
Pleasant Lunch

"I made more popcorns!" "Yyaay!" "Here u go. Are you having fun Hope?" "Yes. Minako,uncle Yuuma and daddy are werry funny." "I'm glad to hear that. Mommy will go and make lunch now. Ok?" "Yes." Well..Let's go make lunch.

At the living room:

"I'm back. Mommy made popcorns again." "Did she?" "Mhm." "Where is mommy? She wont come?" "Nop. She is now going to make lunch so she can't stay with us here." She realy does her best. "I will go to see mommy." "What do you mean Yuuma?" "I mean I'm going in the kitchen." "No you are not. I am going and you are gonna stay here with Hope." "Why? She isn't my kid. She's yours." "You I should stay here and listen how u hit on my girlfriend?" "First of all she isn't your girlfriend, and second yes. I'm going now." That bastard. Nevermind I would rather stay with Hope. "Don't worry daddy, he will not be moms boyfriend." "Realy? How do you know that." "Every night I pretend that I go to sleep and when she goes to her room, she takes your picture and start crying and say "What did I do wrong?" ." "Realy?" "Yap. She doesen't love him, but she doesen't love you either." Crack. Wow, I think my heart just broke. That was a low punch. Well, at least she's honest. "Thank you for telling me truth." "Your welcome."

In the kitchen:

"Hey." I turn around and see Yuuma standing before me. "Hi." "What are you doing?" "Lunch." "Yeah. I know that." He laughs. "Then, why did u ask?" "I..I didn't mean too.." "Did u need something?" "I'm sorry." "You already apologized." "It seems like it wasn't enough." "Why would u think that?" "Because you were never this cold do me." I put plate on the table. "Why do u think apology can make everything disappear?" "I don't. I just don't know what else should I do." I should forgive him. He was there for me, wasn't mad at me for not telling him that i'm going away. "I forgive you." "Realy?" "Yes." "Thank you." He hugs me. "What about me?" "Futamura. What about u?" "Will u forgive me..I am realy sorry." I can't..I. No I will forgive him. It'll be better for Hope and me. But just friends. We will stay just friends. "Yes. I will forgive u." "...." "Akira?" "He's speechless. He runs towards me and lift me up. "Thank you. Thank you from the bottom of my heart." He then huges me. His hug is realy warm and comfortable. What am I thinking already. Wake up, wake up. "Alright,let's eat everyone." "This looks amazing." "Yeah u are right." "This looks yummy. Bravo mommy." "Alright,alright. Let's start." "So u are all friends now?" "Yes." "That's awsome." "It realy is." "So mommy who will u date?" "Hope,stop!" "Alright." Everyone starts laughing. The lunch went great. Everyone was laughing and having fun. After a few hours, they were starting to go home. "Today was amazing." "I can totally agree with u." "Did Hope went to sleep?" "Yeah. She was realy tired." "See you tomorow guys." "Yeah. Bye!!" Aghh..today was realy awsome. I should've forgive him from the start. It is definitely better this way. I hope every day can be like it was today.