

Jaden had rushed along with Aubrie as soon as he heard the words come out of her mouth. It had been a constant source of worry for him over the past week, he had fully healed her and yet she had not awoken. He had tried to heal her again but there was nothing to heal, even the medical droids and doctors did not understand why she was not awake as their scans indicated she was perfectly healthy.

Jaden and Aubrie were just a blur to the crew of the Defender as they used the force to enhance and speed up their movements. Doing so it didn't take them long to get it the infirmary, inside already waiting was Admiral Novak, Zule, Scout and Mak Lotor —who Jace had managed to heal when he had helped in the infirmary earlier that week. They were all by Master Leska's bedside; from what Jaden could see she was talking to Admiral Novak, the man likely wanted more details from her about the events of Jabiim.

Leska looked towards the open door and her eyes lit up when she saw Jaden accompanying Aubrie. Novak turned as well "That's fine for now, when you've recovered I'll come to complete your report," he said before turning to leave, giving them all some privacy. As Jaden got closer to Leska she smiled, even though she had been told he had made it off the planet it was still good to see with her own eyes.

Jaden smiled back, he didn't describe the closeness he had developed with Leska during the time he was on the planet, as he had very little to compare it to. They both longed for the pleasure of a simple existence, they wanted earth beneath their feet and stars above them in the sky. To Leska, Jaden was one of the most amazing people she'd ever had the pleasure of meeting; he had such power with the force and yet despite not being raised in the temple he had chosen to use that power to save people and not for his own benefit.

To Jaden, Leska was someone who did her utmost to try and keep the young Padawans and other children safe. He respected her in so many ways for disregarding the code that she'd been brought up with her entire life to try and keep everyone safe; and from what Aubrie had said to him, she had even offered them a choice in the end, of whether they joined her in the final battle or stayed behind.

Jaden walked to her beside "I am glad you're awake," he said to her.

"I am as well, I hear it is you that I have to thank for saving me," she replied.

"It is the least you deserve," he said shaking his head.

"You and Aubrie saved the planet, there are no words that can express how thankful I am towards you," Leska said as she moved her hand over his arm.

Jaden wasn't quite sure what to say, so in the end he didn't say anything and let the others take over in speaking. They had many questions for Leska and she in turn had questions for them, so over the next few hours they all talked. Leska was perfectly healthy so she could leave whenever she wanted to, though the Doctor did ask if she wouldn't mind staying overnight so he could run some tests —in an attempt to find out why she had been asleep for so long. She had agreed so once the hour started to get late the Padawans left, though before Jaden was about to leave she grabbed his arm. "If you don't mind, I'd like to speak to you for a moment," Leska said.

Jaden nodded to Aubrie who had paused as well, she returned the nod before following the rest of them outside. "Is everything okay?" He asked as he returned to her bedside.

She nodded. "It's more than okay, I just hoped that you'd allow me to do something with you," she asked as she removed the blanket from her bed and sat up. Jaden was a little unsure, but he trusted Leska, she had never given him any reason not to. "What do you wish to do?" He asked.

"I have been told that I was asleep long after I had been healed, something they are unsure of the reason for, but I know why," she spoke, surprising Jaden.

Before he could speak she held a hand up. "No more words, let me show you, I feel you need to see this just as I needed to," she said as she pulled him closer.

"Now press your head against mine and hold both of your hands against my temples," she said, Jaden followed her instructions and did so. "Good now reach out to me with the force, I will do the rest," she waid softly. Jaden was a little dubious, but he listened and reached out with the force; he felt her connect with him.

He soon started to get flashes, images that went by fast enough that he couldn't discern what they were. Soon the images started to become more coherent —becoming more than just flashes. 'Calm down... it's okay, there's nothing to worry about,' she reassured him through the connection they formed. Jaden took a deep breath and calmed himself allowing Leska to grasp the connection and guide him. The images that flashed started to become more than just images, and now it was if he had been transported to another place.

The first thing he saw were people, but not just anyone, he recognised quite a few of them. The Padawans who had died, the Jedi masters, even Commander Delts and many other Clones he had gotten to know on Jabiim.

'What is this... why are you showing me this,' Jaden asked as pain started to grow in his chest. All this did was remind him of his failures, how he had failed to save them.

'Stop... look closer, you're not truly seeing,' Leska spoke to him.

What was there to see, she was showing him all those who had died on Jabiim. 'I don't want to see this anymore...' Jaden said softly as he tried to pull away, but Leska held him still.

'Take a moment, look deeper,' she instructed.

Jaden wasn't in control of these images, he didn't understand what it was, it couldn't be a memory, he couldn't recall any place on Jabiim looking as beautiful as this place did.


The scene around Jaden was breathtaking, almost otherworldly in its perfection. He hadn't noticed it at first, but now the vibrant beauty of the environment drew his attention. The air was alive with laughter and conversation, a hum of joy threading through the space. Everyone he saw appeared genuinely happy—no shadows of pain or sorrow marked their faces.

As Jaden turned his gaze toward the people, he caught sight of someone familiar. Kass, he thought her name was, leading Leska down the path toward the heart of the village. There, the atmosphere shifted further, brimming with warmth and welcome. The villagers greeted Leska with open arms and kind smiles, their faces lighting up at her arrival. There were no accusatory glances, no whispers of blame. Instead, a sense of acceptance and forgiveness enveloped her, erasing any trace of bitterness or resentment.

'What is this place?' He asked, though he was afraid of the answer.

'Beyond,' Leska simply said.

'And they're happy there...' Jaden asked his voice breaking slightly.

"Can't you see? They're happier now than they ever were," Leska said softly, her voice tinged with a strange mix of comfort and sorrow. As she spoke, her fingers began to thread gently through Jaden's hair, a soothing, almost maternal gesture. She stepped back, breaking the contact, and with her retreat, the images dissolved like mist in the morning light. Jaden instinctively reached out, desperate to reclaim the serene vision, but Leska caught his hand and held it firmly.

"Do not dwell on those who have gone," she said, her voice firm but kind. "Think of them only when it's your time to join them." Without waiting for a response, she pulled him into an embrace, her warmth wrapping around him.

For a while, they simply stood there, unmoving. Slowly, Jaden felt a small weight lift from his shoulders. It wasn't enough to free him entirely, but it was a start —a fragile moment of solace in the storm of his guilt. He had carried the burden of every death under his command, every life he couldn't save, each one a ghost haunting his every waking moment. Deep down, he believed that if he ever met them again, they would curse his name, hate him for failing them.

'I won't go to a place like that,' Jaden thought. He didn't deserve such beauty, such peace. No, a man like him was bound for wherever Alto Stratus or Tol Skor went.

After disconnecting from the hug Leska began to tell him in detail about the place she had visited, informing him it was the reason she had not woken up. She had wanted to stay there for a while, it was such a place of peace and it felt so nice to see her friends again. In the end they had forced her to leave, as each day passed so slowly found herself wishing to stay forever, but they didn't want that first her. They had said to rejoin them when it is truly her time, and before then live a long life so she will have many stories to tell them.

"You witnessed something truly incredible," Jaden said, he was envious of Leska, but he was glad she had seen it. She was in command as well, and felt the deaths of those she led just as deeply as he did.

"I did... and as much as I was sad to leave I am happy to see all of you again," she said.

Leska then hesitated for a moment. "This whole experience... it's allowed me to make a decision, one that I couldn't before."

Leska then looked up at Jaden. "I plan to leave the Jedi order, I don't want to cross over into the beyond with only stories of death and destruction," she said with a slight grimace on her face.

"And perhaps one day I'll be able to help make a place like the one we saw, only in this world," she added.

"That is a fine goal," Jaden replied with a small smile.

After talking for a little longer Jaden decided it would be best to let her rest despite her saying she was fine. He took a deep breath as he left the infirmary it had been an emotional few hours, and right now all he wanted to do was train. Quickly heading back to his quarters he activated the Holocron and began his training. 


Satele watched Jaden as he continued his relentless training. Nearly twelve hours had passed, yet he showed no signs of slowing down. Strike after strike, movement after movement, he pushed himself harder, his determination unwavering. When she had gently suggested he take a break, his response had been sharp and stubborn—reminiscent of someone she once knew.

'Jace,' she thought with a wistful sigh. His stubbornness had been legendary, and now, watching Jaden, she couldn't help but wonder if that unyielding drive had been passed down to him. But her thoughts weren't entirely nostalgic. Jace had been a good man, but he carried a darkness within him—one that grew as the war dragged on and lingered long after it ended.

Now, as her gaze lingered on Jaden, the resemblance was unmistakable. When she had first started training him, he'd been intense and single-minded. At the time, she had attributed his obsessiveness to fear—fear of war, fear of failure, fear of not being ready. But the war was over now, and those fears should have eased. Instead, his obsession had only deepened.

He wasn't training to survive anymore; he was training to surpass, to grow stronger, to master every challenge. There was no immediate need, no enemy at the gates. Yet, Jaden remained locked in this pursuit. It unsettled her. Not just because of the immense potential Jaden possessed, but because she had seen this path before. She had known others who had begun with noble intentions, who trained relentlessly to protect, to serve, to save. But their obsession for power became their undoing, leading them down a shadowed path to the dark side.

The thought of Jaden meeting the same fate sent a chill through her. She wouldn't let him fall down the same path, not while she could do something about it. "Jaden... enough," Satele said. The boy snapped his eyes opened and extinguished his lightsaber.

"What is it? Are we finally moving on?" Jaden asked as he holstered the weapon.

"In a manner of speaking," Satele replied ambiguously.

When she didn't say anything after that Jaden grew a little impatient. "Go on then, what are we doing?" He asked as he crossed his arms.

"I'm suspending your training," Satele said bluntly.

Jadens eyes widened. "What? Why? I've done all the tasks you've set me!?" He said his voice getting slightly louder.

Satele nodded. "You have."

"Then explain to me why you're doing this?!" He shouted, his anger bubbling up inside him. She couldn't do this to him, he needed to train, he needed to get stronger. It was luck that he survived on Jabiim; nine out of ten times he would've died.

"You are a good man Jaden," Satele said with a sad tone. "But there are many things you don't understand, things that you need in life."

"What?! What do I need!?" He asked desperately.

"That is something you have to figure out on your own, but for now I can't train you and should you try to get training from that other Jedi Master, you will lose access to this Holocron forever," she said saying the last part sternly.

Jaden yelled out, deactivating the Holocron before letting out a burst of force which sent furniture flying across the room and the metal walls bending under the strain. He started breathing heavily as he tried to get his anger under control. In the end he just collapsed against the wall as feelings of anger, confusion, hopelessness invaded his mind.


It had been a few days and Jaden had mostly kept himself shut in his quarters. While he had calmed down, he still found himself confused at why Satele was doing this, he had been learning fast and growing so much. He had many questions, but he didn't dare activate the Holocron again, he wasn't sure if he'd be able to control himself if he listened to what Satele had to say.

Jaden wasn't even sure what she wanted him to do. There are things he doesn't understand? What does that mean, and how can he understand when she had offered no hint as to what he was supposed to be learning. He gave up on trying to think about it, he didn't want to let his anger consume him again, not when it made his power so hard to control.

Aubrie had tried to visit the past few days, though he made sure her visits were brief and gave the excuse that he was doing some independent training. He could see that she doubted his words, but she didn't press him and had given him some space.

In reality, Jaden had been feeling listless, uncertain of how to fill the void left by his training. He had spent hours sitting in his quarters, staring at the walls or idly tinkering with scraps of metal, but it only made the silence louder. Without the regimented structure of training to occupy his mind, he felt adrift, unsure of what to do with himself. The emptiness gnawed at him, forcing him to think—something he wasn't entirely comfortable with.

His thoughts wandered back to his life in the lower levels of Coruscant. Back then, every moment had been accounted for: fixing gear, crafting new gadgets, catching sleep when he could, or working whatever job kept him alive another day. There had been no such thing as free time, no space for idleness. Survival had been his routine, his purpose. Now, sitting here with nothing demanding his attention, he realized he had no idea how to spend time without a goal.

At the bars he frequented when working, he had observed others filling their hours with gambling, drinking, and losing themselves in the company of Twi'lek dancers. To him, it had always seemed pointless—a waste of credits he could never spare. Watching them had only deepened his confusion. Was that what people did when they had nothing pressing to do? It didn't make sense to him. How could they be so content with doing... nothing?

Jaden sighed heavily, running a hand through his unruly mop of hair and pushing it back from his face. The stillness of his quarters felt suffocating. What he did know was that he needed to leave this room. If he stayed here much longer, doing nothing, he feared he might go mad.


When he left his quarters his feet dragged him to the hanger bay where he performed maintenance on his ship, even making a few adjustments and improvements. This managed to improve his mood slightly, but it quickly got to the point where he was just inventing pointless jobs for himself and eventually even SD8 was annoyed at him. He left his ship and walked back into the hanger bay; all this uncertainty, this idleness, he hated it. He even considered going against Satele's wishes, but eventually his good sense won out. No Jedi alive could match the teachings than that of a Grandmaster from the old republic era.

"Master?" He heard a familiar voice say hesitantly.

Jaden turned his head and saw Aubrie approaching him, he could feel her nervousness, and hesitation through their bond. It was likely due to the anger she had sensed a few days ago which he was grateful she didn't bring up. "Are you okay master?" Aubrie asked as she approached Jaden who was sitting on a crate.

"I'm doing fine Aubrie, you do not need to worry about me," Jaden said with a weak smile.

"Yet I still do," she replied as she came closer and sat a crate opposite him.

"I know you would prefer I not press the matter, but the others are worried about you aswell," Aubrie said in a soft tone.

Jaden sighed, he couldn't tell her about Satele, he wouldn't break a promise just because he was angry at someone. "I have decided to halt my training for the time being... and now I find myself with all this time that I'm not sure how to fill," he explained.

Aubrie nodded as she thought what about he just said. "Do you not have any hobbies? Did you not do anything recreational before Jabiim?"

Jaden shrugged. "Not really, I mostly just survived day to day while trying to make enough credits to leave that place," he replied.

Aubrie felt a pang of pain burst throughout her heart at hearing such a thing. She would make sure that Jaden never had to live in such a way ever again. "Is there anything that interests you? Something you'd like to learn more about?" Aubrie asked.

Jaden leaned back on the crate. "The Force," he replied.

Aubrie shook her head. "No that doesn't count, you learnt the force because you had to, have you ever learned anything just because you found it interesting, not because it was useful at that moment?" She asked again.

Jaden thought about it causing a moment of silence to come between both of them. "No... I haven't," he replied. Aubrie wasn't surprised, based on everything she knew about him he never had time to pursue any interests.

"What are your interests?" Jaden asked.

"I like to paint, though it's been a while since I've had the chance, I also have an interest for learning languages," Aubrie replied. "Though I also like to read, I had brought a few Hilo books to Jabiim, but the device was destroyed in Choal," she added.

Seeing him still looking thoughtful Aubrie grabbed his hand. "How about this," she said a smile growing on her face. "Why don't we explore different subjects and hobbies to see where your interests lie."

Jaden wasn't sure about doing that, but the fact that he literally had nothing better to do combined with the face Aubrie made —which also elicited some complex feelings inside him— he agreed. "Where do we start?" He asked.

Aubries smile grew, reaching her eyes as she pulled Jaden off the container and pulled him to her quarters. Jaden hadn't been in her quarters before, she had usually been the one to come to his or they would meet in one of the training rooms. It wasn't that different from his own as Jedi were encouraged not to have personal belongings, except she had a large rectangular frame with a large pad of paper and a half drawn painting.

"Where did you get something like that?" Jaden asked. Paper wasn't common, not when one holochip could contain the information of a thousand books.

"Admiral Novak let me use the industrial synthesiser in engineering," she replied.

"I'm surprised he didn't consider it a waste of resources," Jaden commented.

Aubrie shrugged. "I've enjoyed polishing off my skills in my private time, come on let me show you," she said dragging him over to the erasel.



The cheers and applause that surrounded the senate hall was intense as the Chancellor delivered yet another impassioned speech. While Padmé usually supported the chancellor on his various edicts and bills, she found that support waning as he took credit for a Republic victory on the planet Jabiim. While she could understand why he did it as the war had not been going well and he needed to increase the senates moral, it was still wrong. Jabiim space was controlled by the Separatists, while the ground was currently back in the hands of the Jabiimi, though she was under no illusion as to how long that would last.

What annoyed her the most was the mention of Jaden. But not as a hero as everyone else had painted him as, but as a villain and someone who they had scored another victory against when Admiral Novak managed to capture him. She knew this was all part of the game, the game they all played, the one she had reluctantly been part of ever since she took her position as Senator of Naboo, but she wouldn't allow this to happen if she could help it.

Padmè had been in various meetings with her friend Bail who had a similar sentiment when it came to throwing an innocent person to the wolves. The Jedi were no help, they never were when it came to force users outside of their order, she could recount a few other situations where people had been left to horrific fates because the Jedi did not intervene. She understood that sometimes these things happening, and she did not expect the Jedi to save everyone, but the lack of effort on their part is what stuck with her.

As the central platform lowered back into the chancellors office, Padmè finally stood up and started making her way out of the senate building with her two aides by her side. "Next you have a meeting with the representative from Sorosuub corporation about the trade agreement with Naboo, after that the chancellor has expressed his wish to dine with you," Selene one of her aides said while reading off a data pad.

Padmè could already feel a headache coming on. She had forgotten about the trade agreement that was currently in the works; Naboo was a lush and beautiful world and as so it was a large manufacturer of food, Sorosuub had expressed interest in purchasing large amounts and for months she'd been in the process of negotiating a price.

As she walked she heard her communicator beeping. Removing it from her pocket she activated it and saw the form of her friend Bail Organa in holographic form. "Bail, it's good to hear from you," she said as a smile formed on her face.

"Padmè I apologise for taking so long to call, there were a few issues that needed my attention back on Alderaan," he replied.

Padmè waved her hand. "Think nothing of it, how is Breha?" she asked.

"She is well, she hopes you'll come and stay with us soon she misses you," Bail replied.

"After everything is done here I'll see if I can take some time off, I do need it," she said wearily.

"I need to see you, I have something urgent that requires both our attention, it involves Jaden Katarn," Bail said, an edge of seriousness to his voice.

Padmè turned to her aides. "Cancel all my appointments for the rest of the day, reschedule the meeting with Sorosuub,"

She said learning no room for debate.

"I'll be at your office as soon as I can," Padmè replied. 

"I'll see you soon," Bail said.


The benefits of being a Senator on Coruscant were many, but the one Padmè appreciated the most was the personal transport she had assigned to her 24/7. While she was a competent pilot, she didn't much like navigating the skies of Coruscant, and at the risk of sounding a bit like a princess —or a queen— she liked being chauffeured.

When she arrived at Bail's office on Coruscant she was waved in immediately by the guards and then his assistant. The man himself immediately stood up when she walked into his room and crossed the distance between them hugging her. To Padmè, Bail was a friend, mentor, brother figure. He had been instrumental in helping her learn and navigate the political scene when she had first become a Senator, there was no one else she trusted more, apart from perhaps Sabe and a few other confidants.

"It's good to see you," Bail said as he withdrew from the hug. Though as he did a frown crossed his face. "You look tired, are you getting enough sleep?" He asked.

Padmè smiled, she as a fully grown woman now and he still worried about little things like that. "I'm fine, now tell me the news you have," she said trying to cut to the chase.

Bail laughed gently before leading her over to his desk where he opened his personal terminal. "For the past few weeks I've been receiving messages from my contact in the Galactic court," he said as he started typing.

"Someone has been sending messages to different corporations and bodies that deal with republic law."

"I didn't see why this was interesting at first and was close to discarding it, but I then discovered the name of the person who had been sending these messages," he stated as he brought it up. Padmè looked closer and saw a picture of someone she hadn't seen before, though what did stand out to her was the name.

"Aubrie Wyn! One of the surviving Padawans," Padmè said as she began to piece things together. "She's trying to find help for Jaden!"

Bail nodded. "After investigating it a bit more I realised that none of the places she messaged accepted her request, most of the time they never even gave a reason... I found this strange so I put one of my contacts on the case and what he found was that there had been an unofficial word of mouth order that had been passed through the courts and any independent bodies that deal with the law, and that order was to not represent Jaden in his upcoming trial or they would be blacklisted," he said his tone getting colder by the minute.

"Those bastards, they can't do this!"Padmè shouted. There was only one body that had the power to do that and that was the Senate itself.

"They want this case to be done quickly, they don't want any evidence surfacing in his favour, they want him convicted and executed," Bail said turning off his terminal.

Padmè began to bite her nails as she paced Bails office. He continued to talk, mostly about how they might be able to press the senate to enact a vote where internal affairs gets involved and conducts an investigation on the conduct of the courts. Padmè knew Bail meant well but that plan wouldn't work, the Defender was due back in a few weeks, and it would take them that long just to get the vote on the docket.

"I'm going to represent him," she said as she stopped pacing and turned to face Bail.

"No," Bail said.

"Yes, and I won't hear any more on it, I've made up my mind," she said as she moved towards his terminal.

"Padmè think about it, you hold a political office, if you represent him you'll be suspended from your post, and if the trial goes bad you could be removed permanently for being associated with a war criminal," Bail argued trying to talk some sense into her. 

"Is this boy worth risking your whole career for?" Bail asked.

"This is more than just about Jaden, the Republic is supposed to be the centre of democracy and freedom in the galaxy, I still believe in it, so I cannot allow such a fundamental violation of someone's rights occur," she said passionately.

"It would set a dangerous precedent when dealing with people in the future."

Seeing the look on Bails face she breathed out her nose, calming herself slightly. "Im sorry Bail, but I won't let such a blatant act of tyranny go unchallenged, even if it costs me my career."

Bail sighed but in the end he couldn't find any more words to dispute her, she was right. What the republic was doing was wrong, and it shamed him that someone near half his age had the courage to put everything at risk for it. "I'm so proud of you," Bail said quietly, something that made Padmè's heart swell up with happiness.

"Even if you are representing him, you'll still have my support," Bail added.

Padmè smiled at him. "Thank you my friend," she said before turning back to the terminal. It didn't take her long to find the receiver ID she was looking for, she then quickly composed a message and sent her own ID.

Her heart was almost beating out of her chest as she went to send the message, but she didn't hesitate. She wouldn't allow the republic to fall so low, now while she still drew breath.

All she needed to do now was wait for their reply.

(AN: So another chapter done. I know these ones are a bit of a change from Jabiim, but I'm just trying to develop characters a little more. I know my decision to hair Jadens training won't be popular with the power hungry people amongst you, and for those of you who don't understand, Jaden needs to understand that there is more to life than fighting or surviving, he needs to break out of that mould. Padmè will be his official representative... means they'll be spending a lot of time together. Anyway I hope you enjoyed the chapter.)
