

pip open

"I think we should go." Fatty said. - Where is Em? Oh, here it is. Luckily, he had some fun!"

He smiled and moved closer to her. "Hey, look at your uncle at the roundabout. He is still holding the tiger. Was it an accident, mine?

"Is not." Maily said smiling. - Docomeon for everyone. Seed. Goon won't be able to ride his bike for us for a while. Maybe he wants to go in circles for a long time.

He winked at the spinning boy. Mr. Gun straightened up, carefully removed one of the tiger's arms and walked away from him.

It seemed as if the world had suddenly turned around him, and he supported the tiger with more love than ever. "You'll laugh when you see her again," Larry said. "I've got a scary knife by my side. I've never laughed so hard in my life. Dear Goon - I love you for making me laugh so hard. I don't know how to get out of this detour!

Fatty had to push everyone away. They are all mr. I wanted to see the Goon come off the roundabout and walk precariously across the field. The spinning boy was now yelling at him. 'I'm sorry, sir! It's very random. I won't ask for a penny. Free transport to the police!"

Mr. Goon decided not to touch the crook yet. His words seemed to run through my mind. At that moment, he didn't want to argue with anyone. He hugged the tiger tighter and closed his eyes to see if the world could be brought back into balance. The Find-Outers and Ern found the bike and installed it. - Go this way. said M. "That's a shortcut. I saw it when I was hiding under a trailer."

So they followed Em's path through the fields, past the caravan and onto the main road which led directly to the road. As they slowly passed the trailer, Phipps suddenly noticed something on the bike that nearly knocked him over!

The hangers are lined with clean laundry for people. There he saw a blouse made of plain material, a blue blouse. But the buttons, not the blouse, were the ones that surprised her!

"Father!" said Pip. "It's like a button in my pocket.

Button-out, Bonga and Prince's Pajamas!'

He took the button out of his pocket and headed for the laundry line. He likened it to the buttons of a blouse. They were the same blue and gold and very cute. He looked at the nearby trailer. It is bright green with yellow wheels. He remembered that everything was fine, and Herod followed Mai, almost passing those trapped in the narrow road. "Stop it, Pip!" Beth yelled angrily as she almost hit the pedal hard. "Why are you in a hurry?"

Fattyupatlast was caught. "Fattie! Hurry up. Wait, I have something important to tell you!"

Fatty stopped in astonishment. He got off his bike and waited at the gates of Hell. "Put your bike under the tree so they can't see what you're talking about," said Pip. Everyone was soon under the tree, dazed and dazed. "What's going on, Biff?" Mary said. - What happened all of a sudden?

- Do you know the button on Prince Bongawa's pajamas? Pip took it out and said. "Well, Fatty, when I passed the clothesline, one of them had clothes hanging up. It had a button like this on the front, too!" You have to admit, they are very beautiful and unique knots!'

"Father!" Fatty was shocked by Pip's surprising remarks. He looked at the button and cycled back the way he had come. "I have to check." he said in a low voice. "Wait for me. You will find what I dropped on the grass.

He kept his head down until he reached the laundry. She looked at the blouse once. She reached out and pretended to look for something on the floor, paying attention to the blouse touching her nose. he turned quickly—Pip is right. she said cheerfully. "It's a big problem. I thought we were wasting our afternoons chasing twins. In that sense, we—but we're doing much better!"

"What the?" Beth asked excitedly. "Well, these buttons are, of course, the prince's pajamas." maily said. But I couldn't bear to take out the pretty buttons, no matter who touched them. Wear a blouse that you only wear once a month. Think it will never go unnoticed! "If Pytha hadn't found the knot and looked at the wax, it wouldn't have existed!" Beth said. "Oh, Pip, you're clever!"

"Let's think about it." Mayly said. "Let's think quickly. What do you want to say? That means the prince is hiding somewhere, or can be hidden. Maybe the clothesline is next to the trailer. I will try to find out," he said.

"We can't stop now," said Pip. "Mother said you shouldn't hurry because Betzan will be back at six."

Mayly made a quick decision and said, "I'll stay." - No I will not. I'll go back and disguise myself and come back here. Talk to the elves and see if you can get anything. Yes, that's all you can do. One of us should ask quickly."

"Let me stop too." said M.

"Of course." Maily said. "You're going back with the others, Ern. Stupid. Like you said. I'm the boss here. We need some time to put on our mask, so let's be back soon."

"Who do you want to be, Patty?" Beth asked excitedly as everyone hurried down the road with a few groans. — Monkeys. maily said. "I'm selling something. Then you can easily communicate with Fair People. They think I'm one of them. I need to know if a new person has recently joined their company!'

"Oh my God! The unsolved puzzle is almost over!" Beth said. - Don't believe it. Maily said sadly. "There is more than meets the eye. It is not as easy as it seems. There's something special about it!'

It all sounds very interesting. All thoughts were on the same hill and six of them were sitting quietly on their horses. What does Fati reveal? Can he find the prince that evening? What was "something special"? They came home on time. Mayly went straight to his palace. He knew exactly what disguise to wear. It was something he had worn before and felt it was right. An ordinary boy entered the small palace, but an ordinary boy did not come out! No, a filthy creature with protruding teeth crawled out, long earrings in her ears and a bright red scarf around her neck, with a cloth covering her face. She's still in disguise!

His feet were dressed in dirty flannel pants and old sneakers. He was wearing a belt and a dirty yellow shirt. He wore a suit on his back. It contained 'cold medicine', 'wart remedy', 'wart remedy', 'wart lotion' and all sorts of strange concoctions that Fatty made for the merchant's chest!

He laughed as he walked up the path. The protruding teeth were visible, ugly and white. He made his own plastic fake set. Fatty began to investigate. And no one in the world could have guessed that he was a dirty traveler or merchant!

He returned to Tipplington. Pip was clever to identify this button. Very smart. In other words, it puts a mystery back on the map. Fatty quickly thought of his plans. "I go to the market, sit down and talk to the roundabout boy or somebody. I'm going to figure out who lives in that yellow-green trailer. I think I know people there. Maybe they'll go around and introduce me. Then he sees who's in the trailer and smells Icahn. I hope the plan works!

He soon returned to the fair. It was late and there were more people. The roundabout bravely turned.

There was much talk and laughter everywhere. "that." Fatty thought carefully, hiding his bike in the bushes. "So! Hurt me again, my dear friend, look!"

He ran across the field. No one asked him for the entrance fee because he seemed like an honest man. Mary looked around. The swing boy was there. Should I talk to him? No, he was too busy. How about a hula baby? No, he wasn't busy either. Fatty passed without opening his eyes. He came in a rocking boat. The man who looked at them took his hand as if in pain. Mary went ahead. "How are you buddy?" Did you hurt yourself?

"One of the crooked boats turned and hit me in the elbow," the man said. "Take care of them for a few minutes, can I get something while I go?"

"Right." Maily said, faithfully watching the rocking boat until the man returned with his hands tightly bound. "thanks." He said. - Are you passing or with us?

"Come on," Meili said. "I heard someone just took a shower. I thought I'd call them."

"What is your name?" said the man