

The loud noise from the door as someone tried to pull the latch woke me up, I guess I slept after the whole drama the wee hours of the morning had in store for me.

This has got to be the most annoying noise on earth, so loud and cringy.

I looked at my cloth covered in sweat, it looked like I had my bath with my clothes on.

"Stand up,"  a deep male voice said

The light coming from outside made it hard for me to see his face.

I stopped up and that was when I saw the most beautiful set of eyes staring down at me and accessing my outfit.


This police officer is stunning and brawny.

After accessing my outfit with a little distasteful look, no one needed to tell me I looked like a crazy person.

Dishevelled hair, clothes drenched in sweat with a little mud on my face. Yep! Crazy Veronica.

Our eyes met and I gave a little smile.

He looked at me with his lips pressed together, one eyebrow up like he was questioning me.

I couldn't stop staring at him, I'm sure my mouth is open.

"Are you okay?" he asked 

"Uhm, yes" I responded

"Okay, your Mum is outside, let's go meet her"

I nodded dumbfounded to say anything further.

I was handcuffed and directed my mum who sat there elegantly had taken to a confined room with two chairs and looking beautiful as always.

I rushed to hug her but was tugged back by the police officer who shook his head and gestured for me to sit on the other side.

"You have ten minutes," he said and left the room to give me and my mum some privacy.

I stared at my mum who had this disappointing look written all over her, she also looked uncomfortable to be in the same room with me.

This woman better not think that I would even hurt a fly talk more of a human being.

"I didn't do it, mum," I said breaking the silence.

"Veronica, your fingerprints are all over the place!"

"Mum, you think I would hurt my only friend?"

"I don't know what to think Veronica,"

"You didn't even ask me what happened"

"I don't have to, one of the police officers told me everything"

"Oh? And that is enough, what your daughter has to say doesn't matter right?"

"Not now Veronica, please," my mum said in a soft tone.

"Did they add the part where two giant idiots tried to rape me last night?"

"What!" My mum said staring at me in disbelief.

"Not that you are interested but I'll tell you what happened in my own words"

"They tried to do what?" She asked again

I ignored her question and narrated everything to her in my own words because I didn't trust what those devouring human beings outside there told her.

"I came back from work mum, I tried opening my door but it was opened already that is when I realized someone had broken into my house, I didn't want to believe it at first since it didn't look like a forced entry, I should have called the police and waited outside but my curiosity got the best of me. I stepped into the house, someone or something hit me on the head, I blacked out, when I regained consciousness, I saw Hannah laying at the doorpost of my kitchen dead while I on the other was covered in blood with a knife in my hand, I don't know how I got there or how she got there"

"I was told you murdered her and tried to run out to avoid being caught"

"What! I went out to call for help, how could I run when I was covered in blood, I am still covered in blood mum and I stink, to make everything worse, I almost got raped last night"

"I am calling your father Veronica and don't even say no, they will pay for that nonsense,"

"I just want to leave this place, mum"

"Have you written a statement since you got here"

"No Mum, I got thrown into a cell as soon as I set foot here"

"I'll call your dad as soon as I leave here and I'm calling Mr Johnson too"

Mr Johnson was not only our family lawyer but one of the best lawyers in and across the state, he had won so many cases in the past years, he was a beast in the court and had won the respect of so many judges.

"Do you think John is behind this?" my mum asked

"It has to be Him mum, who else would pull something like this?" John here is my stalker ex, we dated for four years and he called things off saying he had found someone better.

Five months ago, he reached out saying he wanted me back when I refused he started stalking me, first it was on social media platforms, threatened my little sister and anyone close to me, broke into my apartment twice and left bloody notes.

I reported to the Police Department but nothing was done.

"I and your father told you to move back home but you refused, why do you have to be so stubborn Veronica?" My mum asked

"I'm 26 mum, a graduate and I'm working, I need my space don't you think? Besides, I don't want to be a burden to you and Dad"

"It doesn't matter, that is not even an issue"

"Please mum, this is not the time and place for discussions like this, let's focus on the issue at hand which is getting me out of this hellhole and you have to trust me, mum," I said my voice breaking

My mum reached out to touch my hands and said "I trust you my baby and I and your father will get you out of here"

The door opened and the officer came in ruining the little mother-daughter moment we just shared.

My Mum made a fuss and asked why I wasn't given a chance to write a statement, she was told to go home while they threw me back into the cell.

I dropped to the ground, goodness!! I stink so bad and I was so hungry, my stomach was churning and grumbling in annoyance at the same time.

The last thing I had was coffee for breakfast yesterday.

I felt lightweight, with my head pounding because of yesterday's hit.

My first stop when I leave here would be the hospital.

Gosh! I'm so hungry, I need food!

As if someone read my thoughts, I heard a knock on the cell door and a familiar female voice asking me if I was hungry, I said yes without hesitation.

A few minutes later, the cell door opened making that annoying noise once more and officer Tina stepped in.

She handed a duffel bag to me, inside of it was rice and a bottle of water.

I opened the plate of food, as I was about to take a spoonful of the rice into my mouth, I realized it could be poisoned.

I dropped the food back on the plate.

"What is that?" She asked looking at me.

I looked back at her, shook my head and said nothing.

"Ha! Do you think I poisoned your food?"  She asked

"From the way, I have been treated since I got here, don't you think I have every right to think you have" I retorted

"Okay smart mouth, I have been nice to you, I mean I saved you last night so that should count right?"

She did have a point, why kill me now after saving me from those predators last night. Officer Tina looked tough but from the inside, she may be kind in heart. I didn't get the chance to thank her after she saved my ass last night. A lot worse would have happened if she had not stepped in for me.

"You have a point and thank you for last night"

"Good! Enjoy your food" she said and walked out.

I devoured my food in silence, praying to leave this place as soon as possible.