the scoundrels of the Holy Lands shall all be sent into the next life; the world shall rejoice, and the oceans be at peace; only I, the Evil Monarch, am fit to hold sway over the world!"

"How unbridled! How arrogant! How detestable!" He Zhi Qiu cursed with rage. The others also exploded with anger. This 'Evil Monarch's' tone was simply too unbearable! Although your strength is great, could you go against the mighty three Holy Lands with tens of thousands years of foundations in this Xuan Xuan Continent?!

"People of the Holy Land, if you have the guts, convene at the South of the city in the morning! Life and death shall be determined with a single fight, and all enmities will be resolved! When the sun rises in the morning, it will be the time for the execution of the Holy Lands!"

"This Evil Monarch awaits to personally send everyone off! The Yellow River is long and winding, and the gates of death are beckoning. May everyone take note to be punctual, so as to not miss the auspicious timing and end up as wandering ghosts."

At this point, the words on the wall finally came to an end.

The experts of the Holy Lands were so angered that their intestines had gone green!

In this world, there was actually such an arrogant person when facing the three Holy Lands!

"Dawn of tomorrow! Evil Monarch… final showdown!" Hai Wu Ya mumbled as he read the words on the wall repeatedly. Compared to the others, he was quite a bit wiser and calmer. When he looked at this odd looking wall, apart from shock and rage, Hai Wu Ya felt an even deeper sense of dread. The sense of fear that he'd forgotten long ago had suddenly resurfaced again!

If the other party had no confidence, why would he write this declaration of war?

"Indeed!" He Zhi Qiu was also beginning to calm down from his rage, and he analyzed the words again rationally. "This will most definitely be a bitter fight! The chances of victory in this battle is really…"

"This Evil Monarch really chose an opportune timing…" Hai Wu Ya laughed bitterly and said. "Over half of our forces that came to Chrysanthemum City have already been split. This could be said to be our weakest moment. But he actually chose this timing to pick a fight! This old man feels that the situation is not very good for us."

"Not very good? It's terribly grim!" He Zhi Qiu said seriously. "The issues earlier had caused the people from the Misty Illusory Manor to depart entirely, even showing intentions to turn into enemies with us. Our weapons also disappeared at that time. Right now, Brother Zhan has been injured so grievously by the Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master. Even you, Brother Hai, have suffered some internal injuries. The three Guardians that we'd been counting on have been called away to battle against the Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master… And now, this Evil Monarch with even greater strength than him has issued us a letter of challenge!"

He Zhi Qiu shook his head and breathed out a long sigh. "As for us… we don't understand what kind of existence this Evil Monarch is! Before this, we haven't even heard of such a person before… This fight is completely ridiculous! If he's really the person who broke through just now, the few of us will not have much longer to live!"

"Everyone knows this too! However, this fight is already inevitable!" Hai Wu Ya smiled bitterly. "Just as the three Guardians had no choice but to accept the Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master's challenge, we similarly have no other choice but to accept this battle!"

"For the sake of the Holy Lands' ten thousand years worth of reputation, we cannot retreat even half a step! We would rather all die in battle than cower from a blatant challenge!" He Zhi Qiu looked at the far away night sky and said in a forlorn manner.

"Leave two people behind to take care of Brother Zhan. The rest of us shall set off together." Hai Wu Ya said decisively. "This person might have great abilities, but he might not necessarily be that same senior who broke through earlier! Besides, there's a limit to the strength of a single person. He's ultimately just one person. If we talk in terms of the number of experts, it's impossible for that person to have deeper foundations that our three Holy Lands no matter what! This fight might not be completely without hope of victory. Perhaps… we could swarm and take the enemy by surprise; the same strategy we used against the Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master back then might prove useful again for this situation!"

He Zhi Qiu raised his eyebrows for a moment and nodded.

"I… will go too!" A weak voice sounded out. As the two turned their heads, the person speaking was actually Zhan Mu Bai! Seeing his current state, they all gasped internally with shock! Hai Wu Ya's body even trembled lightly…

At this time, Zhan Mu Bai's appearance could be said to be wretched to the extreme.

The left part of his body was scorched, and the right side of his body was frozen. From his face downwards all the way to his feet, everything was completely covered in this strange state of ice and fire. In just an hour, the right side would turn to being scorched, and the left side to being frozen, thus maintaining a delicate balance…

The Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master's methods were truly gruesome! This was the result of their unique ability, the Nine Nethers Searing Flames and the Nine Nethers Frigid Wind, being imposed onto Zhan Mu Bai's body at the same time. Every hour, the states would change… there was a name for this, called Yin-Yang Refining Soul!

This Yin-Yang Refining Soul would take up to an entire day and night's effort to completely run its course! For an entire day and night, the victim would be tormented as though they were being led through all eighteen levels of hell repeatedly. It was the publicly acknowledged cruelest torture method in the world!

It was difficult to obtain life though one wished for it, but seeking death… was even more impossible!

When the Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master let him go previously, it was not because he truly intended to let Zhan Mu Bai off. He released him purely for the sake of letting him suffer more! In this state of agony, even saying a single word would be while enduring great agony!

"In my current state, I can only at most hang on until dawn…" Zhan Mu Bai trembled intensely and spoke as he gritted his teeth hatefully. "Rather than being toyed to death by the strange methods of the Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master, I would rather fight it out with that Evil Monarch; perhaps I might even be of some use… My two brothers, in the fight at dawn, I'm naturally helpless to do anything. But I hope you can help me… ignite the Blood Collapsing Body Rending Divine Technique! Let me… die in a more presentable manner…"

"Blood Collapsing Body Rending Divine Technique…" Hai Wu Ya and He Zhi Qiu both shook as though they'd been struck by lightning. "Brother Zhan, all you need to do is to endure for one day and one night, and your cultivation will possibly recover… why must you go this far…"

Zhan Mu Bai laughed bitterly as his face twisted with pain. "So many things have happened to me in this trip… everyone has also seen it for yourself. Do you think that I, Zhan Mu Bai… would still have the face to keep on living? Not mentioning that Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master's death threat, just the matter of my face…"

As he spoke to here, he suddenly sucked in a deep breath and bellowed. "I, Zhan Mu Bai, am simply… living a life worse than death!!!"

Zhan Mu Bai's profound cultivation had been sealed long ago. This sentence, had been yelled out entirely by the strength of his body. His voice was hoarse, and filled with humiliation and shame!

Zhan Mu Bai's heart had already been filled with death long ago!

Hai Wu Ya and He Zhi Qiu stood there mutely, their hearts as heavy as lead. They looked at each other helplessly, unable to say a single word…

The night slowly slipped away…

As the sky brightened gradually and the experts of the three Holy Lands, under the leadership of He Zhi Qiu and Hai Wu Ya, quietly made their way to Chrysanthemum City's south gate.

There was a soft mattress carried by a few people in the middle of the group, where Zhan Mu Bai sat atop with his back straight. The left side of his face was completely red, and the right side was a frightening frost white. His body trembled uncontrollably, and the muscles on his body spasmed and twitched. But Zhan Mu Bai's hair was actually combed neatly to the side, and his robes were clean and stainless. His eyes were filled with killing intent and determination!