
Truble Call

"Let's go and get dinner." "Alright." I say as I wipe my tears. My tears,hah....WHAT THE HELL WAS I THINKING!? I realy started crying in front of them. Ughhhhh, so embarrassing. "Are u ok?" "Yeah. I'm fine, I'm fine." " Are u sure ?You don't look fine." "Yeah, I am." "Where do u want to go eat." "At mcdonalds." "What?" "I want to relax. I can't eat in those fancy resturants anymore." "Then we will go and eat burgers." "Yes!" we arrived at mcdonalds. Then waitress came and took our order. " Can u also bring me glass of water please?" "Ofcourse miss." She then leave. "This is great. We can talk and laugh without getting chased out. That's problem with fancy resturants." "Well, we need to agree with u." "It can be pretty boring." "True,true." in that moment waitress gave us our food. "Thank you." "Have good meal." "Let's eat." "Yes." We started eating. I didn't eat burgers for such a long time. "Ahhh, I missed this flavor." "It realy is good." "It's wonderful." "What will u do when u finish shooting movie here? Will u go back to America?" "Yeah, what will u do?" "I realy don't know. I will probably stay here, but I can't guarantee anything." "I see." "I'm sorry guys." "No it's ok. But if u decide to go back, can we come with u.." in that moment, my phone started ringing. "Just a minute." Hm, unsaved number? "Hello, may I know who is this." "Shame on you Chintasu, did u already forgot your husbands number?" "Morgan?!.How the hell did u get my number!?"

Who is Morgan? Why does Chinatsu looks upset? Something is wrong here..

"What do u mean. What kind of a husband would I be if I didn't know my wife's number." "Ex wife Morgan! I am your ex wife!" "Are u sure about that?" "Don't play games with me Morgan." "I am not. Listen, I'm in Japan right now. It will take werry little time for me to find u." "What? No! Why are u here!?" "To bring u back. You are mine..Ugh." She hung up. I will find u. I wont let any other guy have u. You are mine.

I'm screwed. I need to hide Hope and me quckly. "Ex husband? Chintasu, what didn'u told us." "I had husband for 3 years is America, but we divorced." "He's in Japan?" "Mhm. Guys what should I do?" "We can live in my place until he goes back to America." "What?!" "I meant all 3 of us Akira." "Oh, alright then." "That sounds like a good plan. Let's go get Hope." We went to Minako's place and quckly explaned everything to her. We then took Hope and went to Yuuma's house. "This is realy big." "Eh,mine is bigger." "Come in." Wow it's beautiful. "Rooms are upstairs. Go sleep. Akira and I will go and get your and Hope 's clothes tomorow." "Thank u. Goodnight." I took a shower and put Hope to sleep. It's my turn to go and rest now. But I can't. Since I came back to Japan. I wasn't able to sleep well. Why did Morgan suddenly appear. I hope everything turns out well.