
Mistaken Final Boss

I didn't finish so you will not get ending so don't read. And it was shit

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100 Chs

Entrance of Boss

Passing through the dimly lit corridor, Astr and his companions entered the innermost grotto, where an absence of doors revealed an eerie ambiance. Within, yellow candles cast flickering shadows, their accumulated wax in brass candlesticks indicating frequent visitors.

In the subdued light, attention was drawn to a circular, one-eyed pattern on the stone wall – an unsettling image crafted in blood. The flowing crimson seemed to embody tears, casting a judgmental gaze upon the intruders.

"Hiss... the atmosphere is truly unsettling," Virtuescape muttered, rubbing his arms and tightening his grip on his hammer for courage. As the blood-stained eyes silenced restless thoughts, a chill slithered across faces like a snake.

Aste signaled Canvasbane to lower him, landing with a clatter of leather boots. He extended a hand to Virtuescape, who, surprised, hastily shook it, introducing himself in a fluster, "Hello, hello! I am kind and honest Virtuescape."