
Mixed Between Love And A Non-Human World.

Brittany_Ayers8004 · Adolescente
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19 Chs

Life As A Normal Human

Annistasia Davis was just a normal girl from Golf Port , Mississippi ... or so she thought . Anna had switched from school to school and now she is finnally on the last school in Mississippi .

Anna had asked her parents several times why they had to move ever year . Every time she would ask thry would pretend they didn't hear her like she was a ghost who was non existing .

New schools . New people . This was getting old . and shr was tired of living the same old borning life that just kept repeating itself .

Anna was now 18 years old , even though she looked ever bit of 21 . Her red hair and blue eyes mixed together like the perfect blend of fall and winter . Her eyes were like ice . With her olive complection no makeup was ever needed . She was the most beautiful rare combination . Everytime she switched shools the boys would gauck at her beauty . But non of them seemed to be able to get her attention .For non of them could ever meet her standards .

The only friend she had ever had was her American Bully Coco. Coco was tan with a white stripe down her back and white socks . As for Annas parents they were never home . Mr and Mrs Davis was always working 24/7 . The only times she would ever seen them was ocasionally when they came home , but they shorty went straight to bed .What was they working on all the time ? They was hiding something from her she could feel it .But what exactly ??

She had been trying to figure the big question out for years . But what Anna didn't know is that what she is about to uncover will be a complete life changer . The whole world as she knows it now will no longer exist . Who is she ? What she is , is about to fall together like puzzle pieces to an endless puzzle .

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