
597 - 603

Chapter 597 - Confession!

"I didn't think your Domain has been perfected to this level." It seemed like his opponent had advanced into the Domain level for quite a while now, otherwise he couldn't develop the Domain prototype into the mature level that it was at now. Even the Wind Domain he used, that took more than 10 years to develop, only gave him a slight advantage.

Although Ling Lan's mecha piloting skills had already surprised him very much, Senior Colonel Mi still believed that Ling Lan's potential in physical skills was far greater than his potential in mecha piloting. The youngest and strongest Domain user had indeed emerged.

"Senior Colonel, are we still going to fight?" Ling Lan did some Qi exercises to let her internal injuries to be recovering at the fastest possible speed. The chest pain and pressure she felt was gradually relieving.

"No, it's alright. Since we already know your capabilities, there's no reason to fight anymore," Senior Colonel Mi instantly refused. He didn't think Ling Lan would be this strong in terms of Domain. It was way beyond what he had imagined. If the two of them were to fight to see who would win, both sides would suffer heavy injuries. Additionally, he wasn't enemies with Ling Lan so they of course didn't need to fight to their deaths.

"Does this mean that I passed?" At that moment, Ling Lan smirked. Only a minor change had made her face into a warm spring-like one from a cold-winter one. This made Senior Colonel Mi understand the strength of genes. Ling Lan was indeed General Ling Xiao's son.

"Yes, congratulations Ling Lan. You have officially become a mecha battle team leader in the 23rd Division. It's just that I don't know which mecha clan the higher-ups will be sending you to," smiled Senior Colonel Mi.

"Thank you!" Ling Lan thanked him sincerely. If it wasn't for Senior Colonel Mi's reminders and arrangements, it was possible that she wouldn't be able to pass the second evaluation. Ling Lan wasn't so conceited that she would think she would be able to take on six people by herself.

Right at that moment, the two of them heard a weak voice called out from a distance, "… Leader, if you're done, please come and help us."

The members had eyes filled with anguish. It was though they were saying that if Ling Lan and Senior Colonel Mi were to continue talking to each other, the five of them would be meeting Hades.

Senior Colonel Mi saw the miserable expression on the five of them and was in dismay. It turns out he had overestimated the endurance of the members.

At that moment, Senior Colonel Mi didn't realize that having gone all out, the energy shockwave created from the clashing of the two Domains was beyond anything anyone below the Domain stage could stand. It wasn't that he overestimated their endurance, but instead he had underestimated the energy released during his battle with Ling Lan.

Senior Colonel Mi felt humiliated. He frustratingly called people to send the five of them to the treatment room. Afterwards, he arranged a hover car and sent Ling Lan out of the base.

At that moment in the new recruit training camp, the new recruits that were standing in a line were dismissed after the lead instructor had spoken.

However, the new recruits at that moment didn't know which group or clan they were going to join. They must first enter the atrium and register. Then the registrar will distribute them based on their performance in the training camp and their strength.

Of course in the atrium, there will be many different groups of mecha battle teams recruiting new members before the registration. Teams will choose members and members will choose teams. Whether the new recruits had a battle team or not, they were all welcome to join new ones. It was because these battle team were taking in temporary members. Then after years of cooperating and both sides were satisfied, they would then become an official member.

However, not every temporary member would stay in the battle team. Many temporary member were abandoned by team leaders and left because they did not reach the requirements. There were also many temporary member would leave on their own accord because after many years, their original battle team leaders of those new recruits may have successfully activate their own battle team and then they would choose to return to their original team. There were those who returned and of course those who didn't return. Those who connected with their new battle team would choose to continue to stay and become an official member.

It could be said that this was like shuffling a deck of cards. It was also a time for old friends and comrades to meet with one another. It had nothing to do with right or wrong. It was only the choices everyone made during different parts of their lives. Their choices will always be different.

All the new recruits streamed in the registration atrium. Compared to other urgency, Qi Long and the rest of their group were very relaxed and quickly fell into the back of the line.

Luo Lang held the back of his head and looked at the beautiful sun in the sky. He lazily asked, "Qi Long, do you think the Boss will be waiting for us in the registration atrium?" Thinking that their group will have to split into different battle teams and stay for two or three years, Luo Lang wasn't very interested in the life within the division for the next two to three years.

Wuwuwu, he missed Boss. If Boss was there, they would be able to ask him to find General Ling Xiao. Even if they couldn't be in the same battle team, it would still be good if they were in the same army corps. While being full of regret, Luo Lang also missed Boss very much. Also, he felt that the three months training for the new recruits was a waste of time. The difficulty was actually not comparable to the training the Boss had given them back then…

If their instructor knew what they were thinking, he would probably be crying in a corner. These monsters! They had already made them go through the most difficult training for new recruits in the history of new recruit training. If it got anymore difficult, then would it still be new recruit training? Why didn't they just go to the special forces and become a member there.

"Maybe." Hearing this, Qi Long responded with uncertainty.

On the other side, Han Jijyun showed a smile of understanding, "I'm not sure about the Boss, but I'm sure that Li Lanfeng, Li Shiyu and Zhao Jun would definitely be there."

His words made everyone look at him and waited for his explanation.

"Our Boss wouldn't let us randomly join temporary battle teams. Back then Li Lanfeng and the others had no other choice…"

Han Jijyun's words made everyone's eyes sparkle. Luo Lang also said with joy, "Jijyun, you're saying that the Boss is activating his own battle team?"

"But isn't it known that new recruits never successfully activated a battle team before?" Chang Xinyuan asked with concern.

His concern was met with everyone rolling their eyes. Was their Boss a standard new recruit? He could instantly take down the substitute battle team leader's men of the special forces. If he wanted it, then it was impossible for him to fail.

Everyone's eye rolling made Chang Xinyuan feel that he thought in a dumb way. Ever since he joined the battle team, the stuff that Boss Ling Lan had done, which one of them weren't achievements? Thus he laughed like an idiot, pulled on his hair out and began thinking on how to compensate for his poor word choices.

Right at that moment, a loud voice instantly rescued Chang Xinyuan.

"Qi Long, Qi Long. Here! Here!" Not too far from them, Han Xuya shouted towards them. Qi Long looked at Han Jijyun frustratingly. The expression on Qi Long's face was like a large dog that was being bullied. Han Jijyun sighed internally, he walked up first and helped become his friend's protective shield.

"Xuya, you need something?" Han Jijyun asked.

Han Xuya smiled, "Nothing. I need to talk to Qi Long." She pointed towards Qi Long.

Han Jijyun waved his hand towards Qi Long, telling him that he couldn't help him.

Qi Long's face dragged down to his chin. Luo Lang and the other laughed behind his back. In the past three months, Han Xuya's continuous sincere and warm acts made them all understand this little lady's thoughts.

Seeing Qi Long walk closer, Han Xuya suddenly hopped over to him. With her hands on her hips, she asked like she was queen, "Qi Long, you should know what I want in these past three months. Now, you should at least give me an answer right?"

Qi Long frustratingly grabbed his hair and didn't know how to answer her.

Seeing this, Han Xuya said, "A man like you is actually less straightforward than me. Is it possible? Isn't it just a yes or no answer?

Hearing this, Qi Long took a deep breath. Then he replied in a serious manner, "Xuya, I treat you the same as how Jijyun treats you. I have considered you as a younger sister from when we were children and never had other thoughts."

Han Xuya heard Qi Long's answer and suddenly slapped him on the shoulder then said, "That's right. If it's not possible then it's not possible. Why are you stuttering? If you want a younger sister, then I'll be your younger sister. I won't dwell on this matter anymore. When I find someone that I like, I will be able to go for it." Han Xuya's expression of relief made Luo Chao glanced at her with concern.

Han Xuya's manly response made the men around her all have frustrated expressions. Was she still a woman? She was even more manly than these men around her and she was going to go for it when she found someone she liked… No one knew why but everyone began to pity the man that Han Xuya will like in the future. They hoped that the man wouldn't be terrified by her masculine behavior.

Han Xuya's words made Qi Long instantly let out a sigh of relief. He was afraid that his rejection would hurt Han Xuya and in the end affect his relationship with Han Jijyun. That wasn't something he wanted.

Han Xuya's mood seemed to have not been affected and began to smile and converse with everyone. She didn't make the atmosphere awkward because of Qi Long's rejection.

Everyone talked as they walked towards the registration atrium. Unbeknownst to everyone, Han Xuya and Luo Chao had gotten to the back of the line.

Seeing that the people in front of them were not paying attention to them, Luo Chao pulled on Han Xuya lightly and asked softly, "Xuya, are you really giving up?"

Han Xuya's original warm smile, instantly dropped after Luo Chao's words. She suddenly put her head down. The tears that she had held back up until now instantly dropped down, "From when we were young, I had like Qi Long for almost 20 years. These feelings have dug into my bones. How could I just give it up that easily?" After saying that, Han Xuya raised her head and wiped her tears away. She smiled and said, "However, I can't make it difficult for him because of my feelings. If it's resolved, there wouldn't be so much pressure between our relationship." Just let her endure the pain and hurt.

In the three months new recruit training period, Qi Long's odd behavior, avoidance and subconscious rejection was all clearly seen through by her. Today, she wanted to ask him outright to actually give herself a reason to fully give up on the thought. She didn't want to lie to herself time and time again that if she tried harder, there would still be a chance.

Luo Chao looked at Han Xuya absentmindedly. She couldn't help but think about her relationship between the Boss and herself. Would her feelings also bring about frustration for Boss? Should she be following in Han Xuya's footsteps and resolve it between the two of them?

In her mind, Ling Lan's handsome face emerged. Luo Chao quickly shook her head. The sudden courage and impulsiveness had instantly evaporated. It would be considered an outstanding performance if her mind didn't go completely blank from just a look from Boss. A confession? Maybe before she could even say it, she would faint. That was more likely to happen.

Chapter 598 - Cheeky!

Han Xuya and Luo Chao followed behind everyone. While they weren't paying attention, they almost hit the people in front of them. It turns out that Qi Long and the others had suddenly stopped in their tracks. They immediately looked towards the front and saw someone that they were very familiar with. At that moment, that familiar person had his chin held up high in the sky and blocked their path pompously.

Of course this could only intimidate the people who were not familiar with him. These people who had known him for a total of 15 years already knew the masochistic side of this person standing in their way.

"Li Yingjie, why are you standing in our way?" Qi Long said in dismay. It should be known that his personality wasn't compatible with Li Yingjie's character and the two of them never saw eye to eye.

Li Yingjie pouted and said, "Did I stand in your way? I'm only just standing here." What he meant was that it was Qi Long and the others who bumped into him and him being in their way had nothing to do with Li Yingjie.

"Okay, then you go first." Qi Long pointed towards the path in front of them telling Li Yingjie to start walking first. They weren't in a hurry to register.

Hearing this, Li Yingjie immediately said deliberately, "I'm tired and want to rest. Is that not possible?"

Qi Long didn't know what to say. As expected, Li Yingjie and him did not see eye to eye. He felt that he couldn't communicate with Li Yingjie. When Qi Long led the others past Li Yingjie and his groupies, he discovered that the person that had said he wanted to rest had actually followed behind them.

"Didn't you say you wanted to rest?" Li Yingjie's actions made Qi Long expression darken.

"I'm all rested up!" Li Yingjie didn't have a hint of shamelessness and cheekily replied.

At that moment, Qi Long totally understood. Li Yingjie clearly wanted to move with them as a group. However, having always been in a poor relationship with Qi Long, Li Yingjie of course wouldn't submit to Qi Long. Thus he used this move to wrap himself around the others.

Han Jijyun, Xie Yi, Luo Lang and the others all understood what Li Yingjie wanted and began to smile discreetly. Li Yingjie's members on the other hand were all putting their heads down in shame. Wuwuwu, their captain definitely had a spirit possessing him…

Everyone were a part of the Lingtian Mecha Clan and Qi Long and Li Yingjie were also commanders of the mecha clan. They at least had the relationship of being brother-in-arms. Since Li Yingjie had made a decision to move forward with them, Qi Long of course wouldn't really reject him.

As Li Yingjie and his team joined in, other mecha clan members from Lingtian Mecha Clan, such as Gao Jinyun and his team, had joined in as they walked towards the atrium… Thus, Qi Long's team became a large army. The large group of people walked into the registration atrium instantly drew everyone's attention towards them.

There were many people inside the atrium. New recruits, staff members and even a few ranked officers. The lowest ranked officer was a Senior Captain. There was a large group of Majors and many Lieutenant Colonels. There were even a few officers with the rank of Senior Colonel. This scene made the new recruits become surprised.

They didn't envy these officers. If given enough time, they would be able to get to the same rank as those officers. That was because once they enter the army corps, they would be awarded with their own rank, the highest rank awarded would be a Senior Captain and the lowest would be a Second Lieutenant. They were middle-ranking officers who the Federation had used money and resources to nurture in the military academies and not soldiers who were conscripted through the public. Their starting point was already higher than those who were conscripted. Their futures were immeasurable.

Those officers were either standing, sitting or leaning against the wall. Some gathered together and some were by themselves and looked as though they were carefree and casual. However, the moment Qi Long and the others entered the atrium, the eyes of those officers began burning with desire. It was as though they had seen their prey they had set in their eyes on…

Even though those glances only flashed in their eyes for a second, those glances were still seen by the sensitive Qi Long, Xie Yi, Luo Lang and Li Yingjie. They all looked at each other and instantly became wary of their surroundings.

After putting up his guard up, Qi Long pointed towards a place within the atrium where it is not crowded. Luo Lang, Xie Yi and Li Yingjie all nodded lightly as they all had the same idea. They all believed that it wasn't wise to be in the crowd to avoid bad things from happening.

They still remembered that when they first entered the 23rd Division, their Boss Ling Lan had taken down Sting's captain Lian Shaojing and drowned him in his own blood. Maybe the opponent would exact revenge on them. It was better to be careful than not.

Qi Long and the others carefully led everyone to the location they pointed at. Nothing happened while they walked there and Qi Long and the others let out a sigh of relief.

In reality, it wasn't that no one wanted to step out and confront them, it was that they were worried that there were other competitors who had their eyes on these new recruits. Those officers all hoped that others would feel out these new recruits first to make it easier for them to profit.

Of course, they still wanted to wait for a bit longer because some battle teams who usually keep to themselves and did not privately recruit members had actually sent their representative to this location. It seemed that this year's new recruits were exceptional enough to make the entire division move about…

Qi Long led the others to the remote corner. A portion of them had already left and went to line up to register. Qi Long and the others didn't move and only stood there silently, waiting patiently. They believed that their Boss was activating his own battle team at the moment. Their Boss would definitely not let them separate and would definitely make sure they were all in the same army corps.

This trust made them not line up to register. It was to make sure that before their Boss could activate their battle team, they wouldn't be automatically assigned to another army corps. Although afterwards they could apply to return to their original team, the paperwork was very complicated. There could even be disputes due of these applications. After going back and forth, it could waste half a year to even a full year's time. That would be considered a really poor use of time.

Also, everyone in Ling Lan's battle team never had the thought that their Boss could lose! Of course, Ling Lan's mission to activate the battle team was only their guess. In reality, Ling Lan didn't tell them her plan, but they were still very trusting of her. This was the trust they had acquired from more than 10 years worth of time from their childhoods.

"So why aren't you lining up?" Han Jijyun raised one brow and asked while looking at Li Yingjie, who was on the side.

"You guys didn't go either right?" Li Yingjie rolled his eyes and retorted with an expression showing that he wasn't stupid.

"There's too many people so we're going to wait for a bit longer." Han Jijyun said casually.

"Then I'll wait too," Li Yingjie replied slyly. His years of experience told him that he wouldn't fall short if he followed Ling Lan. Moreover, Qi Long was Ling Lan subordinate. He definitely had Ling Lan's orders. How could he not follow Qi Long closely?

This was Li Yingjie's wisdom. Although he didn't know why they didn't register and why they were waiting, he still knew that following Ling Lan was the right thing to do.

Hearing this, Gao Jinyun couldn't help but laugh out loud. He didn't think that Li Yingjie was thinking the same thing as he himself was thinking about and that was to follow Boss Ling Lan. No, he was still different from Li Yingjie because he had already received Boss Ling Lan's acknowledgment before entering the 23rd Division. Thus before Boss Ling Lan gave any orders, he would not blindly make any moves. This was also why he was following Qi Long very closely.

Similar to Li Yingjie, Gao Jinyun also believed that Qi Long's weird actions involved Ling Lan's orders.

It could only be said that it was a beautiful misunderstanding! But it was misunderstood to perfection!

Chapter 599 - Battle Team Rank!

Han Jijyun glanced at Li Yingjie with a half-smile. This made Li Yingjie panic until Han Jijyun slowly replied, "Then you do you."

Han Jijyun's expression and words made Li Yingjie feel perturbed. Could it be that they actually didn't receive Ling Lan's orders? Suddenly, Li Yingjie remembered that Han Jijyun was a strategist and was probably deliberately messing with his judgment. After thinking about this, Li Yingjie was calm once again.

During the conversation between the two of them, a few officers who were looking around finally couldn't wait any longer and made their moves.

There were five officers consisting of three Majors and two Lieutenant Colonels. The three Majors instantly stopped in their tracks after seeing that two Lieutenant Colonels had made their move. These three watched from the side but only one of them bit their lip frustratingly and followed behind the two Lieutenant Colonels.

They walked towards Qi Long and the others. Although the Major walked over as well, he still respectfully stood behind the two Lieutenant Colonels. This also made the expressions on the two Lieutenant Colonels' faces change a bit for the better.

The two Lieutenant Colonels looked at each other with burning rage in their eyes as if they were in a competition. This was a battle for the outstanding geniuses they had set their eyes on. This wasn't a battle they were willing to give up on.

The Major behind these two sighed and knew that his original plans were going to be all for naught. He decisively changed his plans and set his goal towards a lower level recruit. Although he felt regret, he wasn't angry. That was because these new recruits were all high quality individuals. Even those who were of lower quality were considered to be good compared to new recruits from the previous two years.

The two Lieutenant Colonels both looked around and then put their attention towards Qi Long.

"Qi Long?" The two of them spoke almost at the same time.

Qi Long had already known that these three people were coming towards them. After suddenly hearing the two Lieutenant Colonels call out his name, he saluted them with composure and replied, "Yes, sirs."

The two who called Qi Long's name looked at each other and it was another battle with their eyes. In the end, the person on the right acquired the right to speak first, "Qi Long, I am the 19th mecha clan in the Second South Army Corps, Kongling mecha's team captain, Wei Jiming. I specially welcome you to join our battle team and become a member of our team."

After the first person spoke, the Lieutenant Colonel standing on the left followed, "I am the 127th mecha clan in the Third North Army Corps, Nizhan mecha clan's team captain, He Yaohua. Our battle team would also like to invite you to join us and become a member of our team."

The Major standing behind these two was overjoyed. The target of the two people in front of him was Qi Long. This meant that the Major still had a chance. He knew that in this group of new recruits, Luo Lang, Xie Yi and Li Yingjie were all ace level operators. As long as he took one of them into his team, his battle team would be able to advance to a four star battle team. In the division, he had to wait for more resources and the time they would get to choose the recruits. It wasn't like how it was now where he had more than one high quality recruit to choose from.

There was a limit to the amount of people battle teams could choose from the new recruits to join them. One star battle team had no chance of choosing. Even if they had set their eyes on a certain new recruit. They still wouldn't be able to invite the new recruits. Two and three star battle teams could only choose one person. Four star battle teams could choose two people and five star battle teams had the power to choose three people…

Any other battle teams above these levels were considered to be legendary battle teams. They were basically monstrous battle team that had formed for more than 10 years or even decades. Battle teams that had matured for a very long time would not choose unfamiliar new recruits to join their battle team (the new recruits would also not be qualified). At most, it would be their secondary battle teams coming to invite people and these secondary battle teams were at most five star battle teams.

This ranking of battle teams show that the higher the level the better their development in the future would be. This was also why every battle team desperately wanted to level up. However it wasn't that easy to level up.

One star battle teams didn't have any requirements. Advancing from one star to two stars required that among the members, including the captain, to have more than five special-class operators in order to meet the requirements for advancement. Advancing from two stars to three stars required that the captain of the team to be an ace operator and at the same time have more than eight members who were special-class operators. The most difficult advancement was three to four which required that other than the captain being an ace operator, the team had to have two more ace operators and at the same time have more than 10 special-class operators in the team.

Many battle teams in the army corps were stuck at three stars. That was because once a team had three ace mecha operators, they would be given a new choice which would lead to a more prosperous future. Many, including the captains of these battle team couldn't withstand the temptation. The temptation was to create a three-man ace operator team and apply into the army corps' ace operator mecha clan.

Of course, even if they didn't have three people, these individuals could still apply to the ace operator mecha clan once they advance into ace level. It was just that the applicants wouldn't be able to become part of the main group and could only apply to become a secondary bench member who would be distributed by the ace mecha clan.

The reason why countless ace mecha operators were in a hurry to join was because after entering the ace mecha clans, it would mean that they had climbed into the higher ranks of the military. The ace mecha clan was called the High Ranking Officer Preparations Camp. As long as the individuals return alive from battles, after more than a decade, these individuals would be able to enter into the army corps and become high ranked officers of the army corps.

If these individuals were not interested in power and rankings, there was another reason for all ace mecha operators to not be able to resist the temptation. That reason was once they enter into the ace mecha clan, they would receive the experience and the resources on how to train to become imperial operators. This would give those ace operators who were not taught how to advance further a clear path towards advancing to the imperial level.

It was just that as operators, each and every one of them wanted to become the Federation's strongest mecha operator in the future. God-class was too difficult and did not even cross people's minds. However, imperial class was something that could be worked towards. This was also why the ace mecha clan was never short on ace mecha operators. There were always newly advanced ace operators who joined the clan.

However, when an ace operator leaves the battle team, especially the captain, the team would not be able to retain the star level requirements. The battle team would then return to a star level similar their strength then continue to work hard based on the star level requirements.

Of course, there were ace operators in battle teams who were able to resist the temptation and continue to work for their battle team. If advancing to four stars was considered a hard thing to do, then advancing to five stars was near impossible.

In order to advance to five stars, the battle team's team captain must have reached imperial level. There must be five ace operators and more than 20 special-class operators within the team. Five star battle teams existed as the top battle teams in the army corps. Even the battle teams in the special forces may not be five star ones. That was because although imperial level was one level above ace, this small difference was not something that anyone could successfully overcome. Most of the ace mecha operators in the Federation were all stuck at this point.

As for legendary battle teams, their requirements were even higher. The main team required that everyone to reach ace level or higher while having four five star battle teams…

Of course, there was another level above the one mentioned above, but that was only considered to be a legend. According to legend, there wasn't any battle team that successfully reached the peak. The advancement requirements were only known to legendary battle teams. The only information that was leaked was that the team leader of the battle team must be god-class…

Chapter 600 - Humiliation!

Qi Long looked at the two Lieutenant Colonels and gave them an apologetic smile. He said, "Thank you for your invitation. However, I have a team already."

"You have a battle team?" The two Lieutenant Colonels frowned. One of them asked, "Which team are you in?"

Qi Long said proudly, "The Lingtian Battle Team!"

"Lingtian Battle Team?" The two Lieutenant Colonels exchanged glances. They had never heard of this battle team before.

The other officers that were interested in this batch of recruits started searching for information about this battle team. However, no such team was found.

While everyone was searching for the Lingtian Battle Team, a Major walked up from behind them. "Who is Luo Lang?"

Luo Lang immediately saluted. "I am."

The Major looked at Luo Lang's face and body. His expression froze. In his heart, he was screaming, "Is this a girl? Why did the system say that he is a man? There must be a mistake in the rank too. Look at his scrawny body. How can he be an ace operator?"

The Major struck Luo Lang's name off his candidate list. He smiled and said, "Your results are good. Keep it up." He shouted again, "Who is Xie Yi?"

Xie Yi knew that the Major dismissed Luo Lang because of his face and physique. He wanted to reply him respectfully at first but he changed his mind. He placed his hands in his pocket and replied casually, "I am. What is the matter, Major?"

The Major frowned. This young man looked like a brat and it might be hard to control him. He put on an angry face and said, "Although your results are good, you cannot be too proud. You must adopt a good attitude once you enter the military."

Xie Yi acknowledged him with a lighthearted nod causing the Major's face to turn green with anger. The other captains sneered secretly. They felt much better. The first person might not always get an advantage. Sometimes, he would just be a stepping stone for others.

The Major was angry but he didn't lose his temper. He knew that this batch of recruits might be hard to handle. Powerful people were arrogant. He was like this when he was when he was a recruit too.

He swallowed his anger and looked at the last name. He scanned the crowd before asking, "Who is Li Yingjie?"

"What is the matter, Major?" Li Yingjie raised his chin and looked at him arrogantly. He seemed worse than Xie Yi. Li Yingjie's expression and stance made people have the urge to smack him in the face.

The Major realized that among the five ace operators, Qi Long was the only one with a good attitude. Ling Lan injured the team leader of a substitute team in the special forces, Lian Shaojing, the moment he entered the camp. Most battle teams would not dare to have someone like that inside their team. They would be afraid that they couldn't control him. As for the other three, they were a headache too.

Luo Lang looked too feminine. The Major suspected that there was something wrong with the system. He felt that Luo Lang must have used some secret technique to become an ace operator. He might not be as strong as a peak level special-class operator. This was not the kind of person he wanted.

Xie Yi was frivolous. He might disregard the rules in the battle team.

Li Yingjie was an arrogant person. This kind of person would not be willing to lower his head in front of anyone. The Major felt that if he gave him the invitation, he would be rejected immediately. He would at most be a temporary team member. After a few years, he would definitely leave and form his own battle team. The Major didn't want a temporary team member.

The Major still needed an ace operator to level up his battle team. He pondered for a moment before looking at Xie Yi and said, "Xie Yi, I am the captain of the Flying Tiger Battle Team, Guo Yongan. I hope that you can come to my battle team."

Xie Yi looked at the Major in surprise. He didn't expect the other party to choose him after his performance just now. He looked at the pretty Luo Lang and the irritating-looking Li Yingjie. He realized that among the three of them, he was probably the best choice…

Xie Yi didn't know if he should be proud of himself. He sighed helplessly and said, "I am sorry, Major. I have a team already."

He had a team too? Who acted so quickly? The Major felt that he understood how the two Lieutenant Colonel must have felt just now. He gritted his teeth and asked, "Which team?"

Xie Yi shrugged and pointed at Qi Long. "Qi Long said it. The Lingtian Battle Team."

It was the Lingtian Battle Team again. What the hell is the Lingtian Battle Team? Why can't they find it? Everyone was confused. People even started discussing among themselves. At this moment, a figure appeared in front of Qi Long. This shocked everyone and the noisy atrium turned quiet again.

The person that appeared was a 40 years old man. His eyes were bright and his figure was bulky. The people in the atrium could feel his domineering aura leaking out even though he didn't do anything. Everyone was not only shocked by his aura, they were stunned by his rank too. He was a Senior Colonel. He was not a mecha operator but a commanding officer who held military power.

"Qi Long, Luo Lang, Xie Yi, Li Yingjie?" The person looked at the four people. He frowned as well when he saw Luo Lang but he didn't change his decision.

"Yes, Senior officer." The four people tensed up and immediately saluted.

"I am the commander of the East Seven Division, Shen Rufei. You four have a special dispensation to enter my Mecha Clan." Shen Rufei said seriously, "The order will be accepted soon."

He had already sent his request to the headquarters of the 23rd Division. He felt that the headquarters would give him a reply soon. The battle teams that didn't have any ace mecha masters could apply for an allocation order but the headquarters must approve of it first.

Shen Rufei placed high importance on these recruits. His Mecha Clan suffered seriously after the war last year. He needed to replenish the manpower in his team. However, very few people in his clan advanced to an ace mecha master. He had no choice but to look for new blood among the military divisions. Ace mecha masters were a scarce resource. No division would willingly give up their ace mecha masters.

Shen Rufei was in a dire position. Hence, when he heard that there were five ace operators among the recruits, he rushed here immediately. He wanted to snatch these five ace operators before anyone could.

Qi Long, Luo Lang, and Xie Yi looked at each other with worry. Li Yingjie felt that entering a Mecha Clan was not too bad. But when he saw the unwillingness on his three friends' face, he gave up on the thought.

In the end, Qi Long replied, "Senior officer, we are sorry. We have a team already. We don't want to go to the Mecha Clan." Ace mecha masters who had a battle team could choose to reject an offer to enter the Mecha Clan.

"Lingtian?" Shen Rufei's expression turned dark. "Do you know that making a false report could land you in the military court? You all have a bright future ahead of yourself, don't ruin it."

If Shen Rufei talked to them nicely, they might have explained it to him politely. However, his threatening tone caused them to flare up.

Qi Long held Luo Lang back and said firmly, "Senior officer Shen, I can repeat myself. We have a battle team already. We don't want to go the the Mecha Clan."

"Is it still Lingtian?" Shen Rufei was so angry that he smiled.

"Yes. Our battle team is called Lingtian!" Qi Long replied proudly.

"Unfortunately, there is no such team in the mainframe." Shen Rufei sneered. "If I report you all, your military career will end here."

"That doesn't mean that such a team will not appear in the future," Qi Long replied calmly.

"But you all won't have the chance anymore. There are still four hours before registration ends. By that time, if you all don't have a team, I have the power to allocate you all into my Mecha Clan." Shen Rufei felt embarrassed. He was humiliated by four recruits! As a Senior Colonel, he was unable to accept this.

Thus, he must get these four people into his Mecha Clan. Then, he would send them to the most dangerous mission… Shen Rufei didn't feel that there was anything wrong with his plan. If these four people were powerful enough and managed to survive after their mission, he would recommend them after a few years and let them enjoy the position and glory that they deserved. He was not so unscrupulous.

Some captains wanted to come out and speak up for the recruits. However, they got pulled back by those people who knew about Shen Rufei's background. Those four recruits were powerful but they were not irreplaceable. It was not worth to offend Shen Rufei because of them.

The captains that got pulled back gave up on their intention after listening to the other captains. They were told that Shen Rufei was a grand-nephew of a god-class operator. He was also the nephew of the Second Marshal. Even General Ling Xiao would give the Second Marshal some face as long as Shen Rufei didn't go too overboard.

The time passed quickly. Two hours later, the four recruits still didn't hear any news from Ling Lan. The rest of the recruits had finished their registration. Only Qi Long and his gang was left. Everyone focused on them and waited for them to act.

"What? Are you all afraid to register now?" Shen Rufei scoffed when he saw the situation. "Are you all afraid to expose your lies? Lingtian Battle Team? Haha, you all are just a bunch of cowards!"

"There are no cowards in Lingtian!" A firm voice rang through the quiet registration hall.

Two people appeared. One of them was bulky with a square-shaped face. There was a hint of malicious intent on his face. The other one was skinny and his face was half-covered by a mask. His aura was gentle. His eyes were bright like the mesmerizing stars in the sky.

"Ah, it's them." Many people gasped.

Shen Rufei looked at them intently. "Zhao Jun, Li Lanfeng. Why are you all interfering in my affair? Did Nameless ask you two to come?"

Zhao Jun and Li Lanfeng were two of the most outstanding recruits three years ago. Within these three years, they had gathered many military achievements and got recognized by the headquarters many times. Shen Rufei didn't want to offend them. After all, they had Nameless behind their back.

Nameless was not a person. It was the name of a battle team. It was the only five-star non-special forces battle team. For some reason, this team was able to take in the three most outstanding recruits that year.

Of course, this was not enough for Shen Rufei to fear them. Shen Rufei knew from his grandfather, which was a god-class operator, that the Nameless Battle Team was a subset of a legendary battle team. The leader of the legendary battle team was also a god-class operator.

His grandfather even guessed that the god-class operator might be Ling Xiao! Ling Xiao was the Regiment Commander of the 23rd Division. He was the one who held the most power in the 23rd Division.

"We didn't come here because of the Nameless Battle Team." Zhao Jun glared maliciously at Shen Rufei. Although Shen Rufei had a higher rank than him, he was not in the same division as him so Zhao Jun was not afraid of him.

"Senior Colonel Shen, you humiliated one of our team members. Shouldn't you give us an explanation?" Li Lanfeng smiled and said kindly. However, his words were not kind at all.

Everyone gasped in surprise. Their team member? Did Nameless Battle Team took a fancy on Qi Long and the other recruits? They remembered where Li Lanfeng came from. Seemed like the senior brother planned everything for his junior brothers.

Shen Rufei was furious. He felt humiliated by the Nameless Battle Team. However, he didn't dare to offend anyone from the Nameless Battle Team. He directed his anger towards Qi Long and the recruits. If they told him that they had entered Nameless, he wouldn't have threaten them and be humiliated now.

He must teach these bunch of brats a lesson! Shen Rufei thought to himself.

"Are you unwilling to give me an explanation?" Li Lanfeng raised his eyebrows and looked at Shen Rufei sarcastically. Li Lanfeng knew Shen Rufei's background… but so what? He would not show mercy to anyone who humiliated his team member.

Shen Rufei had an idea. He replied immediately, "I am talking about Lingtian Battle Team, not the Nameless Battle Team." He didn't want to provoke Nameless. Provoking them meant provoking God-class operator Ling Xiao.

"Lingtian? Senior Colonel Shen, you seem used to humiliating people. Do you think that the Lingtian Battle Clan can be easily bullied?" Li Lanfeng gave a cold smile.

Zhao Jun kicked the chair beside him. One of its leg broke. He broke two other legs of the chair and passed them to Li Lanfeng. He took the other one and knocked it against his palm continuously. "Senior Colonel Shen, since you humiliated us in front of so many people, Lingtian Battle Team will send you an invitation to a armed melee challenge. We will settle our dispute with a armed melee challenge."

In order to increase the strength and battle fervour of the soldiers, the military allowed battle teams to challenge each other. Of course, armed melee challenges without any reason were not allowed. However, if a member of a battle team was humiliated by other battle teams, the team where the humiliated member came from could send a armed melee challenge to the other team. The other team was not allowed to reject the challenge.

Chapter 601 - Daydream?

Li Lanfeng and Zhao Jun's statement caused Shen Rufei's expression to change suddenly. "What? You two are from Lingtian too?"

Shen Rufei's words woke the other people up from their stupor. They realized that it was not an illusion. Li Lanfeng and Zhao Jun were really from the Lingtian Battle Team. How could this be true? There were no such team in the 23rd Division. Did their captain went to another division? However, only people from the same division could form a team…

Everyone was puzzled. They didn't know if Li Lanfeng and Zhao Jun said this because they wanted to stand up for their junior brothers or was there really such a team.

Over these years, Zhao Jun and Li Lanfeng rejected all the invites from various battle teams because they wanted to prove their loyalty to the Nameless Battle Team. This was why the captain of the Nameless Battle Team took two of them in.

Shen Rufei was shocked. Zhao Jun and Li Lanfeng had no intention of replying to him. Li Lanfeng smiled mysteriously at him while Zhao Jun walked towards him slowly with the chair leg in his hand.

Although Shen Rufei was the commander of the Mecha Clan and was an ace mecha master, his physical skills was only at the higher-tier of Qi-Jin level. Zhao Jun was at the peak-level of Qi-Jin. He could subdue Shen Rufei easily all by himself.

Shen Rufei knew that he was unable to defeat Zhao Jun too. Cold sweat formed on his forehead. He started to regret coming to this place. He should have sent someone over. That way, even if the recruits rejected him, he would not be in such a difficult position.

Would he be embarrassed just like this? Shen Rufei could almost see his future. He would be condemned by everyone in the 23rd Division and would never be able to raise his head again. He regained his senses and shouted immediately, "There is no Lingtian Battle Team in the 23rd Division. Don't try to lie your way through. Zhao Jun, you have no right to challenge me." He turned to look at the logistics commander standing beside the registration counter. "What are you doing? Shouldn't you do something about him? He is trying to take revenge on me by saying such lies."

The logistics commander didn't want to take part in the affairs of these officers. Most of these officers had a higher rank than him. However, he was not given any chances to stay out of the dispute.

The logistics commander looked at one of his staff members helplessly. The staff member instantly check his computer and shook his head thereafter. There was no Lingtian Battle Team registered in the system. Zhao Jun didn't have the right to launch an armed melee challenge at Shen Rufei.

The logistics commander coughed and said, "Major Zhao Jun, Major Li Lanfeng, I am sorry. There is no such battle team in the system. You do not have the right to challenge Senior Colonel Shen Rufei."

He talked calmly but in his heart, he was crying. These two people were both stronger than him. How could he stop them?

Shen Rufei heaved a sigh of relief when he heard what the logistics commander said. But, he soon got angry again. "Zhao Jun, how dare you humiliate me like this…"

"Are you angry? Challenge me to an armed melee challenge then!" Zhao Jun raised his eyebrows in disdain. From the moment Shen Rufei humiliated Lingtian, their relationship was set. They would never be able to peacefully interact with one another. No matter how strong Shen Rufei's background was, Zhao Jun was not afraid. He had Ling Lan.

I feel so happy that boss was the son of General Ling Xiao. Zhao Jun finally understood how convenient it was to have a powerful father. Huh? Why am I thinking this way? I used to hate all the second generation of powerful people. Zhao Jun didn't expect himself to change so much. He was even happy that he had such a powerful friend…

Zhao Jun silently reprimanded himself. Then, he continued glaring at Shen Rufei. What can you do to me? Can you hit me?

Shen Rufei almost exploded when he saw Zhao Jun's expression. Many officers disliked Shen Rufei so they sneered at him secretly when they heard what Zhao Jun said. They admired how bold Zhao Jun was. If it was them, they would never have the guts to stand up to Shen Rufei.

By right, Shen Rufei didn't have the capabilities to become the commanding officer of a Mecha Clan. He just had a powerful background. Hence, even if many people didn't like him, they could only keep it in their hearts. This was why no one said anything even though they saw the flaw in Zhao Jun's armed melee challenge just now.

Shen Rufei seriously wanted to hit this Major standing in front of him. But, he was weaker than Zhao Jun. He had no choice but to swallow his frustration. His face turned hideous.

Everyone saw Shen Rufei's expression and started to worry for Zhao Jun. Those that knew Shen Rufei well knew that he would definitely do something behind the back to Zhao Jun. However, Zhao Jun had the Nameless Battle Team behind him. The Nameless Battle Team would be able to protect him.

"Dingdong~" The clock on the wall rang. Shen Rufei scanned the recruits with cold eyes. They were the ones who caused everything. If they accepted his request right from the start, none of these events would have happened.

Shen Rufei had already decided that he would not let Qi Long and his friends off. He said in a vicious tone, "There is only one hour left. Prepare to enter my Mecha Clan."

Qi Long and his friends were not affected by the words at all. Only Li Yingjie's face changed. Qi Long had Ling Lan but he had no one. He really didn't have a team. Would he land in Shen Rufei's hands?

Just as Li Yingjie was distraught, a handsome young man appeared at the door and attracted everyone's attention. This was because he wasn't wearing the military uniform. He only had a white doctor's gown on him.

Those who knew about the different uniforms in the military would know that this person was a high-ranking professional military doctor. Not everyone could wear the doctor's white gown out of the hospital. Only professional doctors with many achievements could wear it outside.

Everyone tensed up when they saw this person.

Only Li Yingjie felt elated to see him.

This person scanned his surroundings. He then saw Zhao Jun and Li Lanfeng and quickly walked towards them. This person was none other that the famous military doctor, Li Shiyu. Many middle-rank officers didn't like him but they didn't dare to offend him too.

"Is there still no news?" He was supposed to come with Zhao Jun and Li Lanfeng but an emergency patient was sent in. Thus, he was dragged by the dean of the hospital to the surgery room. The dean didn't have the confidence to perform the surgery so he wanted Li Shiyu to do it instead. Li Shiyu had no choice but to perform the surgery. He rushed here immediately after he finished the surgery so he didn't have the time to change.

Li Lanfeng shook his head. Li Shiyu was worried. "Do you think that our boss will…" He didn't manage to finish his sentence. He wanted to ask whether Ling Lan would fail the missions but he felt that Ling Lan would not fail if he set his mind to it. However, when he heard that no recruits ever succeeded in forming a team. This made him nervous. He wanted to believe in Ling Lan but he couldn't stop thinking about the slim chance that he might fail.

"No. He will succeed," Li Lanfeng said firmly. He knew Ling Lan well. He would only do things only if he was confident that he would succeed.

Li Lanfeng turned and said to Qi Long and the other people, "Go and register first. We can wait for the good news from your boss after that."

Qi Long and the others nodded and went to register. He felt the same way as Li Lanfeng. He knew that his boss would succeed. Hence, it doesn't matter if he register first. He just needed to enter the battle team before the registration period ended.

While Qi Long and the others went to register, Li Yingjie and his men were perturbed. If they didn't have a team by the end of the registration period, they would be randomly allocated to different teams by the mainframe. They were used to following Li Yingjie and were afraid of being alone.

They grabbed Li Yingjie and wanted to get an answer from him.

Li Yingjie kicked them angrily. "I don't know what to do too. You all can still live happily in other battle teams. However, I will probably land in his hands. I don't even know how long I can live under him." He raised his chin and signaled at Shen Rufei. His own situation was worse than his men.

"What shall we do?" His men suddenly remembered Li Yingjie's plight and became depressed. From the Scout Academy till now, they had always been together. They offended a lot of people and created troubles together. They had a good relationship with each other so they were worried for Li Yingjie.

"Leader, why don't you join boss's battle team?" Someone suggested to Li Yingjie.

"Huh? Be under Ling Lan? No way. I am an arrogant person. How can I do that?" Li Yingjie shook his head furiously.

He didn't notice that his men were staring at him sarcastically. You have already bowed down to boss in your heart. Why are you still being tough on the outside.

However, since they had been friends for so many years, they decided to not expose Li Yingjie lie. They looked at each other and decided to persuade their leader for the sake of his future.

"Leader, this is a plan," One of his men said.

"Plan?" Li Yingjie blinked in confusion.

"You can make use of our boss to overcome the current obstacle first. If you want to form your own battle team next time, we will join you," The person started his persuasion.

"You can do this too?" Li Yingjie was moved. He had been suppressed by Ling Lan all these years. If he could scheme against him once, it would be a sweet revenge for him. This idea was amazing!

"Of course. Ace operators have the right to leave their team and form their own battle team…" The person continued. He remembered that when a soldier became an ace operator, they would be given this option. However, he didn't know if people who were already ace operators before entering a battle team would be given this option as well. But, his leader definitely would not notice this loophole as he was not a meticulous person.

As expected, Li Yingjie nodded. He liked this idea very much.

His men saw hope and quickly came together and continued to persuade him. Li Yingjie got swayed and decided to join the Lingtian Battle Team to solve his current situation first.

When Li Shiyu looked over, he saw his cousin, Li Yingjie, waving at him. They were never on good terms with each other so he was surprised by Li Yingjie's actions. What is happening? Li Shiyu walked over curiously and asked in a low voice, "What?"

"Erm…" Li Yingjie didn't know how to talk to his cousin.

"You don't want to say? Forget it then." Li Shiyu glanced at him and prepared to walk away. Because of his eldest cousin brother, his relationship with this little cousin was not good. It was already rare that he came over to take a look at him. He was not going to beg him to tell him anything if he wasn't saying anything.

Before he could walk further, he felt something pulling on his white robe.

Li Shiyu glanced coldly at the hand on his robe. "Let go!"

"No!" Li Yingjie looked up at him stubbornly.

Li Shiyu tried to pull his clothes away but Li Yingjie grabbed them tightly. He felt that if he forced Li Yingjie to let go, his white robe might get torn in the process. A new robe would cost him money…

Li Shiyu was influenced by Lin Zhong-qing and learned how to save money because of him. He controlled his anger and forced the words out of his mouth. "I will give you one more chance. What do you want to say?"

Li Yingjie knew that this was his last opportunity. He quickly said, "Can you help me to tell Boss Lan that I want to join the Lingtian Battle Team?"

Li Yingjie dug his ears. "What did you say?" Did he hear wrong? The arrogant and proud Li Yingjie wanted to join his boss voluntarily? Did the sun rise from the West today?

Li Shiyu's expression angered Li Yingjie. "I said that I want to join the Lingtian Battle Team. Can you help me ask boss about this? Can you hear me now?"

Li Yingjie's men covered their faces with their palms simultaneously. This was not their leader. Yes, he was not their leader. From now on, their leader would be Ling Lan. Li Yingjie's men felt that they had made a wise decision.

Li Yingjie saw that everyone in the atrium was staring at him and immediately blushed. He looked at Li Shiyu and seemed to be complaining to him with his eyes: Brother, how can you tease me like this!

For the first time, Li Shiyu actually felt that Li Yingjie was cute. He couldn't help but rub Li Yingjie's head. "I know. I will ask the boss for you."

"Don't rub my head you bastard." Li Yingjie quickly slapped Li Shiyu's hand away. Why are you rubbing my head? Am I a child?!

"Okay, I will not rub it. You haven't registered yet, right? Hurry up and register first. If you don't register now, you will miss your chance to enter the boss's team after he forms it." This was the first time Li Shiyu treated Li Yingjie as a little brother. He happily coaxed this new little brother of his.

Li Yingjie felt that his brother was right. He decided to forgive his brother. He obediently went to the staff member and registered his information.

Li Lanfeng looked at Li Shiyu and Li Yingjie's interaction and his eyes dimmed. He seemed to be in deep thought.

The two brother's interaction also caused someone to explode. That person was Shen Rufei.

By now, he knew that Li Yingjie didn't have any battle team. Yet, he still dared to reject him and even blatantly looked for battle teams to join right in front of him. This was utter humiliation. He was being stepped on by this recruit.

Shen Rufei forgot that he never asked Li Yingjie anything at all. All he did was keep quiet when Qi Long rejected him. Shen Rufei didn't have the intention to let Qi Long and his friends off at the start but now, he was furious.

He looked up and laughed. He said with contempt, "Hahaha… Your boss must be the new recruit who defeated Lian Shaojing, right? A recruit forming a battle team? What kind of daydream is this? You all will never succeed. In the end, you all will still come into my Mecha Clan. I will let you all know what is the consequences for humiliating a senior officer!" By the time he finished speaking, murderous intent in his eyes were apparent.

Shen Rufei was not a stupid person. He inferred some truth from the conversation between the Li brothers. He also guessed their captain from the conversation. No wonder Qi Long said that their team might appear later. However, would the recruit succeed in forming his battle team?

Everyone sighed. No recruit ever formed a team before. Even General Ling Xiao did it in his second year in the military…

"What consequences are you talking about?" A cold voice sounded beside Shen Rufei.

Shen Rufei got a shock. He raised his head and saw a person with a cold aura standing beside him.

"Who are you?" Shen Rufei exclaimed in surprise.

"Me?" The person looked at him indifferently. "I am just a daydreamer."

"Ling Lan!" Shen Rufei's face changed. The person who defeated Lian Shaojing had appeared!

"Boss!" When Ling Lan appeared, Qi Long and his friends were elated.

Li Lanfeng stared at Ling Lan intently. The three years apart made him realize how much he misses him.

Ling Lan noticed Li Lanfeng's intense gaze and nodded at him.

Li Lanfeng understood what Ling Lan meant. He was surprised, elated, proud, and amazed. His rabbit was indeed the most powerful person he knew. He never disappointed him.

Chapter 602 - Formation of Battle Team!

Ling Lan ignored Shen Rufei and her friends. She rushed to the registration counter and said in a soft voice, "I would like to register. Thank you."

Ling Lan wanted to teach Shen Rufei a lesson. However, this was not a good time. She needed to register before the registration time window ended. If she argued with Shen Rufei and missed time window to register, her friends would be split to different battle teams. That would be too much of a consequence.

The staff member immediately took out the device and scanned the communicator on Ling Lan's arm.

Ling Lan's information instantly appeared on his computer.

Name: Ling Lan; Gender: Male; Date of birth: 4732.08.28; School: First Men's Military Academy.

Physical skills: Peak of Qi-Jin. Mecha operator level: mid-stage ace mecha master…

The staff didn't expect a recruit to reach the middle stage of ace level. Even Qi Long and the others just entered the early stage of ace level. This meant that he would have the privilege of being a primary mecha operator the moment he entered a battle team. The staff member looked at Ling Lan with envy.

The staff member continued looking through and saw the colour around Ling Lan's battle team name. Lingtian was green in color. This meant that his battle team was currently active. The staff member was stunned. The battle team's name would only be green if the person was the captain of the battle team. For normal members, it be grey. This was the first time he saw a recruit having his own battle team.

Ling Lan waited for a while. She realized that the staff member was staring at the screen absentmindedly so she coughed.

The staff member woke up from his stupor. He swallowed his saliva and looked up in admiration. He stammered, "Captain Ling Lan, would you like to activate the information of all the members in the Lingtian Battle Team?

The staff didn't expect himself to witness such a historical moment. He must go back and boast about it to his comrades…

Everyone was focused on Ling Lan so when they heard that she finished the team formation missions, they immediately searched for Lingtian Battle Team…

"Yes!" Ling Lan smiled. This was why she rushed all the way here.

"Activate!" The staff member shouted in excitement as he clicked the screen.

"Beep, beep, beep." Many communicators sounded at the same time. All of the members of Lingtian Battle Team received a message from the mainframe.

Qi Long and his friends pressed the confirmation button happily. The badge on their left chest which only showed the number '23' started glowing. Below the number, the character 'Tian' appeared with a lightning bolt splitting the character in half. It was a simple but fierce logo design.

Zhao Jun and Li Lanfeng's empty badge started to glow too. Zhao Jun was speaking the truth when he said that he was from the Lingtian Battle Team. No one expected Zhao Jun and Li Lanfeng to join such a newly formed battle team. Also, their captain was a recruit three years younger than them. It was a shocking news to the other people.

Lingtian Battle Team's name finally appeared on the search results. All the other captains saw the information about this battle team.

They saw that the recruits they wanted were in the Lingtian Battle Team and felt frustrated. They were jealous of Ling Lan after they saw that Zhao Jun was on his team too.

Those people that had been observing Zhao Jun would know that he was on the verge of becoming an elite ace mecha master. In the battlefield, an elite ace mecha master was like a guarantee for success. With such a mecha master around, the battle team would not have to worry about being annihilated. As the captain, Ling Lan could make use of Zhao Jun to achieve many results and work her way up the ranks.

F**k, Ling Lan got everyone they wanted. Why were they not as lucky as him?

"Li Shiyu, have you added me in?" Li Yingjie got impatient when he saw Qi Long and his friends joining Ling Lan's battle team.

"Call me Second brother," Li Shiyu glanced at Li Yingjie and reminded him.

Li Yingjie sneered and turned his face to the other side. He pretended that he didn't hear what Li Shiyu said. They had been on bad terms ever since they were young. Every time he talked about his weak eldest cousin brother, Li Shiyu would threaten him. He even bullied him when he was younger. Call him second brother? No way!

Li Shiyu saw his response and said calmly, "I am not in a good mood right now. I have no motivation to talk to my boss."

This is a threat! Li Yingjie glared at Li Shiyu angrily. However, Li Shiyu just replied with a smile.

Li Yingjie took a deep breath and controlled his anger. He realized that Li Shiyu had changed. Last time, he would have hit him the moment they started arguing.

He didn't want to fulfil Li Shiyu's request but he didn't want to go to Shen Rufei's Mecha Clan as he might die there.

Li Yingjie was arrogant and free-willed but he could tell the difference on who had evil intentions on him and who actually wanted to help him. He knew that Shen Rufei would not let him go. Even if he didn't antagonize him personally, he would still send him on a dangerous mission and find a reason to kill him. He was the commanding officer of the Mecha clan after all.

Li Yingjie was afraid of death. He still had to take over the role as the head of the Li family. Hence, he shouted out, "Second brother!"

Li Shiyu looked at Li Yingjie thoughtfully. The arrogant and stupid little brother had changed. He didn't expect him to really accept his request.

Truthfully, if Li Yingjie didn't call him 'second brother', he would still not let him fall into the hands of Shen Rufei. No matter how much he disliked Li Yingjie, he was still his younger brother.

"Wait here!" Li Shiyu didn't know if this was a good or bad change. He remembered the gentle and caring eldest cousin brother that always took care of him. He pinched himself. Whether Li Yingjie became for better or for worse, he would not show mercy on him if he harmed his eldest cousin brother in the future.

His eldest cousin brother was a prodigy. How could he stay on planet Azure for the rest of his life? Li Shiyu recalled the progress he made recently in his research. He was confident that he would succeed soon.

Li Lanfeng returned from his thoughts and walked towards Li Shiyu to stop him.

Li Shiyu was stunned. "Lanfeng, what is the matter?"

"You don't have to go. Boss already knew about it," Li Lanfeng smiled and said.

Li Shiyu understood what he meant. "You told Boss about it."

Li Lanfeng smiled and nodded. Li Shiyu was touched. "Thank you!"

Although he agreed to help Li Yingjie, he didn't know what to say to Ling Lan. Ling Lan had high expectations for her team members. She didn't like people who always created trouble. Li Yingjie's temper… Li Shiyu was prepared to beg Ling Lan if there was a need to.

However, Li Lanfeng settled it for him. Li Shiyu liked Li Lanfeng because he felt that Li Lanfeng was similar to his eldest cousin brother. Now, he was grateful towards Li Lanfeng and promised himself that he would repay him in the future.

Li Yingjie waited patiently at the side. Suddenly, he heard his communicator beeping and opened it. There was a message on the screen: "Captain Ling Lan of the Lingtian Battle Team invited you to join the Lingtian Battle Team. Do you accept this invitation?"

Li Yingjie was exhilarated. He wanted to press the accept button. While doing so, he realized that his hand was actually shaking.

F**k, Li Yingjie, can you be calmer? You are just entering a battle team, what is there to be excited about. You were not so excited when you form your own Battle Clan that time…

Li Yingjie took a deep breath. He stared at the accept button and finally pressed it… I pressed it correctly, right? Did I miss the button?

"Beep, you have successfully joined the Lingtian Battle Team." Li Yingjie's badge shone and Lingtian Battle Team's logo appeared. After everything ended, Li Yingjie felt weak in his legs. He was tired.

He felt this way because he finally managed to escape from Shen Rufei. Li Yingjie didn't want to admit that he was just purely excited because he joined Lingtian.

Ling Lan finished sending out the invitation to Li Yingjie and continued sending out invitations to the rest of the 072 team. Once again, 072 team became part of the Lingtian Battle Team.

The staff member looked at his computer again as the information of Lingtian Battle Team's member continued appearing. He saw Lingtian Battle Team as it shot up in rank to a four-star battle team in just a short moment and was stunned again. How could a newly formed battle team become a four-star battle team so quickly? Then, the staff member remembered that most of Lingtian's new members were ace operators.

Gao Jinyun and the rest of the people stood at the side with a nervous heart. At this moment, they received Ling Lan's invitation.

"Third Elder Brother, our boss sent me a message." One of them heard his communicator beeping and looked at it. He was elated and shouted happily, "I am invited to join the Lingtian Battle Team…"

Gao Jinyun saw his message too. He teared up happily as he nodded his head fervently. His boss didn't forget them. They finally gained the recognition from their boss.

The rest of the people were touched too. Someone even cried. "Third Elder Brother, can you grab my hand to guide me to the accept button after you are done? I am afraid that I will press the wrong button because I am shaking too much." He would kill himself if he accidentally press the reject button.

Finally, Gao Jinyun and his friends finished pressing their buttons. Lingtian Battle Team became a small-midsize battle team immediately.

Chapter 603 - Armed Melee Challenge!

The captains standing at the side saw many recruits entering the Lingtian Battle Team. Most of the outstanding recruit entered the Lingtian Battle Team. They felt complicated.

Since Lingtian was a new battle team, they were able to take in as many people as their star level allowed. The staff member was shocked by the number of ace operators that entered the team so he didn't realize that the maximum capacity of the Lingtian Battle Team was 50. If he noticed this, he would have realized the real star level of this battle team.

Ling Lan checked through her team members again and ascertained that she didn't leave anyone out. The members of the Lingtian Battle Team would be able to stay together now.

Ling Lan finished everything and turned to look at the captains standing at the side. She raised her eyebrows and asked, "Did you all come here to reminisce about your past?"

Her cold voice woke everyone up from their thoughts. The captains finally remembered that they were here to find new bloods for their battle teams. Why were they distracted by Ling Lan?

The captains rushed to the recruits that they took a fancy on. Although Qi Long and his friends were taken, there was other people on their list.

The atrium became noisy instantly. Some of the recruits thought that they would be randomly allocated by the mainframe so when they received an invitation from a captain, they felt elated and grateful. They immediately accepted the invitation.

Shen Rufei knew that he lost. None of the people that he wanted would join his Mecha Clan. He was humiliated and embarrassed. There was no point in staying here anymore so he prepared to leave when no one noticed him.

Ling Lan saw Shen Rufei's movement and a cold gaze shot from her eyes. Li Lanfeng noticed this and understood what she wanted. He rushed out and blocked Shen Rufei. "Senior Colonel Shen, don't leave so quickly."

"Major Li, what do you want?" Shen Rufei asked angrily.

Li Lanfeng waved the broken chair leg in his hand and smiled. "Have you forgotten what we said just now?"

Shen Rufei's face changed. He remembered the armed melee challenge that Zhao Jun said. He rejected the challenge because Zhao Jun was not a member of Lingtian at that time. Now, Li Lanfeng must be finding him for the same thing.

Li Lanfeng's action caught the attention of some Lingtian members. They realized that Shen Rufei wanted to leave so they all gathered around him.

Although Shen Rufei held a position that he didn't have the capabilities of holding, he was still able to sit on it for all these years. This showed that he was a smart person. He looked at the situation and knew that he couldn't avoid the armed melee challenge. He shouted decisively, "Li Lanfeng, I accept your challenge."

Shen Rufei came alone. He had the option of choosing a 1 VS 1 battle. As compared to Zhao Jun and Qi Long who were at the late-stage of Qi-Jin, Shen Rufei felt that Li Lanfeng was much easier to deal with.

Shen Rufei knew that Li Lanfeng had a weak body. He was an ace operator when he entered the military but he was only able to sustain his prime state for only 10 minutes. This made him almost useless in a battle.

Hence, he was not chosen by many battle teams and became the first ace mecha master to be randomly allocated by the mainframe. Luckily, he was sent to the Mecha Clan in Zhao Jun's battle team. Although they were on different battle teams but they were content to be able to live together.

After that, Zhao Jun started to get stronger and Li Lanfeng got famous as a strategist. They caught the attention of the Nameless Battle Team and became temporary members of Nameless.

Since Li Lanfeng was not known for his mecha operation skills, it further proved that his body was weak. Hence, his physical skills should not be good too. To Shen Rufei, Li Lanfeng was the best choice for him to have a one on one battle with. This was Shen Rufei's plan.

The members of Lingtian were angry when they heard what Shen Rufei said. They felt that he was unscrupulous. Everyone knew that Li Lanfeng's body was weak. It had caused him quite a lot of inconvenience.

Luo Lang rushed out. "There is no need for a senior like you to take part in a armed melee challenge. I can take part in the battle for you. Do you dare to fight me?" Luo Lang knew that because of his looks, the other party might allow him to take the place of Li Lanfeng. He looked as weak as Li Lanfeng.

Shen Rufei sneered. "Major Li was the one who invited me for the battle just now. Why are you being a coward now? It is shameless of you to ask other people to take your place." Shen Rufei glanced at Luo Lang. He knew that Luo Lang was between the middle and late-stage of Qi-Jin. He would be crazy to accept his request.

Zhao Jun wanted to say something but Li Lanfeng stopped him. He smiled and said, "Since Senior Colonel Shen wants to fight with me so badly, I will not reject you."

"Lanfeng!" Zhao Jun frowned. He disapproved of Li Lanfeng's decision. Li Lanfeng was only at the peak of Refinement. He was not Shen Rufei's match.

Li Lanfeng consoled Zhao Jun. He looked at Ling Lan. Ling Lan nodded at him. Her eyes were calm but Li Lanfeng felt a sense of trust coming from it.

Ling Lan believed him. Li Lanfeng clenched his fist. The nervousness in him disappeared. He felt warmth in his heart. The trust Ling Lan had towards him energized him. This was the best kind of friendship anyone could have.

Li Lanfeng looked at Shen Rufei and took a firm step out. An invisible pressure came from him and Shen Rufei took a step back instinctively.

When he realized what he did, he felt embarrassed. He shouted, "You have the courage. However, I will not go easy on you."

Qi Long and the rest of the people were frustrated. There was no way Li Lanfeng would win. They wanted to stop him but they realized that they couldn't move.

"Let him fight." Ling Lan's cold voice appeared beside everyone. Besides Li Lanfeng and Shen Rufei, everyone heard her voice.

They all looked towards her. Ling Lan nodded. Her cold voice sounded beside their ears again. "Clear 30 meters away from the center of the battle."


The members of Lingtian saw that Ling Lan agreed to let Li Lanfeng fight so they put down their worries and moved away from Li Lanfeng. They brought everyone out and gave Li Lanfeng and Shen Rufei room to battle.