
Mistress Reborn : The Dark Lord's Obsession

Betrayed by her loved ones, doomed to die and cursed to another world Lena swears to get revenge. "Oh no! Help! This realm does not welcome humans!!! Now I have to escape the Dark Lord who's obsessed with me!" #romance #fantasy #isekai #rebirth #adventure #revenge

Daoist5KYMVv · Fantasía
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3 Chs


Spots of sunlight spilt onto the soft bed casting a slight shadow over the beautiful girl who lay atop the crisp white sheets.

Her brown hair, long and luscious lay curled around her face; her cherry lips were rosy and full. Her high cheekbones, long lashes and high-bridged nose would have given her a beautiful countenance of form and appearance if not for the pained expression she wore.

The girls breathing became erratic and uneven.Gasping for breath, Lena shot up in a daze not knowing where she was. Her large brown eyes widening in horror.




She felt overwhelmed as she began to cry.

Lena covered her face with her hands and wept.

The pain that she had suffered under the hands of that vile monster was unbearable.

Many thoughts swamped her mind.

'How! How was this possible.'

'Shouldn't I have died?'

'Was that just a nightmare?'

'But the pain. It felt too real!'

Standing up Lena walked towards the mirror and stood in front of it. She touched her head in shock and could not believe that her face was not mutilated. No missing limbs. There were no scars either. Her face and body were as good as new.

'What's happening right now?'

Seeing her phone on the bedside she quickly ran to grab it and typed in the passcode checking the date and time.

She froze.

'June 16th!'.

Lena gasped. She swallowed back the bile that rose in her stomach.

'Today was the day that I died!'

'How did this happen?'

"Ding! Congratulations! You have successfully time travelled back to the day you died Mistress."


Lena jumped in fright.

"WAH!!! Who said that?"

"Ding! Congratulations on your successful rebirth cultivation system Mistress!"

Lena listened to the voice with wide eyes. It sounded too close for comfort and it sure as hell was not coming from her phone. A chill went down her spine. To her relief, the voice did not sound like the centipede woman. It had a cheerier disposition.

"Answer me! Where are you? Show Yourself!"

The system spoke.

"There is a small ornamental lotus shaped seal located between your brows on your forehead. See?"

Lena stood in front of the mirror again looking directly at her forehead.

"Liar. I can't see a thing."

The system rolled its eyes.

"You can't see it but it exists. Focus, and try to imagine the shape of a red and white lotus seal in the middle of your forehead."

'What a wacko.' Lena thought as she wrinkled her brows.


"What the hell! It's really there!"

The system smiled to itself.

"Don't worry. You're the only one who can see this seal right now. When you become a divine soul master in the future then other people will be able to see the seal. I exist inside of this seal. Try to feel the power of it so you can enter the seal space. I am on the sixth floor."

Lena touched her forehead. The seal was pretty and delicate. Walking back to the bed she crossed her legs and meditated.

Lena focused her mind and tapped into the energy of the seal space.

'I can feel it!'

Lena's eyes widened in surprise.

"WOW! This…. This is AMAZING!"

The moment Lena had closed her eyes and meditated, she found herself no longer in her house but in a different time and space.

Situated within a beautiful lush landscape of mountainous terrain and forest lay a giant tower with many stories that spiralled up towards the sky, disappearing into the white clouds.

The aura felt in this seal space was vast, ancient and mysterious.

Floating wisps of light lined the pathway above her as Lena made her way towards the tower. Her shoes clicked against the stone pavement as she walked up the steps nearing the tower's entrance.

"This is the energy space in your seal. You'll find countless magic weapons and books on martial arts. As long as you can get rid of your current body you can be completely transformed," the system said.

"HUH! You want me to die again?"

What the hell was this system spouting out. Did it eat some drugs or something?

"Hear me out before you get carried away. The tower's space has its own way of selecting its master. Though it has chosen you to come in, you are still not qualified yet because your body is not powerful enough."

Lena remained silent.

"So how do I become more powerful then, if I can't enter the space?"

The system went silent for a while.


Lena called out.

"You still there?"

"Mistress, I have detected a strange curse on your body. The person that did it really harbor's malicious intent towards you. You must try to break this seal so you can restore your potential soul power and only in this way can you gain access to the tower."

Lena. "..."

Hi Everyone,

Since this is my first story please go easy on me :)

Also I am trying to push out as many chapters as I can this week. Hope you all enjoy xx

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