
We Meet Again

Next day:

"Hope,momy will need to go work today, so you will have to stay with aunt Minako." "But why can't I go with you? You would alweys bring me with you back in America." "Here is diffrent. If you listen to Minako and be a good girl, I will take you next time. How is that?" "Hmmm,oki. That sounds good." "Great" I took her hand and drove over to Minakos place. "Minako? You are outside alredy?" "I couldn't wait to see little Hope. We are gonna have so much fun today!" "Hope wanna go to ride pony." "A pony?" "Oh she meens one of the rides at the amusment park. Would it be to much trouble for u to take her?" "Absolutly not. We are gona ride a pony!" "Yaayyy!!" "You should go. Hope go and kiss momy." "Be safe momy.Kiss." "I will. Be a good girl." "I will." "See you tonight!" "Byee." I chuckle. She is so cute. I hope she will be alright. I will be female lead in this movie. I wonder who will be the male lead. Eh,we'll see. When I arrived, I left my car and went to the set. I honestly thought there will be more people. "Ahh!" realy? I didn't even arrived and I alredy bumped into someone. "I'm sorry." "It's alright." I look up and see werry handsome guy. It's the guy from yesterday. "It's you!" "It's you!" Well it looks like he remembers me. "You missed introduction." "I know. I will introduce myself now." "Here you are Fujihara! Come on and introduce yourself quickly!!" "I'm coming!" I run of to the producer.

Fujihara? Why does that sound so familiar?

"Hello everybody. My name is Chintasu Fujihara and I will be female lead in this movie. I hope we can get along."

Chinatsu!? Chinatsu Fujihara?! How is that possible? She dissappeared 5 years ago. Even my best men wasent able to find her. How?

"We will start shooting now.Let's go guys. Start!"

"Leave me alone Kaito!" "Why are you doing this to me!? I thought you loved me!" "Excatly. I loved you but not anymore." "After all this time we meet again and you do this to me! Why!?" "I don't have to explain anything to you.Goodbye" "Pause! That was great you guys. You can go and have break. We will continue later." I have chance now. I have to talk to he.. "Akiiii!!" "Izumi?!What are you doing here.?" "What do you mean? I thought you will be happy. No,no. I am happy." "Yayy." Damn, I missed my chance. "What are u looking at?" "Nothing. Let's go and have lunch."

I need to call Hope. "Hey Minako is everything alright?" "Umm yeah?" "Wahhhhhh...it hurts.""Is that Hope!? Minako what happend!!??" "I bought her two ice creams." "You did what?" "Yeah and then we went on the roller coaster." "Oh my God." " I know her belly must hurt realy bad." "No that's not it. I'm coming right away." "No. Don't worry,I'll handle this. Don't you dare miss this chance." "Wahhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!" "....Are you sure you can handle it?" "Yes." "Ok then,good luck." "Yeah." She hung up the phone. I think I should've told her the real reason why is Hope crying....Nah she will be alright. The worst thing that can happen is fir Hope to bite her. "Back to the set!!" Oof. It's my time again. I went back on set and we did hours and hours of filming, and after a few hours it was finaly over. "Good work everyone!" "Good work....Whew this was exhausting." "Fujihara Chinatsu?" "Yes." I turn around and see that man again."How can I help u?" "You realy don't have a clue." "What do you mean?" "It's me." "Huh?" "Futamura Akira,your former boss." W-what? "We meet again. Huh?" What is going on.