

Chapter 224-Senior

Carmel Twilight the crown princess of the Twilight Empire, the successor of the ancestral bloodline, the shining moon of the night, in such a way she has several titles that were given to her but the one that many do not know is that she's an archery fanatic, which arose from her extreme idolizing of Eleanor,

'She did go overboard'

The complete area was suited for archery, for one the Archery club was not in such a condition in the past, it was only after Carmel took charge did the situation turn around, she didn't hesitate to remodel the whole thing, she made sure to match everything to her taste and liking, she's a bonafide fanatic of Archery and Eleanor.

Looking at the cool and calm beauty with a bow, I couldn't help but agree that her charms right now are extremely tempting, in the story she was another hard target to get close to, it took me at least many tries before I could even succeed, the reason for it being that she's the type that's easy to get along with and will easily consider you a good friend but the problem is that in such a way you will be pushed into the…zone.

Yes, the one zone that all the male friends fear from, the one zone that describes any guy feeling as nomal…..yes! It's the friend zone!,

'Sorry I only see you have a friend'

I had already lost count of the number of times that I heard this dialogue from Carmel, this was the hurdle to get over for Carmel, one wrong move and you would end up in the friend zone, in fact right now she has two male best friends that had fallen into the friend zone, her two friends that are the vice presidents of the Archery club.

They are her childhood best friends who grew along with her, the successors to two powerful duke families, they loved her so much that they chose the path of archery to be with her! sadly both of them were rejected by her, they were pitifully thrown into the friend zone, in fact, both of them are major hurdles that none must overcome if they want to win her heart, in the game they were like lap dogs that tried to bit on to anybody that looked like they were getting close to her,

'She's still the same'

Looking at Carmel that was lovingly cleaning her bow, I couldn't help but chuckle, in the game, her admiration for Eleanor was something else, this stemmed from her inner desire to be free, there's a secret that none knows about Carmel, its that she doesn't want to be a crown princess, she hates the feeling of being tied down by her responsibilities.

Her greatest desire was to be free, travel the world, eat the most rarest of food, she wants to feel the wind on her face, the excitement of battle, that's her greatest desire but sadly that will never come true, she will now and forever be tied down by her responsibilities, the burden of being the next ruler will always weigh heavily on her, they were chains that tie her down.

Even if she wants to she can't escape, well how can she? she's born with one of the noblest bloodlines, her parents loved her dearly as they taught and rose her, she was given the best of treatment, her life was the epitome of grace, there was nothing she couldn't have but ironically due to this she can't have the one thing she wants.

Being a smart woman Carmel knew that if she gave her status away then she would be the target of many, she's strong but she hadn't reached the level of omnipotent, the moment weakness arises she will be taken down, here her beauty without the power to protect it would be devoured before she could react.

And that's the reason that she admired Eleanor, her stories, the defiance of her fate as she rose to power, all of these legends created a fantasy within her that she could maybe….maybe one day break out of her shackles too, in fact, she's a half disciple of Eleanor, Carmel should have been a full-fledged one but a certain situation arose that didn't let that happen.

Eleanor though still considers Carmel important to her, she had talked about Camrle to her before and her regret of not being able to take Carmel as her disciple, in the game Carmel became really close to the disciple of Eleanor that village boy, heck she almost had fallen in love with him, he was another hurdle that had to be overcome.

Though in the story later down she was accepted fully as Eleanor's disciple, which will make her my senior, and as a loving junior shouldn't I help and 'care' for my senior? suppressing my true thoughts I arrived in front of the group that surrounded Eleanor, all of them had a strong aura of mana and each one of them had battle-hardened gazes.

By now most of the attention was on me who kept walking behind Ferox as I reached in front of Eleanor, stopping in front of the group Ferox spoke,

"President, this is him"

He pointed at me as he gave me the way, stepping forward I kept on my best smile as I moved forward for a handshake, Carmel too smiled back at me in a relaxing vibe as she shook my hand,

"Aye~~looks like we have MR. popular attending our club"

Carmel spoke with a joyful and chipper voice, to which I gave my own reply,

"Well it's nice to meet the Princess Of Bow"

"Oh~~quite the one at a talk, I see~"

"What can I do, I'm just built differently"

I gave of a shoulder shrug at my last words, which earned me a chuckle from Carmel and the girls in the group while the guys just had their brows furrowed, looks like I will be enjoying my time with the girls more. Leaving the handshake Carmel covered her mouth as she chuckled,

"Hehehe~~with just this I can tell that you will definitely be popular with the girls"

"Humph, look at my face does it look like I need words?"

I spoke back with an arrogant word and posture but my voice was laced with comedy, which earned me another chuckle from well the girls again, while the boys just looked unimpressed, looks like I won't be making male friends here, by now Carmel had warmed up to me a bit, using this chance I scanned her,


Name: Carmel Twilight

Sex: Female

Age: 20

species: human

Talent: 10/10

Power: Origin level 6

Title: Princess Twilight, The foodie, The Princess of Bow, star breaker…..etc

Love: 0%

Description: A woman with a strong and cheerful personality on the outside that hides a sorrowful and weak side on the inside, needs someone that she could totally be open with, someone that could see the true her

>She wishes for a charming prince to come and rescue her from her never-ending boredom of nobility, a single man that could truly make her feel loved

>A little bit curious about you

Difficulty: S(C'mon man! she's weak right now! run into that holy shrine and make her see a new path! a path with you, P.S: be a bit careful or you could end up a porcupine of arrows! well not like you haven't experienced that before )

Chapter 225-The Shot

Looking at Carmel's status and abilities which were the same, I sighed in relief, excluding the ominous and annoying note the rest were all the same, feeling a bit more relaxed I spoke some formal words with her, a few minutes later Carme, spoke with a serious voice laced with curiosity.

"So you want to join the Archery club?"


I nodded my head, seeing it she turned silent for a moment before which she spoke again,

"Okay, you can but for it, you will have to pass a test"

"Sure, tell me"

I nodded my head agreeing with her words, soon she cutely clutched her chin as she began to think, a few seconds later her eyes lit up as she exclaimed out,

"Ah!…why don't you do what I just did now?"




Everyone was surprised hearing her words, after which all of them gave me a pitiful look, well I didn't blame them, the shot that Carmel did was something only she was able to do till now, plus none of them knows how good I am with my archery, the only time I used the bow was when I one-shotted Xavier but back then it was just an aimed one-shot that anybody could do, what Carmel was asking me to do requires pure skill.

Some of them even started to look at me vigilantly expecting me to blast out but unlucky for them that wasn't going to happen, looking at the huge cliff in front of me a confident smile lit up my face as I spoke,





Now the gazes of the rest had turned to disdain and disbelief, none of them thought that my skill at the bow would reach that level, this wasn't due to them looking down at me but from what they knew about me, my fight with three princes was especially analyzed and looked at, I had shown extreme precision in magic and one on one combat.

Me being proficient in all this already showed that I was already a super genius, after all, learning spells and combat doesn't take place in a single night, it takes years of practice, yet I'm already proficient in them, if I am great in archery too, well then they would all surely start to doubt their reality.

'Poor guys, they are surely going to get one heck of a shock'

Praying for their well being, I moved on towards the edge of the cliff standing there as the wind hit my face and the thrill of freedom filled my being, a light started to gather at my hands, and soon my blue and purple shinning bow appeared in my hands, as it did everyone focused on it, this weapon, after all, is the most talked on one within the world.

A weapon that was capable of dealing with the corrupts! in fact, many research fanatics and crazies are dying to get their hand on it, many even wanted answers from me but then my grandfather's words covered the world,

Mess with the Lionheart then await bloodshed!

It was simple words but they showed his stance on the matter, even the Emperor my uncle was supporting me, saying that none should try to force me into anything, even then the trend of my weapon was still active, everyone wanted to know about the musical bow that was capable of firing a weapon of power equal to a dragon's full power attack.

And now in front of all of them, the bow had appeared, the one with the most special reaction was Carmel whose eyes lit up with amazement and a hint of envy as she saw the bow in my hands, the look on her face said that she wanted to run up to me and take the bow from my hands, luckily she was able to control herself,


I exhaled out as I relaxed my mind, taking up an arrow I placed it on the bow as I pulled it back with my strength, my posture and movement were impeccable, with not a hint of struggle or loss, among the group those with keen eyes were able to see it clearly, all of their hearts trembled but Carmel stayed calm as she admiringly looked at my form,

'Yeah, this is bringing back some hard memories'

Back in the past, Eleanor had hammered onto me the perfect postures many times, hours I had to stand just holding the bow, sometimes I would go home with completely bleeding figures or my hands would be in such a mess that I won't be able to shoot, she made sure that even at my most weakest time I would be capable of taking the perfect shot.

My eyes became sharp as I gazed at my target, the mana in my body subtly and clearly flew into the bow, the wind on the cliff picked up speed as it kept disrupting the atmosphere even my hair was flowing with the wind, I stayed there holding the bow as I started to do all the calculations, the speed of the wind, the amount of mana fluctuating, the different problems that might crop up, each and every scenario was being run in my mind.

Finally, after a minute of silence, my hand holding the string let go, everything looked in slow motion to me as the arrow left my bow traveling towards the target that was kept on the other side, everybody's attention was on the cliff as they gazed at the arrow that was moving towards its target.

Just like Carmel's mine was fast as it covered the huge distance but just as half the journey was over the wind blew from the bottom, seemingly trying to destroy it but then the arrow seemed to gain life as it started to move with the wind, a sense of beauty filled it as the arrow used the wind to blast forward!.


Before others would even blink the arrow had hit the center of the target, silence…..complete silence filled the surroundings as they gazed at the arrow stuck at the other side, it had broken through Carmel's earlier arrow embedding itself as the king, everybody except for Carmel had an incredulous expression on their face as they kept replaying the scene in their mind.

The shot was precise, powerful, and more importantly more beautiful than Carmel's shot, this had proved that my skill was no less than her maybe even better than her! this was a huge breakdown to the rest, my talents just keep smacking them in their face,


It was then a clapping sound was heard everyone turned their head towards the sound coming upon Carmel clapping her hands with an admiring smile on her face,

"Good shot"

She spoke.

Chapter 226-Senior(2)

"So tell me Austin, where did you learn to use the bow?"

Carmel asked me as she took a sip of her tea, right now both of us were in a private room. After my mind blogging a shot, I did a few more ones making the rest watch it all in a daze, by the 6th shot I had already gained the recognition of the rest of the people. After finishing my shot I was met with Carmel who wanted to talk to me privately

I agreed and here we are now, Carmel sitting opposite to me on a sofa drinking tea with grace while I sat opposite her drinking my one, enjoying the refreshing taste that was filling my mind I spoke,

"I had a great teacher"

"And who might that be?"

Carmel asked back with twinkling eyes, she seemed to be half sure of my status, I gave her a knowing smile and kept the tea on the table before me,

"Of course, it's our teacher, senior"


Carmel asked with a jerk of her body, she seemed to be confused by my words, plus her attitude towards me also warmed up, there wasn't an edge t her voice, Carmel by nature is more outward and positive to anybody but their levels in her attitude, the ones she just met, the ones he considers her friend and then her enemies

One must never look down on her due to her lively nature, being her enemy is a tree using thing to be, in truth due to her twilight bloodline she should be more cold and calm than she is, there's a switch in Carmel's mind that flips when she faces her enemy, making her a cold and dangerous woman

She had learned to control that side of hers, making it so that it would only flip when she faces the ones she dislikes and when that happens it is almost impossible to reason with her, she will become the coldest moon that shines in the night, anyhow it seems that I had gotten much closer to her just by telling her that I'm Eleanor's disciple, that itself shows how much Carmel respects Eleanor.

"Yes, that's right senior, aren't you also Eleanor's disciple? that makes you, my senior, the master had told me a lot about you"


Carmel reacted a bit over as her body leaned forward with a smile on her face, I nodded my head at her words as I spoke

"that's right, master always speaks about how she couldn't take you as her complete disciple but she says that in her heart you will always be one"

"I see…"

Carmel responded with a happy yet melancholic smile, the circumstances surrounding Carmel is quite strange and hard to overcome, in the game we had to overcome them to win Carmel's heart, that's one of the condition to get closer to her, though right now for me that won't be needed, smiling lightly I comforted her

"Don't be sad senior, maybe one day it could happen who knows?"


Carmel sighed out in despondent but it didn't last for long before which her normal self returned, with a relaxing smile she spoke, her voice laced with excitement

"Hey! leaving aside that, tell me more about master, how is she? where did you guys meet, tell me everything!"

"Okay, sure but you have to calm down first"

Speaking so I waved my hands at her telling her to calm down, finally, she did and I started to tell her about all my adventures, teaching, and the fun I had with Eleanor, of course, I made sure to leave out some important information, like the fact that I am sleeping with Eleanor, other than that I entertainingly spoke about the rest, making Carmel feel a bit lost and jealous

"Sigh…you had a lot of fun with master"

"Yeah, a 'lot' of 'fun' "

I replied to her, my words hiding more information than she could handle, by now I had spoken to her about most of the stuff that had taken place, during this small talk we became a bit more closely, a relationship between junior and senior was slowly but surely developing between us, I could always use the excuse of needing 'help' or sharing 'pointers' to approach her

From then on I can make my move, though I have to be really careful so that I won't fall into her 'friendzone', unlike the game I can't restart here, and falling into that category of hers only means a death sentence for me, so whenever I talk I make sure to avoid the things I should, playing her route so many times I knew that way to deal with her efficiently

"So you want to join the Archery club right?"


"This might be a bit problematic"


To my question, Carmel could only smile helplessly as she spoke

"Because I don't have much idea on which position I could give you, the hierarchy structure was built so that having two vice leaders are best to handle the club, adding a third one would only make things more chaotic, plus with your skill I could make you the leader but…"

"But the others won't agree, right?"

I finished of her words to which she nodded her head,

'Um…this is tricky'

Though one of my aims was to raise the club I also wanted to be closer to Carmel, taking her position away might not be the best move, plus everyone here resects her, she was after all the one that took this broken club and made it this way in 3 years, she has an unkillable support from the ones of the club

Plus I couldn't really be below her, sure this is a club and we shouldn't discriminate but I am still the leader of a faction and so is Carmel, me being below her in the club might affect my group making it harder for them to have any morale against Carmel's faction and she knew it too and that's where the problem s cropping up,

"How about you make a special position for me?"

"A special position?"


I nodded my head and continued

"One that's not below you or above anyone, a special position only one in the club could hold"

"Um… that's not bac but are you sure that you don't want to be the president?"

"I'm sure, I only wanted to raise the Archery club to the top and meet my senior, other than that I don't care about the rest after all, aren't you my senior, shouldn't I be listening to you?"



I asked Carmel who was now chuckling at me, to my question she gave me a bright smile as she spoke

"No, it's just that you're a bit different from how I thought you would be"

"How did you think I was?"

"Arrogant, straightforward, and someone that won't back down at all"

Hearing her words I was taken back before which I responded

"You're right I'm all of that but it's different with you"


This time it was Carmel who was a bit confused but I didn't leave her hanging as I spoke

"Because you are family"

Chapter 227-Talk

"Because you're family"

I said, my voice filled with conviction and a hint of familial feeling, normally saying this to someone that you just met would end with the relationship itself breaking or the other person looking at you with weird eyes but that was only in normal situations. For Carmel, these words would only bring something else outside,


Carmel spoke back with a startled gaze, instead of being wired out a certain twinkle bloomed in her eyes, looking at it I knew that the first past was done, nodding my head I spoke with a calm and clear voice,

"Yes, to tell the truth, all I knew about you is from the master but she thinks of you like family and I think of her as one, in such a regard you are family to me too, we might not have much now but I'm sure that we could grow to be true senior and junior"

Finished speaking I looked at Carmel who was looking at me intently trying to gaze into my intention but all she could tell was that I was truthful in my desire to get close to her, a minute of silence reigned in between us before which Carmel broke out into a smile,



Seeing that part one of my plans was successful I sighed, dealing with Carmel is quite a bit hard, she takes the people she cares about in high regard, making it so that they are all close to her but this also makes it harder for others to break through her heart, making her fall in love with me will be a time-consuming task.

I have to be careful to not step on any land mines that would put me in her friendzone and the first thing for me is to be a 'family' with her, I will use her innate desire for freedom and fun to control and manipulate her feelings for me, at the same time I would try to seriously fall in love with her, I haven't changed my objective of having feelings too.

That's the main reason that I'm taking it slow, up and till now I could tell that I have feelings for Grace, Eleanor, Elda, Nora, and Vina, I'm sure that I will have no problem send spending my time with them, even if years pass the situation between us won't break and that is something that I strive to achieve, otherwise later down the line the feelings between us will only become toxic,

"So senior tell me something about yourself"

"Oh~what do you want to know?"

"Just some things that I can know about my senior"

"Okay let me see…"

With that we began a casual talk with each other, sometimes laughing at the antics of Eleanor or at other times talking about our view into Archery, an hour passed, it was even fun for me too, after having Archery drilled into me I naturally formed a love for it, discussing it with her was quite the novel experience, moreover, I was even able to know more about her too,

"This was fun, it's sad that you have to go, I wanted to chat a bit more with you, maybe we could even have a duel"

Carmel spoke to me as she led me to the exit of the club, after having a chat we became much closer, when I spoke with her I made sure to lead the conversation on a path that would make us talk about our true desires, though small I did make some progress, shaking my head I responded,

"I too wanna stay but I have things to do, plus I will be visiting the club every day, we have all the time to have a spar"

"Sure but you will have to take out that bow of yours"

Saying so stars lit up in Carmel's eyes, her eyes seemed to spark with expectations, to which I gave her a wry smile,

"Senior you really are one bow fanatic"

"Hey! that's no way to talk to your senior!"

Carmel responded with a pout as she lightly hit me on the shoulder, just looking at our interaction no one would be able to tell that we had just been friends for some hours, this is the good thing about Carmel, as long as she recognizes you, it will be easy to have a deeper connection with her,

"Sorry…Sorry…I won't make fun of it again but in truth, you must one day show me your bow collections"

I said with an anticipating smile that led to Carmel responding with an equal amount of enthusiasm,

"Sure, it's a promise"

"Then see you tomorrow"

Saying so I left the club as I started to walk through the crowded streets again, walking a bit I reached an area which was a lot less crowded, stopping myself, I spoke out,

"Come out both of you, I can feel your ill intent from miles away"

There was silence for a moment before which the sound of someone walking behind me was heard, turning around I was met with two handsome and elegant men that sweep grace and power, one had blackish blonde hair while the other had deep grey hair, looking at both of them for a moment I spoke again,

"What do I owe the pleasure of meeting the two future dukes of Twilight?"

"Nothing I would just like for you to give up something"

Both of them spoke at the same time, making them flinch and turn to each other,

"Nix, stay out of this, I will be taking this treasure and Carmel's heart!"

The one with the blackish blonde hair spoke to the one at his side. Nix whose name was called upon sneered as he responded back,

"Shut up Melvin, the one who gets Carmel's heart is a free game! the best of us will win her heart!"

Upon saying so Nix turned his head towards me as he commanded,

"Austin what I want is that bow of yours, the ones that Carmel loves"

"Stop! don't give it to him, tell me the price I shall give double of what you ask"

Melvin interjected as he gave Nix a death stare, meanwhile, I just gazed at all this with neutral eyes, I wasn't surprised by their attitude, in context their status was higher than mine, the both of them in front of me would be the future great Dukes, they will rule over a huge part of the twilight Empire, while I'm part of the Lionheart Dukedom I'm not the successor, making my future position less than theirs,

'Sigh…such a smart people becoming idiots for love'

I shook my head at their current behavior, in normal situations, they are smart and calculative but when it comes to Carmel they lose a bit of their cool, being future Dukes they should know that befriending me is better than making me their enemy but here they are asking me to give up a weapon that is wanted by the whole world.

My eyes quickly moves to a certain side of the street where a certain black haired girl was watching,

'Guess I better give her a show'

Chapter 228-Relax~~

"Are you idiots?"

As my voice was heard the argument between the two of them stopped, with a frightening combo both of them turned their head towards me, I stayed calm under their stare as I spoke back,

"I didn't even bend down to the will of rulers of the world, what makes you think that I will listen to the both of you?"

My words were calm and rational, not a hint of anger could be felt, both Nix and Melvin were now looking at me with narrowed eyes, then Nix spoke,

"Fine but make sure that you know the level at which you can get close to Carmel"

'I see so that's their objective'

Looking at the both of them I could understand that their true desire was to scout out my real intent, I, after all, came in and suddenly seemed to be close to Carmel? this would definitely trigger warning bells in the head of these two, they are here to make sure that I know my place. After a few seconds, I started to shake my head as I looked at the both of them with pity,

"What are you looking at?"

Melvin snarled when he felt my pitiful gaze, I didn't back down as I spoke in a serious voice,

"Tell me both of you love Carmel, right?"

"Yeah, so what?"

Again the both of them replied at the same time, not a hint of embarrassment or hesitation in their voice, nodding my head I continued,

"That is what I find pitiful about you two, both of you try to get closer to her, try to win her heart but did the two of you ever bother to ask what she truly wants?"

"What are you talking about?"

Melvin asked with a dangerous glint in his eyes, again I shook my head at this, looking at the two of them with 'disappointment' I retorted,

"Calm down, look at you Melvin, looking at your eyes I could tell that you want to take me down, this is not love it's obsession, and it's controlling the two of you, if you truly love her then think about what she wants"

After finishing I didn't even wait for their response before which I started to walk away but then I stopped for a moment and spoke,

"Oh! also I have no romantic interest in Carmel, she may be beautiful and all but in truth she's not my type and I see her as a family"

With that I walked off not turning back, I knew I had done what had to be done, as for how I knew?

+10 affection

+12 affection

+15 affection

All of this affection was coming from Carmel who was looking at all this with a camaflouge, she was just a few steps far away from us, I don't know what she used but it's one hell of a hiding device but sadly it doesn't work against the system that had already shown me that she was close, well if you connect the dots this was quite normal.

How could Carmel with her intelligence not guess that her two best friends would make trouble for me? hell, I'm doubting that she did have a play in it, though in the end, I had considered it, after all, it was naive to believe that she would be 100% trusting and believing in me, this might have just been her way of seeing my true side but in her case, it became my manipulative side,

'How that for a beginning play?'

Snickering to myself, I left the place with no regrets, covering myself with my disguise I moved towards the hidden teleport room where I met with my maid Olivia, after a round of her pleasuring me I reached out and 'helped' her, though not to the full extent, afterward I headed towards the library where I had a fierce debate with Celestina and just in the nick of time I was summoned by my other mother, where I again spend my time becoming close,

'Damn….who said that having a harem was fun?'

Cursing the guy who said so I walked through the night streets of the Academy, stretching my body and yawning, all I wanted was to fall asleep, thankfully being the leader of a ring grants me many rights, like not having to have mandatory class and the fact that I don't have to collect Academy points, most of the stuff was free for me, its a mouth-watering privilege that all the ring bearers have, the insignia of the strongest.

This again highlighted the rule that the strongest would always have the best and if you want the best then simply be the strongest, shaking off my thoughts I entered my room and I didn't even change my clothes as I just fell to my bed, laying there a familiar scent filled my nose along with it the familiar voice hit me,

"Big brother are you alright?"

Turning my body and laying straight I came upon the sight of Elda laying beside me in a cute blue nightgown, her hair was sprawled across the bed and her green eyes were filled with gentleness and love as she gazed at me, to Elda's question I shook my head,

"Nope, the past and this day were too tiring and bothersome, some I don't even know what I should do"

"Don't worry you can talk to me"

Saying so Elda took my head and placed it on her lap, her smooth and boneless lap was softer than the world's best pillow, though I could say that this was the second-best lap pillow I got the first one belonged to Orpheus her lap pillow were on another level, hell I just wanted to sleep there forever, as I was being lost in my thoughts Elda spoke looking into my eyes from above,

"So what's the problem, big brother?"

Her voice was calm and caring, along with it she was lovingly patting my head, a sparkle of delight and satisfaction filled her eyes,

"Shouldn't I the big brother be the one who consoles you?"

"Nope, as your wife it's my duty to help my husband whenever he has difficulties"


"Ma-Maybe not now but definitely in the future!"

Elda spoke in a hurried voice trying to hide her blush, I chuckled at her cute behavior but it did help me relax, raising my hand I lovingly caressed her face,

"How lucky am I to have you"

"Very lucky"

Elda instantly replied,

"Oh, someone's getting a bit narcissistic?"

"Humph, it's just the truth!"

Elda replied back with a cute pout, soon the both of us were laughing at our antics, a minute later silence descended to the room, only the sound of our breathing was heard as Elda kept patting my head with love, she would at times turn over my hair and place kisses on my forehead, her soft lips were leaving marks in my heart but what really got my heart going was the blush on her face afterward.

As a fairy bloodliner its hard for Elda to do such stuff yet her love oversees them all as she keeps kissing me, through this small progress was being made, like this, the next 10 minutes passed, finally relaxing I sighed in contentment at the same time Elda spoke,

"So what happened?"

"It Nora"

"Big sister?"


"What happened?"

Elda asked with a frown, for a moment 'hesitation' appeared on my face but then it all faded away as I 'sighed' and spoke

"She kissed me on the lips"


Elda's eyes widened in surprise but then her reply came

"That's all?"


This time my eyes widened in surprise.

Chapter 229-Discussion For Family

"That's all?"

This time my eyes widened in 'surprise', well not much of a surprise than 'stunned', looking at Elda I spoke my voice filled with 'disbelief',

"Did you know?"

I asked as that could only be the most logical reason, Elda sighed as she kept rubbing my head, her tender eyes looked into mine as she nodded her head,

"Of course, big brother how couldn't I not see it? after all, both of us suffered from the same fate"

"I see…."

I spoke with a 'disbelieving' sigh, well all of that was only outward, while inwardly I knew that she had already found out about Nora's feelings for me, I mean both Grace and Nora are a bit dense but not Elda she was clearly able to see the feeling that Nora has for me and it's on this premises that I openly talked about Nora. Raising my head I looked at Elda with a bit of a 'grudge',

"You know you could have told me about it"

"And would you have believed it? plus big sister's choice was not mine to influence, what she wanted to do about it was a path that she should walk"

Elda replied with a snort, while her heart held complex feelings, silence settled between us, as Elda kept patting my head and I lay there 'deep' in thought, finally, after a minute I spoke to Elda,

"Elda, what should I do?"

"Big brother isn't that your choice?"

"I know but I really don't know what to do, I only see Nora as a sister, nothing more, I don't want to break her heart"


This time Elda did not know what she should say, looking at my frowning face she went into deep thought, silence remained before which she spoke again,

"isn't it fine?"


Hearing Elda's answer I looked at her with a gaze asking her what she was talking about, to which Elda sighed and spoke,

"Big brother, you love Nora right?"


"Then try spending time with her and see if you would fall in love with her the other way"

"What! Elda are you serious?"

I 'jolted' up as I looked at Elda with 'complex' eyes, Elda chuckled feeling my emotions but on the inside her heartfelt warm, moving closer she placed her head on my chest while her body leaned onto mine, her hands leeched onto my neck while she relaxed completely on my embrace, making herself comfortable she spoke,

"In truth, I don't know what I should say, I went through the same pain that she's going through and I can say that it's not pleasant at all, the happy feeling I got when you accepted me was something else, hence I have no right to say anything against big sisters love"

"I know bu-"


As I was about to retort her Elda placed her hand on my lips, raising her head she shook it as she continued,

"Big brother it pains me to see you with someone else but it doesn't hurt much when it's big sister, maybe we could start a real 'family'"

"Elda you…."

I looked at Elda with a 'shocked' look but she just shook it off, tightening her hold as she just embraced me tighter, conveying her feelings to me, meanwhile on the inside I was rejoicing for having things going well, now I just have to give things a little bit more push, moving my hands I held her body tightly as I spoke,

"Fine, I will give it a try but you have to talk about this to mother, both you and Nora should go, tell her about your feelings too"


Elda seriously nodded her head, finally, after this the heated atmosphere between us mended, I smiled as I moved forward and caught her lips in a kiss, she didn't reject it as she kissed me back, soon our lips were locked in a passionate kiss, during which we fell to the bed with me above Elda.

Elda's hair spread in the bed while her green eyes twinkled with delight, my lips latched onto hers sucking them, I bit and licked on both her upper and lower lips, at the same time my hand sneaked into the inside of her nightgown as I fondled her smooth and soft breasts, I felt my hands sink into them,


Feeling the pleasure Elda could only moan out but I didn't give up as I kept kissing her lips, sucking on her tasty saliva, while my hand fondled and reshaped her breasts, feeling her hard nipple I gave it a pull,


And with that Elda's legs buckled as she cummed, another cute part of hers was that she was really sensitive, letting go of her mouth I swallowed her saliva, as I looked at her and spoke,

"Cute as always"

But Elda wasn't in the situation to understand as she kept taking in deep breaths, her legs were sprawled upwards while a red blush was spread across her gorgeous face, seeing that she was unresponsive I held her up as I lay on the bed and put her on my chest, hugging her tightly I gave a kiss on her forehead.

After which I didn't do anything else, I knew that she wasn't in the proper situation to do anything, moreover, if I continued I knew that I won't be able to stop myself, so it was better to get the small things first, for now, a few seconds later Elda regained her learning, she didn't say anything as she hugged me back and slept happily on me and like that the night passed.


"So you ready?"

"Yeah, I am"

Alex spoke behind me making sure that he has all the things that he needs, right now I was followed by Alex, Jacob, Mark, Rina, and Mika, I didn't bring the rest as this was just a meeting and bringing too many people might cause a lot of unnecessary problems,

"Boss I'm ready to cause some problems!"

Jacob exclaimed, pumping his hands forward for some action, the rest of us shook our heads at the action, looking sharply at Jacob I spoke,

"You better be restraining yourself"


Jacob nodded back with a battle-hungry smile, well he wasn't the only one the rest too had anticipating looks on their face, well all except Mark who was looking like a block of ice, they were all rearing to cause some chaos and problems,

'Sigh….crazy people are truly tough maintenance'.

Chapter 230-Meeting

"Its nice to finally meet the famous chaotic sweeper of the sea"

"The same for me, I am glad to meet the earliest holder of the ring"

I replied as I shook the hand of the man in front of me, he had long horns growing out of his head, while his grayish and reddish mix hair which fell back to his shoulders, his dark red eyes looked calm and composed as he gazed at me, his skin, unlike the other demons where white, his face was the perfect definition of handsome.

Overall he had a 'badboy' look to him, the man in front of me Ron Formier Ramoin Zafeer, the crown prince of the Efeth Demon Empire, the man who is the holder of another ring, right now growing up to 23 years, among the many ring holders the power he holds is one of the fiercest of them all.

With several powerful demons under his rule, he is a smart, calm, and ruthless man, his siblings that turned against him all dissipated or died of unknown causes, of course, this rose many speculations about him but without any proof, Ron was able to walk scot-free, dealing with such a man I should always be careful. Here the only thing connecting the both of us is his love for Elda.

Which I could see was genuine, this arose from the fact that he was willing to make Elda his Empress! this was by no means small, since birth Ron was marked with a fiance that would rule beside him, a demoness of a powerful rank but Ron here was willing to make a hassle of it by breaking this engagement.

This would have severely affected his standing, yet he was willing to go that far, just this was enough to show that his feelings were genuine but sadly for him he would never be receiving Elda's love,

"Why don't you take a seat"

Ron spoke as he pointed towards the adjacent sofa, I nodded my head at him as I sat, behind me stood the rest that came with me, and behind Ron stood his confidants, their aura was stifling and powerful, pointing towards the fact that none of them are to be messed with,

"So, what do I owe to the pleasure of meeting you?"

I directly spoke about the topic, with people like him straightforwardness is the best thing, he didn't seem to mind it as he responded,

"Straightforward I see…well I just wanted to meet with you and talk about a possible situation for a partnership"


"Yes, during the fight for the title of king, what do you think about forming an alliance between the both of us, of course, this would only last till we meet each other, and if we do why don't we promise to give each other a way out?"

Hearing his words I didn't respond immediately, keeping quiet I thought about all the things at hand, the reason being that the alliance was readily useful for me, all the advantages also seemed to be in my hand and this is the most suspicious thing, as much as I hate to admit it, my faction wouldn't be able to hold much against Ron's faction.

He had been in the Academy since the starting and most of the demon that works under him are his true subordinates, they have true loyalty towards him, moreover, they know each other well and complement each other too, in factions there would always be some friction between them, in fact, few conflicts did arise within my faction.

And that was not all, I also have to pay attention to the spies that are being sent by the rest, I have a pack of hyenas waiting for me to slip up so that they could devour me whole, maintaining a faction is no simple matter, finally after what seemed like a minute I spoke,

"It's a good deal and everything seems fine but…"


Ron asked with a calm smile to which I gave him my own as I asked,

"But are you doing this because you want to invest in my faction's growth or are you doing this out of your feelings for my sister?"

As I finished speaking the atmosphere in the room became heavy, if his answer was the first one then there was no problem but if it was the second then we would have a problem at hand, this being simply due to the reason that it was humiliating, supporting us because you like my sister? this was just blatant disrespect for me and my faction.

Silence remained as time ticked by and the more it did the more stifling the atmosphere was getting and just as the 2-minute mark passed Ron spoke,

"A bit of both"

"A bit of both..?"

I asked back and he leaned onto the chair as he spoke in a relaxed voice,

"Yup, the people under you are strong and you have complete control over them, each one of them is rare geniuses meaning that you would have a formidable power under you in the future, making you a valuable pillar for the world"

Saying so he stopped for a moment as he looked at me, I didn't tell him to stop as I nodded my head,

"Hence I thought that it would be better to be friends with you and yes Elda is involved too, as her older brother whom she seems to respect much, I thought that getting to know you better will increase my chance, so both of my desire gave birthed to this deal"

As he finished speaking he looked into my eyes, waiting for my response and I couldn't help but admire him for a moment, each of his words was careful and prepared, he made sure that his words were flattering me and touched on the truth, this was a truly masterful move that many won't be able to reject, sadly I wasn't part of that many,

"I gotta say crown prince Ron I am impressed"

"Oh no, no you can call me Ron"

He spoke with an amiable voice to which I complied,

"Ok sure Ron, your proposal is extremely tempting but sorry I would have to reject"

"May I ask why?"

Ron asked back sill remaining calm, to this I replied with a smirk as I sank back into my chair,

"The reason is simple, even if small your proposal is still laced with your desire for my sister and that is not something I accept, who Elda chooses is her wish and I would not meddle in it, if I accept this proposal then I would be going again my oath"

"I see….but are you sure about this? shouldn't you talk about this to your subordinates, they might have different views about your selfishness"

Ron spoke back clearly trying to create a wedge between us, I shook my head at his antics as I pointed my hands to the back, at the guys who were standing behind me, still maintaining eye contact with Ron I spoke

"Does this look like the faces of people who are afraid?"


And this time there was a change in his expression, seeing it I turned back as I saw excitement-filled smiles on their faces, none of them seemed afraid, heck all of them were raring for a fight, especially Alex who seemed to be writing something on a notebook but all of them had one same thing, the smile of anticipating a challenge, even Mark had a small little smile.

Chapter 231-Meeting(2)

"Is that all?"

I spoke and it was only after hearing my voice did Ron recover from his daze, his calm eyes sharpened for a moment but they disappeared as they came, exhaling out he smiled as he spoke,

"Really, it seems that I have severely underestimated you and your group"

"I will take that as a compliment"

I replied back with a smirk, I could tell that his motive wasn't just to form an alliance it was also to get a dig at what kind of person I am, I have to admit that he's good at leading a talk, every movement of his was planned and calculated, even in the game he's an adverse opponent to face but back then it was just a dispute over a certain even.

As a gale game the story was always focused more on the girls, hence I don't have much information about him from the game but here now in real life I could tell that he's not one to be trifled with but for me, I have nor fear, heck I have a yandere mommy goddess spoiling me from behind, just a word and he's done.

And even leaving that aside just with the blessing that I have, I am unkillable, I could even revive the dead, granted under some conditions but even then I could make any dying team win in a heartbeat, after all, I was easily able to bring back Nora to her tip-top condition when she had fought the three killers before.

It's an op ability to use in a team battle, imagine having your enemies completely drained but the next moment they would be in their peak condition, even their mental strength would have returned! this was more than enough to sow despair in any battle,

"Humph, just a handsome brat thinking that he's great"

A slightly disdained filled voice reached my ears, causing me to look at a demon, that had reddish skin and four eyes on his face, his looks were subpar but a suffocating pressure released from his body, just one look was enough to tell that he was not to be messed around with, focusing on him I spoke,

"Got a problem four eyes?"

"You bas-"

The four eyes weren't even able to finish his words as a huge sword aura focused on his body, making him shudder, behind me Mike was now looking at the demon with frigid eyes, it wasn't only him the rest too had hardened eyes, they were just waiting for my signal to burst forth but it was then the aura from Ron was released suppressing Mike's,

'He's strong'

Focusing my thoughts I looked at Ron who even now has a calm smile on his face, seeing this I sighed I was fed up with this shit, from the beginning till now he's been testing me, there's no way that a subordinate of his would speak up at our meeting, not unless he's being told explicitly to cause trouble,

"Guys do what the fuck you all want"

And that was what they had to hear as the next moment Mark disappeared from where he stood, in a blink of an eye he was in front of the four-eyed demon as his greatsword moved forth, with a thud the demon was sent flying, meanwhile Rina had a battle-hungry smile as her arms doubled in size as she punched forth intending to crush one of the demonesses that stood behind Ron.

Jacob gave us a battle-hungry cry as his massive body moved with surprising speed as he punched towards Ron! meanwhile, Alex and Mika stood in front of me as guards, Mika's rapier was in her hand while Alex's eyes scanned the surrounding for any unexpected movement, a small dagger lay in his hand.

All of this had happened in a second some hadn't even understood what had happened, time seemed to slow down as Mike moved forth for a hit, Rina's bloated hand arrived at the demoness, while Jacob's hand was dangerously leaning towards Ron's head, who was still focused on me, seeing it I simply rose my hand and gave him the middle finger, not like it meant anything here but still it felt good.


Jacob who was moving forward to hit Ron has blasted away as his body hit a wall, Rina's hand had been stopped by a barrier that had been created around the demoness that she had aimed for but cracks had already started to appear around the barrier as the battle-hungry smile on Rina's face extended,

"What's the meaning of this?"

Ron asked with a frigid tone, to which I arrogantly leaned back, placed my one leg over another as I spoke,

"The fuck do you care? I came here since you called and ever since then all you do was test me, who the hell do you think you are? my daddy? did you think that because you're a price you sit on some high horse? or do you think that you shit gold?"

My words traveled through the room stunning the demons who never expected such a crass language to leave my mouth, even Ron looked surprised but the people who came with me smiled as they knew how I was, in the end, I am still am a noble and within that accord, I should keep a certain grace but why should I care? even the Lionheart family has a military-based style.

My current grandfather had already told me that if I didn't like someone I had the full right to fuck that person over! and that was what I was about to do,

"You bastard! how dare you!"

A demon that was free attacked me but he was stopped by Alex and Mika, within this Mike returned with a heavily beaten up four eyes on his hand, looking at it the rest of my crew smiled, Mika again drew his greatsword to beat the rest but it was then that the door to the room was opened as hundreds of demons flooded in their auras raising as they prepared for battle.

Different types of weapons filled their hand as they pointed at us, by now my group had already returned to my side, protecting me from all directions, in the end, they cared about my well being above anything else,

"At ease"

Ron waved his hand indicating for the demons to put their weapons down, hearing it they did but even then their vigilance didn't decrease as they surrounded us,

"You made a big mistake today Austin"

"Oh…bite me"

I gave him a snarly reply causing Ron's eyes brows to twitch, looking at my group for a moment a hint of envy passed in his eyes before which he spoke,

"Get out"

And that what we did was we were escorted outside by a group of angry and pissed off demons, soon we were shown the way outside the huge black place that had a special shine, this is after all the area that was allocated to Ron and many powerful demos belonging to his faction patrolled the area.

Soon a small commotion arose as we were in a fashion thrown out of the palace the demons that were watching it were already talking with each other,

"What now Austin?"

Alex spoke as he came to me, to this I just gave a simple reply

"Now we prepare for war"

Chapter 232-A Peaceful Pass

"This is nice…."

Scarlet spoke as she gazed at the moons up in the sky, beside her I lay as I too gaze upon the huge starry sky, right now it's been a week since my showdown with the demon prince Ron, things since then have been extremely hectic, the news of me having friction with the largest faction spread like wildfire, lots of rumors and issues cropped up due to it.

The line of people joining me also has slowed down, after all, I am just one person to many that's not much and many don't want to mess with the oldest holder of the ring, plus demons these days started to act out against the ones in my faction, of course, these demons belong to the empire of Ron but even then this has heavily affected the ones in my faction.

After all, many items and some missions require the help of the demons belonging to Ron's faction, this caused some that joined to leave my faction, making a severe drop in my forces. There's also the fact that many demons had started to challenge the ones in my faction, they keep challenging them in rows, trying to wind down their status in the rankings.

All in all, Ron is trying his best to get rid of any power I could amass, his ways were brutal and cunning, touching upon the don't and do's, of course, this does not mean that I don't have anything to fight back, instead, I am just waiting for the right moment for me to strike back, the only hardest part was pacifying Elda who kept saying that it was her fault.

After that, I just had to contact my support Marlene, after my help with Xavier she's a die-hard helper of mine, while Ron's faction is huge with him controlling half the demons it would still pale in comparison to Marlene's who had full control of the ones of the sea, with her support I will be to deal with the problem of resources.

As for the challenges well I want to thank Ron for that, while losing a lot of members is painful it helps me weed out the spies and the useless, that's the reason I haven't taken any actions yet, I just want to see how many would stay, the ones who do will be the main driving force of my faction, and thanks to Ron the ones that remain will continue to be hardened and sharpened by Ron's lackies

Overall I won't even be losing anything. Leaving that aside the week was again fruitful for me as I spent the time dealing with the girls, I made sure to spend ample time with them, entering inside Olivia's room secretly as I trained her body and slowly cut away the corners of her heart, visiting Celestinia in the library as I slowly gain her friendship, she's a tough nut to crack, as till now I have only gained a bit of apprehension from her.

She still thinks of me as Scarlet's mate, a person she's deciding if I should be part of her family or not, then I have Mika and Rika, I just would take and spend time with them in the meeting room, patting them, complimenting them and making them feel safe, I haven't taken any of them for dates but I have promised them that, in that front things are well.

Then I have Carmel, whom I visit every day as I trained and talk with her, by now I can tell that I am a bit more important to her, a subtle atmosphere of junior and senior has formed between us, we talk and laugh at each others atmosphere, I have gained a large part of her trust, some more and I will be able to begin my plans for her.

But a problem lay, them being Nix and Melvin, each and every time that I tried to be alone with Carmel they will show up, being Carmel's best friend I can't do anything about them, Carmel trust them with her life and as grown up playing with them, I don't think that I have reached the level of familiarity with her, hence I can only let them tag along with me, making it so that I can't make a move on her.

Well that won't last long, I already have plans for that two duos who looked down on me, I am that petty after all, now after Carmel, I dealt a bit with Mira, unlike the others she's a busy person hence I don't get to meet her a lot, whenever she's free I would visit her, talk to her and slowly make my advances on her.

I would help her with her work and keep supplying her with my feelings, for her my plans have yet to start, first I have to make sure to print my feelings for her, and when a small flame lits in her heart I will make my move and speaking of family, I got to know that Nora, Elda, and Grace had a meetup but the results of the meeting were unknown to me.

All I got to know was that Grace became more lively, Nora's moves on me increased and Elda seems to be smiling all the time, I did ask them what happened but none of them told me anything, in the end, I let it go, all I got to know was that both Nora and Elda seems to have no problem with each other and only Grace's revelation is left, for that, I have a plan to do it a long time from now, Grace's situation requires certain planning to be successful.

The one I had the most success is with Orpheus, my plan for her will be now complete and I will be soon making my move, I can't wait to taste that sinful body of hers,

'Sigh…..life is well….'

Basking in the moonlight I turned towards Scarlet whose laying beside me, tonight was our second date, unlike the first one we didn't go for any high-class date, I took her to the place she made her confession as I brought out the food that I had made, making Scarlet smile with happiness for my care, in the end, I was successful in winning over her stomach,

"I feel so happy…."

Scarlet spoke again with a loving smile, she looked like she had achieved her greatest happiness in life, right now her hand was intertwined with mine, while we enjoyed the beauty of the stars,

"I see, well I am happy that you are happy"

I spoke earning a chuckle from her as she turned her body around as she looked at me, I too did the same, smiling she spoke,

"So, how do you feel about me now?"

She asked with her voice laced with expectations, I became silent for a moment before which I responded with a nod,

"I can tell that my feeling for you are increasing but it hasn't reached love yet, I still want to spend more time with you"

"I see…."

Scarlet didn't react particularly to my words, she just nodded her head as she turned her head up to the skies, her hands tightened on mine, and with that, the silence remained as we enjoyed the silent night.

Chapter 233-Bath

"I hope this does it"

Saying so I adjusted the collar of my shirt to make it messier, right now I looked like I was birthed in the dirt, my body was filled with dirt and a bit was torn here and there, I looked like I just got out of a tough fight and that is partially true, I did fight with Carmel but I didn't get this dirty, I had purposefully done this to myself.

Right now its the next day after my second date with Scarlet, waking up with Elda we had our normal bout before which I headed towards the club, today the weekend has began hence the streets were filled with excited students, I entered and had my normal battle and talk with Carmel before which I began to look like this.

As for why? well let's just say today's the day I nail my second mommy, just as I thought so I felt the space around me wrap and the next thing I know I am back in the fairy world and stood in front of me my sexy Goddess, her light one-piece white dress sticks to her well, her huge breasts and ass was especially attracted, I just wanted to jump in there and smack the hell out of them but I held my self in,

"Austin what happened?!"

While I was in thought, Orpheus rushed towards me as she looked at me with focused eyes, I waved my hands at her as I spoke,

"Don't worry mother, it's just some dirt, I'm not hurt at all"

"Humph let me see to it!"

Orpheus snorted as she started to look at me up and down, even though she hid it well I could still see a hint of tremble in her eyes as she checked my body, during the week I had enough time to understand what type of person she is, I could tell that her desire and love for me are pure but long years of this so-called 'obsession' of hers caused her feelings to wrap into something dark and dangerous.

I didn't just spend these days laying on her lap or talking, I kept making small advances on her, I made it such that I was extremely interested in her but even then she's holding herself back, her willpower is something else but still she kept succumbing to my desire and wishes, her love for me was twisted into something between paternal and love to a man, each trying to dominate the other and today I will take the last step,

"Don't worry mother, why don't you clean me up if you're so worried?"

I spoke my voice calm and normal but my eyes were traveling each inch of her body, burning with desire, Orpheus caught on to it, her eyes narrowed a bit while hints of hesitation danced within her eyes but finally, a small part of herself gave in,



3rd POV:

Austin entered the bathroom and he could see that it was quite big even from the outside and it looked like an opaque glass box surrounded by timber walls, as he entered, he saw a separate yet large enclosure for a bathtub and shower while the toilet was in the middle of the bathroom, and the faucet was placed before a large and wide mirror.

There was also a chair, and a stool in the bathroom, and when he entered inside his breath was taken away, near the chair stood Orpheus, she was dressed in a traditional maid dress that hugged her body completely, her long sexy legs were covered by white leggings, a white apron covered her front, her sexy body was completely tempting in her maid dress, plus the mental pleasure of seeing a Goddess dressed like that for you is something else,

"You look, beautiful mother"

Austin said as his eyes traveled all over her body, Orpheus smiled at it as her eyes looked at Austin's body that was covered with just a towel, and once again it began that touch in her body, her obsession taking over herself, she didn't even understand why she dressed like this, she just felt that her child would love it more and now seeing him look at her like that her heart started to beat in anticipation,

"Your not so bad yourself son"

Orpheus said with a giggle trying to hide her anxious heart, Austin smiled at it as he walked towards the stool and sat on it, Orpheus switched on the tap and proceeded to wash his body first before lathering his body with a body wash liquid, however, as she finally began to apply the lather over his body, she couldn't help but feel her hands getting warm as they caressed over his well-defined muscles while also remembering the closure she shared with him, before her feeling was just pure but now something else was mixed into it.

She lathered her son's back first before moving on to the front to wash his chest and found it hard to suppress her beating desire, especially when her hands felt all over his hard pecs and sculpted abs, she could feel deep within herself her womb seemingly trembling, as her hands moved through his body she could get a better feel of his soul, the connection between them helped her feel his desire and love for her But as she continued to wash him and was about to proceed to wash his legs when she suddenly noticed a large tent forming on his towel, making her gulp involuntarily,

"Hmm, what are you looking at?"

Austin asked with a suppressed smile, he could feel her apprehension, her desire, and her worries but he was not about to give up,

"Nothing….I was just seeing how healthy my son is"

Orpheus said with a snort but there was an apparent tremble in her voice,

"Then why don't you completely check if I am healthy, mother?"

Austin asked with a veiled smile, his intention was completely obvious, Orpheus hesitated a bit her eyes darting at the bulge in her son's towel, seeing it Austin lifted her chin gently as he looked into his mother's light green eyes,

"This is your fault, The way a sexy woman like you moved your soft hands all over my body made me feel as if my body is on fire, so please help me release my stress…..mother"

Orpheus felt her heartbeat quicken under his burning gaze and softly spoke,


Orpheus meekly nodded as she took in quick short breaths, no matter what this was the first time that she was about to do nothing, and deep within her heart she wants her son to enjoy it,

"Then go ahead and remove my towel."

Austin's words stirred the deepest darkest racy thoughts in her mind as her hand already moved towards his towel and slowly uncovered it, revealing a long 'sword' that took her breath away for a few moments but it wasn't just her, Austin too was feeling his heartbeat increase as he looked at the Goddess Of Life that was kneeling in front of him as her gaze stayed fixed at his crotch.

Orpheus could smell the scent of her son from his monstrous rod sticking out from his crotch and seeing it close up made her heart feel like it might explode any minute, she unconsciously moved her hand to grab hold of that thick rod but then took her hand back as she asked,


Her voice leaked making Austin smile at her cute actions no matter how confident she acts he could still tell that this was all her first and he wanted the best for her so he spoke,

"Please, go on, show me how good my mother is"

Austin said in a slightly provocative tone. Orpheus felt as if her abilities were in question here and she wanted to show her son how good she is, she finally overcame her nervousness and grabbed Austin's cock gently, however, her eyebrows raised in astonishment, again feeling how warm and thick it was. She unconsciously moved her fingers around to feel how smooth his cock skin was and how soft it seemed to touch while being amazed at how thick it felt to touch at the same time.

Chapter 234-Bath(2)

Orpheus could feel the springy veins underneath his cock skin, pulsing with vigor and energy. She wondered if it was possible for a man to have such a majestic-looking cock since not even in the past did she ever see someone with such a lofty-looking cock, but thinking that it was her son's she felt that it was quite normal.

And imagining how this thing goes through different women's shrines, she couldn't help but gulp as she momentarily imagined his cock going into hers…

'No! what the hell are you thinking! You are his mother!'

She shook off her outrageous thoughts thinking that it might destroy her pure relationship, she knew that her son wants it but she keeps hesitating, she knew that people usually considered her to be beautiful and sexy, and a large part of her wants to advance forward but still, some hesitation fills her mind, deep inside her, she desired to feel that warmth and comfort of her son in a different way…no matter what she had to do to feel it.

Just within a week of meeting him, he was able to set her heart free and happier, making her heart flutter for a man for the first time in her life. But she knew better than to act out her inner wishes, her eyes focused dangerously as her fingers over his cock began to move on their own,

"Oooh, you're amazing mother…."

Austin let out a surprised groan as her fingers continued to rub his cock in a very stimulating way, her hands were the softest thing he ever felt, a smile crossed Orpheus's lips, hearing his compliment, motivating her even further while mitigating her bashfulness, she was doing a handjob for the first time, but strangely at this moment, all she cared about was making him feel good, she then saw the pale pink tip of his cock and moved her hand over it out of sheer curiosity,

'How soft and smooth!'

Orpheus inwardly mumbled in amazement as she pulled down the foreskin, She felt that his glans were so soft that it almost felt like her fingers would melt by caressing over them, she circled her fingers over his glans, caressing it from different sides, her motherly instincts rose in another way,

"Go faster…."

Austin said with a smile, Orpheus's eyes became determined as she gripped his thick rod a bit tighter and began to move her hands up and down, the way her hand was moving seemed as if she was trying to squeeze out something from his rod, and she could feel his cock pulsating after getting stimulated by her hand,

"Nngh, perfect…more…"

Austin groaned as he appreciated her handjob skills, Orpheus continued to give him a handjob while moving her hand at different angles to target his erogenous spots, she just wanted the best for her son, however, even though Austin felt like ejaculating, he held back since he was not satisfied with just a handjob but wanted more!

Orpheus started to knit her brows when she saw that his cock was not getting smaller at all no matter how long she had been rubbing it, nor was he cumming, which completely puzzled her, making her wonder if she was doing it wrong but then, remembering how her son had a feel-good expression, she knew that he was at least finding it pleasurable,

"It isn't getting smaller…Maybe I am too inexperienced?"

Orpheus said with a sigh as she continued to rub him but only saw his cock getting slightly bigger instead of cumming,

"Actually, mother you are doing well but I want something else too"

Austin said with a grave expression Orpheus could feel her son's desire and nervousness, hence she spoke,

"What do you want?"

"Really? Then…"

Feeling a bit 'nervous' Austin nudged her face upwards and asked,

"Can I kiss you?"


Orpheus was taken aback by his sudden request of wanting to kiss her, she felt her heart leaping in joy but was still a bit of hesitation remained,

"B-But I am your mother…"

"Yes…A mother I would gladly die for to get a kiss…"

Austin replied with an enamoring gaze, making her heart skip a beat, she could feel his conviction and his deep feelings for her, the years of her life flashed through her life, the desolate feelings that she had and how lonely she was, then her current memories flooded her, it might have just being a week but this was the first time since her birth that she felt at peace, her thoughts melted away Orpheus's every last inhibition as she involuntarily leaned upwards to meet his pale crimson lips,


Orpheus's lips interlocked with her son's cold yet warm lips, both Austin and Orpheus felt a tremble through their spine, the connection between them applied, their souls flushed out mind-tingling pleasure, just this kiss turned their relationship upside down, her fundamental feelings for Austin had changed, Orpheus's lips involuntarily danced to the tune of his lips while Austin felt as if her lips were as soft as cotton and tasty as candy.

Orpheus's felt her son's lips gently and softly caressing over hers as if he wanted to taste more of her, She was feeling a tingling sensation in her heart as if it was going crazy and a strange warmth spreading over her ears, cheeks, and chest, Austin cupped her cheeks as his kiss became hot and breathy, sending electric sensations over her lips, traveling all the way over her body, making her body heat up even more,


Orpheus felt as if she was experiencing a whole new pleasurable experience as she involuntarily let out low moans from the back of her mouth, however, her mind was struggling with accepting the fact that she was really kissing her son

'This can't be happening!'

This thought echoed in her mind repeatedly till she believed that this was not a dream after a long steamy kiss, Austin separated his lips and closely looked into her eyes,

"You are so ravishing, mother, I want to taste even more of you, Can I?"

Orpheus's face flushed even more after hearing his sweet words, which seemed to enchant her soul, she knew what Austin wanted and felt happier that he was interested in her. But at the same time, her heart was galloping in embarrassment and nervousness, thinking about removing her dress before her son and her man, especially one she was fond of, Austin caressed her head,

"Do you want to stop?"

Orpheus shook her head, her eyes now shining with desire,

"No…I also…want to be closer to you. You can go ahead and do whatever you want, my love…"

These words were like music to Austin's ears,


Austin softly said as he held her hand and pulled her up,

"Mother I want you to undress yourself, I want to engrave each and every part of your sexy body to my mind, I want it as your man"

Orpheus smiled in embarrassment and delight, hearing Austin calling himself her man, they didn't need many words, the connection between them was more than enough for both to know what the other wanted, She nodded and took off her apron, Then she began to slowly unzip her dress from behind till it reached her waist, Since it was a one-piece maid dress, she raised her arms as she folded and pulled up her dress till she completely removed it to reveal a camisole slip and long leggings which perfectly stuck to her voluptuous body.

Even though her slip was looking conservative, it couldn't hide the inviting plump and upright boobs hidden underneath. Even the slip had been pushed front so much that her enticing cleavage was visible.

Chapter 235-Bath(3)

"So sexy…"

Austin mumbled in awe, feeling that he couldn't remember the last time he had come upon a woman with such perfect curves and hourglass figures while having a face with uncontested beauty, Orpheus felt her heart racing while her muscles were getting tensed up, seeing Austin passionately staring at her, undressing herself.

She couldn't help but feel her lower parts getting a bit heated up from just his searing gaze, without words they would understand what the other wanted, Orpheus then took a deep breath as she pulled down her leggings and removed them to reveal a black lace panty which was like a visual feast to Austin's eyes, her ripe huge ass bounced with her movement

"How's it?…"

Orpheus said as she turned around a bit causing her ass to jiggle with her movement, her huge closed off breasts shook, begging to be played with, since Austin was sitting and she was standing right before him, his head was at the level of her waist, and he gently removed her hand, which was timidly trying to cover her panties, and said,

"C'mon mother I want to see you whole"

Orpheus nodded and felt that her body was strangely becoming feverish, which she had never felt so before, even when she was watching others do 'it', her hands moved over to her slip and folded its ends as she raised her arms to remove it, slowly revealing her upper body that made Austin's eyes slowly widen in fascination.


Austin mumbled as he saw her pale white-skinned breasts, looking rather plentiful and plump, proudly up-jutting against her black strapped bra and at the same time revealing her deep cleavage, her big breasts were literally overflowing and looked quite soft and smooth that could make any man drool at just taking a glance.

Orpheus became self-conscious as she timidly tried to cover her half-bare breasts using her hands while avoiding his sensual gaze. She could feel his gaze caressing through her body top to bottom even without him touching her, even her G cup bra barely seemed able to contain the ripe and marvelously soft plump pair of mounds, Austin also felt that her boobs might only barely fit in his palms.

she looked so fit, especially her stomach, which looked toned with the outline of four-pack abs showing, her arms and legs were toned without losing their slender look. In fact, her toned body made her look more attractive and younger, while also highlighting the perfect curves of her breasts.

Even her ass was full and firm with well-rounded sensual hips, making Austin feel that he had never seen a woman look so attractive, he brought his hand up and caressed her well-toned stomach,

"Your so sexy, I could just look at you forever mother"

Orpheus felt her stomach becoming feverish as she proudly replied,

"I Know…"

Austin's hands crept upwards his hand crawled upwards and caressed all over her upper boobs and her chest,


Orpheus couldn't help but let out a moan, feeling aroused from his gentle caress that seemed like a feather brushing past her breasts But then she covered her mouth, realizing that she let out an indecent sound, feeling that she was losing herself

Austin moved his hand over to cup her right boob over her bra and gently pressed it, enjoying how his fingers were melting into her soft skin. And just as he expected, even with his big palm, he found it hard to cover her entire boob, however, he felt like his fingers were squeezing a huge marshmallow, pleasant to the touch as well.


Orpheus let out a suppressed moan as his naughty claw pressed onto her boob.

"So big and soft, I really want to take you for myself"

Austin said with an exploring gaze as he trailed his finger down her deep cleavage.


Orpheus mewled as she bit her lips, Austin was already feeling turned on by her natural actions and suddenly grabbed her silky ass to pull her body closer,


Orpheus was startled since she didn't expect Austin to move his hands from her boobs to her ass suddenly, he squeezed her bouncy butt as he gave a hot kiss over her toned stomach. He erotically kissed her belly button and trailed his lips upwards before sensually kissing her midriff,

"Mwah…you taste just like strawberry…"

Austin commented in a captivating tone as he continued to plant kisses all over her flat stomach,


Orpheus felt her heart pounding faster hearing his sweet comments and also feeling his soft wet kiss over her stomach, Austin's lips sneaked upwards as he slowly got up from the stool till he sunk his nose into her deep cleavage, enjoying the pleasurable feeling of two large smooth, scented mounds massaging his face.

One of his hands was kneading her left boob as he licked her cleavage while his other hand was still busy squeezing her juicy ass,


Orpheus could only continue to suppress her continuous moans as she felt fluttery sensations all over her breasts and ass,

"Mwah! You are so impossibly ravishing,"

Austin remarked as he gave a hot smooch on her right breast, Orpheus felt euphoric satisfaction hearing his sensual comments and couldn't help but smile in a silly way, he then completely stood up as his head towered over hers, his eyes peering into her soul, his hands had already moved upwards to hug her curvaceous waist.

Orpheus was 170cms tall, but still, Austin was way taller than her, and so she unconsciously moved her arms over his neck and looked up as she returned his burning gaze. as if in sync, the two closed the distance between their lips at the same time and engaged in a passionate kiss, both of them were lost in their own world, Austin's mouth was filled with her lips, the taste of her mouth was addictive.


The sound of their kissing filled the bathroom, Orpheus's saliva filled Austin's mouth, its taste beyond anything, finally a minute later their kiss ended, a bridge of saliva filled their mouth,


Austin took deep breaths as he gazed at Orpheus's face that was red, her eyes slanted and her heartbeat faster, seeing such a look Austin wasn't able to hold it in anymore as he held her body and turned it around,


Orpheus got startled when Austin suddenly hugged her from behind and began to kiss her nape, his sword easily got sandwiched between her ripe juicy ass, she felt even more turned on from his kisses as his lips left lovebites on her neck, his tongue was busy licking her nape and over her ears, making her ears hotter and feeling ticklish sensations.

Austin couldn't believe how tasty Orpheus's body was, it was sweet as honey, her scent, sweat, and taste were otherworldly, meanwhile, Orpheus found that she was quite getting addicted to Austin's touches and kisses, making her want even more, It was as if a fuse of passion was lit within her soul, unconsciously her ass started to move to pass her softness to his sword.

From behind his hands clutched both of Orpheus's breasts as his hands sunk into them completely, his hands felt heavenly as he kept rubbing them, suddenly he let go of her neck as he spoke rapidly to her ears,

"Mother, let's go to the bedroom"

His words didn't need to be said twice as they were teleported to the bedroom.

Chapter 236-The Second Mommy

With a flash of light both of us had entered the bedroom, no words were spoken as I kept kissing Orpheus's neck while my rod was sandwiched between her huge ass, enjoying its softness, having enough I turned her around, within a blink of an eye she was now in a bathrobe and that happened just as I wished for it, well I didn't mind it, We moved hugging each other as we fell into the bed,

"Today you will be mine, mother"

Orpheus's breath quickened as her mind went blank hearing his words, all she felt was Austin gently pressing her down as his lips began to kiss all over her neck before kissing her upper boobs sensually, she then felt her bath towel slowly slipping off her body, making her whole body tense up,

"How beautiful…"

Austin mumbled in a captivating tone as her bare body glimmered in the dim light, highlighting the pink buds of her up-jutting boobs that defied gravity, Orpheus closed her eyes as she tried to cover her boobs with her hands, feeling very vulnerable, embarrassed, and mostly turned on, she had never been before a man with her body completely naked. And even with her eyes closed, she could feel her son's feverish gaze caressing over her body.

Austin pinned both her hands above her head and was grabbing one of her boobs with his other hand and kneading them into different shapes while pinching her sensitive nipples,

"Mmmh:red_heart:…My love…"

Orpheus mewled as she held back her moans and felt her lower parts getting wet and warm.

"So soft and bouncy…"

Austin commented as he enjoyed how silky and soft her boobs were while her nipples were already erect, Austin didn't hold back himself anymore and chomped down on one of her boobs, trying to fit her big boob into his mouth, he could literally feel his face sinking into her mellow and ripe boob, and the fresh fragrance from her skin muddled his senses.

However, as he was relishing the softness of her big boob, his eyebrows raised when he suddenly felt a creamy and sweet warm liquid being squirted into his mouth as he sucked onto her nipple,



Orpheus suddenly opened her eyes, Austin took her boob out of his mouth and saw a honey-like milk oozing out from both her nipples, trickling down her boobs.

"Umm…so tasty…can I have more?"

Austin asked with hazy eyes, Orpheus's maternal love blasted forth as her hands guided his face to her breasts pressing them as she spoke,


Orpheus didn't expect Austin to love baby milk this much and felt like he was no different than a baby in this matter, Austin grabbed both her boobs with his hands and squeezed them together as her creamy honey-like milk squirted out, but he positioned his mouth in such a way so that not a single drop would be wasted while Orpheus couldn't help but jerk her body, feeling her breasts were being overstimulated,


Austin sucked off her boobs one after the other as if he was trying to squeeze out all the milk as much as possible as he could.

"Aahn:red_heart:~….slow down…I'm not going anywhere"

Orpheus breathed as she moaned and felt as if she was having a hungry baby feeding off from her boobs, after gulping down her sweet milk for a while, he took out her reddened boob from his mouth and lifted her hips as he kissed over her toned stomach before licking them all over to suck up the milk that trickled down her stomach.

Feeling his tongue caressing over her body, Orpheus felt as if jolts of lust were firing up her body, Austin then moved out of the bed and crouched on the floor as he grabbed her silky thighs and pulled them down till her clean-shaved virgin pussy was sticking close to his face, and he could see her juices dripping from it like nectar.

"It looks like you prepared a tasty nectar for me mother"

Austin happily said, Orpheus squirmed her body as she could feel Austin's burning gaze upon her untouched shrine, her body and mind were completely lost, if any of the other goddesses were to see this they would definitely be astounded seeing their big sister like figure moaning shamelessly under her child's touch


Orpheus's thoughts froze as she let out a sudden erotic moan upon feeling Austin's wet and warm mouth plundering her pink pussy, she couldn't help but grab his hair in panic as he continued to eat her pussy and to suck on her clit at the same time, making her jerk her body as she felt shockwaves of pleasure rippling through her whole body.

Her feelings were amplified due to the presence of the connection between them, the pleasure one felt so did the other, both of their feelings for each other were not evolving into something much more beautiful, Austin clearly knew where she felt the best and he's moved moved to match them.

It was so intense and pleasure at the same time for Orpheus, she had never experienced something like this before to her surprise. She could even feel her pussy folds being played with inside his mouth and felt her clit being sucked so hard it made her feel like her mind and body were being overwhelmed with pleasure.

"Ahhng~:red_heart:…Love:red_heart:~…this is too much!"

She cried out as she orgasmed, letting out a flood of her love juices right into Austin's mouth, which he happily gulped down like sweet nectar, and it did taste the same, each and every part of her body was sweet, heck gulping it down he could even feel himself getting more lively and better,

"That was sweet"

Austin moved up as he positioned his throbbing cock against her wet pussy and continued,

"Let's become one mother"

Orpheus's her legs tensed up and wound them across Austin's hips,

"Are you okay, mother?"

Austin asked in a low voice as he rubbed his throbbing cock against her quivering pussy, he could feel the trembling of her pink folds and how even more wet liquid was dripping from it, coating his thick shaft, Orpheus's bosom heaved up and down as she said,

"No…I just want to commit this moment to memory…"

Austin chuckled, understanding her wishes, and said as he caressed her luscious thighs,

"Sure, I too will ways remember this"

Austin's words caused Orpheus to smile, feeling the searing sensation of his hot cock over her erogenous spot, she felt even more turned on, making her pussy even wetter,

"Okay, My love…you can go ahead…"

Getting the signal, Austin skillfully pushed his thick cock into her narrow cave while Orpheus's brows trembled for a few moments, making it clearly obvious that she was not used to this,


However, her expression relaxed after a moment, and instead let out an erotic moan that marked her first time,

"It's big:red_heart:!~"

Orpheus mewled out as she grabbed the bedsheet with her hands since it felt like her pussy walls were being forced to expand, but at the same time, the pleasure that came from his hot cock rubbing against her sensitive walls made her feel as if she was flying,

"Nnghh…so tight, I love it! I can feel your pussy squirm, my dear mother~"

Austin mumbled as he enjoyed how her pussy walls were pressing over his cock as if trying to massage it, Orpheus's entire face was dyed in crimson, hearing him talk dirty while doing it with her, but it made her hotter too, her mind was too feeble to think about it as his cock pushed even further till it touched her cervix, making her feel as if pools of fire were pooling together in her lower abdomen, and jerked her body as she orgasmed again,

"It looks like someone is enjoying themselves"

Austin chuckled as he pulled his hips back and then, in one quick motion, rammed his cock into her ever-adapting pussy whose soft walls were trying their best to accommodate his thick rod,


Orpheus was unable to suppress the wave of pleasure that flooded her lower abdomen, making her let out the loudest moan she ever had in her life.