
Mission in Classroom of the elite

Kondo Masahiko reincarnates with 5 wishes, he decides to change the students of Koudou Ikusei High School for the better *first-time author, i am pretty dogshit **my grammar is pretty bad ***might drop the idea

Wabathon · Cómic
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5 Chs

Prologue (changed slightly)

Suddenly, I woke up. Who am I? Where am I? Why can I remember everything else? I am a NEET who loves anime and light novels, but my parents always loved me unconditionally. They gave me a place to sleep and fed me, I love them so much, where are they?

At this time, I see a door open with a blinding light with a silhouette in the center of it the silhouette says

"Oh, you're awake. Welcome!"

"To where?" I reply

"To the afterlife, and more specifically to God's Mansion." The man who I assume is god replies

"Wait wait wait a second, I'm dead? How did I die?" I ask. To my surprise, God just looks at me and sighs

"Some devil snuck into your world. Luckily he wasn't able to do any big damage, but he was able to kill your before we could intervene."

"Hmm. I see." I nod in understanding, and after I minute or so I ask "Do I get any compensation for what happened?"

God seems a little shocked by my question and replies "Of course, normally you would get 3 wishes, but because of your circumstances you shall get 5."

I nod "Can you give me a little time to think it over?"

"Certainly." God replies

After about 5 minutes I'm finally ready "Ok I got my wishes."

"Go on ahead!" God says

"Number 1 I want to be able to be reborn into the world of Classroom Of The Elite." I thought about which world I want to reincarnate into and COTE makes the most sense to me it has Waifu galore and it's in the modern world

"No problem with that." God says with a smile

"Number 2 I want to be able to read minds as well as control them" I say looking God straight into the eye

He replies "Do you want it to be togglable, I think that that would be best!"

"Yes please." I say

"Ok, to use your mind reading power just focus on a specific person and think 'On' when you're done just think 'Off'. On the other hand, to control someone's mind you must have them look into your eyes for 5 seconds, then state your commands and for that state to end simply say 'Snap out of it', as a side note they will not remember anything while in this state"

"Ok, number 3 I want to be able to fully customize the body I get." I say

"Done." God says

"Number 4 I want my base stats to have a multiplier I can change at will, without any consequences. The new base will be 5x my abilities" I say with a smirk

"Define what you think your base stats are, and it's done" God says

I go into a bit of thought, and not too long after I say "Hmmm, I'll go with Strength, Dexterity, Intelligence, Wisdom, Charm, Luck, and finally Stamina both mental and physical"

"Done, and for your final wish" God says trying to hold in a giggle.

"Instant Mastery" I say while smiling ear to ear.

"Done! Hihihi" God says while giggling

"Now, create your new self!" God continues

I see a see-through screen similar to games I have played in the past I go for an outgoing prince vibe settling with a handsome face with black eyes and blond hair around 1.95m tall and enhancing a certain part to an absolute monstrous degree

"K, I'm done" I say

"Goodbye!" God says, and then I am blinded by warm light

~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 15 years later ~~~~~~~~~~~~~