
What The Hell?

Is it already morning? I couldn't sleep entire night. Why did that needed to happen to me.

I can't leave mansion today. I'm to scared. I will call Minako and ask her can she come here. "Yes?" "Minako. What are you doing?" "What am I doing...hah. I was sleeping!!What normal human is awake at 5 am!?" "I'm sorry. I didn't sleep all night." "What happend?" "Can u come over later? I can't talk about it over phone." "Ofcourse. I will come right now actualy." "You don't have to." "But I want to. Wait for me." "Alright." I realy have great friend.It looks like not everything is so bad after all. I get up from bed and put some clothes on. I will go downstairs and make green tea. Minako loves it. Hm? I have 40 missed calls and texts!? From who? Wha..Akira and Yuuma? They are crayzee. I understand Akira,but why Yuuma. He sure knows that I need little break. Knock,knock. Oh,it looks like Minako is alredy here. Great. I open the door and Minako storms in. "Wich bastard made my friend upset?I'm gonna kick his ass!" "Calm down. I'll tell you everything." She sits on chouch werry upset. "Speak." "Well..you see yesterday.." so I told here everything. "Twenty missed calles!?Are they crayzee?" "That's excatly what I thought." "You poor girl. Where is Hope?" "She is still sleeping. She was werry tired yesterday." "Oh. So what will you do about your job?" "What do you mean?" "Male lead is Akira and producer of the movie is Yuumas uncle." "That's true. I have to work though. This is good opportunity for me." "Yeah you are right." "I will just take a short break. I realy need it." "Mommy?" "Oh,goodmorning Hope. Why did you woke up so early?" "Were we to loud?" "No. I just can't sleep anymore." "Do u want mommy to make u breakfast?" "Yes please." "Alright. Minako please help her change and I will make breakfast for all of us." "Ok. Let's go Hope." What should I make. Eggs maybe? Sandwich? I will just make both.

After a few minutes:

Ah,here they are. "Hope picked this pink dress. Almost everything in her closet is pink." "Yeah. That's her favorite color. Pink was also my favorite color when I was her age. I also had everything pink." "Realy? That's so awsome." "Yeah..I hate pink now." "Pft.. This food looks amazing. You learnt how to cook I see." "Yap." "Last time you were cooking my meal, we needed to call firefighters." "Why did you need to call firefighters mommy?" "Because your mommy almost...Mhmph" "It's nothing sweety. Eat your food and go watch TV. Alright?" "Yes." Minako then whispered to me. "Why did u put hands over my mouth." "She doesen't need to know that..yet." "Haha.Makes sence." "I'm going to wash dishes." "Let me help u." "Only if u want." We talked and talked. After we winished washing dishes we moved to living room and continued talking. "Mommy I want to watch cartoon." "Ok. What about little mermaid?" "Yeees!I love that cartoon." "Minako I was asking Hope." "Oh." "Yessss. I love that cartoon!" "Alright then. We will watch "The little mermaid." "Yayy!! Play it, play it." I turned cartoon on and made popcorns. "Lets't start." Knock,knock. Who is it now? "You two start,I will be back in a minute." "Ok." I go and open the door and I see two guys. What the..Why meeeee!!? Infront of me were staying Yuuma and Akira. One was with flowers and one with chocolate. No,no. Why? I don't like drama. "We are sorry!" they said at the same time. "We were real bastards yesterday. We are realy sorry" They say everything together in perfect harmony. They must be practicing speech. "Thank you. What do u want now?" "Umm..can we come in." They asked together again. Wow. "We are watching TV and then we were gonna have lunch. So.." "We can help." "Yeah we can." Huh. "Ok come in. Girls we have quests." "Who? Ahh. Daddy!! Uncle Yuuma!! Yaay. Come sit with us." At that moment Minako got up and came to me. "What the hell?" "Don't ask anything." "Ok." God what did I got myself into?