
Chapter 29-Pet

Keizo was running through an alley and he was almost to the base.


Keizo stopped and looked down. He saw a small white cat looking at him. Aww cute.thought Keizo

(Hey little guy or girl what are you doing here).said Keizo


(Keizo bended down and put out his hand in front of the the cat. The cat sniffed and put his or her head against his hand. Keizo then smiled softly at the cat.

(Your coming home with me).said Keizo

Keizo picked up the cat and the cat didn't even fight him. Then he put up an ice wall so nobody follows him then he went to the base. Better contact leader and Tanako.thought Keizo

Ten minutes later~

(Okay here we are kitty your new home).said Keizo

Keizo went inside and went to Tanako and walked inside the hospital room. She put out her hand and the cat liked her. Then she started petting it slowly. After she said that she had to examine the cat. Keizo held the cat while she examined it she said that it's a girl.

After she said the gender she said that the cat will need to be cleaned and she has a friend who's a vet. Ten minutes later the cat was clean and meowed at Keizo and he started petting her again.

(Hey Dr. Tanako I'm here for my-is that a cat my warrior?)said Yuuto

(Y-yes I found her outside and I took her in).said Keizo who blushed a little

(She's adorable my warrior. Hello little kitty can I pet you).said Yuuto

Keizo told Yuuto how to pet a cat then he lowed his hand and the cat put her head on his hand and started purring a little. Aw she's adorable. This is relaxing.thought Yuuto

(What's her name my warrior?).said Yuuto

(O-oh um I haven't thought of a name yet. How about you name her Yuuto).said Keizo

(I would be honored my warrior. Aww she has blue eyes just like me and she's white. It reminds me of snow or winter. How about Fuyumi).said Yuuto

The cat meowed then she purred a little. (So Fuyumi's your new name).said Yuuto as he smiled

Fuyumi looked at Yuuto and Yuuto smiled softly.

Two minutes later~

Keizo told leader about Fuyumi and asked if he can keep her. He said yes but, it's his responsibility from now on. Keizo told him that he accepts that. Then Keizo left and told Yuuto what leader said. Yuuto was happy for Keizo and that it's going to be nice having a cat at the base from now on.

Keizo took Fuyumi to his room and started petting her then she purred softly. Keizos has never had a pet before so he's going to look stuff online about cats and how to take care of them. But first he's going to get an allergy test to make sure that he is not allergic to cats. Because that would be sad if he is allergic but, he could always give her to Rei after all she does like cats.

Keizo looked up information about cats and spent Two hours looking up whatever a cat needs on to survive on google.