
New friendship

"Sir I'm going!" "Say hi to your mother Fujihara." "My mother?" "You are going to see your mothet. Right?" "Oh, yes, yeah. My mother. I will say hi to her. Bye." I almost screwed everything. I hope he didn't suspect anything. "Taxi!" "Your destination miss.?" "Center of the city." "Alright."

Half and hour later:

"Thank you." "My pleasure." Well time to go. He said that we will meet at.. "Chinatsu!!" Huh. "Yuuma?What are you doing here. I thought that we will meet up at caffe?" "Yeah, but I had to do something." "Realy? What if I may ask?" "This.." he gave me the ping box. I wonder what's in it. I open it. "Ah.." "Well?" "Yuuma, it's beautiful." in the box was a necklace that had a litle silver angel with dimond wings on it. "This looks expencive." "It's nothing. I'm producer , remeber." he laughs. "Yeah but still..I didn't bought anything. I feel bad." "Oh please don't." "But.." "Please." "Alright" "Let's go." Yuuma is such a nice guy. I want him to be my boss. I'm lucky to have him as friend. "Oh yeah. My boss thinks I'm at my mothers house, so we need to stay hiden." "Why does he thinks you are at your mothers home?" "After last time, for some reason he forbid me from seeing you, and if I dare to say anything I will be fired...something like that." "Damn,that's harsh." "Yeah. Well you don't have to work with him." "True. Hahah." This is nice. I didn't laugh like this ever since my dad died. "Oh,we are here." This.. "This place is so cute!" "I knew u would like it." "You are wery considerate. Thank u Yuuma. But how did you know I like this?" "Your style." "Hahah. I guess you are right." "Let's go in." "Sure." This place sure looks fun. "Hello. May I have your order please?" "I will have a vanilla cake. What about u Yuuma? Yuuma?" "Oh.I will have same." "Alright i will be back." A while later waitress bring us our orders. "Thank you." "What do u like to do Fujihara?" "Cook,draw and play video games most of the time. What about you?" "I realy like to read. It relaxes me." "Cool." "I didn't meat person who like to read for a long time." "Realy?" "Yeah. Most of the people just arent interested at those things. Me for example. I don't like to read that much." " I see." he laughed again. "You are laughing a lot today. Am I weird?" "No don't worry." Huh,that's good. "Where do u want to go now?" "What about amusment park?" "Definitly yes!" " Haha,let's go then."

We left caffe and start heading for an amusment park. "We are here." "Yay!" "You realy are like kid." "Hey.I'm not..Um Yuuma?" "What is it?" "I want a coton candy." "Ok let's go get one." "And this." "Alright." "Oh, oh let's go on this." "No problem." "What about this?" "I don't know Chintasu I'm afraid of heights." "Please" "Aww..alright." "Yes"

Three hours passed:

"This was amazing. Don't you think? Huh? Yuuma?" "I need to puke." "Yuuma are u alr..ohh." "That scry place was too much for me." "Yeah it looks like it.What time is it?" "Nine." "Cool. Nine?!" "Yes." "I told that jerk i'll be back till eight. Sorry I need to go." "Don't worry." "Thank you. Today was funn. We should do it again sometimes." "Yeah we should." "Bye" "Bye-bye." I need to hurry back.

At mansion:

Huh. Nobody is here. "Where were you?" ahhhh..he scared me, that devil. "At my mom's.I'm going to sleep." "Wait.." "No.Bye." Ugh. Today was amazing. I hope i could have fun like that again...someday.