
New Home

Next morning:

Mhmm..alredy morning,huh? I have job interview for that jerk today. But I don't wana get up. Well..let's go. "Minako!! Is breakfast ready yet?!" "It is!" Thank God I'm starving. "Smels beautiful Minako! Good job." "Listen Chintasu,last night when u left the club, Takashi told us something." "Who is Takashi?" "The blond guy?" "Oh,yeah blondy. Ok,what did he say?" "About the maid job. He isn't sure if it is for maid,butler or something else. U may get such job that u want be able to get close to him." Hmm..she's right. "Ehh,who cares." "What!?" "They will first tell me what the job is,right?" "Yeah? And then?" "If it is a kind of job where I'm with him alweys,then i'll took it and if it is not i wont. See,realy easy." "True it does sound easy." "Gota go now,I don't wana be late. See ya!" "Yeah,bye." Oh taxi is here. Great. Let's go. My golden chicken,here I come.

One hour later:

"Driver,are we there yet?" "No miss. we'll be there in about 15 minutes." Great. "If I need to drive every day for more then an hour, I might at least build house there." "Oh, you will be living in that house from now on." Whaaat!!!! " What do u mean sir?" "Master doesen't like his private world being known,so all people that work for him,live in villa." Well that's just perfect. "We are here miss. I wish you luck. Goodbye." "Bye!" But I'm afraid I will need more luck then you think. What now? I think I need to go.. "Miss. Fujihara?" "Who is asking?" "I'm a,let's call it boss of a maids here, Aikava Izumi." "Ohh..boss lady,huh? I'm Fujihara Chinatsu. Nice to meet ya." ".....Hmph. Folow me." Talk about cold stare. I'm getting hints that maids here can't do anything they want in private time. Damn. "Enter this room." Yes mam. "What should I do?" "Sit." I alredy hate her. "Fujihara Chinatsu?" "Yes." "My name is Futamura Akira. Nice to meet you." "Nice to meet you too." Wow! Talk about handsome. "If I understud corectly, you graduated from XXX universety with highest marks?" Hehe, I'm smarter then you, you stupid jerk. I wish I could say that. "Yes, sir." "Great. Wich job do you want and wich job are you capable of doing perfectly?" "Anything you tell me." "I was thinking, how about I make you my secretary." "Realy?" "Yes.I need person who can be of any hlep 24 hours every day. Can you do that?" "Yes,ofcourse." "Alright, you will start tomorow. Maid will showe you to your room. You may leave." "Thank you." Well,this was easy! "Miss. I will be your maid from now on. Please folow me to your room." "Oki." this was easy..almost to easy. What if this is some secret base where they torture and kill people. Or if this is like from one of those mangas, where girl start working for guy and then he sexualy torture her. Nah..I'm overthinking to much. This will be fine. The faster I find some informations, the faster I will leave this place. Well I have motiv for working. That's good. Oh I need to try that new video game. But it's late I should sleep,yeah.....Maybe just one play.

Next morning:

"Zzzzzzzzzzzz" "Miss?" Who came in my room? "Miss get up quickly, you will be late. "Ahhhhh..what did u do?! Turn the lights off!!" "Miss that's sun." Oh,well that makes more sence. "I don't have time for this. You will be late. Master is ready." Oh shit! I forgat I have two jobs now. "I'll be down in minute!"

"Well that surly was fast..miss. Fujihara. Don't you think?" he laughs. Realy? Sarcasam this early in the morning? I'm gona die in this house. "Let's go." "Yes sir." "In the afternoon I have meeting with this client and then after that I have...." Bla,blabla ,blablabla..God this is boring. Well we will go eat dinner with some guys,that should be funn. I wonder what we will eat. Maybe steak,or some sea food. No I don't like sea food. Maybe.. "Miss. Fujihara!!" "Yes ,yes ,I'm here!" "Did you hear anything I said just now?" "Ofcourse I did." Don't ask what ,don't ask what.. "What did I say?" Shit... "We have dinner tonight with important guest and I should order meat for everyone." "Corect. You have good hearing." I have good luck u idiot. Seriously,why should this guy hide his private time. My cat has more exciting life then he does. He stares at me. Why the hell does he stares at me so bad. "You have beautiful lips miss. Fujihara. I can't stop thinking of kissing them." U have beautiful face mister Futamura. I can't stop thinking of kicking it. "Please sir. I am working"

What? Every girl would start blushing like idiot whenever i said that. This will get realy interesting.

Why does he smile so much. He looks like some kind of psycho. Nevermind. What was that shit about lips just now. He realy is an idiot. "We arived at company sir." "Go and get me something to drink before shooting starts." "Alright" Hah,silly girl. "Sir I am back.." well, well. What that. Isnt that famous actres and Futamura. They seem afuly close and touchy. Let's take a few pictures of this,and this. Heh great. This will become realy interesting


She's alredy back. Huh,a camera?.Haha. This will become interesting.