

(Adonis Jackford)

"Let's make a deal." Her mood finally lit up.

"Sure! Anything!" She agreed without knowing the deal that I'm talking about.

I smirked, "Let's date for a week..... But that's not it. You have to choose whether we'll stay here or we'll stay at your house. You have no right to complain, you owe me a big one, remember? And besides, you already said yes." (A/N: What Adonis said was not right so don't imitate what he did. Always ask for someone's consent.)

"Fine. It's not like I can say no, you already made up your mind."

She stayed in my room while I was making her food to eat. What Am I? Her babysitter? Wait, she's not even a baby.

I laughed at my thoughts. I heard a giggle so I turned around only to see Aphrodite out of her bed. This lady right here has a serious problem. She can't follow orders at all.

"I told you to stay there and rest. Why are you so stubborn? Tsk." Her eyes suddenly went teary. I sighed. I went in front of her and pat her head. I couldn't even get mad at her since she was weak and I would be very guilty if she cries in front of me.

I told her to sit down on the sofa. She did what I said and opened the television. As soon as the porridge was cook, I gave it to her and she ate all of it too fast. She's probably getting her energies back.

She drank her water, "How did you know that we needed help?" She looked at me with her innocent eyes and waited for my answer.

"It's none of your business." She scoffed when she heard my answer.

She looked around, "Do you live here?" This lady has too many questions and it's starting to get irritating.

"We live here. And by we, I meant my friends." I replied without looking at her, my eyes won't leave the television. I could see from my peripheral vision that she just rolled her eyes.

"What's---" She was about to say something when I cut her off.

I sighed, "You ask too many questions. Just finish that already and get out!" I shouted, but it seems like it didn't affect her because she just giggled. The audacity of this girl to laugh at me when I did good things to her? Gosh.

She raised her index finger, "one last question, please?"

I groaned and nodded.

"Are you somehow a member of a fraternity? I heard about it but I don't if it's true. I hope you're not. I don't like it at all." She seriously said, staring at my eyes.

I gulped hard. Geez, I hope she didn't notice that.

What's wrong with being a part of a fraternity though? It's just a normal bond with loyal people. Seriously, people need to stop assuming that everything they watch on television was true.

".....What if I am a part of it? It's none of your business anyway." I rolled my eyes.

I'm not just a member though. Because I'm the leader.....

"Anyway, your fighting skills were not that bad, I'm surprised." Don't mind me here. I'm just casually changing the topic for my own good.

She grinned, "That's why you don't judge a book by its cover." She winked at me that made me laughed.

She drank her water for the last time and finally stood up. She bid her goodbye and I just nodded. I accompanied her to the door and closed it when she finally went out to go home.

I sighed. I kinda regretted my decisions about the date but I couldn't deny either that I'm excited about it.

hmm..... I wonder what is it like to date and live with the popular nerd, Aphrodite Johnson?